OMG! Biden considering bringing in more antisemites to America


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
Biden isn’t satisfied with the rampant, pro-HAMAS Jew-haters harassing, bullying, and assaulting Jews at leftist universities. Now he’s considering offering “refugee“ status to the Palestinians who supported the Jew massacre on October 7th!

The Arab countries won’t even take in these hateful people. And now with the Palestinians, and pro-Palestinians, creating a 1939 Germany right here in America, Biden is thinking of bringing in MORE of them?? Just how eager is Obama to eradicate Jews?


Biden isn’t satisfied with the rampant, pro-HAMAS Jew-haters harassing, bullying, and assaulting Jews at leftist universities. Now he’s considering offering “refugee“ status to the Palestinians who supported the Jew massacre on October 7th!

The Arab countries won’t even take in these hateful people. And now with the Palestinians, and pro-Palestinians, creating a 1939 Germany right here in America, Biden is thinking of bringing in MORE of them?? Just how eager is Obama to eradicate Jews?

This is exactly what led to revolution in Lebanon and Jordan. The exact same thing. The protests will spread and grow until the country is engulfed. Muslims will have no problem in attacking military bases directly. That's how the marine base in Beirut got bombed. Kill the jews, kill the infidels. This will be an Islamic state.
This is exactly what led to revolution in Lebanon and Jordan. The exact same thing. The protests will spread and grow until the country is engulfed. Muslims will have no problem in attacking military bases directly. That's how the marine base in Beirut got bombed. Kill the jews, kill the infidels. This will be an Islamic state.
And this is why Jews need Israel.
The world needs Israel. Islam is the path to madness. I am horrified at what is being done in this country in the name of some twisted freedom.
Thank you. Imagine how we Jews feel, especially those of us who remember stories of how Nazi Germany took hold.

This is moving even faster.
Thank you. Imagine how we Jews feel, especially those of us who remember stories of how Nazi Germany took hold.

This is moving even faster.
My mother was Jewish. That makes me Jewish even though my belief is Christian.

In my grandparent's neighborhood in New York there were a lot of holocaust survivors. I saw the tattoos, the numbers etched into arms. I saw living people with the residue of twisted surgeries. I went with my grandmother, house to house asking for pennies to plant a tree in Israel.

The absolute nightmare loosed upon the entire world is the marriage of Islam and nazism. In Germany Muslims are already demanding the dissolution of the German government and creation of a caliphate. These are very dangerous times.
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Goodbye America. Liberals have destroyed this country. :(
Yet there are posters here who are still Never GOPer / Never Trumper Socially Liberal Turd Party types who think they have America’s best interest at heart ( while they enable Open Border Democommies
Biden isn’t satisfied with the rampant, pro-HAMAS Jew-haters harassing, bullying, and assaulting Jews at leftist universities. Now he’s considering offering “refugee“ status to the Palestinians who supported the Jew massacre on October 7th!

The Arab countries won’t even take in these hateful people. And now with the Palestinians, and pro-Palestinians, creating a 1939 Germany right here in America, Biden is thinking of bringing in MORE of them?? Just how eager is Obama to eradicate Jews?

Attitudes like this….

are what lead to actions like this

And of course…you remember last time America was too bigoted to take in desperate refugees right?

Biden is doing the right thing. Refugees are well screened and shouldn’t be discriminstead against simply because you don’t like their ethnicity/religion/race.
Attitudes like this….

are what lead to actions like this

And of course…you remember last time America was too bigoted to take in desperate refugees right?

Biden is doing the right thing. Refugees are well screened and shouldn’t be discriminstead against simply because you don’t like their ethnicity/religion/race.
^^^ naturally, she defends the antisemitic “Palestinians” - even in the face of the 1939 Germany occurring on college campuses.
Attitudes like this….

are what lead to actions like this

And of course…you remember last time America was too bigoted to take in desperate refugees right?

Biden is doing the right thing. Refugees are well screened and shouldn’t be discriminstead against simply because you don’t like their ethnicity/religion/race.
I don’t like that they supported cutting off Jewish baby heads and setting Jewish toddlers on fire. But you go ahead and accuse ME of being the bigot.

And you convenienly ignore the bigotry of all the pro-Palestinian leftists on campuses, not allowing Jews to enter, or bullying them, spitting on them, tasering them. Instead, you attack the Jew for not wanting more of these people in this country. What? Not enough antisemitism for you? We need to import more?

You leftists sure expect Jews to shut up and take the hate directed at them - and then accept even MORE of the people who are leading the incoming Nazi era. And if they don’t, you call them racist.

You disgust me. You should NOT be a moderator.

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