OMG, CIA *was* arming ISIS While DoD was Supporting Assad


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Our fdoreign policy is such a bleeding joke that parts of our own government are actively supporting and undermining the Presidents publicly stated policy. No wonder we cant even defeat a rag tag group like the Taliban over 14 years of war fare.

We are not a Superpower, because Superpowers dont fight themselves like that.

From the article:

In spite of the “Assad must go” pledge made by President Obama and covert CIA program, the U.S. JCS instead opted to feed intelligence on the Islamic State to the Syrian government through a number of intermediary governments, the unidentified former senior advisor to the JCS told Hersh.

“Our policy of arming the opposition to Assad was unsuccessful and actually having a negative impact,” the former JCS adviser told Hersh.

The Joint Chiefs believed that Assad should not be replaced by fundamentalists. The administration’s policy was contradictory. They wanted Assad to go but the opposition was dominated by extremists. So who was going to replace him? To say Assad’s got to go is fine, but if you follow that through – therefore anyone is better. It’s the “anybody else is better” issue that the JCS had with Obama’s policy,” the unnamed JCS advisor said.

According to a report by Hersh, published in The London Review of Books:

The Joint Chiefs felt that a direct challenge to Obama’s policy would have ‘had a zero chance of success’. So in the autumn of 2013 they decided to take steps against the extremists without going through political channels, by providing US intelligence to the militaries of other nations, on the understanding that it would be passed on to the Syrian army and used against the common enemy, Jabhat al-Nusra and Islamic State.

The impetus behind the military’s action was a highly classified Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report, which made clear that if Assad were to be deposed, Syria would fall into chaos and provide an easy target for Islamic extremists to gain a strong foothold similar to Libya.

According to the report by Hersh:

A former senior adviser to the Joint Chiefs told me that the document was an ‘all-source’ appraisal, drawing on information from signals, satellite and human intelligence, and took a dim view of the Obama administration’s insistence on continuing to finance and arm the so-called moderate rebel groups. By then, the CIA had been conspiring for more than a year with allies in the UK, Saudi Arabia and Qatar to ship guns and goods – to be used for the overthrow of Assad – from Libya, via Turkey, into Syria. The new intelligence estimate singled out Turkey as a major impediment to Obama’s Syria policy. The document showed, the adviser said, ‘that what was started as a covert US programme to arm and support the moderate rebels fighting Assad had been co-opted by Turkey, and had morphed into an across-the-board technical, arms and logistical programme for all of the opposition, including Jabhat al-Nusra and Islamic State. The so-called moderates had evaporated and the Free Syrian Army was a rump group stationed at an airbase in Turkey.’ The assessment was bleak: there was no viable ‘moderate’ opposition to Assad, and the US was arming extremists.

Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, director of the DIA between 2012 and 2014, confirmed that his agency had sent a constant stream of classified warnings to the civilian leadership about the dire consequences of toppling Assad. The jihadists, he said, were in control of the opposition. Turkey wasn’t doing enough to stop the smuggling of foreign fighters and weapons across the border. ‘If the American public saw the intelligence we were producing daily, at the most sensitive level, they would go ballistic,’ Flynn told me.

Read more at Joint Chiefs of Staff Official – US Military Gave Intel to Assad, While CIA Funded & Armed ISIS

This is why so many people support Trump; the current reigning political class needs to be uprooted and replaced with people who are not driveling stupid or insane.
And what precisely do you believe Trump will do to change this?

The article implies the JCS and CIA back stabbed the President didn't it?
This is why so many people support Trump; the current reigning political class needs to be uprooted and replaced with people who are not driveling stupid or insane.

I think you're right about the politics, but wrong about the reasons and Trump not being stupid or insane.

The politicians are making a lot of cash (Bribes) from the arms sales so they aren't stupid, but they are bastards.
Trump is using popularism to gain support from the less educated (Thick idiot) section of the US voter base.
Anyone think that the Manchurian muslim, and his Iranian armpit, Valerie Jarrett DIDN'T know what was going on, is a candidate for a spittoon!
The WH is loaded with Brotherhood operatives that have the Obomanations ear!

