OMG... Cheney says Giuliani was inebriated on night of the election.. I'm thinking Death penalty... You?

Drunk? On. Election. Day?

Gadzooks! Well then Trump must be guilty if Rudy was drunk.

That Liz Cheney sure is one bright cookie.
Drunk? On. Election. Day?
For you or I, it would probably be acceptable

But for a close advisor to the President when he is expected to give critical advice…….it would be a fireable offense

After running that election, whether you win or lose... you have to grab a stiff one.. I mean, come on... running against Mr. Basement man... Mr. KidsLikeMyWetHairyLegsHairSnifferCornPop ...

If you don't need a drink after THAT, something is definitely wrong with you!

But anyhow.. Cheney seems to t hink he committed the unforgivable sin by drinking...

What's wrong with this clown anyhow? sheez....

This is unbelievable... just read some "fine print" here... LMAO..

she's saying TRUMP called off the voting? or wanted to ??

what the....????!!

We have now officially heard EVERYTHING... OK, just in case i mis-read it, I will now re-read it...

no, it looks like i had it right the first time... What a nitpicking witch! And NO WAY IN HELL DID TRUMP WANT TO CALL OFF VOTE COUNTING! These *&&^%$ think we Americans are just RETARDED or something...
Yeah!! Sedition and anti-American lies are great, so is Trump listening ONLY to this gd clown and going on with the steal big lie. Change the channel ignoramuses... ...
On the same subject of photos, our nation and world is becoming a totalitarian straightjacket because of things like this. The abuses to all of us is done near everyday in anything we do in public. We are profiled and ridiculed behind the scenes if not met with the approval of others observing. When the employees open their mouths or screw around because of it, trouble can start. This is bad. Unfortunately every time we go out our moods can be affected by anything. And there are people who set off others.
She's siting on a lying committee. Does she believe Jan 6th was an attempted "insurrection"?

Show the lie from the committee
Most of what I am seeing is coming from Trump’s staff
Are they lying under oath?
It was the strangest elections that's for certain. Strange enough that there should have been more interest in transparency immediately after the results to appease the drastic shift in voting results. The pre-emptive proclamation by media that "we know the mail in ballots will be heavily Biden votes", just added to the conspiracies and suspicions.

Both Establishments were just excited to see Trump go, so they didn't care to seek transparency. Then the GOP Establishment quickly got in line to repeat the Dem accusation that Trump was responsible for Jan, 6th, setting up well in advance this Hearing.

These fools thought, as they have before "Trump is finished now, time to jump on side". Instead, they just empowered him by confirming citizens suspicions about the "swamp". The idiots can't keep their mouths shut and the victors can't help but pile on (then by Mid-Terms they are powerless again).

When it comes to elections, there should be very stiff consequences for ANYONE cheating or voting illegally etc. By the same token, how many millions voted for Trump and their concerns were disregarded? It's as if their concerns about the election didn't matter.

Anyone who watched election night would be lying if they believed that ANY candidate would have just accepted the results in the manner in which they rolled out. Hell, Hillary didn't even concede until early the next morning, Abrams STILL says she was robbed.

A candidate owes it to the country and your supporters to at least demamd that they get the results right and are transparent about it. When states alter their own rules on election night, yeah, you have a problem, and you feed the problem, not solve it.

On the Jan 6th fiasco there is plenty of blame to go around.
No state altered its rules on Election Night. Again, Donald Trump lost. 60+ court cases, multiple recounts, and audits...all stretching WAY past the time it should have been allowed. All of the Trump campaigns "concerns" were addressed...multiple times. How much more transparent would you like? States took their time to make sure they GOT their results right.

But, what are you going to do when the loser..won't concede. Still hasn't. First sitting President in our nation's history not to concede, not to participate willingly in the peaceful transition of power, and the first to foment and fan insurrection and sedition...because he felt he was cheated..even when evidence has been presented that he knew there was no massive election fraud.

Donald Trump is to blame for January 6th. He bears the responsibility for Ashli Babbit's death, the death of the Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick. He is to blame for the violence, the hate, the vitriol, the rhetoric. All because his ego will not allow him to believe he was rejected by the voters.

