OMG: I agreed with Michael Moore just now on CNN


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Michael Moore's fat bloated self was on CNN a few minutes ago. Larry King asked him about the oil spill.

Moore kinda got teary eyed looking, gazed up and away from the camera, and just began speaking with wonder saying "You know, this is America, that was a 7 inch hole, 36 inches tall....the pipe was 36 inches....and it took us 90 days to plug it"......"What happened to us? We're America, what happened.....nothing works anymore" (he then blasted oil companies and corporations for having so much power)

Well, Mr. Moore, I agree with you. WHAT happened to "us"? Our morality went down the crapper for one. Thats why people act the way they act these days. Values like modesty, integrity, selflessness and thrift have been thrown out the window.

As for why we couldn't fix the hole quicker, well, it takes research and development to make technological leaps like that. It takes............GASP:eek:............PROFIT to fund R&D. Oil companies need......gasp.....profits to pay for extracirricular research and development. We need things like NASA, yes the same NASA whose budget Obama just slashed and who he told their job would be to make Muslims feel good about themselves.

Mr. Moore, we need evil, greedy, profit driven corporations like Boeing, Locheed-Martin, Microsoft, Exxon, and yes, even the diabolical Haliburton, to turn big profits so they can field research and development teams to come up with innovations to tend to future unforseen problems.

It takes big profits in the medical field for them to fund studies and experiments to innovate and create new medicines and cures. Evil, stinking slimey profits.

Mr. Moore is right. "What happened to us"? We have fallen. In innovation, in morality, in manners, all as the country has slowly drifted more and more liberal.

Mr. Moore asks "What happened to us" and he'll probably blast conservatives next for wanting to "take us backwards". Backwards sounds pretty good some days.
Excellent post!:)

What's happened to us? We've become fat, complacent, and on the lookout for government cheese.
Excellent post!:)

What's happened to us? We've become fat, complacent, and on the lookout for government cheese.

Yep, pretty much.

We've become fat and lazy, but bitch about wanting affordable health insurance.

We've become selfish, lazy, greedy and feel like we are entitled to everything....and wonder why companies don't want to hire us.

We demand companies not make obscene profits, yet bitch and moan when a new problem we've never seen before emerges and the company hasn't done research and development on ways to solve the problems that haven't arisen yet.

We want freedom, but want protection from failure.

Liberals say conservatives just want to take us back 50 years. Well, there are some values of 50 years ago I wouldn't mind seeing us rediscover.
Excellent post!:)

What's happened to us? We've become fat, complacent, and on the lookout for government cheese.

Yep, pretty much.

We've become fat and lazy, but bitch about wanting affordable health insurance.

We've become selfish, lazy, greedy and feel like we are entitled to everything....and wonder why companies don't want to hire us.

We demand companies not make obscene profits, yet bitch and moan when a new problem we've never seen before emerges and the company hasn't done research and development on ways to solve the problems that haven't arisen yet.

We want freedom, but want protection from failure.

Liberals say conservatives just want to take us back 50 years. Well, there are some values of 50 years ago I wouldn't mind seeing us rediscover.

Key point, that is what happened to America. You cannot have freedom without the possibility of failure and that is precisely what we are pushing these days - protecting people from their own bad decisions.
Excellent post!:)

What's happened to us? We've become fat, complacent, and on the lookout for government cheese.

Yep, pretty much.

We've become fat and lazy, but bitch about wanting affordable health insurance.

We've become selfish, lazy, greedy and feel like we are entitled to everything....and wonder why companies don't want to hire us.

We demand companies not make obscene profits, yet bitch and moan when a new problem we've never seen before emerges and the company hasn't done research and development on ways to solve the problems that haven't arisen yet.

We want freedom, but want protection from failure.

Liberals say conservatives just want to take us back 50 years. Well, there are some values of 50 years ago I wouldn't mind seeing us rediscover.

Key point, that is what happened to America. You cannot have freedom without the possibility of failure and that is precisely what we are pushing these days - protecting people from their own bad decisions.

Yep. Freedom and guaranteed success cannot coexist.
Excellent post!:)

What's happened to us? We've become fat, complacent, and on the lookout for government cheese.

Yep, pretty much.

We've become fat and lazy, but bitch about wanting affordable health insurance.

