OMG!!! Every Week We Discover That Trump Wasn't Lying About Something Else

Counting is obviously not one of your advanced skill sets.
I must have asked a dozen different people to post the lies that Obama told, and they each mentioned the same list that could be counted on one hand.

So 35,000 times was an exageration of me posting two examples of lies Trump never told.

Round numbers are always suspect. Never use round numbers when exagerating...
The list LIES is long...starting with these

  • COVID started in a wet-market
This one isn't a lie. It's not yet conclusively proven - nor is any other theory. China's lack of transparency and cooperation makes determining the origins difficult.

  • There is no evidence of election fraud
Not a lie. We have a lot of electoral checks and balances and means of addressing concerns and allegations - claims of fraud failed at each point: local officials, recounts, DoJ investigations, courts.
  • Trump was a Russian asset
That would be a lie but who claimed that?
  • Trump's comments on Charlottesville were racist
That's not a lie, it's a matter of opinion.
  • Trump insulted the troops
  • Trump used tear gas on protesters in DC
That one doesn't seem to be a lie either.
  • The border is secure
Who said that?
  • Trump mishandled the COVID crisis
That too is a matter of opinion, not a lie.
  • Obama didn't wiretap the Trump campaign
That's not a lie. He didn't.
  • Trump's comments about illegals is racist
Not a lie, again, a matter of opinion.
  • Trump is a Xenophobe for banning flights from China
That one isn't a lie because he wasn't called a xenophobe for that. The xenophobe comment was relating to his other flight ban attempts. The claim itself is a lie :lol:
  • Masks will prevent the spread of COVID
Also not a lie - there is broadspread and verified scientific consensus that masks reduce the spread.
  • Trump lied 30,000 times
Probably true but even if not - he has lied so often, counting isn't worth it.
  • Biden has to fix the 'Damage' Trump caused in this country
Not a lie, again, opinion
  • America today is guilty of systemic racism
Jury is out on that one - it's part of the current national conversation.

This list of lies is largely not.
Where did you get that at. Lab workers were the 1st to get sick. Rub 2 brain cells together and tell me where it might have started.

I can't get past number 1 until we get this settled sista
This one isn't a lie. It's not yet conclusively proven
Well, it is conclusively proven or it is a lie--you contradict yourself as often as Fauci does.
That's not a lie, it's a matter of opinion.
Opinion is not truth. Therefore, your assertion that it is not a lie is a matter of opinion.
That one isn't a lie because he wasn't called a xenophobe for that.
Now you are trying to change one lie into another. Trump did not ban muslims. That would make you a liar.

Bottom line, is you and the democrats are lying at worst and purposely misleading at best.

Actually....let's look at this statement:
Now you are trying to change one lie into another. Trump did not ban muslims. That would make you a liar.

Trump tried to create a Muslim ban, asked Guilliani to do it, got slapped down in the courts multiple times - incompetence and ignorance of the law and the Constitution does not make it a lie.

Counting is obviously not one of your advanced skill sets.
I must have asked a dozen different people to post the lies that Obama told, and they each mentioned the same list that could be counted on one hand.
If you like your plan you can keep it

Every family will save 2500 per year on their health costs.

Solandra is our future

Stimulus will be used for shovel ready jobs.

If you like your proctologist you can keep your proctologist.

JC I didn't even have to think. I'll have 5 more for you.
The list LIES is long...starting with these

  • COVID started in a wet-market
This one isn't a lie. It's not yet conclusively proven - nor is any other theory. China's lack of transparency and cooperation makes determining the origins difficult.

  • There is no evidence of election fraud
Not a lie. We have a lot of electoral checks and balances and means of addressing concerns and allegations - claims of fraud failed at each point: local officials, recounts, DoJ investigations, courts.
  • Trump was a Russian asset
That would be a lie but who claimed that?
  • Trump's comments on Charlottesville were racist
That's not a lie, it's a matter of opinion.
  • Trump insulted the troops
  • Trump used tear gas on protesters in DC
That one doesn't seem to be a lie either.
  • The border is secure
Who said that?
  • Trump mishandled the COVID crisis
That too is a matter of opinion, not a lie.
  • Obama didn't wiretap the Trump campaign
That's not a lie. He didn't.
  • Trump's comments about illegals is racist
Not a lie, again, a matter of opinion.
  • Trump is a Xenophobe for banning flights from China
That one isn't a lie because he wasn't called a xenophobe for that. The xenophobe comment was relating to his other flight ban attempts. The claim itself is a lie :lol:
  • Masks will prevent the spread of COVID
Also not a lie - there is broadspread and verified scientific consensus that masks reduce the spread.
  • Trump lied 30,000 times
Probably true but even if not - he has lied so often, counting isn't worth it.
  • Biden has to fix the 'Damage' Trump caused in this country
Not a lie, again, opinion
  • America today is guilty of systemic racism
Jury is out on that one - it's part of the current national conversation.

