OMG! FOUL PLAY in the debates!

Says you. But it's actually quite a busy position and requires a lot more in the way of brains and motivation than you will ever have.

Planning all those vacations and world travel at taxpayer expense takes a lot of time, and effort....
Actually, planning global trips representing our country does take a lot of time, that is why First Ladies require a staff.

You mean planning lavish vacations where she makes a show of working so the taxpayers are on the hook for it.
Says you. But it's actually quite a busy position and requires a lot more in the way of brains and motivation than you will ever have.

Planning all those vacations and world travel at taxpayer expense takes a lot of time, and effort....
Actually, planning global trips representing our country does take a lot of time, that is why First Ladies require a staff.

You mean planning lavish vacations where she makes a show of working so the taxpayers are on the hook for it.

What "lavish vacations"?
I have been to Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard
And no, the taxpayers don't pay for it
Jeb is crashing, he's stumbling and hasn't given a good answer yet. Really bad.
But Jeb is the lame-stream media choice for the GOP candidate du-jour.
I dunno. Carly is getting a lot of attention. So is Kasich. And Rubio. But mostly they are talking Carly. We have another year to see what happens.:)
If we must necessarily follow the first so-called "black" president with a woman, I'd definitely prefer Carly to the Hildebeast.
Jeb is crashing, he's stumbling and hasn't given a good answer yet. Really bad.
But Jeb is the lame-stream media choice for the GOP candidate du-jour.
I dunno. Carly is getting a lot of attention. So is Kasich. And Rubio. But mostly they are talking Carly. We have another year to see what happens.:)
If we must necessarily follow the first so-called "black" president with a woman, I'd definitely prefer Carly to the Hildebeast.

Hewlett-Packard didn't prefer Carly. They fired her ass before she destroyed the company.
Hubby is democrat to the core and he just hollered from his room "WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY PICKING ON TRUMP???"
I can see why Trump would appeal to factions from both parties that are fed up with the party status quo and the fact that each party takes their constituents for brain-dead, lemming trolls who wouldn't vote "outside" the box. Trump's a breath of fresh air compared to the usual suspects, from both parties.
Hillary has no competition.

She turned it of by now and she;s playing with Chelsea's baby.
Nothing to worry about here
I would love to see the democrat candidates receive the same level of questioning as the FOX debate.

Considering all the crap thrown at Hillary, she faces worse than this before breakfast
Every iota of which she has brought upon herself. Lying bitch. She's relying on 1) Being married to a former POTUS; 2) being the first female presidential contender; 3) no one in the Democratic camp daring to take her on (better squelch that Sanders guy); 4) the lame-stream media selecting a GOP candidate of such unpalatable quality that there will be no competition.

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