We've become selfish, lazy, greedy and feel like we are entitled to everything....and wonder why companies don't want to hire us.

We demand companies not make obscene profits, yet bitch and moan when a new problem we've never seen before emerges and the company hasn't done research and development on ways to solve the problems that haven't arisen yet.

We want freedom, but want protection from failure.

Liberals say conservatives just want to take us back 50 years. Well, there are some values of 50 years ago I wouldn't mind seeing us rediscover.
Poor poor BP with its worth of $Billions, couldn't afford to be safe.
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Excellent post!:)

What's happened to us? We've become fat, complacent, and on the lookout for government cheese.

Yep, pretty much.

We've become fat and lazy, but bitch about wanting affordable health insurance.

We've become selfish, lazy, greedy and feel like we are entitled to everything....and wonder why companies don't want to hire us.

We demand companies not make obscene profits, yet bitch and moan when a new problem we've never seen before emerges and the company hasn't done research and development on ways to solve the problems that haven't arisen yet.

We want freedom, but want protection from failure.

Liberals say conservatives just want to take us back 50 years. Well, there are some values of 50 years ago I wouldn't mind seeing us rediscover.
Poor poor BP with its worth of $Billions, couldn't afford to be safe.

Does one rich company being irresponsible mean we should confiscate the profits of all major companies?

BP is going to be the poster child for all liberal causes for the next 75 years. You guys are down on your knees thanking the Global Warming Santa aren't you?
Excellent post!:)

What's happened to us? We've become fat, complacent, and on the lookout for government cheese.

Yep, pretty much.

We've become fat and lazy, but bitch about wanting affordable health insurance.

We've become selfish, lazy, greedy and feel like we are entitled to everything....and wonder why companies don't want to hire us.

We demand companies not make obscene profits, yet bitch and moan when a new problem we've never seen before emerges and the company hasn't done research and development on ways to solve the problems that haven't arisen yet.

We want freedom, but want protection from failure.

Liberals say conservatives just want to take us back 50 years. Well, there are some values of 50 years ago I wouldn't mind seeing us rediscover.

Ah, right wing pea brain 'victimhood'...
I would be shocked if Moore had a freaking clue about anything other than junk food and junk journalism. He's proof that the trailer parks aren't all republicans.
Moore is such a mental case its not real.

Do you have any idea why the insurance corporations and Wall Street lobbyists went after Moore's movie 'Sicko'?...because he was telling the TRUTH...

Wendell Potter is former Vice President of corporate communications at CIGNA, one of the United States' largest health insurance companies.

With almost 20 years inside the health insurance industry, Wendell Potter saw for-profit insurers hijack our health care system and put profits before patients. Now, he speaks with Bill Moyers about how those companies are standing in the way of health care reform.




BILL MOYERS: So what did you think when you saw that film?

WENDELL POTTER: I thought that he hit the nail on the head with his movie. But the industry, from the moment that the industry learned that Michael Moore was taking on the health care industry, it was really concerned.

BILL MOYERS: What were they afraid of?

WENDELL POTTER: They were afraid that people would believe Michael Moore.

BILL MOYERS: We obtained a copy of the game plan that was adopted by the industry's trade association, AHIP. And it spells out the industry strategies in gold letters. It says, "Highlight horror stories of government-run systems." What was that about?

[Note: You can download the documents by clicking here and here (PDFs)]

WENDELL POTTER: The industry has always tried to make Americans think that government-run systems are the worst thing that could possibly happen to them, that if you even consider that, you're heading down on the slippery slope towards socialism. So they have used scare tactics for years and years and years, to keep that from happening. If there were a broader program like our Medicare program, it could potentially reduce the profits of these big companies. So that is their biggest concern.

BILL MOYERS: And there was a political strategy. "Position Sicko as a threat to Democrats' larger agenda." What does that mean?

WENDELL POTTER: That means that part of the effort to discredit this film was to use lobbyists and their own staff to go onto Capitol Hill and say, "Look, you don't want to believe this movie. You don't want to talk about it. You don't want to endorse it. And if you do, we can make things tough for you."


WENDELL POTTER: By running ads, commercials in your home district when you're running for reelection, not contributing to your campaigns again, or contributing to your competitor.

