OMG, activist judge says gays can adopt in Mississippi

And on the FIRST DAY of confederate heritage month too! Insult to injury.

Federal judge voids Mississippi ban on same-sex couple adoptions
You Raging Rightes are hilarious.

Anytime a judicial decision goes against you --- you scream about " activist judges " or " unelected judges " but when they rule in your favor they are wise beyond belief and wonderful solomon like jurists.

You guys are ASSHOLES
We've got our guns and we can use them.
How do you presume to know who God is?
I know the God of the Bible exists because of all of His miracles and apparitions that have been indisputable evidence for the supernatural. There are thousands of eye witnesses, there are well documented occurrences, there are videos and photographs and there is scientific evidence, all depending on which one is in question. They are also empirical evidence for Jesus Christ, not Muhammad or Buddha or some Hindu god. That is how I know.

No other religion compares throughout history. If you are going to argue they have their own miracles then I ask you for specifics. I will even concede there is the supernatural occurring to some extent in those other faiths but they are extremely of low level impact by comparison. They may even be demonic. But Christianity has many other major reasons for making the case for its authenticity besides signs and wonders. Reasons the other religions do not possess either.

The problem with trying to make a case for God on these boards is two-fold. One, you cannot say nearly enough in a few paragraphs that covers one's evidence, even in the briefest ways of saying it. Two, if you produce an extremely lengthy post attempting to make the case no one reads it. No one likes long posts. So I am in no man’s land.
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How do you presume to know who God is?
I know the God of the Bible exists because of all of His miracles and apparitions that have been indisputable evidence for the supernatural. There are thousands of eye witnesses, there are well documented occurrences, there are videos and photographs and there is scientific evidence, all depending on which one in questions. They are also evidence for Jesus Christ, not Muhammad or Buddha or some Hindu god. That is how I know.

No other religion compares throughout history. If you are going to argue they have their own miracles then I ask you for specifics. I will even concede there is the supernatural occurring to some extent in those other faiths but they are extremely of low level impact by comparison. They may even be demonic. But Christianity has many other major reasons for making the case for its authenticity besides signs and wonders. Reasons the others do not possess either.

The problem with trying to make a case for God on these boards is two-fold. One, you cannot say nearly enough in a few paragraphs that covers one's evidence, even in the briefest ways of saying it. Two, if you produce an extremely lengthy post attempting to make the case no one reads it. No one likes long posts. So I am in no man’s land.

I just find it amusing that some people believe they can cram the Creator of the universe into a little box and say "See? That's all there is."

At least unwanted children will have a loving home, and I am sure many anti-Gay posters will education about abuse cases from gay couples while ignoring abuse happen no matter if the parents are gay or straight...

Would it even matter to you anyway if the abuse rates and major psychological problems were far greater in homosexual parent homes? Would it change your position?
That is not the case.
So you presume to speak for God. Something about how "pride goeth before a fall" springs to mind here.
I presume you are a very obtuse human being.
Either that or one who is so not wanting to know who God is that he will come up with the lamest of excuses to pretend mankind cannot know anything about God and that God has done nothing to communicate with mankind.
The Christian Bible speaks out against adultery more than it does homosexuality. Jesus even specifically condemns adultery and divorce:

I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.

Jesus never addresses homosexuality.

Do you know I have NEVER seen anyone start a topic on this forum condemning second marriages or third marriages? Do you know I have NEVER heard of a county clerk refusing to let someone marry their fifth husband? Do you know I have NEVER heard of a bakery refusing to make a cake for a person's fourth wedding?

Spare me your self-righteous bullshit.

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

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So you presume to speak for God. Something about how "pride goeth before a fall" springs to mind here.
I presume you are a very obtuse human being.
Either that or one who is so not wanting to know who God is that he will come up with the lamest of excuses to pretend mankind cannot know anything about God and that God has done nothing to communicate with mankind.
The Christian Bible speaks out against adultery more than it does homosexuality. Jesus even specifically condemns adultery and divorce:

I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.

