OMG it's true....the Russians are running away like scared little kids from the Mighty NATO-KRANIANS! HERE LOOK!

The Ukraine military is a sham outfit poorly trained, poorly equipped and fifty percent loyal to Russia. There can only be one outcome here. I would give them half a chance if they actually had a homogeneous national identity but they don't.
As many as half of the population of Ukraine welcome Putin. In my estimation that makes it pretty much impossible for Russia to lose.

This post didn't not age well at all.
Last time I checked, The United States isn't at war. Ukraine is. Obviously, you understand that Ukraine's defeat is Biden's loss. You know how stupid Biden looks right about now. If Biden had an hair on his balls, he'd be airdropping weapons and ammunition into Ukraine; with special emphasis on land mines, anti-tank and anti-personel.

He promised no U.S. troops would deploy to Ukrainian soil. That pretty much tells Putin to do what the fuck he

If you were rootin' for The United States, you wouldn't be sucking Biden's
Putin Lover! Liar!
Biden's hands are full of Ukranian blood. They can't answer to that. Biden sacrificed world peace to his radical 'green' policies. He should be impeached.
Or worse since he is helping non Americans take over the nation and getting us in tremendous debt.
All you liberals will soon regret your mistakes.
I mean this says it all.....what more proof of UKRANIAN IMMINENT VICTORY do we need?

The rest of the world is threatening to whup Russia for their little blood drink in Ukraine. They better make themselves scarce no matter how humiliating it is for their mega-ego leader who seems to be ensnared on his own spear lately.
Wouldn't it be better to take them both on and defeat both? Utterly.
<SMH>...Stick to Call of Duty.

I'm going to keep this simple.

I'm 5'11, 215 lbs and a former soldier...but I'm almost I'm not as tough as I once was.

I will represent Russia.

My little brother is 6'3, 220 lbs and a former Green Beret. He's still in his prime. He will represent China.

You can represent America. You are bigger and stronger than either of us.

If you were to come after us both brother would take up 100% of your attention by himself... which leaves me free to inflict up to lethal damage.

That is why you divide and conquer.

Russia is in decline. We ain't no spring chicken either...30 trillion in debt. China is ascending.

We should have made Russia an ally. Without the shadow of the cold war...Putin's days were numbered.

What did you think Hillary's Russia reset was about?

But she and the Democrats were so butthurt that Trump won...they blew the whole thing up with fucking Russian Collusion bullshit throwing us back into the Cold War all to discredit Trump.

What a bunch of shortsighted imbeciles...
Or worse since he is helping non Americans take over the nation and getting us in tremendous debt.
All you liberals will soon regret your mistakes.
The trump tax cuts will never pay for themselves as repubs promised. trump spent through the wazoo...

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