BILL MOYERS: This is fascinating. You know, "Build awareness among centrist Democratic policy organizations--"


BILL MOYERS: "--including the Democratic Leadership Council."


BILL MOYERS: Then it says, "Message to Democratic insiders. Embracing Moore is one-way ticket back to minority party status."


BILL MOYERS: Now, that's exactly what they did, didn't they? They--


BILL MOYERS: --radicalized Moore, so that his message was discredited because the messenger was seen to be radical.

WENDELL POTTER: Absolutely. In memos that would go back within the industry — he was never, by the way, mentioned by name in any memos, because we didn't want to inadvertently write something that would wind up in his hands. So the memos would usually-- the subject line would be-- the emails would be, "Hollywood." And as we would do the media training, we would always have someone refer to him as Hollywood entertainer or Hollywood moviemaker Michael Moore.


WENDELL POTTER: Well, just to-- Hollywood, I think people think that's entertainment, that's movie-making. That's not real documentary. They don't want you to think that it was a documentary that had some truth. They would want you to see this as just some fantasy that a Hollywood filmmaker had come up with. That's part of the strategy.

BILL MOYERS: So you would actually hear politicians mouth the talking points that had been circulated by the industry to discredit Michael Moore.


BILL MOYERS: You'd hear ordinary people talking that. And politicians as well, right?


BILL MOYERS: So your plan worked.

WENDELL POTTER: It worked beautifully.

BILL MOYERS: The film was blunted, right?

WENDELL POTTER: The film was blunted. It--

BILL MOYERS: Was it true? Did you think it contained a great truth?

WENDELL POTTER: Absolutely did.

BILL MOYERS: What was it?

WENDELL POTTER: That we shouldn't fear government involvement in our health care system. That there is an appropriate role for government, and it's been proven in the countries that were in that movie.

You know, we have more people who are uninsured in this country than the entire population of Canada. And that if you include the people who are underinsured, more people than in the United Kingdom. We have huge numbers of people who are also just a lay-off away from joining the ranks of the uninsured, or being purged by their insurance company, and winding up there.

And another thing is that the advocates of reform or the opponents of reform are those who are saying that we need to be careful about what we do here, because we don't want the government to take away your choice of a health plan. It's more likely that your employer and your insurer is going to switch you from a plan that you're in now to one that you don't want. You might be in the plan you like now.

But chances are, pretty soon, you're going to be enrolled in one of these high deductible plans in which you're going to find that much more of the cost is being shifted to you than you ever imagined.

BILL MOYERS: I have a memo, from Frank Luntz. I have a memo written by Frank Luntz. He's the Republican strategist who we discovered, in the spring, has written the script for opponents of health care reform. "First," he says, "you have to pretend to support it. Then use phrases like, "government takeover," "delayed care is denied care," "consequences of rationing," "bureaucrats, not doctors prescribing medicine." That was a memo, by Frank Luntz, to the opponents of health care reform in this debate. Now watch this clip.

REP. JOHN BOEHNER: The forthcoming plan from Democratic leaders will make health care more expensive, limit treatments, ration care, and put bureaucrats in charge of medical decisions rather than patients and doctors.

SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL: Americans need to realize that when someone says "government option," what could really occur is a government takeover that soon could lead to government bureaucrats denying and delaying care, and telling Americans what kind of care they can have.

SEN. JON KYL: Washington run healthcare would diminish access to quality care, leading to denials, shortages and long delays for treatment.

REP. JOE WILSON: How will a government run health plan not lead to the same rationing of care that we have seen in other countries?

REP. TOM PRICE: We don't want to put the government, we don't want to put bureaucrats between a doctor and a patient.

BILL MOYERS: Why do politicians puppet messages like that?

WENDELL POTTER: Well, they are ideologically aligned with the industry. They want to believe that the free market system can and should work in this country, like it does in other industries. So they don't understand from an insider's perspective like I have, what that actually means, and the consequences of that to Americans.

They parrot those comments, without really realizing what the real situation is.

"Eighty percent of Republicans are just Democrats that don't know what's going on"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Maybe it should be spelled. Fmerica. Land of the murkins.
You no longer get any " A's"
Nobody is forced to buy insurance. Hmm where does the demand come from.
Why don't libtards just pay out of pocket is insurance is such a bad deal?
Moore is such a mental case its not real.