Jesus never addresses homosexuality.

Do you know I have NEVER seen anyone start a topic on this forum condemning second marriages or third marriages? Do you know I have NEVER heard of a county clerk refusing to let someone marry their fifth husband? Do you know I have NEVER heard of a bakery refusing to make a cake for a person's fourth wedding?

Don't give me your self-righteous bullshit.

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

No argument from me that the selective religious outrage is hypocrisy of the first order. Moreover, imo, Jesus' condemnation of divorce for convenience and second marriage was less about some abomination before the Lord of mixing human secretions that they were about casting wives aside and into death by poverty. And THAT sounds suspiciously like the Koran.

And Paul was addressing the habit of men having sex outside of their marriages.

But, what amuses me, and the intent of the thread, is that when states pass these laws, the intent is so sweet. If you asked the better of the Miss legislators they'd respond as did the ones in Kentucky. "We are not making a distinction to allow our citizens to discriminate against one sinner more than another sinner. What we're saying is the federal government cannot tell our citizens not to be outraged even where the outrage makes so sense whatsoever."
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Some small number of heterosexual homes might have a resident pervert that would abuse a child. They are perverts and shouldn't be around children. All same sex households have perverts as both parents. None of them should be around children any more than any other perv.

At least unwanted children will have a loving home, and I am sure many anti-Gay posters will education about abuse cases from gay couples while ignoring abuse happen no matter if the parents are gay or straight...

Would it even matter to you anyway if the abuse rates and major psychological problems were far greater in homosexual parent homes? Would it change your position?
That is not the case.
I asked a question, I did not make a declarative statement. You, more or less, gave me your answer to my question without trying.
So you presume to speak for God. Something about how "pride goeth before a fall" springs to mind here.
I presume you are a very obtuse human being.
Either that or one who is so not wanting to know who God is that he will come up with the lamest of excuses to pretend mankind cannot know anything about God and that God has done nothing to communicate with mankind.
The Christian Bible speaks out against adultery more than it does homosexuality. Jesus even specifically condemns adultery and divorce:

I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.

Jesus never addresses homosexuality.

Do you know I have NEVER seen anyone start a topic on this forum condemning second marriages or third marriages? Do you know I have NEVER heard of a county clerk refusing to let someone marry their fifth husband? Do you know I have NEVER heard of a bakery refusing to make a cake for a person's fourth wedding?

Spare me your self-righteous bullshit.

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
>>The Christian Bible speaks out against adultery more than it does homosexuality. Jesus even specifically condemns adultery and divorce: "I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."

So what? Contain yourself and stay on topic.

>>Jesus never addresses homosexuality.

I would argue that strongly. Jesus is God. God is the author of Scripture. Or are Paul’s letters of minor nature compared to the gospels? That’s a convenient way out. Jesus also established His Church, as the ruling authority on earth for Himself. To Peter: “I give thee the keys to the kingdom.” --- no small matter. --- “Whatsoever you (the Church) shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Whatsoever you shall hold bound on earth shall be held bound in heaven.” In other words --- all that is not specifically taught in Scripture (and the Catholic Church is the only authority to interpret Scripture as well, another important point) is left to the pope and the Church councils to rule on. Including which books make up the Bible. Including matters such as sin and abortion and gay marriage. You have free will and can dismiss it all if you please, but I would never.

>>Do you know I have NEVER seen anyone start a topic on this forum condemning second marriages or third marriages? Do you know I have NEVER heard of a county clerk refusing to let someone marry their fifth husband? Do you know I have NEVER heard of a bakery refusing to make a cake for a person's fourth wedding?

