OMG!!! Every Week We Discover That Trump Wasn't Lying About Something Else

[*]There is no evidence where COVID started
[*]There is no evidence of meaningful election fraud in any modern presidential election... ever.
[*]Trump was a Russian asset or stooge
FALSE - Someone is utterly confused
[*]Trump's comments on Charlottesville were racist
[*]Trump insulted the troops
FALSE & Pure Bullshit
[*]Trump used tear gas on protesters in DC
[*]The border is fucked up and Trump didn’t fix it, Biden will.
[*]Trump mishandled the COVID crisis
[*]Obama didn't wiretap the Trump campaign
[*]Trump's comments about illegals is racist
[*]Trump is a Xenophobe and never banned flights from China
[*]Masks will help prevent the spread of COVID along with social distancing
[*]Trump lied 30,000 times or more
[*]Biden has to fix the 'Damage' Trump caused in this country
FALSE - Biden can't wipe his own ass without help
[*]America has some systemic racism evidence in the numbers for sure

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Trump never lied.....he may have gotten things wrong we all do but he never lied to us....
So ewe are saying that Mexico paid for the wall and tRump gave us health care that was better than the ACA at a fraction of the cost? Is that what ewe are saying?
Trump even said that he would use his "Art of the Deal" skills in order to get it done.
Trump never lied.....he may have gotten things wrong we all do but he never lied to us....

So ewe are saying that Mexico paid for the wall and tRump gave us health care that was better than the ACA at a fraction of the cost? Is that what ewe are saying?
Yeah, Mexico paid for “the wall”, all 6 feet of it.
“I’ll have 3 tacos, an enchilada and oh yeah, put that wall on my bill, amigo”
“That’ll be $7 and 25 cents Senior”

As far as the ACA goes, Donny did something in that regard and he deserves props for it, he planted the seeds for its implosion, which is good, it was a POS law that neither side was happy with anyways.
Trump mishandled the COVID crisis [570,000 dead
Refusing to wear a mask, advocating herd immunity, playing down the danger, saying it would go away by Easter 2020.
  • Trump wore a mask....he just didn't do it for the cameras like Sleepy Joe did. So that's a total lie.
  • Trump didn't play down the danger when he banned flights from China....yet Biden did play down the danger by calling him a Xenophobe for doing so.
  • Trump didn't say it would go away by Easter. He was simply saying he hoped it would be gone in a few months. The fact remains he took advice from Dr Fauci.
  • VP Pence was tasked with handling the COVID if anyone was Mike Pence.
Well. Guess what? I fixed them for you. You had 80% correct.

Undeniable facts:
  • There is no evidence where COVID started
  • There is no evidence of meaningful election fraud in any modern presidential election... ever.
  • Trump was a Russian asset or stooge
  • Trump's comments on Charlottesville were racist
  • Trump insulted the troops
  • Trump used tear gas on protesters in DC
  • The border is fucked up and Trump didn’t fix it, Biden will.
  • Trump mishandled the COVID crisis
  • Obama didn't wiretap the Trump campaign
  • Trump's comments about illegals is racist
  • Trump is a Xenophobe and never banned flights from China
  • Masks will help prevent the spread of COVID along with social distancing
  • Trump lied 30,000 times or more
  • Biden has to fix the 'Damage' Trump caused in this country
  • America has some systemic racism evidence in the numbers for sure
Put the magic meth pipe down little buddy
How many lies was Trump accused of by the media that have turned out to be not lies....but 100% correct?

So far we have discovered (because the media is issuing quiet behind the scenes retractions) that several stories that the media pushed down our throats were simply made up to take back the WH or to make Trump look like a liar/racist/homophobe. The list of media/Democrat lies is long:

  • COVID started in a wet-market
  • There is no evidence of election fraud
  • Trump was a Russian asset
  • Trump's comments on Charlottesville were racist
  • Trump insulted the troops
  • Trump used tear gas on protesters in DC
  • The border is secure
  • Trump mishandled the COVID crisis
  • Obama didn't wiretap the Trump campaign
  • Trump's comments about illegals is racist
  • Trump is a Xenophobe for banning flights from China
  • Masks will prevent the spread of COVID
  • Trump lied 30,000 times
  • Biden has to fix the 'Damage' Trump caused in this country
  • America today is guilty of systemic racism
It's getting more and more difficult to research the truth online because the left is taking control of every search engine and every platform, shutting down platforms that cover all of the news. Hunter Biden wasn't allowed to be discussed before the election. It also seems to becoming evident that every accusation that Democrats made against Trump turned out to be something one of them was guilty of. This is a common theme with Democrats.

Karl Marx: “Accuse Your Enemy Of What You Are Doing, As You Are Doing It To Create Confusion”​

Accuse your enemies first of that which you yourself are guilty of and it will provide confusion as well as a form of inoculation from the act. It puts your enemy on defense and doesn't allow them to accuse you of what you are actually doing.

I remember Obama would constantly send out presidential memorandums to us when I was working for the Dept of the Army. One of them addressed Human-Trafficking. Now why would Obama send out a memo on Human-Trafficking to us pee-ons in the lower levels of government?'s because that's what he was doing....and he wanted to head off any accusations. This is Marxism 101.


