OMG!!! Every Week We Discover That Trump Wasn't Lying About Something Else

The problem with all these leftists here is that they are all liars.
I don't that's their problem. Lies are just tools to them to get what they want. They are Evil. Immoral, Unethical. It's all a game to them. They have Zero Integrity and Zero Remorse.

Liberal DemNazis are Sociopaths in their approach to morality and agendas. Rigging an election is no different than murdering Seth Rich or turning The Government on a Citizen to spy on them and then to falsely and knowingly prosecute them with a LIE under the cover of Russian Collusion that they themselves funded.

Leftism-Globalism is a religion and they are foaming at the Mouth Irredeemable Evil Religious Zealots.
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Well. Guess what? I fixed them for you. You had 80% correct.

Undeniable facts:
  • There is no evidence where COVID started
  • There is no evidence of election fraud
  • Trump was a Russian asset or stooge
  • Trump's comments on Charlottesville were racist
  • Trump insulted the troops
  • Trump used tear gas on protesters in DC
  • The border is fucked up and Trump didn’t fix it, Biden will.
  • Trump mishandled the COVID crisis
  • Obama didn't wiretap the Trump campaign
  • Trump's comments about illegals is racist
  • Trump is a Xenophobe for banning flights from China
  • Masks will help prevent the spread of COVID along with social distancing
  • Trump lied 30,000 times or more
  • Biden has to fix the 'Damage' Trump caused in this country
  • America has some systemic racism evidence in the numbers for sure
Your problem is none of those are facts, rather they are flights of fantasy borne of 4 years of butt hurt.
Which one isn’t True?
For the sake of brevity, I will ask you which one is? It's purely a rhetorical question since you obviously have no answer.
Tear gas was used on protesters so Trump could hold up someone else’s Bible upside down at a church he never attended after hiding in his bunker.

You know exactly what I meant. Disingenousness, I find repulsive.
Every news room in America needs to be cleared out and re to bottom...the USA news media has zero credibility....they talk and we roll our eyes....
It is just absolutely criminal what CNN and the other sleaze do. People are dying in drowning crime now because of them.

As long as the crime remains in shit holes I'm all good with it and for it.

When it leaves the shit holes, the shit will be flying
Lead too.
Every week, Wingnuts repeat their crazy conspiracy theories to each other and actually start to believe them.
And Trump is racist, as is muddy, his policies benefitted Russia, he insulted the troops and intelligence agencies, masks did slow covid and Trump's team used pepper balls on BLM in Lafayatte Sq, and there is no evidence the election was "stolen." LOL
Every week, Wingnuts repeat their crazy conspiracy theories to each other and actually start to believe them.
And Trump is racist, as is muddy, his policies benefitted Russia, he insulted the troops and intelligence agencies, masks did slow covid and Trump's team used pepper balls on BLM in Lafayatte Sq, and there is no evidence the election was "stolen." LOL
We know who the racists are--"If you don't vote for Joe Biden, you ain't black." Trump said that, right? WRONG. Dementia Joe Biden did, your babbling messiah.
The list LIES is long...starting with these

  • COVID started in a wet-market
This one isn't a lie. It's not yet conclusively proven - nor is any other theory. China's lack of transparency and cooperation makes determining the origins difficult.

  • There is no evidence of election fraud
Not a lie. We have a lot of electoral checks and balances and means of addressing concerns and allegations - claims of fraud failed at each point: local officials, recounts, DoJ investigations, courts.
  • Trump was a Russian asset
That would be a lie but who claimed that?
  • Trump's comments on Charlottesville were racist
That's not a lie, it's a matter of opinion.
  • Trump insulted the troops
  • Trump used tear gas on protesters in DC
That one doesn't seem to be a lie either.
  • The border is secure
Who said that?
  • Trump mishandled the COVID crisis
That too is a matter of opinion, not a lie.
  • Obama didn't wiretap the Trump campaign
That's not a lie. He didn't.
  • Trump's comments about illegals is racist
Not a lie, again, a matter of opinion.
  • Trump is a Xenophobe for banning flights from China
That one isn't a lie because he wasn't called a xenophobe for that. The xenophobe comment was relating to his other flight ban attempts. The claim itself is a lie :lol:
  • Masks will prevent the spread of COVID
Also not a lie - there is broadspread and verified scientific consensus that masks reduce the spread.
  • Trump lied 30,000 times
Probably true but even if not - he has lied so often, counting isn't worth it.
  • Biden has to fix the 'Damage' Trump caused in this country
Not a lie, again, opinion
  • America today is guilty of systemic racism
Jury is out on that one - it's part of the current national conversation.

