OMG Maxine Waters is convinced evidence isn't needed for impeachment

Man oh man the looney left is truly over the edge. By all means keep displaying your insanity you crazy nutbars. She actually claims that they are suspicious because they don't know where Donal Trump came from?


WATERS: That’s what I’m telling you. We have investigations that have already started. There is an investigation in the Senate Intelligence yes, in the House you have investigations going on in several places in several ways.

This man is questionable. and what I’m saying is, because we are suspicious, many of us about who he is, where he came from, what his actions are and all of his conflicts and this business of loving Putin and the Kremlin so much, we have to find out more about him. And some of that I think leads to the possibility of impeachment.

And I think that’s legitimate to say given everything we know at this point.

BALDWIN: I understand on the investigation. But you know, you do have to find evidence before using such a huge word, such a tremendous word as the I word, the I in impeachment.

WATERS: No, no, no. no, no, no. Let me tell you what you are saying is this. You are saying that you don’t ordinarily hear members of Congress who would do what I’m doing, who began to talk about impeachment because they would fear that perhaps they were not going to get the information other people would think they are acting too hastily.

BALDWIN: Two weeks, congresswoman. The man has been in the Oval Office two weeks.

More at link:

Dem Rep Waters: Trump 'Investigation' Underway; Evidence Not Required for Impeachment - Breitbart

it's so cute when you drug addled loons make up.

try real sources, maybe you wouldn't sound like such a moron.

and just to make it clear.... BREITBART ISN"T A SOURCE, nut bar.

You bloody fool. Breitbart only printed the transcript of her interview. Her interview was with Baldwin on CNN’s “Newsroom” .

Maxine Waters isn't going after Trump. She's going after Pelosi's job. Look, they're playing the press conference game, it's going to be one after the other until somebody gets the hive-mind to reboot and take charge of it. But, it's the way the Democrats do it, trying to show solidarity in their PR faggotry, behind the scenes they're plotting to kill each other.
Maxine Waters. I've been amazed at this woman for years.
Well... amazed she ain't been picked up by her ear and tossed out of a job.
Maxine Waters. I've been amazed at this woman for years.
Well... amazed she ain't been picked up by her ear and tossed out of a job.
im amazed that a Pterodactyl hasnt swooped down, taken Maxine, and brought her back to her nest with 4 hungry chicks
Man oh man the looney left is truly over the edge. By all means keep displaying your insanity you crazy nutbars. She actually claims that they are suspicious because they don't know where Donal Trump came from?


WATERS: That’s what I’m telling you. We have investigations that have already started. There is an investigation in the Senate Intelligence yes, in the House you have investigations going on in several places in several ways.

This man is questionable. and what I’m saying is, because we are suspicious, many of us about who he is, where he came from, what his actions are and all of his conflicts and this business of loving Putin and the Kremlin so much, we have to find out more about him. And some of that I think leads to the possibility of impeachment.

And I think that’s legitimate to say given everything we know at this point.

BALDWIN: I understand on the investigation. But you know, you do have to find evidence before using such a huge word, such a tremendous word as the I word, the I in impeachment.

WATERS: No, no, no. no, no, no. Let me tell you what you are saying is this. You are saying that you don’t ordinarily hear members of Congress who would do what I’m doing, who began to talk about impeachment because they would fear that perhaps they were not going to get the information other people would think they are acting too hastily.

BALDWIN: Two weeks, congresswoman. The man has been in the Oval Office two weeks.

More at link:

Dem Rep Waters: Trump 'Investigation' Underway; Evidence Not Required for Impeachment - Breitbart
Unintelligent districts elect Unintelligent representatives.

Dude, one of the libs is going to play the race card in you.
What's new?

Lol! What a switch ! You righties called for Obamas impeachment since day one .
Not me. I waited till the 2nd day. I wanted to give obama every chance i could not to be incompetent, so i waited. [emoji14]

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Here's another Waters quote about a Tea Party rally..."Republicans were having a great time laughing and waving the Flag. I was outraged".
Maxine Waters should go work for Wal-Mart at the return counter. thats where she belongs
i wonder if Maxine is aware that 100% of Americans polled all believe that Maxine Waters brain is located in her left ass cheek.
Here's another Waters quote about a Tea Party rally..."Republicans were having a great time laughing and waving the Flag. I was outraged".

When Lefties laugh and wave the Flag, the Flag is on fire. No wonder she was outraged.
it's so cute when you drug addled loons make up. try real sources, maybe you wouldn't sound like such a moron. and just to make it clear.... BREITBART ISN"T A SOURCE, nut bar.
The "source" was the MSNBC video in the article. Clearly you failed to click the link and actually read/watch before commenting. How humiliating for you.

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