OMG Biden's CNN Town Hall meeting. This man is not well!

That demonstrate just how a president's approval rating and election chances are tied to the economy. Without the Chinese flu keeping the economy under water, there's little doubt the President right now would be TRUMP!.
If he had pushed precautions, sound medical science, and taking the pandemic as a serious national and personal threat to all Americans, not flouted the lack of need for precautions, touted fake cures, attacked the people that advocated precautions, even in his own government, he might be president now. Economist, Wall Street players and most normal people knew this was reasonably serious shit, he was paying little attention to and basically lying and blowing sunshine up their ass (as if talking to children), to the financial/economic movers and shakers, making it harder to predict how bad it might get. They hate unpredictability worse than the rest of us and do not like intentionally screwed messages from presidents. Donny screwed himself and us in his handling from day 1, when he was made aware.
A person with a bad stutter shouldn't necessarily try for a job that requires quick, clear verbal communication. Heck, I remember a certain previous president who was mocked incessantly for using a single word very few people had ever heard of. You might as well encourage a 50 year old college football player to go out for NFL lineman. Sure, he might be smart, he might know the game well, and he might be able to dodge the other guys a time or two, but he's just not physically up to the job. Quid Pro Joe is well past his prime and shouldn't be in this office.
Dude that's goofy. Biden has proven himself to be a quick enough thinker. A stutter has nothing to do with quick thinking. Full disclosure: Uncle Joe was not my first pick and I said many times that I thought he was too damn old. But he's been a pleasant surprise and may well turn out to be the steadying influence this country needed after four years of hate, chaos division and bullshit.
Dude that's goofy. Biden has proven himself to be a quick enough thinker. A stutter has nothing to do with quick thinking. Full disclosure: Uncle Joe was not my first pick and I said many times that I thought he was too damn old. But he's been a pleasant surprise and may well turn out to be the steadying influence this country needed after four years of hate, chaos division and bullshit.

Yet you retards foisted on us another member of the party of hate, chaos division and bullshit.
This is frightening folks!
This man is our president? Good lord, he is not well!

Joe Biden's rambling reply on child vax in CNN goes viral: 'Can’t even complete a sentence'​

Holy christ. No way could you find 80 million Americans to vote for this babbling idiot . Just no way.
Dude that's goofy. Biden has proven himself to be a quick enough thinker. A stutter has nothing to do with quick thinking. Full disclosure: Uncle Joe was not my first pick and I said many times that I thought he was too damn old. But he's been a pleasant surprise and may well turn out to be the steadying influence this country needed after four years of hate, chaos division and bullshit.
It's not goofy to expect the president to be able to communicate verbally both effectively and easily. A stutter is one thing, losing a train of thought in mid sentence and ending up with gibberish is another. A person with a stutter can complete their thoughts, even if they stumble over a word or two.
If he had pushed precautions, sound medical science, and taking the pandemic as a serious national and personal threat to all Americans, not flouted the lack of need for precautions, touted fake cures, attacked the people that advocated precautions, even in his own government, he might be president now. Economist, Wall Street players and most normal people knew this was reasonably serious shit, he was paying little attention to and basically lying and blowing sunshine up their ass (as if talking to children), to the financial/economic movers and shakers, making it harder to predict how bad it might get. They hate unpredictability worse than the rest of us and do not like intentionally screwed messages from presidents. Donny screwed himself and us in his handling from day 1, when he was made aware.
Presidents can get elected for a second term with poor approval numbers and in the middle of scandals if the economy seems strong. They might be personally unappealing, but voters don't really care if the guy is likable if they're working and the government doesn't seem to be getting in their way too much.
It's not goofy to expect the president to be able to communicate verbally both effectively and easily. A stutter is one thing, losing a train of thought in mid sentence and ending up with gibberish is another. A person with a stutter can complete their thoughts, even if they stumble over a word or two.

Only the dumbest of the dumb (i.e. DrLove) could be duped into believing Biden's very obvious mental decline is a "stutter".
Only the dumbest of the dumb (i.e. DrLove) could be duped into believing Biden's very obvious mental decline is a "stutter".
Seriously, I've heard people with a stutter, and I'd think they'd be insulted for people to think they spoke gibberish. Their minds work very well and they can speak in complete sentences without wandering all over the place. Quid Pro has more than a stutter to contend with.
What is frightening is Trump's photo-op rallies where many conned people show up to listen to the same rhetoric from that mentally challenged man, and actually buy into his nonsense. Is this guy someone who you consider to be "well?"
I'm not sure what any of this has to do with Biden sounding like a dementia patient in an assisted living center, but I'm sure you can find some way to spin it in that direction, right?
What is frightening is Trump's photo-op rallies where many conned people show up to listen to the same rhetoric from that mentally challenged man, and actually buy into his nonsense. Is this guy someone who you consider to be "well?"
At least you can comprehend Trump. This babbling idiot, sounding like a retard.
If he had pushed precautions, sound medical science, and taking the pandemic as a serious national and personal threat to all Americans, not flouted the lack of need for precautions, touted fake cures, attacked the people that advocated precautions, even in his own government, he might be president now. Economist, Wall Street players and most normal people knew this was reasonably serious shit, he was paying little attention to and basically lying and blowing sunshine up their ass (as if talking to children), to the financial/economic movers and shakers, making it harder to predict how bad it might get. They hate unpredictability worse than the rest of us and do not like intentionally screwed messages from presidents. Donny screwed himself and us in his handling from day 1, when he was made aware.
Hydrochroloquine we know now gives someone on a ventilator 200% more chance.
Lockdowns didn't work.
You stupid fucks have blood on your hands, Hydrochroloquine could've saved thousands of lives. But no you would rather people die, to make Trump look bad.
Because it is not true, so let's compare.

Of course, it's true. You're simply a partisan assclown in as much denial as the Trump supporters you were pointing your finger at earlier. There have been literally dozens of incidents like this with Biden caught on camera. The man is 78 years old and is feeble minded. That doesn't mean he's completely lost control of his mental faculties, but he's had plenty of episodes like this and it's probably not a good thing considering he's the de facto leader of the free world.
Of course, it's true. You're simply a partisan assclown in as much denial as the Trump supporters you were pointing your finger at earlier. There have been literally dozens of incidents like this with Biden caught on camera. The man is 78 years old and is feeble minded. That doesn't mean he's completely lost control of his mental faculties, but he's had plenty of episodes like this and it's probably not a good thing considering he's the de facto leader of the free world.

It's definitely definitely Alzheimer's or Dementia.

Good gawd, millions have dealt with it and see it in Biden
Presidents can get elected for a second term with poor approval numbers and in the middle of scandals if the economy seems strong. They might be personally unappealing, but voters don't really care if the guy is likable if they're working and the government doesn't seem to be getting in their way too much.
That only works to a point. You can piss off (or on, in this case) some of the majority some of the time and some of the majority all of the time, but intentionally pissing off most of the majority every time you got a chance, just because, that's how you roll, is a mistake in tactic that can stop your agenda and continuity in office. I have found that people that are intentionally assholes, get what they deserve, especially when they are a big part of a big problem, as many people are wanting to get rid of them already and are just tolerating the asshole until they can find a good reason to move them out. I have seen this with department manager, store managers, plant manager, staff Officers up to and including Commanding General Officers.

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