Nice job!!!
Every news room in America needs to be cleared out and re to bottom...the USA news media has zero credibility....they talk and we roll our eyes....
What the press did is worse than that. Before they die, they will be the first to understand that under total controlling, lying, cheating, stealing, extorting, and betraying the American voters of their say at the polls, they will lose their freedom of speech when they can no longer tell others the truth by ruthless psychopaths killing many innocent people rather than peacefully protesting.

The Democrat Party has gone mad with power. And that's what I think. God help us.

There is a remedy for that.......but Americans are too chickenshit to defend their own freedom.
God won't help because Christians did not uphold his commandments and instead turned a blind eye to abortion, child rape and pornography etc
(you probably have a Netflix or YouTube TV subscription...or at least still use Facebook / Twitter) SIN!

The Left plague and fall of America and plunge into poverty and suffering is God's punishment to Christians for their failures.
Well. Guess what? I fixed them for you. You had 80% correct.

Undeniable facts:
  • There is no evidence where COVID started
  • There is no evidence of meaningful election fraud in any modern presidential election... ever.
  • Trump was a Russian asset or stooge
  • Trump's comments on Charlottesville were racist
  • Trump insulted the troops
  • Trump used tear gas on protesters in DC
  • The border is fucked up and Trump didn’t fix it, Biden will.
  • Trump mishandled the COVID crisis
  • Obama didn't wiretap the Trump campaign
  • Trump's comments about illegals is racist
  • Trump is a Xenophobe and never banned flights from China
  • Masks will help prevent the spread of COVID along with social distancing
  • Trump lied 30,000 times or more
  • Biden has to fix the 'Damage' Trump caused in this country
  • America has some systemic racism evidence in the numbers for sure
Put the magic meth pipe down little buddy
You call the BS "undeniable facts" you are one stupid broad.
Trump mishandled the COVID crisis [570,000 dead
Refusing to wear a mask, advocating herd immunity, playing down the danger, saying it would go away by Easter 2020.
  • Trump wore a mask....he just didn't do it for the cameras like Sleepy Joe did. So that's a total lie.
  • Trump didn't play down the danger when he banned flights from China....yet Biden did play down the danger by calling him a Xenophobe for doing so.
  • Trump didn't say it would go away by Easter. He was simply saying he hoped it would be gone in a few months. The fact remains he took advice from Dr Fauci.
  • VP Pence was tasked with handling the COVID if anyone was Mike Pence.
Nor is there any proof masks stop a virus
For the leftist useful idiots that defile America, if they dislike someone, then all accusations of malfeasance lodged against that person are automatically true.
Refusing to wear a mask, advocating herd immunity, playing down the danger, saying it would go away by Easter 2020.
  • Trump wore a mask....he just didn't do it for the cameras like Sleepy Joe did. So that's a total lie.
  • Trump didn't play down the danger when he banned flights from China....yet Biden did play down the danger by calling him a Xenophobe for doing so.
  • Trump didn't say it would go away by Easter. He was simply saying he hoped it would be gone in a few months. The fact remains he took advice from Dr Fauci.
  • VP Pence was tasked with handling the COVID if anyone was Mike Pence.
Trump refused to wear a mask, he even said that publicly. The only time Trump wore a mask is when powers greater than his forced him to. Such as when visiting Ford, or when he was released from Walter Reed.

And for when Covid would dissapear "magically"

'It's going to disappear':
A timeline of Trump's claims that Covid-19 will vanish

You know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat — as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April.

It’s going to go away, hopefully at the end of the month. And, if not, hopefully it will be soon after that.

And I think we are going to be very good with the coronavirus. I think that, at some point, that’s going to sort of just disappear, I hope.

This thing’s going away. It will go away like things go away…

And as soon as the plague is gone — we have vaccines coming, we have therapeutics coming, and it’s going to be gone. And it’s gonna be gone soon.
Well. Guess what? I fixed them for you. You had 80% correct.