Anyone think that the Manchurian muslim, and his Iranian armpit, Valerie Jarrett DIDN'T know what was going on, is a candidate for a spittoon!
The WH is loaded with Brotherhood operatives that have the Obomanations ear!

first, Merry Christmas Vigil! :)


will you please stop with your bull crap and complete and utter lies on Jarrett being an HAVE BEEN corrected before and shown the TRUTH that Jarrett is as American as apple pie and she is NOT and never was an Iranian Muslim.
Anyone think that the Manchurian muslim, and his Iranian armpit, Valerie Jarrett DIDN'T know what was going on, is a candidate for a spittoon!
The WH is loaded with Brotherhood operatives that have the Obomanations ear!

first, Merry Christmas Vigil! :)


will you please stop with your bull crap and complete and utter lies on Jarrett being an HAVE BEEN corrected before and shown the TRUTH that Jarrett is as American as apple pie and she is NOT and never was an Iranian Muslim.
If she were born in the US that would make her American, so why doesnt being born in Iran make her Iranian?

And she refuses to say what her religion is. There must be a reason for that, no?
Anyone think that the Manchurian muslim, and his Iranian armpit, Valerie Jarrett DIDN'T know what was going on, is a candidate for a spittoon!
The WH is loaded with Brotherhood operatives that have the Obomanations ear!

first, Merry Christmas Vigil! :)


will you please stop with your bull crap and complete and utter lies on Jarrett being an HAVE BEEN corrected before and shown the TRUTH that Jarrett is as American as apple pie and she is NOT and never was an Iranian Muslim.

Merry Christmas to you also C4A...But, as usual, when I say something you know it's got back up, this time it's wikipedia, and her bio, If you care to Google them.... You may apologize!

Jarrett was born in Shiraz, Iran, to American parents James E. Bowman and Barbara Taylor Bowman. One of her maternal great-grandfathers, Robert Robinson Taylor, was an architect who is sometimes cited as the first accredited African American architect.

IF and anchor baby is an American, Jarette IS AN IRANIAN!
And what precisely do you believe Trump will do to change this?

Well he has stated he doesnt want to topple Assad, so support for supposed moderate Muslims would go away in Syria from the US at least.

And I doubt he would be as duplicitous as allowing the DoD to undermine his own policies.

The article implies the JCS and CIA back stabbed the President didn't it?

That would be one way of interpreting it.

Another would be that Obama knows both is going on and plays both sides of the coin like the evil Sith he is, lol.

Hersh has opened a can of worms here that could spur the president to unprecedented action.
Obama should launch an immediate investigation and thoroughly examine all parties involved to determine the veracity of Hersh and to validate the allegations. Also, given that Germany, Israel and Russia were the three countries involved in this seditious collaboration behind Obama's back, he might need to reevaluate his "allies."

The architect of this alleged scheme, former chairman of the JCS, now retired, unabashedly usurped the powers of his commander in chief. But retirement does not save him from being re-ordered back to active duty to face Courts Martial.

I suspect this is one of those "good 'ol boy" incidents where militant "conservatives" disenchanted with Obama gather and conspirer to do things out of the public eye. Sort of like plotting the Kennedy assassination.
This time it went international . Were Merkel and Putin aware of it? Maybe not.
Putin has recently announced that he is aligning with the Taliban to fight their common enemy , ISIS... Would he be so eager to make such a commitment knowing the Taliban is an enemy of the USA and risk spoiling the new found relationship with the JCS? You tell me!
Well he has stated he doesnt want to topple Assad, so support for supposed moderate Muslims would go away in Syria from the US at least.

And I doubt he would be as duplicitous as allowing the DoD to undermine his own policies.

Obviouly, +
Trump is already enjoying executive privilege and knew what was going on before Hersh did.
People with lots of money can be friends with anyone, including the JCS.
Anyone think that the Manchurian muslim, and his Iranian armpit, Valerie Jarrett DIDN'T know what was going on, is a candidate for a spittoon!
The WH is loaded with Brotherhood operatives that have the Obomanations ear!

first, Merry Christmas Vigil! :)


will you please stop with your bull crap and complete and utter lies on Jarrett being an HAVE BEEN corrected before and shown the TRUTH that Jarrett is as American as apple pie and she is NOT and never was an Iranian Muslim.
If she were born in the US that would make her American, so why doesnt being born in Iran make her Iranian?