This list of lies is largely not.
This one isn't a lie. It's not yet conclusively proven
Well, it is conclusively proven or it is a lie--you contradict yourself as often as Fauci does.
That's not a lie, it's a matter of opinion.
Opinion is not truth. Therefore, your assertion that it is not a lie is a matter of opinion.
That one isn't a lie because he wasn't called a xenophobe for that.
Now you are trying to change one lie into another. Trump did not ban muslims. That would make you a liar.

Bottom line, is you and the democrats are lying at worst and purposely misleading at best.
Every week, Wingnuts repeat their crazy conspiracy theories to each other and actually start to believe them.
And Trump is racist, as is muddy, his policies benefitted Russia, he insulted the troops and intelligence agencies, masks did slow covid and Trump's team used pepper balls on BLM in Lafayatte Sq, and there is no evidence the election was "stolen." LOL
We all know you are the racist. That is why your party walked out on Election Reform that would guarantee the poor, and unfortunate's votes would count, and that no one could switch or steal their vote.

And Russian Collusion? We know that it was Obama Bin Spying, Hillary Rotten Clinton, Hiden Biden who paid Putin for the Fake Dirty Dossier, and then knowingly filed false lying affidavits in FISA to illegally spy on American Citizens and a Presidential Candidate and then had THE FBI bold face lied to America when they tried to railroad the Honorable General Flynn for the very thing John Kerry was doing every day. Then you DemNazi SS Pigs got Mad Moscow Mueller and his Soviet Henchmen to try to make false charges stick against an innocent man and our duly elected President.

And when that didn't work, you Colluded with the CCP, WHO, Dr. Faucci and the CCP, and Dominion to rig the 2020 Election.

Joe Biden is a Fraud.

Name the last time there was an Honest Democrat that wasn't owned by Russia or China that ran for president. You can't unless you want to talk about JFK who was the Last American Democrat, and his own party killed him.

Your Party is a Fraud too!
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A day that will live in infamy, no matter what the GQP thinks​

Every week, Wingnuts repeat their crazy conspiracy theories to each other and actually start to believe them.
And Trump is racist, as is muddy, his policies benefitted Russia, he insulted the troops and intelligence agencies, masks did slow covid and Trump's team used pepper balls on BLM in Lafayatte Sq, and there is no evidence the election was "stolen." LOL
another liar 1.jpg
How many lies was Trump accused of by the media that have turned out to be not lies....but 100% correct?

So far we have discovered (because the media is issuing quiet behind the scenes retractions) that several stories that the media pushed down our throats were simply made up to take back the WH or to make Trump look like a liar/racist/homophobe. The list of media/Democrat lies is long:

  • COVID started in a wet-market
  • There is no evidence of election fraud
  • Trump was a Russian asset
  • Trump's comments on Charlottesville were racist
  • Trump insulted the troops
  • Trump used tear gas on protesters in DC
  • The border is secure
  • Trump mishandled the COVID crisis
  • Obama didn't wiretap the Trump campaign
  • Trump's comments about illegals is racist
  • Trump is a Xenophobe for banning flights from China
  • Masks will prevent the spread of COVID
  • Trump lied 30,000 times
  • Biden has to fix the 'Damage' Trump caused in this country
  • America today is guilty of systemic racism
It's getting more and more difficult to research the truth online because the left is taking control of every search engine and every platform, shutting down platforms that cover all of the news. Hunter Biden wasn't allowed to be discussed before the election. It also seems to becoming evident that every accusation that Democrats made against Trump turned out to be something one of them was guilty of. This is a common theme with Democrats.

Karl Marx: “Accuse Your Enemy Of What You Are Doing, As You Are Doing It To Create Confusion”​

Accuse your enemies first of that which you yourself are guilty of and it will provide confusion as well as a form of inoculation from the act. It puts your enemy on defense and doesn't allow them to accuse you of what you are actually doing.

I remember Obama would constantly send out presidential memorandums to us when I was working for the Dept of the Army. One of them addressed Human-Trafficking. Now why would Obama send out a memo on Human-Trafficking to us pee-ons in the lower levels of government?'s because that's what he was doing....and he wanted to head off any accusations. This is Marxism 101.