Are you suggesting you have just laid out major hypocrisy that discredits the Catholic Church or the Bible or Christianity? What exactly are you trying to say, I cannot tell? But if you are trying to tell me gay marriage is all OK with God, you have a long way to go to make your case. Are you saying the same about abortion? How about gay sex? God approves? No, I have never made a top post about second marriages but then again, the religious board here is pretty lame and unresponsive so I tend not to bother any longer. But I have made long posts about sex outside of marriage being very much sinful, shall I exclude gay sex? I have made many posts about the cross a gay person carries is far heavier than a hetero and it very well may be that God has far more mercy for one who could not help themselves. I have said on numerous occasions that adultery may be a far more grave sin for a believer than a lifestyle of homosexuality for another, and I challenge you to challenge me to prove that.

>>Spare me your self-righteous bullshit.

Spare me your lame judgments. I love the self-righteous claim, that should always disarm any Christian who dares to remind the group of what our Lord teaches us and put you at ease.

>>"And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? …Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."

Yes, I get it. Run to those favorite verses of the opponent of Christians. You are now completely exonerated because you are the nice guy who lets the world sin away and you say nothing. We need more pacifists like you. But anyone who dares speak up and challenge society against its immoral ways is a self-righteous Pharisee hypocrite. Boy doesn’t that make your choices and your responsibilities to God so much easier to undertake? Just criticize anyone who dares call something a sin, because you know they are a sinner too. Good job. But if and when you find someone who has no sin you will let me know wont’ you? Because God could sure use that person.

At least unwanted children will have a loving home, and I am sure many anti-Gay posters will education about abuse cases from gay couples while ignoring abuse happen no matter if the parents are gay or straight...

Would it even matter to you anyway if the abuse rates and major psychological problems were far greater in homosexual parent homes? Would it change your position?
That is not the case.
I asked a question, I did not make a declarative statement. You, more or less, gave me your answer to my question without trying.
You were trying to imply it. It's a tired claim that has frequently been made by anti-gay bigots.
So you presume to speak for God. Something about how "pride goeth before a fall" springs to mind here.
I presume you are a very obtuse human being.
Either that or one who is so not wanting to know who God is that he will come up with the lamest of excuses to pretend mankind cannot know anything about God and that God has done nothing to communicate with mankind.
The Christian Bible speaks out against adultery more than it does homosexuality. Jesus even specifically condemns adultery and divorce:

I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.

Jesus never addresses homosexuality.

Do you know I have NEVER seen anyone start a topic on this forum condemning second marriages or third marriages? Do you know I have NEVER heard of a county clerk refusing to let someone marry their fifth husband? Do you know I have NEVER heard of a bakery refusing to make a cake for a person's fourth wedding?

Spare me your self-righteous bullshit.

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
>>The Christian Bible speaks out against adultery more than it does homosexuality. Jesus even specifically condemns adultery and divorce: "I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."

So what? Contain yourself and stay on topic.

>>Jesus never addresses homosexuality.

I would argue that strongly. Jesus is God. God is the author of Scripture. Or are Paul’s letters of minor nature compared to the gospels? That’s a convenient way out. Jesus also established His Church, as the ruling authority on earth for Himself. To Peter: “I give thee the keys to the kingdom.” --- no small matter. --- “Whatsoever you (the Church) shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Whatsoever you shall hold bound on earth shall be held bound in heaven.” In other words --- all that is not specifically taught in Scripture (and the Catholic Church is the only authority to interpret Scripture as well, another important point) is left to the pope and the Church councils to rule on. Including which books make up the Bible. Including matters such as sin and abortion and gay marriage. You have free will and can dismiss it all if you please, but I would never.

>>Do you know I have NEVER seen anyone start a topic on this forum condemning second marriages or third marriages? Do you know I have NEVER heard of a county clerk refusing to let someone marry their fifth husband? Do you know I have NEVER heard of a bakery refusing to make a cake for a person's fourth wedding?

