OMG... Cheney says Giuliani was inebriated on night of the election.. I'm thinking Death penalty... You?

well we finally figured out the goal of Shifty, and company with this committee….restore the Progressive Era 18th Amendment…thanks Rudy
Jared Kushner and others said guiliani was drunk and encouraging Trump to declare victory the night of the election. That he also promoted wild conspiracy theories to Trump.

It was the strangest elections that's for certain. Strange enough that there should have been more interest in transparency immediately after the results to appease the drastic shift in voting results. The pre-emptive proclamation by media that "we know the mail in ballots will be heavily Biden votes", just added to the conspiracies and suspicions.

Both Establishments were just excited to see Trump go, so they didn't care to seek transparency. Then the GOP Establishment quickly got in line to repeat the Dem accusation that Trump was responsible for Jan, 6th, setting up well in advance this Hearing.

These fools thought, as they have before "Trump is finished now, time to jump on side". Instead, they just empowered him by confirming citizens suspicions about the "swamp". The idiots can't keep their mouths shut and the victors can't help but pile on (then by Mid-Terms they are powerless again).

When it comes to elections, there should be very stiff consequences for ANYONE cheating or voting illegally etc. By the same token, how many millions voted for Trump and their concerns were disregarded? It's as if their concerns about the election didn't matter.

Anyone who watched election night would be lying if they believed that ANY candidate would have just accepted the results in the manner in which they rolled out. Hell, Hillary didn't even concede until early the next morning, Abrams STILL says she was robbed.

A candidate owes it to the country and your supporters to at least demamd that they get the results right and are transparent about it. When states alter their own rules on election night, yeah, you have a problem, and you feed the problem, not solve it.

On the Jan 6th fiasco there is plenty of blame to go around.
It was the strangest elections that's for certain. Strange enough that there should have been more interest in transparency immediately after the results to appease the drastic shift in voting results. The pre-emptive proclamation by media that "we know the mail in ballots will be heavily Biden votes", just added to the conspiracies and suspicions.

Both Establishments were just excited to see Trump go, so they didn't care to seek transparency. Then the GOP Establishment quickly got in line to repeat the Dem accusation that Trump was responsible for Jan, 6th, setting up well in advance this Hearing.

These fools thought, as they have before "Trump is finished now, time to jump on side". Instead, they just empowered him by confirming citizens suspicions about the "swamp". The idiots can't keep their mouths shut and the victors can't help but pile on (then by Mid-Terms they are powerless again).

When it comes to elections, there should be very stiff consequences for ANYONE cheating or voting illegally etc. By the same token, how many millions voted for Trump and their concerns were disregarded? It's as if their concerns about the election didn't matter.

Anyone who watched election night would be lying if they believed that ANY candidate would have just accepted the results in the manner in which they rolled out. Hell, Hillary didn't even concede until early the next morning, Abrams STILL says she was robbed.

A candidate owes it to the country and your supporters to at least demamd that they get the results right and are transparent about it. When states alter their own rules on election night, yeah, you have a problem, and you feed the problem, not solve it.

On the Jan 6th fiasco there is plenty of blame to go around.

Trump had no interest in election facts. He claimed the election was stolen before the election. In 2016 he claimed 3-5 million illegals voted. Trump lives in fantasy. Even his kids and close associates know it.
Doubtless our elections have driven many to drink here.......~S~
Trump had no interest in election facts. He claimed the election was stolen before the election. In 2016 he claimed 3-5 million illegals voted. Trump lives in fantasy. Even his kids and close associates know it.
yeah but at least he didn’t believe Clinton would of won but for the Russians..
Trump had no interest in election facts. He claimed the election was stolen before the election. In 2016 he claimed 3-5 million illegals voted. Trump lives in fantasy. Even his kids and close associates know it.
Trump has always had a loose relationship with the truth.
What matters is what is best for him. If the lie is more beneficial, he goes with the lie……no matter how ridiculous it may be
Trump had no interest in election facts. He claimed the election was stolen before the election. In 2016 he claimed 3-5 million illegals voted. Trump lives in fantasy. Even his kids and close associates know it.

May be.

The problem is his enemies fed his view, true or not. Why would a state change their election rules on election night and NO ONE cared?

Why would some sign an affidavit of what discrepancies they saw on election night and NO ONE cared?

I warned all of us that there would be serious geo political consequences if American allies felt that something was amiss, that Trumps enemies would go to any lengths to erase him from politics, rightfully or wrongfully.