Do you have any idea why the insurance corporations and Wall Street lobbyists went after Moore's movie 'Sicko'?...because he was telling the TRUTH...

Sure he did. I am all psyched up to go over to Cuba now and get all my medical care from there.

Here are your options: Listen to what Wendell Potter, an insurance company insider has to say, or be a pea brain...

It appears you already made your choice. And your self description is are just another right wing pea brain...

Can you explain 'medical loss ratio' and how it is REAL death panels brought about by Wall Street investors?

Didn't think so...
Michael Moore's fat bloated self was on CNN a few minutes ago. Larry King asked him about the oil spill.

Moore kinda got teary eyed looking, gazed up and away from the camera, and just began speaking with wonder saying "You know, this is America, that was a 7 inch hole, 36 inches tall....the pipe was 36 inches....and it took us 90 days to plug it"......"What happened to us? We're America, what happened.....nothing works anymore" (he then blasted oil companies and corporations for having so much power)

Well, Mr. Moore, I agree with you. WHAT happened to "us"? Our morality went down the crapper for one. Thats why people act the way they act these days. Values like modesty, integrity, selflessness and thrift have been thrown out the window.

As for why we couldn't fix the hole quicker, well, it takes research and development to make technological leaps like that. It takes............GASP:eek:............PROFIT to fund R&D. Oil companies need......gasp.....profits to pay for extracirricular research and development. We need things like NASA, yes the same NASA whose budget Obama just slashed and who he told their job would be to make Muslims feel good about themselves.

Mr. Moore, we need evil, greedy, profit driven corporations like Boeing, Locheed-Martin, Microsoft, Exxon, and yes, even the diabolical Haliburton, to turn big profits so they can field research and development teams to come up with innovations to tend to future unforseen problems.

It takes big profits in the medical field for them to fund studies and experiments to innovate and create new medicines and cures. Evil, stinking slimey profits.

Mr. Moore is right. "What happened to us"? We have fallen. In innovation, in morality, in manners, all as the country has slowly drifted more and more liberal.

Mr. Moore asks "What happened to us" and he'll probably blast conservatives next for wanting to "take us backwards". Backwards sounds pretty good some days.
First, morality is not a function of the state. Once the state tells us how to behave in a moral context, I ask what freedoms have been erased.

But the bigger point is: you seem to think that if companies just made more profits, they could avoid such accidents as the BP spill. Well, if BP had followed all the regulations and accepted industry practices rather than cut corners in order to .....wait for it....make a larger profit, we would not be discussing a massive oil spill and how to stop it.

As soon as you get your nose from the rectum of corner-cutting corporations, the ridiculous notion of turning those companies loose to reap profit at the expense of health, safety and the environment will become crystal clear.
Do you have any idea why the insurance corporations and Wall Street lobbyists went after Moore's movie 'Sicko'?...because he was telling the TRUTH...

:lol: Not quite. Sicko was full of half-truths, slanted to present a certain point of view, but not quite the whole story, which would paint a much different context. That's what propagandists like Moore do. He and Ann Coulter ought to hook up because they are just two sides of the same coin, one on the left and one on the right. They both manipulate the truth.
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Do you have any idea why the insurance corporations and Wall Street lobbyists went after Moore's movie 'Sicko'?...because he was telling the TRUTH...

Sure he did. I am all psyched up to go over to Cuba now and get all my medical care from there.

Here are your options: Listen to what Wendell Potter, an insurance company insider has to say, or be a pea brain...

It appears you already made your choice. And your self description is are just another right wing pea brain...

Can you explain 'medical loss ratio' and how it is REAL death panels brought about by Wall Street investors?

Didn't think so...

hey how come Moore neglected to show the parts of Cuba who have half-assed medical care?......just the other day on the BBC they were showing this.....those people cant even get stuff like Neosporin for minor wounds.....WHY?....
Michael Moore's fat bloated self was on CNN a few minutes ago. Larry King asked him about the oil spill.

Moore kinda got teary eyed looking, gazed up and away from the camera, and just began speaking with wonder saying "You know, this is America, that was a 7 inch hole, 36 inches tall....the pipe was 36 inches....and it took us 90 days to plug it"......"What happened to us? We're America, what happened.....nothing works anymore" (he then blasted oil companies and corporations for having so much power)

Well, Mr. Moore, I agree with you. WHAT happened to "us"? Our morality went down the crapper for one. Thats why people act the way they act these days. Values like modesty, integrity, selflessness and thrift have been thrown out the window.

