OMG - family of disabled man shot in Charlotte TOOK VIDEO and only now released it

Here's the video.

Video of Keith L. Scott Police Encounter

Odd, listen at how seemingly calm the wife is?

He better not be fucking dead? Not, don't kill him, no rush to get to him? More interested in filming then getting to her injured hubby?

That's screwed up!
Why would she rush in to aid her husband and risk getting shot herself? Idiot! She did the right thing…videotape the murderous bastards to preserve the evidence…that strategy is catching on nationally…. thank goodness for that!
Because she is a low IQ individual driven mostly by emotion and not reason?
So now we have a cyber psychologist with a cracker jack box degree weighing in!
Seriously? That woman was a walking cliche of a dumb black bitch and so was her are you come to think of it.

Two racist bastards high five-ing each other over the death of another human being and then berating his wife for having the temerity to videotape the cops killing her husband is an apostasy equal to the Holocaust. The devil has your ear and your heart. My human appeals to your souls have no I digress to the devil…let him have you!
where's that video? It isn't the one in here.
They would have secured the weapon long before putting up crime tape.
Makes me question whether it's a gun in the photo.

The poleece said it was.

If true that would support the throw down theory.
But in the video you can clearly see something laying on the ground as the women rounds the car.
1.21 to 1.23 of the video.

If it's true?
I gave you the link.

If it's true then they moved the gun.
You can see something at 1.21 to 1.23 laying on the ground.
As well as 1.47
That could very well be the gun.
Cops don't touch crime scene evidence by moving it to another unsecured location. When evidence is processed it is secured , marked , tagged , and a chain of custody is initiated.

They do when it's a gun on a person in which they do not know is dead, and if the area is secured, and don't know the condition of the weapon ( cocked, round in chamber), they most definately do, ESPECIALLY AFTER THEYVE PUT THE CRIME SCENE TAPE UP.
Here's the video.

Video of Keith L. Scott Police Encounter

Odd, listen at how seemingly calm the wife is?

He better not be fucking dead? Not, don't kill him, no rush to get to him? More interested in filming then getting to her injured hubby?

That's screwed up!

Obviously, you didn't watch and listen.

Its very clear that she is told to stay away, she answers she is not coming close but that she is filming.

If she had gone to him, they would have shot her too.

Probably. But I'm thinking that they didn't know she was recording the incident or else one of them would do what most cops do in that situation: walk up and take her phone away, as was done in the Eric Garner situation in Staten Island and many others. They considered her just background noise. There's no end to their arrogance.
Here's the video.

Video of Keith L. Scott Police Encounter

Odd, listen at how seemingly calm the wife is?

He better not be fucking dead? Not, don't kill him, no rush to get to him? More interested in filming then getting to her injured hubby?

That's screwed up!

Obviously, you didn't watch and listen.

Its very clear that she is told to stay away, she answers she is not coming close but that she is filming.

If she had gone to him, they would have shot her too.

Probably. But I'm thinking that they didn't know she was recording the incident or else one of them would do what most cops do in that situation: walk up and take her phone away, as was done in the Eric Garner situation in Staten Island and many others. They considered her just background noise. There's no end to their arrogance.

She yelled out that she was videoing it, sooooooooooooo


If true that would support the throw down theory.
But in the video you can clearly see something laying on the ground as the women rounds the car.
1.21 to 1.23 of the video.

If it's true?
I gave you the link.

If it's true then they moved the gun.
You can see something at 1.21 to 1.23 laying on the ground.
As well as 1.47
That could very well be the gun.
Cops don't touch crime scene of evidence by moving it to another unsecured location. When evidence is processed it is secured , marked , tagged , and a chain of custody is initiated.

They wont leave a firearm near the suspect though.

Unless it's a throw-down gun, Einstein. Or in the case of the shooting of Walter Scott last year, a throw-down taser after the cop lied and said that Scott tried to grab it off him AFTER shooting Scott in the back.
Sure they did, they had the video all this time and only now released it, sure thing. The family has been lying since this started.

