OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

if this silence isn't enough to validate the thread to the DNC I don't know what else is.
The FBI on Friday announced it is reopening their investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server, another shocking October surprise for the Democrat candidate days from the presidential election.
Breaking: FBI Reopens Investigation into Clinton Emails

So if she is not guilty, and if she wouldn't have been such a bitch to her Sercret service people, and all the denied information these liberal idiots who support her are going to get shit smashed right back in your faces.
SHE IS HITLER reincarnated goon squad!

I think Trump's Gen Flynn should be investigated, he is probably the one who leaked emails to Russia.
The FBI found proof in the wikileaks email dump that Hillary lied to the FBI and Congress so they are reopening the case. This could mean disaster for her election and if she wins my money will be on impeachment before the State of the Union speech.
It has nothing to do with wikileaks. Where did you get that information?

Pas de CNN/not from CNN, you understand ?

View attachment 95597
I understand the news, including CNN, is not reporting this has anything to do with wikileaks. What part of that do you need explained to you in your first language?
you asked a question about that information on this thread so I've answered that it was useless to watch CNN ... good if you know and understand what I'm mean it good to hear.
Again ... no news agencies have reported it has anything to do with wikileaks. Nothing beyond Comey's letter is known at this point.
dont hold your breath for news agencies to rush to get this out. If they do, they might do it after the election.
They need to keep air space open incase something important comes in on one of the candidates, like, Donald Trump picked his nose and wiped his booger on the bus seat or something like that.
The FBI found proof in the wikileaks email dump that Hillary lied to the FBI and Congress so they are reopening the case. This could mean disaster for her election and if she wins my money will be on impeachment before the State of the Union speech.
It has nothing to do with wikileaks. Where did you get that information?

Pas de CNN/not from CNN, you understand ?

View attachment 95597
I understand the news, including CNN, is not reporting this has anything to do with wikileaks. What part of that do you need explained to you in your first language?
you asked a question about that information on this thread so I've answered that it was useless to watch CNN ... good if you know and understand what I'm mean it good to hear.
Again ... no news agencies have reported it has anything to do with wikileaks. Nothing beyond Comey's letter is known at this point.
Where else would new emails come from?
The FBI on Friday announced it is reopening their investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server, another shocking October surprise for the Democrat candidate days from the presidential election.
Breaking: FBI Reopens Investigation into Clinton Emails

So if she is not guilty, and if she wouldn't have been such a bitch to her Sercret service people, and all the denied information these liberal idiots who support her are going to get shit smashed right back in your faces.
SHE IS HITLER reincarnated goon squad!

I think Trump's Gen Flynn should be investigated, he is probably the one who leaked emails to Russia.

Because General Flynn has access to Hillary's emails.......

The FBI on Friday announced it is reopening their investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server, another shocking October surprise for the Democrat candidate days from the presidential election.
Breaking: FBI Reopens Investigation into Clinton Emails

So if she is not guilty, and if she wouldn't have been such a bitch to her Sercret service people, and all the denied information these liberal idiots who support her are going to get shit smashed right back in your faces.
SHE IS HITLER reincarnated goon squad!

I think Trump's Gen Flynn should be investigated, he is probably the one who leaked emails to Russia.

Because General Flynn has access to Hillary's emails.......


Because he is buddy buddy with Russia, and became a Rep when he was pushed out. He is most likely a traitor out for revenge.
This is an amazing development.

Notice though, it's Friday afternoon on the east coast.
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Again ... no news agencies have reported it has anything to do with wikileaks. Nothing beyond Comey's letter is known at this point
Well you are wrong I'm watching CNN right now. They are reporting the new info comes from the Podesta leaked emails from yesterday.
Now I know you're lying ... I'm watching CNN. They said nothing of the sort. What they did say is what I just repeated -- nothing is known beyond what Comey included in his letter.
The FBI on Friday announced it is reopening their investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server, another shocking October surprise for the Democrat candidate days from the presidential election.
Breaking: FBI Reopens Investigation into Clinton Emails

So if she is not guilty, and if she wouldn't have been such a bitch to her Sercret service people, and all the denied information these liberal idiots who support her are going to get shit smashed right back in your faces.
SHE IS HITLER reincarnated goon squad!

I think Trump's Gen Flynn should be investigated, he is probably the one who leaked emails to Russia.

Because General Flynn has access to Hillary's emails.......


Because he is buddy buddy with Russia.
And that gave him access to Hillary's emails in order to give them to Russia?

You're a special kind of retard
The FBI found proof in the wikileaks email dump that Hillary lied to the FBI and Congress so they are reopening the case. This could mean disaster for her election and if she wins my money will be on impeachment before the State of the Union speech.
It has nothing to do with wikileaks. Where did you get that information?

Pas de CNN/not from CNN, you understand ?

View attachment 95597
I understand the news, including CNN, is not reporting this has anything to do with wikileaks. What part of that do you need explained to you in your first language?
you asked a question about that information on this thread so I've answered that it was useless to watch CNN ... good if you know and understand what I'm mean it good to hear.
Again ... no news agencies have reported it has anything to do with wikileaks. Nothing beyond Comey's letter is known at this point.

Logically, unless Comey is doing a political hit, it cannot have anything to do with wikileaks. First of all, the wikileak emails were illegally obtained .... by Russia. The FBI looking at them is fine, legally, because the FBI didn't participate in illegally obtaining them. However, as actual evidence they are worthless unless someone in camp Hillary says "yes that is an accurate copy of an email that I sent/received." For evidence, any document has to have a provenance.

Now if someone is willing to testify one of the wikileak documents is accurate ....
Nothing about wikileaks. These emails come from an unrelated case. Sorry, guys, there it is. They may be damaging, who knows? But this is no Oct surprise.
Like I said, its just more fucking theatre. They had the murder weapon, the video, audio, eye witnesses, finger prints and the DNA. Still didn't indict her. This goes no where like the first time.

Moving on...
It's different now. Wait and see.
The corruption goes to high (all the way to the POTUS) Nothing will happen because way too many people will be implicated including our current President. They had everything already and did nothing.

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