As for why we couldn't fix the hole quicker, well, it takes research and development to make technological leaps like that. It takes............GASP:eek:............PROFIT to fund R&D. Oil companies need......gasp.....profits to pay for extracirricular research and development. We need things like NASA, yes the same NASA whose budget Obama just slashed and who he told their job would be to make Muslims feel good about themselves.

Mr. Moore, we need evil, greedy, profit driven corporations like Boeing, Locheed-Martin, Microsoft, Exxon, and yes, even the diabolical Haliburton, to turn big profits so they can field research and development teams to come up with innovations to tend to future unforseen problems.

It takes big profits in the medical field for them to fund studies and experiments to innovate and create new medicines and cures. Evil, stinking slimey profits.

Mr. Moore is right. "What happened to us"? We have fallen. In innovation, in morality, in manners, all as the country has slowly drifted more and more liberal.

Mr. Moore asks "What happened to us" and he'll probably blast conservatives next for wanting to "take us backwards". Backwards sounds pretty good some days.
First, morality is not a function of the state. Once the state tells us how to behave in a moral context, I ask what freedoms have been erased.

But the bigger point is: you seem to think that if companies just made more profits, they could avoid such accidents as the BP spill. Well, if BP had followed all the regulations and accepted industry practices rather than cut corners in order to .....wait for it....make a larger profit, we would not be discussing a massive oil spill and how to stop it.

As soon as you get your nose from the rectum of corner-cutting corporations, the ridiculous notion of turning those companies loose to reap profit at the expense of health, safety and the environment will become crystal clear.

But isn't it the government's job (MMS) to make sure that the BPs follow those regulations? Fail on both sides, imo.
Michael Moore's fat bloated self was on CNN a few minutes ago. Larry King asked him about the oil spill.

Moore kinda got teary eyed looking, gazed up and away from the camera, and just began speaking with wonder saying "You know, this is America, that was a 7 inch hole, 36 inches tall....the pipe was 36 inches....and it took us 90 days to plug it"......"What happened to us? We're America, what happened.....nothing works anymore" (he then blasted oil companies and corporations for having so much power)

Well, Mr. Moore, I agree with you. WHAT happened to "us"? Our morality went down the crapper for one. Thats why people act the way they act these days. Values like modesty, integrity, selflessness and thrift have been thrown out the window.

As for why we couldn't fix the hole quicker, well, it takes research and development to make technological leaps like that. It takes............GASP:eek:............PROFIT to fund R&D. Oil companies need......gasp.....profits to pay for extracirricular research and development. We need things like NASA, yes the same NASA whose budget Obama just slashed and who he told their job would be to make Muslims feel good about themselves.

Mr. Moore, we need evil, greedy, profit driven corporations like Boeing, Locheed-Martin, Microsoft, Exxon, and yes, even the diabolical Haliburton, to turn big profits so they can field research and development teams to come up with innovations to tend to future unforseen problems.

It takes big profits in the medical field for them to fund studies and experiments to innovate and create new medicines and cures. Evil, stinking slimey profits.

Mr. Moore is right. "What happened to us"? We have fallen. In innovation, in morality, in manners, all as the country has slowly drifted more and more liberal.

Mr. Moore asks "What happened to us" and he'll probably blast conservatives next for wanting to "take us backwards". Backwards sounds pretty good some days.
First, morality is not a function of the state. Once the state tells us how to behave in a moral context, I ask what freedoms have been erased.

But the bigger point is: you seem to think that if companies just made more profits, they could avoid such accidents as the BP spill. Well, if BP had followed all the regulations and accepted industry practices rather than cut corners in order to .....wait for it....make a larger profit, we would not be discussing a massive oil spill and how to stop it.

As soon as you get your nose from the rectum of corner-cutting corporations, the ridiculous notion of turning those companies loose to reap profit at the expense of health, safety and the environment will become crystal clear.

But isn't it the government's job (MMS) to make sure that the BPs follow those regulations? Fail on both sides, imo.
Then you would not be opposed to funding the EPA and the MMS so an adequate number of inspectors may oversee operations?

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