Show the lie from the committee
Most of what I am seeing is coming from Trump’s staff
Are they lying under oath?
It doesn't matter. It's a non-issue. It happened 17 months ago. Liz Cheney is using this for recognition and votes when she runs for President.
The sad thing is that an intoxicated Rudy is still more mentally cognizant than the current president.
No state altered its rules on Election Night. Again, Donald Trump lost. 60+ court cases, multiple recounts, and audits...all stretching WAY past the time it should have been allowed. All of the Trump campaigns "concerns" were addressed...multiple times. How much more transparent would you like? States took their time to make sure they GOT their results right.

But, what are you going to do when the loser..won't concede. Still hasn't. First sitting President in our nation's history not to concede, not to participate willingly in the peaceful transition of power, and the first to foment and fan insurrection and sedition...because he felt he was cheated..even when evidence has been presented that he knew there was no massive election fraud.

Donald Trump is to blame for January 6th. He bears the responsibility for Ashli Babbit's death, the death of the Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick. He is to blame for the violence, the hate, the vitriol, the rhetoric. All because his ego will not allow him to believe he was rejected by the voters.
Repeating a lie hundreds of times doesn't make it true. President Trump told the crowd to demonstrate peacefully and you know it. You're a liar.
Repeating a lie hundreds of times doesn't make it true. President Trump told the crowd to demonstrate peacefully and you know it. You're a liar.
Speaking of lies. Sure, he said that....long after the insurrection and storming started. So at that point, it had no meaning.

He lost. Deal with it.
Speaking of lies. Sure, he said that....long after the insurrection and storming started. So at that point, it had no meaning.

He lost. Deal with it.
Another lie. President Trump said it BEFORE the crowd went inside the Capital. Check it out.

After running that election, whether you win or lose... you have to grab a stiff one.. I mean, come on... running against Mr. Basement man... Mr. KidsLikeMyWetHairyLegsHairSnifferCornPop ...

If you don't need a drink after THAT, something is definitely wrong with you!

But anyhow.. Cheney seems to t hink he committed the unforgivable sin by drinking...

What's wrong with this clown anyhow? sheez....

This is unbelievable... just read some "fine print" here... LMAO..

she's saying TRUMP called off the voting? or wanted to ??

what the....????!!

We have now officially heard EVERYTHING... OK, just in case i mis-read it, I will now re-read it...

no, it looks like i had it right the first time... What a nitpicking witch! And NO WAY IN HELL DID TRUMP WANT TO CALL OFF VOTE COUNTING! These *&&^%$ think we Americans are just RETARDED or something...
Drunk Rudy....explains his downward slide.
It was the strangest elections that's for certain. Strange enough that there should have been more interest in transparency immediately after the results to appease the drastic shift in voting results. The pre-emptive proclamation by media that "we know the mail in ballots will be heavily Biden votes", just added to the conspiracies and suspicions.

Both Establishments were just excited to see Trump go, so they didn't care to seek transparency. Then the GOP Establishment quickly got in line to repeat the Dem accusation that Trump was responsible for Jan, 6th, setting up well in advance this Hearing.

These fools thought, as they have before "Trump is finished now, time to jump on side". Instead, they just empowered him by confirming citizens suspicions about the "swamp". The idiots can't keep their mouths shut and the victors can't help but pile on (then by Mid-Terms they are powerless again).

When it comes to elections, there should be very stiff consequences for ANYONE cheating or voting illegally etc. By the same token, how many millions voted for Trump and their concerns were disregarded? It's as if their concerns about the election didn't matter.

Anyone who watched election night would be lying if they believed that ANY candidate would have just accepted the results in the manner in which they rolled out. Hell, Hillary didn't even concede until early the next morning, Abrams STILL says she was robbed.

A candidate owes it to the country and your supporters to at least demamd that they get the results right and are transparent about it. When states alter their own rules on election night, yeah, you have a problem, and you feed the problem, not solve it.

On the Jan 6th fiasco there is plenty of blame to go around.
thanks for this. I saved it to re-read... lots of interesting information and I read kind of fast and sometimes don't absorb it all.. I read every book twice at least because the first time around, I ... I dunno... maybe I am just wanting to read through.. the 2nd time is when I really start retaining the info..

yeh, it is interesting, isn't it? that neither side seemed to show much interest in finding out the truth

our country is in worse shape than even I realized... Why do I sometimes find myself thinking of the last days of ancient Rome?

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