Europeans and "classical liberals" of the world believe in free and fair elections, even if we don't like the results.
yeah but at least he didn’t believe Clinton would of won but for the Russians..

And that lead to a two year "investigation". Some might argue it was an impetus (not solely, but a contributor) to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

If American elites wanted to raise fears and suspicions of U.S objectives against Russia, few better methods than having Hillary and 99% of media in the U.S blame Russia for her loss. Blaming them for what many declared was "an act of war" against America.

These aren't posters on here stating this in the wilderness, these were the biggest media companies, Talking Heads and political leaders.

All to save poor Hillarys legacy and to pretend that their bad policies aren't popular with America. How has that worked out for all of us? The same people wrong about everything for 30 years cover their mouths with horror.
May be.

The problem is his enemies fed his view, true or not. Why would a state change their election rules on election night and NO ONE cared?

Why would some sign an affidavit of what discrepancies they saw on election night and NO ONE cared?

I warned all of us that there would be serious geo political consequences if American allies felt that something was amiss, that Trumps enemies would go to any lengths to erase him from politics, rightfully or wrongfully.

Europeans and "classical liberals" of the world believe in free and fair elections, even if we don't like the results.

Damn, you're stupid. You can't blame the opposition for Trump's lies. American allies knew Trump was crazy before he took the oath of office. He's a laughing stock with a bad reputation for 40 years.
Damn, you're stupid. You can't blame the opposition for Trump's lies. American allies knew Trump was crazy before he took the oath of office. He's a laughing stock with a bad reputation for 40 years.

The way to counter that was ALWAYS transparency and accountability. Instead, politicians had to remain politicians, that's all they and their donors know. "Manipulate, obfuscate, lie, as long as the ends justify the means".

I've been destroyed in my country. I realized long ago my best chance was to be honest and try and rise above the Creepy Ones with integrity ad character, otherwise, I feed their narrative.

The Establishments on both sides and their really poor advisers can't relinquish even a shred of power in the name of truth, transparency and accountability. Just as Canada has suffered by such an approach, so will America.

Even Trumps loudest cries couldn't overcome a transparency process. After four years of witch hunts against him, any conspiracies were handed to him on a silver platter. That's Trump understanding Game Theory (right or wrong).
The way to counter that was ALWAYS transparency and accountability. Instead, politicians had to remain politicians, that's all they and their donors know. "Manipulate, obfuscate, lie, as long as the ends justify the means".

I've been destroyed in my country. I realized long ago my best chance was to be honest and try and rise above the Creepy Ones with integrity ad character, otherwise, I feed their narrative.

The Establishments on both sides and their really poor advisers can't relinquish even a shred of power in the name of truth, transparency and accountability. Just as Canada has suffered by such an approach, so will America.

Even Trumps loudest cries couldn't overcome a transparency process. After four years of witch hunts against him, any conspiracies were handed to him on a silver platter. That's Trump understanding Game Theory (right or wrong).

Who are you blaming for lack of transparency? Are you nuts? Trump has never been transparent in his lifetime . That would cramp his style.
Who are you blaming for lack of transparency? Are you nuts? Trump has never been transparent in his lifetime . That would cramp his style.

Which made him the perfect candidate for a transition into politics. See the bigger issue here? Hillary and her entourage made Trump look like the neophyte he was, he wisely went directly to the voter and worked to keep his promises.

As I've said many times, Trump is a follower of Game Theory, looking for the optimum path of least resistance in order to "win".

His enemies have made it quite easy for him. First with bad policies and then with bad politics.
Liz knows this committee is old news after the August primary in Wyoming. This is just her stepping stone. You Democrat Trump haters are being used by her for her political future. Unbelievable stupidity.
Liz knows this committee is old news after the August primary in Wyoming. This is just her stepping stone. You Democrat Trump haters are being used by her for her political future. Unbelievable stupidity.
Her country is more important to her than a congressional seat and Patriotic Republicans have been hard to find these last 5 years. She doesn`t pledge allegiance to "find me 11,000 votes" and that`s why the Deplorables hate her.
Too bad.:icon_cry:
Her country is more important to her than a congressional seat and Patriotic Republicans have been hard to find these last 5 years. She doesn`t pledge allegiance to "find me 11,000 votes" and that`s why the Deplorables hate her.
Too bad.:icon_cry:
You're exactly what she's hoping for......a democrat vote for President. Fool.

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