OMG, CIA *was* arming ISIS While DoD was Supporting Assad

Fortunately for us, the United States is a representative democracy where the people elect leaders to make decisions that affect all of us. The President of the USA is representative of the "Will of the People" and the Commander-In Chief of the armed forces that guard our country. If we lose that vision we lose it all. A bunch of military renegades with stars on their shoulders doesn't put them above the Constitution or the law.
Moreover, Obama isn't acting alone. He evaluates foreign policy through the eyes of the CIA and other government intelligentsia. The decision to work towards the removal of Assad in Syria was not made lightly. Obama's foreign policy advisors and the CIA are instrumental in his publicly announcing his goal

Apparently, the former head of the JCS, Martin Dempsey, thought differently and favored the retention of Assad. When and if he acted contrary to the stated policies of the US president he was in direct violation of the UCMJ and other laws regarding sedition.

But wait! Where is the Secretary of Defense, Ash Carter? Where is the voice of the Senate chairman of th a Armed forces services committee, John McCain? These guys should know what is going on.why haven't they spoken out about it.
Granny says, "Dat's right - ya never know how things gonna turn out...

... like dat Cuban guy we supported...

... an' den he turned out to be Castro...

... an' dem mujahadeen in Afghanistan...

... an' now dey attackin' us...

... ya just never know how things gonna turn out.
The big question not asked of Obama is; why has he supported ISIS and other groups trying overthrow the secular Assad. Has he learned nothing from the American interventions in Libya and Iraq? Who within the American oligarchy is behind this effort to take out Assad? Why does the power elite want the ME in perpetual chaos?

His actions in Syria should reflect poorly on him, but since the American media is not reporting the truth, most Americans are clueless. Much like his blatant coup in Ukraine, the American public know little of his heinous actions in Syria.

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