Are you suggesting you have just laid out major hypocrisy that discredits the Catholic Church or the Bible or Christianity? What exactly are you trying to say, I cannot tell? But if you are trying to tell me gay marriage is all OK with God, you have a long way to go to make your case. Are you saying the same about abortion? How about gay sex? God approves? No, I have never made a top post about second marriages but then again, the religious board here is pretty lame and unresponsive so I tend not to bother any longer. But I have made long posts about sex outside of marriage being very much sinful, shall I exclude gay sex? I have made many posts about the cross a gay person carries is far heavier than a hetero and it very well may be that God has far more mercy for one who could not help themselves. I have said on numerous occasions that adultery may be a far more grave sin for a believer than a lifestyle of homosexuality for another, and I challenge you to challenge me to prove that.

>>Spare me your self-righteous bullshit.

Spare me your lame judgments. I love the self-righteous claim, that should always disarm any Christian who dares to remind the group of what our Lord teaches us and put you at ease.

>>"And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? …Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."

Yes, I get it. Run to those favorite verses of the opponent of Christians. You are now completely exonerated because you are the nice guy who lets the world sin away and you say nothing. We need more pacifists like you. But anyone who dares speak up and challenge society against its immoral ways is a self-righteous Pharisee hypocrite. Boy doesn’t that make your choices and your responsibilities to God so much easier to undertake? Just criticize anyone who dares call something a sin, because you know they are a sinner too. Good job. But if and when you find someone who has no sin you will let me know wont’ you? Because God could sure use that person.
I think the words you are looking for are, "Yes, we anti-gay bigots are raging hypocrites."

You only thump those parts of the Bible which suit your bigoted bullshit.
So you presume to speak for God. Something about how "pride goeth before a fall" springs to mind here.
I presume you are a very obtuse human being.
Either that or one who is so not wanting to know who God is that he will come up with the lamest of excuses to pretend mankind cannot know anything about God and that God has done nothing to communicate with mankind.
The Christian Bible speaks out against adultery more than it does homosexuality. Jesus even specifically condemns adultery and divorce:

I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.

Jesus never addresses homosexuality.

Do you know I have NEVER seen anyone start a topic on this forum condemning second marriages or third marriages? Do you know I have NEVER heard of a county clerk refusing to let someone marry their fifth husband? Do you know I have NEVER heard of a bakery refusing to make a cake for a person's fourth wedding?

Spare me your self-righteous bullshit.

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
>>The Christian Bible speaks out against adultery more than it does homosexuality. Jesus even specifically condemns adultery and divorce: "I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."

So what? Contain yourself and stay on topic.

>>Jesus never addresses homosexuality.

I would argue that strongly. Jesus is God. God is the author of Scripture. Or are Paul’s letters of minor nature compared to the gospels? That’s a convenient way out. Jesus also established His Church, as the ruling authority on earth for Himself. To Peter: “I give thee the keys to the kingdom.” --- no small matter. --- “Whatsoever you (the Church) shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Whatsoever you shall hold bound on earth shall be held bound in heaven.” In other words --- all that is not specifically taught in Scripture (and the Catholic Church is the only authority to interpret Scripture as well, another important point) is left to the pope and the Church councils to rule on. Including which books make up the Bible. Including matters such as sin and abortion and gay marriage. You have free will and can dismiss it all if you please, but I would never.

>>Do you know I have NEVER seen anyone start a topic on this forum condemning second marriages or third marriages? Do you know I have NEVER heard of a county clerk refusing to let someone marry their fifth husband? Do you know I have NEVER heard of a bakery refusing to make a cake for a person's fourth wedding?

Are you suggesting you have just laid out major hypocrisy that discredits the Catholic Church or the Bible or Christianity? What exactly are you trying to say, I cannot tell? But if you are trying to tell me gay marriage is all OK with God, you have a long way to go to make your case. Are you saying the same about abortion? How about gay sex? God approves? No, I have never made a top post about second marriages but then again, the religious board here is pretty lame and unresponsive so I tend not to bother any longer. But I have made long posts about sex outside of marriage being very much sinful, shall I exclude gay sex? I have made many posts about the cross a gay person carries is far heavier than a hetero and it very well may be that God has far more mercy for one who could not help themselves. I have said on numerous occasions that adultery may be a far more grave sin for a believer than a lifestyle of homosexuality for another, and I challenge you to challenge me to prove that.