Or they waited to release it to use as leverage on the advice of their counsel.
The police will have no choice but to release their own now.
Since they didn't release it until after the police finally showed them their video that took them days to edit, she didn't tell them she had a video to see whether they would alter their videos thinking they were safe to edit them.
and her video shows what?
Here's the video.

Video of Keith L. Scott Police Encounter

Odd, listen at how seemingly calm the wife is?

He better not be fucking dead? Not, don't kill him, no rush to get to him? More interested in filming then getting to her injured hubby?

That's screwed up!

Obviously, you didn't watch and listen.

Its very clear that she is told to stay away, she answers she is not coming close but that she is filming.

If she had gone to him, they would have shot her too.

Probably. But I'm thinking that they didn't know she was recording the incident or else one of them would do what most cops do in that situation: walk up and take her phone away, as was done in the Eric Garner situation in Staten Island and many others. They considered her just background noise. There's no end to their arrogance.

She yelled out that she was videoing it, sooooooooooooo


No, she did not tell them that until the end of the video. And it's apparent throughout the video that they absolutely ignored her and were not listening to her at all. They could've utilized her to diffuse the situation. But fucking redneck cops are just redneck cops and they like to use their deadly toys.

These assholes were actually at that apartment complex with a warrant to arrest somebody else. And the Charlotte police department isn't saying anything about why this happened in the first place.
I watched the video and cant see a damn thing, please be specific and explain how it proves he didn't have a firearm. Just because she is saying he doesn't have one doesn't prove anything. And on the video you can not see anything.
Maybe this will help.

Photo released by police claiming gun on ground.

Still from video right after shooting showing no throw down gun on the ground yet.

You do understand that the two are not photo'd at anywhere near the same time, right?

There's police tape in one, non in the other

If that really is a gun it would support the throw down gun theory.
They wouldnt put up crime tape then return the gun to the original location.
Look at the shadow near the victim's feet. It is shorter in the video that doesn't show the gun. The shadow is longer in the other video. Know what that means? It means significant time had passed before the gun appeared.
or it isn't a gun eh?
If there is another race war in this country it will be due to the general arrogance and ignorance of police departments that didn't learn a damn thing from the wrongful deaths of Trayvon Martin in 2012 and going forward.
Be specific and point out how you can tell ANYTHING from the video?

By using your eyes
what is it you see outside so unviewable
Go to 1.21 through 1.24 on the video. There is clearly something lying on the ground.
Whether it's a gun or not is anyone guess.
i can't see anything in that taping time. she's too far away. no way. go to 1:47 and look much clearer and there is a glove on the ground.
If there is another race war in this country it will be due to the general arrogance and ignorance of police departments that didn't learn a damn thing from the wrongful deaths of Trayvon Martin in 2012 and going forward.
White privilege.

If you're pulled over or if a cop approaches your car, is the first thing you say "Don't shoot him, don't shoot him"?

Me neither.

But that's the first thing that poor woman thought - that they would shoot her husband. Not that they would ask for ID or talk to her.

The first thing cops do if the person is black is open fire.

Then, most likely, they get a paid vacation and a promotion.

Shit the guys car broke down and they had a goddam helicopter on the scene.
Shitforbrains wants to lie some more about the Tulsa PCP user putting his car across oncoming traffic and rip inning out saying his car was going to blow up.
If true that would support the throw down theory.
But in the video you can clearly see something laying on the ground as the women rounds the car.
1.21 to 1.23 of the video.

If it's true?
I gave you the link.

If it's true then they moved the gun.
You can see something at 1.21 to 1.23 laying on the ground.
As well as 1.47
That could very well be the gun.
Cops don't touch crime scene of evidence by moving it to another unsecured location. When evidence is processed it is secured , marked , tagged , and a chain of custody is initiated.

