OMG!!! Every Week We Discover That Trump Wasn't Lying About Something Else

Well. Guess what? I fixed them for you. You had 80% correct.

Undeniable facts:
  • There is no evidence where COVID started
  • There is no evidence of meaningful election fraud in any modern presidential election... ever.
  • Trump was a Russian asset or stooge
  • Trump's comments on Charlottesville were racist
  • Trump insulted the troops
  • Trump used tear gas on protesters in DC
  • The border is fucked up and Trump didn’t fix it, Biden will.
  • Trump mishandled the COVID crisis
  • Obama didn't wiretap the Trump campaign
  • Trump's comments about illegals is racist
  • Trump is a Xenophobe and never banned flights from China
  • Masks will help prevent the spread of COVID along with social distancing
  • Trump lied 30,000 times or more
  • Biden has to fix the 'Damage' Trump caused in this country
  • America has some systemic racism evidence in the numbers for sure

Only a leftist would think, "Well, I'll just change his list of our debunked lies to repeat those lies, and THIS time they'll magically become true".
Only a dimwit would see a list of righty lies and call them debunked. Either everyone in the world is in on the coverups or you’re a dimwit. Those are the only two choices.

Only a dimwit would say his lies haven't been debunked simply because he doesn't read the news other than his daily talking points memo.

And no, those aren't the only choices. The third choice is that there is no "cover-up", it's just that you're an uninformed loser who thinks his ignorance is the sum total of all information.
Every week, Wingnuts repeat their crazy conspiracy theories to each other and actually start to believe them.

And every week the other side posts dumbass posts with no actual proof to backup their claims that "orange man bad and old racist fuck is awesome".

Both sides are idiots that just post nonsense in a immature attempt at getting the other mad.

You're just as bad. You're the pot calling the kettle black.
Trump never lied about keeping your doctor if you liked your doctor.
Trump never lied about a youtube video killing an Ambassador.
This is the interesting part. Trump told 35,000 lies and you can only point to the lies of Obama that can be counted on one hand.
But you mention them 35,000 times.
Counting is obviously not one of your advanced skill sets.
:hhello:When did counting become an ADVANCED skill set?
mudwhistle said:

A "Mussolini made the trains run on time!", sugar-coated, nostalgia party of false memories!

I'll play along! Here's just a few easy ones:
  1. Trump built his "big, beautiful wall!" that he made Mexico pay for just like he promised!
  2. Trump repealed 'ObamaCare' and replaced it with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!" at "less cost!"
  3. Trump had the pandemic "under control!" as there were "very few with it" and "everybody's getting better!"
  4. Trump revived American manufacturing jobs!
  5. Trump resurrected the steel industry!
  6. Trump brought back coal mining!
  7. Trump wiped out the national debt!
  8. Trump won re-election "in a LANDSLIDE!"
Wow. We could have a jolly good time with this frolicsome diversion for hours!
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  • Trump mishandled the COVID crisis
Did you get your vaccine yet? If you did, thank Trump.

Without Operation Warp Speed there would be no vaccine available.

It generally takes 10-15 years for a vaccine to be rolled out to the American public and the previous record is the mumps vaccine which took 4 years. Trump shattered that record. A mere 4 months after the announcement of OWS, Americans were getting vaccinated.

How did Trump's genius approach pull off this unprecedented miracle?

Trump's Operation Warp Speed called for clinical trials, manufacturing, and logistics to be conducted on a parallel basis rather than a sequential basis. And at the same time purchased large quantities of several different vaccine types that were undergoing clinical trials, regardless of the trial outcomes.

It's an extremely innovative approach that has saved countless American lives. Everybody who has gotten vaccinated owes Trump a debt of gratitude.
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Trump never lied about keeping your doctor if you liked your doctor.
Trump never lied about a youtube video killing an Ambassador.
This is the interesting part. Trump told 35,000 lies and you can only point to the lies of Obama that can be counted on one hand.
But you mention them 35,000 times.
Counting is obviously not one of your advanced skill sets.
:hhello:When did counting become an ADVANCED skill set?

4th grade.
They ALL lie, every president lies and has lied and distorted things. If you elect wealthy people that's what you get.....lies.
This one isn't a lie. It's not yet conclusively proven
Well, it is conclusively proven or it is a lie--you contradict yourself as often as Fauci does.
That's not a lie, it's a matter of opinion.
Opinion is not truth. Therefore, your assertion that it is not a lie is a matter of opinion.
That one isn't a lie because he wasn't called a xenophobe for that.
Now you are trying to change one lie into another. Trump did not ban muslims. That would make you a liar.

Bottom line, is you and the democrats are lying at worst and purposely misleading at best.
Opinion is opinion, and when it's on something subjective - it's not a lie. If you, in my opinion, are ugly - is that truth or lie? It's a purely subjective opinion

Xenophobe lie. The only lie there was Trump's (add it to his 30,000 tally).

Dems don't need to do much misleading when the Trumplicans provide such a rich playing field.
Did you get your vaccine yet? If you did, thank Trump.

Without Operation Warp Speed there would be no vaccine available.

It generally takes 10-15 years for a vaccine to be rolled out to the American public and the previous record is the mumps vaccine which took 4 years. Trump shattered that record. A mere 4 months after the announcement of OWS, Americans were getting vaccinated.

The first vaccine approved for use in the US was from Pfizer, who did not take any money from operation warp speed. It was financed by Germany, so in actuallity you should thank Angela Merkel for creating the first approved vaccine.
That is why your party walked out on Election Reform that would guarantee the poor, and unfortunate's votes would count, and that no one could switch or steal their vote.
And how exactly does banning Sunday voting before 1:00 o'clock PM do that?????

Yes. This is one I really want to hear the answer on - HOW DOES IT IMPROVE ELECTION SECURITY!
Christians turned their back on God.

They have systemically turned their back on abortion, pornography and use their churches to collect personal wealth.
It was expected that Christians not subscribe to Hollywood which peddles pure sin, yet "Christians" continue to flock to Hollywood movies and support Netflix which openly commits sin.
They have remained silent as Gods words are removed from public places. They do nothing as Satanists erect Satanic worship symbols in public buildings.

God is not happy. Want proof? Look around. You are losing your nation and your freedom. Your babies are being murdered.
Christians are so naive as to believe that they can go to church on Sunday and be cleansed of all that sin, every week.
This is also how the Mafia thinks.

You are a willful sinner. You have hated your fellow human being. Going to church is not a free ticket to heaven.
Not all of them has done one single thing you have painted my brethren with. Some of us have television with hundreds of channels but have prearranged to have pornography channels removed. I didn't have any trouble when my signing on unless tbey removed porn simply because I have seen couples divorce over it. You have a lot of charges. Frequent reading of the Word tells is what we can and cannot do. Discipline does the rest. Ciao.
They ALL lie, every president lies and has lied and distorted things. If you elect wealthy people that's what you get.....lies.
All politicians lie. The difference is that most politicians can be shamed when you catch them at it. Trump was unique, that even when caught in a lie, all he did was call the proof "fake news" and continue to repeat the lie.

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