>>Spare me your self-righteous bullshit.

Spare me your lame judgments. I love the self-righteous claim, that should always disarm any Christian who dares to remind the group of what our Lord teaches us and put you at ease.

>>"And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? …Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."

Yes, I get it. Run to those favorite verses of the opponent of Christians. You are now completely exonerated because you are the nice guy who lets the world sin away and you say nothing. We need more pacifists like you. But anyone who dares speak up and challenge society against its immoral ways is a self-righteous Pharisee hypocrite. Boy doesn’t that make your choices and your responsibilities to God so much easier to undertake? Just criticize anyone who dares call something a sin, because you know they are a sinner too. Good job. But if and when you find someone who has no sin you will let me know wont’ you? Because God could sure use that person.
I think the words you are looking for are, "Yes, we anti-gay bigots are raging hypocrites."

You only thump those parts of the Bible which suit your bigoted bullshit.
I think you are being a coward on this matter.
I do not dodge challenges. You do.
I also refute your idea of a bigot, but not sure I care to take the time to explain it to you.
What is the point of having laws if judges can just implement what they think is a good idea. Why even have a democracy if those same laws can be undone by the same judges? We should just ask the federal judiciary what things they approve of and what things they don't just so we can at least know what laws we can have in the first place. Once we get new judges in we can then get a new set of guidlines that may be different from before. After several cycles we may not even need a constitution. Just rule the country as you wish.
So you presume to speak for God. Something about how "pride goeth before a fall" springs to mind here.
I presume you are a very obtuse human being.
Either that or one who is so not wanting to know who God is that he will come up with the lamest of excuses to pretend mankind cannot know anything about God and that God has done nothing to communicate with mankind.
The Christian Bible speaks out against adultery more than it does homosexuality. Jesus even specifically condemns adultery and divorce:

I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.

Jesus never addresses homosexuality.

Do you know I have NEVER seen anyone start a topic on this forum condemning second marriages or third marriages? Do you know I have NEVER heard of a county clerk refusing to let someone marry their fifth husband? Do you know I have NEVER heard of a bakery refusing to make a cake for a person's fourth wedding?

Spare me your self-righteous bullshit.

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.


Jesus never addressed a lot of things like. He never said Murder was wrong or molesting children was a grossly immoral. Do you know why? It was a given that they were so he didn't have to tell people that they were wrong. I can't find anywhere where Jesus said molesting children was wrong. Maybe he was saying God was actually cool with that the whole time.
So you presume to speak for God. Something about how "pride goeth before a fall" springs to mind here.
I presume you are a very obtuse human being.
Either that or one who is so not wanting to know who God is that he will come up with the lamest of excuses to pretend mankind cannot know anything about God and that God has done nothing to communicate with mankind.
The Christian Bible speaks out against adultery more than it does homosexuality. Jesus even specifically condemns adultery and divorce:

I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.

Jesus never addresses homosexuality.

Do you know I have NEVER seen anyone start a topic on this forum condemning second marriages or third marriages? Do you know I have NEVER heard of a county clerk refusing to let someone marry their fifth husband? Do you know I have NEVER heard of a bakery refusing to make a cake for a person's fourth wedding?

Spare me your self-righteous bullshit.

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.


Jesus never addressed a lot of things like. He never said Murder was wrong or molesting children was a grossly immoral. Do you know why? It was a given that they were so he didn't have to tell people that they were wrong. I can't find anywhere where Jesus said molesting children was wrong. Maybe he was saying God was actually cool with that the whole time.

Are you unfamiliar with the Ten Commandments? :wtf:
So you presume to speak for God. Something about how "pride goeth before a fall" springs to mind here.
I presume you are a very obtuse human being.
Either that or one who is so not wanting to know who God is that he will come up with the lamest of excuses to pretend mankind cannot know anything about God and that God has done nothing to communicate with mankind.
The Christian Bible speaks out against adultery more than it does homosexuality. Jesus even specifically condemns adultery and divorce:

I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.