And she refuses to say what her religion is. There must be a reason for that, no?
no, you have to apply for citizenship in Iran if none of your parents are Iranian, she is not an Iranian, BOTH her parents are American BORN.... no one in her family is Muslim, not a one.
Anyone think that the Manchurian muslim, and his Iranian armpit, Valerie Jarrett DIDN'T know what was going on, is a candidate for a spittoon!
The WH is loaded with Brotherhood operatives that have the Obomanations ear!

first, Merry Christmas Vigil! :)


will you please stop with your bull crap and complete and utter lies on Jarrett being an HAVE BEEN corrected before and shown the TRUTH that Jarrett is as American as apple pie and she is NOT and never was an Iranian Muslim.
If she were born in the US that would make her American, so why doesnt being born in Iran make her Iranian?

And she refuses to say what her religion is. There must be a reason for that, no?
no, you have to apply for citizenship in Iran if none of your parents are Iranian, she is not an Iranian, BOTH her parents are American BORN.... no one in her family is Muslim, not a one.
She said SHE WAS AN IRANIAN BY BIRTH, NOT THAT SHE IS A CITIZEN!...But perhaps these will help you out!...But it seems you simply want to BELIEVE in her, just like you want to believe in that corrupt, lying, murderous bitch, Hellary!

Valerie Jarrett is a Muslim and Controls the White House ...
Rumors, hoaxes, and urband legends - TruthorFiction.comvalerie-jarrett-is-a-muslim-and-controls-t...
Senior White House advisor Valerie Jarrett is a Muslim and previously said she wanted to help America become more like Islamic countries. ... “I am a Iranian by birth and of my Islamic faith. ... My faith guides me and I feel like it is going well in the transition of using freedom of ...
FBI Files Show Valerie Jarrett's Hardcore Communist Family
Judicial Watch
Jun 22, 2015 - FBI Files Document Communism in Valerie Jarrett's Family ... to many Communist and extremist groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood.
Is Valerie Jarrett a Muslim who is President Obama's Top ...
Jul 18, 2015 - “VALERIE JARRETT – The Top Muslim in the Top Power Seat – Obama's TOP ADVISOR! I am an Iranian by birth and of my Islamic Faith.
Anyone think that the Manchurian muslim, and his Iranian armpit, Valerie Jarrett DIDN'T know what was going on, is a candidate for a spittoon!
The WH is loaded with Brotherhood operatives that have the Obomanations ear!

first, Merry Christmas Vigil! :)


will you please stop with your bull crap and complete and utter lies on Jarrett being an HAVE BEEN corrected before and shown the TRUTH that Jarrett is as American as apple pie and she is NOT and never was an Iranian Muslim.
If she were born in the US that would make her American, so why doesnt being born in Iran make her Iranian?

And she refuses to say what her religion is. There must be a reason for that, no?
no, you have to apply for citizenship in Iran if none of your parents are Iranian, she is not an Iranian, BOTH her parents are American BORN.... no one in her family is Muslim, not a one.
She said SHE WAS AN IRANIAN BY BIRTH, NOT THAT SHE IS A CITIZEN!...But perhaps these will help you out!...But it seems you simply want to BELIEVE in her, just like you want to believe in that corrupt, lying, murderous bitch, Hellary!

Valerie Jarrett is a Muslim and Controls the White House ...
Rumors, hoaxes, and urband legends - TruthorFiction.comvalerie-jarrett-is-a-muslim-and-controls-t...
Senior White House advisor Valerie Jarrett is a Muslim and previously said she wanted to help America become more like Islamic countries. ... “I am a Iranian by birth and of my Islamic faith. ... My faith guides me and I feel like it is going well in the transition of using freedom of ...
FBI Files Show Valerie Jarrett's Hardcore Communist Family
Judicial Watch
Jun 22, 2015 - FBI Files Document Communism in Valerie Jarrett's Family ... to many Communist and extremist groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood.
Is Valerie Jarrett a Muslim who is President Obama's Top ...
Jul 18, 2015 - “VALERIE JARRETT – The Top Muslim in the Top Power Seat – Obama's TOP ADVISOR! I am an Iranian by birth and of my Islamic Faith.
She NEVER EVER SAID THAT Vigil, it is a made up, fabricated lie, and they don't even have the year she graduated and gave this supposed speech correct....

It's a lie, it has been proven to be a lie, she never said it and there are absolutely no records anywhere of her ever saying such.

she is not an Iranian by birth....she is an American by birth....yes, a natural born citizen.