Those statements about trump as a liar are true. He is a liar or misinformed at best and has been a grifter all his life.
Trump never lied.....he may have gotten things wrong we all do but he never lied to us...
As sure as Mexico paid for the wall!!!!!
Well.....they had to take care of all of those people waiting to get in because of the wall......they paid for just depends on how you want to look at it.
You see Mexico paying for the wall, and I see Tramp stealing $18.4 billion from the Pentagon budget to pay for it.
Trump never lied.....he may have gotten things wrong we all do but he never lied to us...
As sure as Mexico paid for the wall!!!!!
Well.....they had to take care of all of those people waiting to get in because of the wall......they paid for just depends on how you want to look at it.
You see Mexico paying for the wall, and I see Tramp stealing $18.4 billion from the Pentagon budget to pay for it.
You don't see shit other than what the media feeds you.
Trump never lied.....he may have gotten things wrong we all do but he never lied to us...
As sure as Mexico paid for the wall!!!!!
exactly, shit stain....mexico kept the illegals in their country, instead of AMERICA paying for the really are pathetic
TrumpNAZIS can rationalize any LIE Tramp feeds them.
So keeping people in Mexico instead of paying for the wall is paying for the wall. :cuckoo:
If Mexico is keeping people in Mexico, what do we need a wall for?
Trump never lied.....he may have gotten things wrong we all do but he never lied to us...
As sure as Mexico paid for the wall!!!!!
Well.....they had to take care of all of those people waiting to get in because of the wall......they paid for just depends on how you want to look at it.
You see Mexico paying for the wall, and I see Tramp stealing $18.4 billion from the Pentagon budget to pay for it.
You don't see shit other than what the media feeds you.
You EAT the SHIT Tramp feeds you, and then you beg for more.
Trump never lied.....he may have gotten things wrong we all do but he never lied to us...
As sure as Mexico paid for the wall!!!!!
Well.....they had to take care of all of those people waiting to get in because of the wall......they paid for just depends on how you want to look at it.
You see Mexico paying for the wall, and I see Tramp stealing $18.4 billion from the Pentagon budget to pay for it.
You don't see shit other than what the media feeds you.
You EAT the SHIT Tramp feeds you, and then you beg for more.
I've never spoken to Trump. Is this coming from the voices in your head again?
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That is why your party walked out on Election Reform that would guarantee the poor, and unfortunate's votes would count, and that no one could switch or steal their vote.
And how exactly does banning Sunday voting before 1:00 o'clock PM do that?????
Well. Guess what? I fixed them for you. You had 80% correct.

Undeniable facts:
  • There is no evidence where COVID started
  • There is no evidence of meaningful election fraud in any modern presidential election... ever.
  • Trump was a Russian asset or stooge
  • Trump's comments on Charlottesville were racist
  • Trump insulted the troops
  • Trump used tear gas on protesters in DC
  • The border is fucked up and Trump didn’t fix it, Biden will.
  • Trump mishandled the COVID crisis
  • Obama didn't wiretap the Trump campaign
  • Trump's comments about illegals is racist
  • Trump is a Xenophobe and never banned flights from China
  • Masks will help prevent the spread of COVID along with social distancing
  • Trump lied 30,000 times or more
  • Biden has to fix the 'Damage' Trump caused in this country
  • America has some systemic racism evidence in the numbers for sure
You are one delusional TDS afflicted moron.

Everything he posted is a verifiable fact. Everything you've been told by the billionaire owned right wing media, is a provable lie.
  • COVID started in a wet-market
  • There is no evidence of election fraud
  • Trump was a Russian asset
  • Trump's comments on Charlottesville were racist
  • Trump insulted the troops
  • Trump used tear gas on protesters in DC
  • The border is secure
  • Trump mishandled the COVID crisis
  • Obama didn't wiretap the Trump campaign
  • Trump's comments about illegals is racist
  • Trump is a Xenophobe for banning flights from China
  • Masks will prevent the spread of COVID
  • Trump lied 30,000 times
  • Biden has to fix the 'Damage' Trump caused in this country
  • America today is guilty of systemic racism

Actually time has confirmed them to be true.

  • There is no evidence of election fraud
  • Trump [Manafort] was a Russian asset
  • Trump's comments on Charlottesville were racist [on both sides]
  • Trump insulted the troops [Flynns son]
  • Trump mishandled the COVID crisis [570,000 dead]
  • Obama didn't wiretap the Trump campaign
  • Trump's comments about illegals is racist [rapists and drug dealers]
  • Trump is a Xenophobe for banning flights from China
  • Masks will prevent the spread of COVID [by over 50%]
  • Trump lied 30,000 times [35,000 times]
  • Biden has to fix the 'Damage' Trump caused in this country [50% vaccinated]

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