Jesus never addresses homosexuality.

Do you know I have NEVER seen anyone start a topic on this forum condemning second marriages or third marriages? Do you know I have NEVER heard of a county clerk refusing to let someone marry their fifth husband? Do you know I have NEVER heard of a bakery refusing to make a cake for a person's fourth wedding?

Spare me your self-righteous bullshit.

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.


Jesus never addressed a lot of things like. He never said Murder was wrong or molesting children was a grossly immoral. Do you know why? It was a given that they were so he didn't have to tell people that they were wrong. I can't find anywhere where Jesus said molesting children was wrong. Maybe he was saying God was actually cool with that the whole time.

Are you unfamiliar with the Ten Commandments? :wtf:

Did you actually read the whole paragraph to see what point I was making?
So you presume to speak for God. Something about how "pride goeth before a fall" springs to mind here.
I presume you are a very obtuse human being.
Either that or one who is so not wanting to know who God is that he will come up with the lamest of excuses to pretend mankind cannot know anything about God and that God has done nothing to communicate with mankind.
The Christian Bible speaks out against adultery more than it does homosexuality. Jesus even specifically condemns adultery and divorce:

I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.

Jesus never addresses homosexuality.

Do you know I have NEVER seen anyone start a topic on this forum condemning second marriages or third marriages? Do you know I have NEVER heard of a county clerk refusing to let someone marry their fifth husband? Do you know I have NEVER heard of a bakery refusing to make a cake for a person's fourth wedding?

Spare me your self-righteous bullshit.

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.


Jesus never addressed a lot of things like. He never said Murder was wrong or molesting children was a grossly immoral. Do you know why? It was a given that they were so he didn't have to tell people that they were wrong. I can't find anywhere where Jesus said molesting children was wrong. Maybe he was saying God was actually cool with that the whole time.
You being a superdemocrat, I suspect there are a number of issues we would not agree on.

But what you say here I do agree. Those who use the “where did Jesus say that?” argument are not really comprehending core Biblical dogma or teachings in many ways. And if they cannot see that then they best ask the Church for assistance instead of coming to their own hard and fast conclusions like --- “since it is not specifically mentioned in Scripture it must be Ok.” And if they use one preacher’s or church’s statement to use against Christianity, then I suggest they read Proverbs 11:14 “security lies in the counsel of the many.”

But that is just the start of it. There are so many Christian teachings and principles cast aside or ignored for convenience. IOW, by retorting “judge not lest ye be judged” does not exonerate anyone. Or another --- “there is no actual evidence for God, all you have is faith like anyone else in what they happen to believe in.” That is another weak argument (imo) that shows laziness or apathy, in many cases, as far as I am concerned.
So you presume to speak for God. Something about how "pride goeth before a fall" springs to mind here.
I presume you are a very obtuse human being.
Either that or one who is so not wanting to know who God is that he will come up with the lamest of excuses to pretend mankind cannot know anything about God and that God has done nothing to communicate with mankind.
The Christian Bible speaks out against adultery more than it does homosexuality. Jesus even specifically condemns adultery and divorce:

I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.

Jesus never addresses homosexuality.

Do you know I have NEVER seen anyone start a topic on this forum condemning second marriages or third marriages? Do you know I have NEVER heard of a county clerk refusing to let someone marry their fifth husband? Do you know I have NEVER heard of a bakery refusing to make a cake for a person's fourth wedding?

Spare me your self-righteous bullshit.

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.


Jesus never addressed a lot of things like. He never said Murder was wrong or molesting children was a grossly immoral. Do you know why? It was a given that they were so he didn't have to tell people that they were wrong. I can't find anywhere where Jesus said molesting children was wrong. Maybe he was saying God was actually cool with that the whole time.

Are you unfamiliar with the Ten Commandments? :wtf:

Did you actually read the whole paragraph to see what point I was making?


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