FALSE: Seeking Derangement
Last edited:
Anyone think that the Manchurian muslim, and his Iranian armpit, Valerie Jarrett DIDN'T know what was going on, is a candidate for a spittoon!
The WH is loaded with Brotherhood operatives that have the Obomanations ear!

first, Merry Christmas Vigil! :)


will you please stop with your bull crap and complete and utter lies on Jarrett being an HAVE BEEN corrected before and shown the TRUTH that Jarrett is as American as apple pie and she is NOT and never was an Iranian Muslim.
If she were born in the US that would make her American, so why doesnt being born in Iran make her Iranian?

And she refuses to say what her religion is. There must be a reason for that, no?
no, you have to apply for citizenship in Iran if none of your parents are Iranian, she is not an Iranian, BOTH her parents are American BORN.... no one in her family is Muslim, not a one.
She said SHE WAS AN IRANIAN BY BIRTH, NOT THAT SHE IS A CITIZEN!...But perhaps these will help you out!...But it seems you simply want to BELIEVE in her, just like you want to believe in that corrupt, lying, murderous bitch, Hellary!

Valerie Jarrett is a Muslim and Controls the White House ...
Rumors, hoaxes, and urband legends - TruthorFiction.comvalerie-jarrett-is-a-muslim-and-controls-t...
Senior White House advisor Valerie Jarrett is a Muslim and previously said she wanted to help America become more like Islamic countries. ... “I am a Iranian by birth and of my Islamic faith. ... My faith guides me and I feel like it is going well in the transition of using freedom of ...
FBI Files Show Valerie Jarrett's Hardcore Communist Family
Judicial Watch
Jun 22, 2015 - FBI Files Document Communism in Valerie Jarrett's Family ... to many Communist and extremist groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood.
Is Valerie Jarrett a Muslim who is President Obama's Top ...
Jul 18, 2015 - “VALERIE JARRETT – The Top Muslim in the Top Power Seat – Obama's TOP ADVISOR! I am an Iranian by birth and of my Islamic Faith.
She NEVER EVER SAID THAT Vigil, it is a made up, fabricated lie, and they don't even have the year she graduated and gave this supposed speech correct....

It's a lie, it has been proven to be a lie, she never said it and there are absolutely no records anywhere of her ever saying such.

she is not an Iranian by birth....she is an American by birth....yes, a natural born citizen.

I suggest then that YOU CHANGE WIKIPEDIA, as it has been ON THAT SITE for YEARS, and NO ONE HAS CORRECTED IT?...... Where is YOUR PROOF she wasn't born in Iran?
first, Merry Christmas Vigil! :)


will you please stop with your bull crap and complete and utter lies on Jarrett being an HAVE BEEN corrected before and shown the TRUTH that Jarrett is as American as apple pie and she is NOT and never was an Iranian Muslim.
If she were born in the US that would make her American, so why doesnt being born in Iran make her Iranian?

And she refuses to say what her religion is. There must be a reason for that, no?
no, you have to apply for citizenship in Iran if none of your parents are Iranian, she is not an Iranian, BOTH her parents are American BORN.... no one in her family is Muslim, not a one.
She said SHE WAS AN IRANIAN BY BIRTH, NOT THAT SHE IS A CITIZEN!...But perhaps these will help you out!...But it seems you simply want to BELIEVE in her, just like you want to believe in that corrupt, lying, murderous bitch, Hellary!

Valerie Jarrett is a Muslim and Controls the White House ...
Rumors, hoaxes, and urband legends - TruthorFiction.comvalerie-jarrett-is-a-muslim-and-controls-t...
Senior White House advisor Valerie Jarrett is a Muslim and previously said she wanted to help America become more like Islamic countries. ... “I am a Iranian by birth and of my Islamic faith. ... My faith guides me and I feel like it is going well in the transition of using freedom of ...
FBI Files Show Valerie Jarrett's Hardcore Communist Family
Judicial Watch
Jun 22, 2015 - FBI Files Document Communism in Valerie Jarrett's Family ... to many Communist and extremist groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood.
Is Valerie Jarrett a Muslim who is President Obama's Top ...
Jul 18, 2015 - “VALERIE JARRETT – The Top Muslim in the Top Power Seat – Obama's TOP ADVISOR! I am an Iranian by birth and of my Islamic Faith.
She NEVER EVER SAID THAT Vigil, it is a made up, fabricated lie, and they don't even have the year she graduated and gave this supposed speech correct....