This list of lies is largely not.
Where did you get that at. Lab workers were the 1st to get sick. Rub 2 brain cells together and tell me where it might have started.

I can't get past number 1 until we get this settled sista
You need proof. Got it? The claim is not verified.
Did you get your vaccine yet? If you did, thank Trump.

Without Operation Warp Speed there would be no vaccine available.

It generally takes 10-15 years for a vaccine to be rolled out to the American public and the previous record is the mumps vaccine which took 4 years. Trump shattered that record. A mere 4 months after the announcement of OWS, Americans were getting vaccinated.

The first vaccine approved for use in the US was from Pfizer, who did not take any money from operation warp speed. It was financed by Germany, so in actuallity you should thank Angela Merkel for creating the first approved vaccine.
Liar. Pfizer got $2 billion from Operation Warp Speed. And it's vaccine would still not be available in the USA for years if it wasn't for Operation Warp Speed.

You consume too much of the fake news media's grape kool-aid, you TDS afflicted moron.
This one isn't a lie. It's not yet conclusively proven
Well, it is conclusively proven or it is a lie--you contradict yourself as often as Fauci does.
That's not a lie, it's a matter of opinion.
Opinion is not truth. Therefore, your assertion that it is not a lie is a matter of opinion.
That one isn't a lie because he wasn't called a xenophobe for that.
Now you are trying to change one lie into another. Trump did not ban muslims. That would make you a liar.

Bottom line, is you and the democrats are lying at worst and purposely misleading at best.

Actually....let's look at this statement:
Now you are trying to change one lie into another. Trump did not ban muslims. That would make you a liar.

Trump tried to create a Muslim ban, asked Guilliani to do it, got slapped down in the courts multiple times - incompetence and ignorance of the law and the Constitution does not make it a lie.

Republicans have fillibustered 500 pieces of 50
Which one isn’t True?
How did you determine Trump was a Russian asset? Robert Mueller looked into the matter for a long time
with a full staff and the government's blessings and never reached that conclusion.

I guess Mueller just wasn't as comfortable lying as you are. You're about as credible as a Superman
comic book.
The list LIES is long...starting with these

  • COVID started in a wet-market
This one isn't a lie. It's not yet conclusively proven - nor is any other theory. China's lack of transparency and cooperation makes determining the origins difficult.

  • There is no evidence of election fraud
Not a lie. We have a lot of electoral checks and balances and means of addressing concerns and allegations - claims of fraud failed at each point: local officials, recounts, DoJ investigations, courts.
  • Trump was a Russian asset
That would be a lie but who claimed that?
  • Trump's comments on Charlottesville were racist
That's not a lie, it's a matter of opinion.
  • Trump insulted the troops
  • Trump used tear gas on protesters in DC
That one doesn't seem to be a lie either.
  • The border is secure
Who said that?
  • Trump mishandled the COVID crisis
That too is a matter of opinion, not a lie.
  • Obama didn't wiretap the Trump campaign
That's not a lie. He didn't.
  • Trump's comments about illegals is racist
Not a lie, again, a matter of opinion.
  • Trump is a Xenophobe for banning flights from China
That one isn't a lie because he wasn't called a xenophobe for that. The xenophobe comment was relating to his other flight ban attempts. The claim itself is a lie :lol:
  • Masks will prevent the spread of COVID
Also not a lie - there is broadspread and verified scientific consensus that masks reduce the spread.
  • Trump lied 30,000 times
Probably true but even if not - he has lied so often, counting isn't worth it.
  • Biden has to fix the 'Damage' Trump caused in this country
Not a lie, again, opinion
  • America today is guilty of systemic racism
Jury is out on that one - it's part of the current national conversation.

This list of lies is largely not.
Where did you get that at. Lab workers were the 1st to get sick. Rub 2 brain cells together and tell me where it might have started.

I can't get past number 1 until we get this settled sista
You need proof. Got it? The claim is not verified.
Another lie.......It is ok for a man to use a ladies shitter
Which one isn’t True?
How did you determine Trump was a Russian asset? Robert Mueller looked into the matter for a long time
with a full staff and the government's blessings and never reached that conclusion.

I guess Mueller just wasn't as comfortable lying as you are.
CNN didn't tell him yet. Have you noticed a lot of missing brain cells in the Gator?
Ok. So, 1 lie for Obama, 30,000 or so for Trump.
Here we go again with the round number thingy....
The funny thing about when you start to list Trumps lies, the usual response is that the lie wasn't as bad as a lie that Obama told. And thus could be ignored in the count of lies.

Just mention Trumps first lie about who had the biggest inauguration attendance, and watch them do their dance.

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