They wont leave a firearm near the suspect though.

Unless it's a throw-down gun, Einstein. Or in the case of the shooting of Walter Scott last year, a throw-down taser after the cop lied and said that Scott tried to grab it off him AFTER shooting Scott in the back.

Not even with a throw down.
That would be even more suspicious.
The walter scott vid clearly shows the the taser deployed before the shooting.
You liberals sure have trouble with memory retention.
White privilege.

If you're pulled over or if a cop approaches your car, is the first thing you say "Don't shoot him, don't shoot him"?

Me neither.

But that's the first thing that poor woman thought - that they would shoot her husband. Not that they would ask for ID or talk to her.

The first thing cops do if the person is black is open fire.

Then, most likely, they get a paid vacation and a promotion.

Shit the guys car broke down and they had a goddam helicopter on the scene.
Shitforbrains wants to lie some more about the Tulsa PCP user putting his car across oncoming traffic and rip inning out saying his car was going to blow up.

He had a Nuke!!! ZOMG!
We dont know where the pic originated.
And I find it highly unlikely that the cops would take a still from her video and photo shop a gun into it.

Can you read?

The only officer in a red shirt is bent over Scott in the photo. If you watch the video, he never does that. Therefore, it must be sometime after the video. If that is indeed a gun in the photo, how did it get there?
Somebody photoshopped it maybe, dipshit?

That's my point dope.
You fuckers either can't read or play dumb very well. Either way, dumb is dumb.
The cops yelled he had a gun, the motherfucker had a gun...moron. She was telling him don't do it because he probably wanted to kill himself dealing with a cackling sow like that.

The cops also released this.

No gun in the video.
It had to be placed there later.
i still don't see anything in the pictures that looks like a gun.
Be specific and point out how you can tell ANYTHING from the video?

By using your eyes
what is it you see outside so unviewable
Go to 1.21 through 1.24 on the video. There is clearly something lying on the ground.
Whether it's a gun or not is anyone guess.
i can't see anything in that taping time. she's too far away. no way. go to 1:47 and look much clearer and there is a glove on the ground.

Did you go full screen? There's definitely something on the ground at 1.21 through 1.23
I watched the video and cant see a damn thing, please be specific and explain how it proves he didn't have a firearm. Just because she is saying he doesn't have one doesn't prove anything. And on the video you can not see anything.
Maybe this will help.

Photo released by police claiming gun on ground.

Still from video right after shooting showing no throw down gun on the ground yet.

You do understand that the two are not photo'd at anywhere near the same time, right?

There's police tape in one, non in the other
Exactly, the throw down gun was placed there afterwards! DUH!
it wasn't a gun fool.
Sure they did, they had the video all this time and only now released it, sure thing. The family has been lying since this started.

Or they waited to release it to use as leverage on the advice of their counsel.
The police will have no choice but to release their own now.
Since they didn't release it until after the police finally showed them their video that took them days to edit, she didn't tell them she had a video to see whether they would alter their videos thinking they were safe to edit them.
and her video shows what?
No gun.
Be specific and point out how you can tell ANYTHING from the video?

By using your eyes
what is it you see outside so unviewable
Go to 1.21 through 1.24 on the video. There is clearly something lying on the ground.
Whether it's a gun or not is anyone guess.
i can't see anything in that taping time. she's too far away. no way. go to 1:47 and look much clearer and there is a glove on the ground.

Did you go full screen? There's definitely something on the ground at 1.21 through 1.23
no way at that time of the video she's too far away and still shaky. go to 1:47
Sure they did, they had the video all this time and only now released it, sure thing. The family has been lying since this started.

Or they waited to release it to use as leverage on the advice of their counsel.
The police will have no choice but to release their own now.
Since they didn't release it until after the police finally showed them their video that took them days to edit, she didn't tell them she had a video to see whether they would alter their videos thinking they were safe to edit them.
and her video shows what?
No gun.
not in that photo, nope.

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