OMG it's true....the Russians are running away like scared little kids from the Mighty NATO-KRANIANS! HERE LOOK!

We driven the value of the ruble down...drove inflation in Russia up (double), cut off Russian banks

Putin is about to soak up an entire nation and the riches they hold...think a little....
I don't think Putler comes out of this with any riches even if things go his way
Ukraine has three nuke plants thousands of square miles of agriculture international airports and a huge manufacturing base...Putin can run 10 pipelines through that don't kid yourself...he knew what the sanctions would be...and attacked keep watching as Joe steers clear of what would really hurt Russia...
You think they have piles of cash sitting around?
I think its called a bank....yes...that's where they keep their gold...what a moron you are...its a functioning economy added to Russia over night while Joe sleeps in his new footy pajamas...Holy cow....
The war started by the Democrat's against conservative Christian's goes way back now, and this includes the attacking of a president that was elected to represent the people, the Christian's and other American's equally. It was proven good, and it was working good, but leftist Democrat's couldn't stand it.

Possibly this internal war has since brought us to the brink of a nuclear exchange now with Russia over Ukraine wildly enough.

This has happened in an indirect way, and all due to too much sabor rattling that has been going on over the last 12 years here.

Even in war all side's have belief systems, and leanings, and this goes for the make up of all societies in the world. We can see easily the various sides, their beliefs, their ideologies, their cultures, their religions if have any, and their politics.

Wars are never about just being a bully, but rather they have deep rooted issues that usually take a long time to finally fester up or build up to a boil. Once things get out of control it becomes war, and then the proverbial finger pointing, and next the propaganda campaign insues quickly there afterwards.

Still not sure what Putin has against Zelinksky, but it's very important that the world know exactly what Putin's beef with the Ukrainian official's are. All we hear is this Zelinksky is the victim, and Putin is the bully, but who knows the debt of their rift against one another or Putin's reasons for the war ?? I've heard this and heard that, but who knows the truth anymore ?? I'm in the dark.

I can only know what has gone on here in this country, and possibly how it has waved out all over the world as a result of.

No one supports Putin's war, but one wonder's if we have caused a lot of this sort of thing by being weak and reckless in our nation, otherwise be it in character, and in our resolve over many issues, yet we attempt to show the world it's folly ???....

Could it be all due to our reluctance to use historical learned wisdom to then be applied instead of the constant sabor rattling with no real sabor's in hand ?

Is everything political anymore, and will God be with us after all that we've engaged in (against God's word), as a nation now ? Time will tell. Wake up America.
I think its called a bank....yes...that's where they keep their gold...what a moron you are...its a functioning economy added to Russia over night while Joe sleeps in his new footy pajamas...Holy cow....

So the sanctions won't hurt, because putin will steal ukraine's gold.

.I bet you are nuts, and they do hurt anyway. A lot.
We driven the value of the ruble down...drove inflation in Russia up (double), cut off Russian banks

Change that to the dollar, and change the country from Russia to America in your post, and it sounds like the Biden team at play in America..... Aren't they just swell ?? Not !!!
The war started by the Democrat's against conservative Christian's goes way back now, and this includes the attacking of a president that was elected to represent the people, the Christian's and other American's equally. It was proven good, and it was working good, but leftist Democrat's couldn't stand it.

Possibly this internal war has since brought us to the brink of a nuclear exchange now with Russia over Ukraine wildly enough.

This has happened in an indirect way, and all due to too much sabor rattling that has been going on over the last 12 years here.

Even in war all side's have belief systems, and leanings, and this goes for the make up of all societies in the world. We can see easily the various sides, their beliefs, their ideologies, their cultures, their religions if have any, and their politics.

Wars are never about just being a bully, but rather they have deep rooted issues that usually take a long time to finally fester up or build up to a boil. Once things get out of control it becomes war, and then the proverbial finger pointing, and next the propaganda campaign insues quickly there afterwards.

Still not sure what Putin has against Zelinksky, but it's very important that the world know exactly what Putin's beef with the Ukrainian official's are. All we hear is this Zelinksky is the victim, and Putin is the bully, but who knows the debt of their rift against one another or Putin's reasons for the war ?? I've heard this and heard that, but who knows the truth anymore ?? I'm in the dark.

I can only know what has gone on here in this country, and possibly how it has waved out all over the world as a result of.

No one supports Putin's war, but one wonder's if we have caused a lot of this sort of thing by being weak and reckless in our nation, otherwise be it in character, and in our resolve over many issues, yet we attempt to show the world it's folly ???....

Could it be all due to our reluctance to use historical learned wisdom to then be applied instead of the constant sabor rattling with no real sabor's in hand ?

Is everything political anymore, and will God be with us after all that we've engaged in (against God's word), as a nation now ? Time will tell. Wake up America.
A War by the democrats, against conservative christians.

So, not against conservative Muslims, or Hindus, or atheists?

Just the chreeestians?
I think its called a bank....yes...that's where they keep their gold...what a moron you are...its a functioning economy added to Russia over night while Joe sleeps in his new footy pajamas...Holy cow....
And a lot of their banks have been cut off
The Russians are rolling right into the capitol....Russian egg beaters are flying around at low altitude like they own the place...this country is ideologically mixed at best...what is this?...a Joe Biden fucking side show?...

Get ready for China rolling into Taiwan next....the great reset is under way back to the days of old....permanent US troops in Europe and Asia all over again...just what the military industrial complex wants....
One liberal I work with summed up the left and their attitude toward this. When the “Ghost of Kiev” videos got shown to be nothing but footage from a flight simulator video game, he shrugged and said that he was choosing to believe the video anyway. They want to buy the propaganda that Ukraine is somehow “winning” this conflict.
The US has no leverage.

But Putin has to pawn all of the stuff in Ukraine to survive the punishing sanctions.

Makes sense, after a botched lobotomy.
Hey dumbfuck, Xiden didn’t sanction Russia’s oil production or sales. What punishing sanctions? Putin just laughs at idiots like you who get on your knees for Xiden.

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