It's a lie, it has been proven to be a lie, she never said it and there are absolutely no records anywhere of her ever saying such.

she is not an Iranian by birth....she is an American by birth....yes, a natural born citizen.

I suggest then that YOU CHANGE WIKIPEDIA, as it has been ON THAT SITE for YEARS, and NO ONE HAS CORRECTED IT?...... Where is YOUR PROOF she wasn't born in Iran?
FALSE: Seeking Derangement
If she were born in the US that would make her American, so why doesnt being born in Iran make her Iranian?

And she refuses to say what her religion is. There must be a reason for that, no?
no, you have to apply for citizenship in Iran if none of your parents are Iranian, she is not an Iranian, BOTH her parents are American BORN.... no one in her family is Muslim, not a one.
She said SHE WAS AN IRANIAN BY BIRTH, NOT THAT SHE IS A CITIZEN!...But perhaps these will help you out!...But it seems you simply want to BELIEVE in her, just like you want to believe in that corrupt, lying, murderous bitch, Hellary!

Valerie Jarrett is a Muslim and Controls the White House ...
Rumors, hoaxes, and urband legends - TruthorFiction.comvalerie-jarrett-is-a-muslim-and-controls-t...
Senior White House advisor Valerie Jarrett is a Muslim and previously said she wanted to help America become more like Islamic countries. ... “I am a Iranian by birth and of my Islamic faith. ... My faith guides me and I feel like it is going well in the transition of using freedom of ...
FBI Files Show Valerie Jarrett's Hardcore Communist Family
Judicial Watch
Jun 22, 2015 - FBI Files Document Communism in Valerie Jarrett's Family ... to many Communist and extremist groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood.
Is Valerie Jarrett a Muslim who is President Obama's Top ...
Jul 18, 2015 - “VALERIE JARRETT – The Top Muslim in the Top Power Seat – Obama's TOP ADVISOR! I am an Iranian by birth and of my Islamic Faith.
She NEVER EVER SAID THAT Vigil, it is a made up, fabricated lie, and they don't even have the year she graduated and gave this supposed speech correct....

It's a lie, it has been proven to be a lie, she never said it and there are absolutely no records anywhere of her ever saying such.

she is not an Iranian by birth....she is an American by birth....yes, a natural born citizen.

I suggest then that YOU CHANGE WIKIPEDIA, as it has been ON THAT SITE for YEARS, and NO ONE HAS CORRECTED IT?...... Where is YOUR PROOF she wasn't born in Iran?
FALSE: Seeking Derangement

Need to see other SNOPES LIES????
Anyone think that the Manchurian muslim, and his Iranian armpit, Valerie Jarrett DIDN'T know what was going on, is a candidate for a spittoon!
The WH is loaded with Brotherhood operatives that have the Obomanations ear!

first, Merry Christmas Vigil! :)


will you please stop with your bull crap and complete and utter lies on Jarrett being an HAVE BEEN corrected before and shown the TRUTH that Jarrett is as American as apple pie and she is NOT and never was an Iranian Muslim.

Merry Christmas to you also C4A...But, as usual, when I say something you know it's got back up, this time it's wikipedia, and her bio, If you care to Google them.... You may apologize!

Jarrett was born in Shiraz, Iran, to American parents James E. Bowman and Barbara Taylor Bowman. One of her maternal great-grandfathers, Robert Robinson Taylor, was an architect who is sometimes cited as the first accredited African American architect.

IF and anchor baby is an American, Jarette IS AN IRANIAN!
In any case, Jarret left Iran when she was 5 years old. That was before the first grade. Obviously you think from birth to five year old is enough time to be indoctrinated by Muslims.
I don't buy that and neither does anyone else who clings to sanity. Note: Jarrett never made any overtures towards the Nation of Islam nor any other Islamic American groups. She married a Christian. You are busted.
The Military takes an Oath to "Protect and Defend the United States against ALL enemies Foreign AND Domestic".

The US Government, whether you wanna' believe it or not, is infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood. Many in the Military look at Obama as a Domestic Enemy.

You people who think the Military is just there to "blindly obey orders" are dead wrong.

You wanna' support the Military? Support those Active Duty Members who speak out like this.

BONUS RESEARCH: Google "Smedly Butler" and what HE went through.

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