Undeniable facts:
  • There is no evidence where COVID started
  • There is no evidence of meaningful election fraud in any modern presidential election... ever.
  • Trump was a Russian asset or stooge
  • Trump's comments on Charlottesville were racist
  • Trump insulted the troops
  • Trump used tear gas on protesters in DC
  • The border is fucked up and Trump didn’t fix it, Biden will.
  • Trump mishandled the COVID crisis
  • Obama didn't wiretap the Trump campaign
  • Trump's comments about illegals is racist
  • Trump is a Xenophobe and never banned flights from China
  • Masks will help prevent the spread of COVID along with social distancing
  • Trump lied 30,000 times or more
  • Biden has to fix the 'Damage' Trump caused in this country
  • America has some systemic racism evidence in the numbers for sure
Put the magic meth pipe down little buddy
You call the BS "undeniable facts" you are one stupid broad.
You do know my AV is Katie Sepich You illegal rapist killer Mexican, right?
Trump never lied.....he may have gotten things wrong we all do but he never lied to us...
As sure as Mexico paid for the wall!!!!!
exactly, shit stain....mexico kept the illegals in their country, instead of AMERICA paying for the really are pathetic
TrumpNAZIS can rationalize any LIE Tramp feeds them.
So keeping people in Mexico instead of paying for the wall is paying for the wall. :cuckoo:
If Mexico is keeping people in Mexico, what do we need a wall for?
How can you call us Nazis when the socialists like you and the democrat party resemble the Nazis party so closely...have the guts to say what you are....Nazis were socialists that cancelled people beat people up burned cities and ended up killing an entire generation of people....your party is right on Hitler's track....wake up....
Refusing to wear a mask, advocating herd immunity, playing down the danger, saying it would go away by Easter 2020.
  • Trump wore a mask....he just didn't do it for the cameras like Sleepy Joe did. So that's a total lie.
  • Trump didn't play down the danger when he banned flights from China....yet Biden did play down the danger by calling him a Xenophobe for doing so.
  • Trump didn't say it would go away by Easter. He was simply saying he hoped it would be gone in a few months. The fact remains he took advice from Dr Fauci.
  • VP Pence was tasked with handling the COVID if anyone was Mike Pence.
Trump refused to wear a mask, he even said that publicly. The only time Trump wore a mask is when powers greater than his forced him to. Such as when visiting Ford, or when he was released from Walter Reed.

And for when Covid would dissapear "magically"

'It's going to disappear':
A timeline of Trump's claims that Covid-19 will vanish

You know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat — as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April.

It’s going to go away, hopefully at the end of the month. And, if not, hopefully it will be soon after that.

And I think we are going to be very good with the coronavirus. I think that, at some point, that’s going to sort of just disappear, I hope.

This thing’s going away. It will go away like things go away…

And as soon as the plague is gone — we have vaccines coming, we have therapeutics coming, and it’s going to be gone. And it’s gonna be gone soon.

Trump was conjecturing, not prophesying. Why can't you guys be honest?
Refusing to wear a mask, advocating herd immunity, playing down the danger, saying it would go away by Easter 2020.
  • Trump wore a mask....he just didn't do it for the cameras like Sleepy Joe did. So that's a total lie.
  • Trump didn't play down the danger when he banned flights from China....yet Biden did play down the danger by calling him a Xenophobe for doing so.
  • Trump didn't say it would go away by Easter. He was simply saying he hoped it would be gone in a few months. The fact remains he took advice from Dr Fauci.
  • VP Pence was tasked with handling the COVID if anyone was Mike Pence.
Trump refused to wear a mask, he even said that publicly. The only time Trump wore a mask is when powers greater than his forced him to. Such as when visiting Ford, or when he was released from Walter Reed.

And for when Covid would dissapear "magically"

'It's going to disappear':
A timeline of Trump's claims that Covid-19 will vanish

You know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat — as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April.

It’s going to go away, hopefully at the end of the month. And, if not, hopefully it will be soon after that.

And I think we are going to be very good with the coronavirus. I think that, at some point, that’s going to sort of just disappear, I hope.

This thing’s going away. It will go away like things go away…

And as soon as the plague is gone — we have vaccines coming, we have therapeutics coming, and it’s going to be gone. And it’s gonna be gone soon.
On the bright side, those statements were an improvement from when he said COVID wasn’t a “serious problem”.

The power of wishful thinking hard at work. ;)
Well. Guess what? I fixed them for you. You had 80% correct.

Undeniable facts:
  • There is no evidence where COVID started
  • There is no evidence of election fraud
  • Trump was a Russian asset or stooge
  • Trump's comments on Charlottesville were racist
  • Trump insulted the troops
  • Trump used tear gas on protesters in DC
  • The border is fucked up and Trump didn’t fix it, Biden will.
  • Trump mishandled the COVID crisis
  • Obama didn't wiretap the Trump campaign
  • Trump's comments about illegals is racist
  • Trump is a Xenophobe for banning flights from China
  • Masks will help prevent the spread of COVID along with social distancing
  • Trump lied 30,000 times or more
  • Biden has to fix the 'Damage' Trump caused in this country
  • America has some systemic racism evidence in the numbers for sure
Your problem is none of those are facts, rather they are flights of fantasy borne of 4 years of butt hurt.
Which one isn’t True?
For the sake of brevity, I will ask you which one is? It's purely a rhetorical question since you obviously have no answer.
Tear gas was used on protesters so Trump could hold up someone else’s Bible upside down at a church he never attended after hiding in his bunker.

You really need to keep more current.

Helps if you try reading and following the news, instead of grabbing a favorite talking point and then mindlessly shouting it forever after. Moron.

A day that will live in infamy, no matter what the GQP thinks​


You might want to learn the meaning of the word "infamy", because it doesn't mean, "We're going to keep screaming about how it's the only awful thing that has EVER happened."

I'll see your "January 6" and raise you a "2020", Sparkles. Whatever happens, we are and always have been vastly better people than you could ever be. Save your "moral" posturing for someone stupid enough to think you have morals.

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