OMG Biden's CNN Town Hall meeting. This man is not well!

Biden......totally fluent in drivel.....:rolleyes:

LOL!!! The massive projection from the Trumpanzees is hilarious.

Here's your Orange God:


Now....shut the fuck up.
....which goes to prove that what TNHarley said in post #7 is true.

Not only that, the pollsters listed must have questioned quite a few of them.
If you don't want to live in a country where you think there are too many morons, move, immigrate dude. People been making statements like that in ever country since history began. Nobody will miss you or hold you back, but it proves nothing about accuracy of TNHarley's #7 post either way. He's a good guy, but overstates his message at times, (who doesn't on here) but he ain't moving. Don't expect me to attack him. He's another Tennessean. That gets him an addition 10 points in my book.
Polling is polling, nothing more than an indicator proving nothing, but if all the polls agree, including the opposition polls such as Rasmussen, they might be on to a trend in thought. Take it up with them or start your own polling organization. Maybe it will catch on. Maybe it won't.
Don't try to sell that crap. When Trump got sick with it, he skipped it in favor of cutting edge modern science specifically for Covid. Was he a traitor to your cause? Do you wish he had died trying to prove you right, rather than go with modern science tailored for the disease? He even got secretly vaccinated, first chance he got. Did that piss you off too, or clue you that fact, his message was for the little people, not people like himself that he thought actually deserved to live.
Get help! Try to see what Biden has done for us Americans. Oops, I'm sorry that's nothing.
Yet he was called xenophobic, hysterical, and racists for disallowing travel from China by non-US citizens as Fauci and Pelosi encouraged people to go on with their lives, dance in the streets of China Town...

You're just one of the fuckin' morons blithering in this thread.
Personally I wish he had closed them earlier. Maybe I would not have caught it from that old constantly coughing little oriental bitch sitting across the aisle from me on that two hour connecting flight to Dallas/Fort Worth, in January of that year, while heading to Colorado and neither would two others in our party sitting two rows ahead of her.
I never bitched about him being xenophobic, hysterical or racist because of that. I have thought of him as xenophobic, hysterical, and racist for years, but that did not enter my mind in relation to closing the border. Being xenophobic, hysterical, and racist seems to be a thing of late, with the right wing, especially trumpers in their follow the leader mode.
If you don't want to live in a country where you think there are too many morons, move, immigrate dude. People been making statements like that in ever country since history began. Nobody will miss you or hold you back, but it proves nothing about accuracy of TNHarley's #7 post either way. He's a good guy, but overstates his message at times, (who doesn't on here) but he ain't moving. Don't expect me to attack him. He's another Tennessean. That gets him an addition 10 points in my book.
Polling is polling, nothing more than an indicator proving nothing, but if all the polls agree, including the opposition polls such as Rasmussen, they might be on to a trend in thought. Take it up with them or start your own polling organization. Maybe it will catch on. Maybe it won't.
What ever made you think I don't want to live in this country? Oh, I forgot! You're one of the fuckin' morons.

I did nothing other that compliment TNHarley on his correct statement. He ain't moving and neither am I.
It was more than stuttering. He was repeatedly losing his train of thought.
I really take no joy in this, I despise the guy, but it's sad when an elderly person displays their dementia like this.
Lol - The "GOP War Room" with some fine selective editing! :laughing0301:
Or it it the stutter that triggered you?
He's had that since birth.
Hey dumbfuck, that was not edited. This was actual footage from this event that granted not many people bothered with. I realize your savior is a dementia suffering moron, yet here you are with a pathetic excuse to try (and fail) to defend this utter disaster.
. . . . .. So, what you are saying. . . is, we get the leadership we deserve? :dunno: Figures you approve, you are right there with Biden and the rest of them I have been discovering . . . .
It is unbelievable that you are defending this. . :rolleyes:


She was the first one I thought of when I first saw Biden's gibberish.
Hey dumbfuck, that was not edited. This was actual footage from this event that granted not many people bothered with. I realize your savior is a dementia suffering moron, yet here you are with a pathetic excuse to try (and fail) to defend this utter disaster.
An awfully abrupt cutoff. But not for a cocoa puff like ewe!
An awfully abrupt cutoff. But not for a cocoa puff like ewe!
Showing unedited footage. Showed enough to prove the point. That’s what real newscasts do. I realize you don’t like watching them but that’s how it works. Throwing your juvenile spelling errors around just makes you look dumber.

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