OMG, Now They Blather About "Cognitive Privilege"!

There is already a strong move to level the cognitive playing field. For those of us who have kids, how many times have you heard "All kids are gifted, all kids are talented". Total bullshit of course being pushed by a Liberal Government Education program.
Knew a young substitute teacher in the Montgomery County PSS and she said that they would not separate gifted students from ordinary students, on the theory that the gifted students naturally helped the slower students by advice and example. She said it did not work; the only thing that came out of it was that gifted students were bored with the classes and typically had bad grades due to it.
There is already a strong move to level the cognitive playing field. For those of us who have kids, how many times have you heard "All kids are gifted, all kids are talented". Total bullshit of course being pushed by a Liberal Government Education program.
Knew a young substitute teacher in the Montgomery County PSS and she said that they would not separate gifted students from ordinary students, on the theory that the gifted students naturally helped the slower students by advice and example. She said it did not work; the only thing that came out of it was that gifted students were bored with the classes and typically had bad grades due to it.
Isn't that the same excuse used when mentally disabled students are mainstreamed.
If you've seen the movie Idiocracy and the garbage that is happening today you start to think its prophetic cinema. One scene has a voice over that states
"Evolution does not necessarily reward intelligence. With no natural predators to thin the herd, it began to simply reward those who reproduced the most and left the intelligent to become an endangered species.
This is just insane, of course the more intelligent have advantages, but they dont have to worry about any of that, apparently

Op-ed: Intelligence is an example of 'cognitive privilege' - The College Fix

One’s intelligence isn’t something that’s earned. Instead, it’s received at birth and is a form of privilege.

That’s essentially the argument a University of Iowa columnist makes in a recent op-ed published in The Daily Iowan. In his student newspaper column, Dan Williams argues that understanding the concept of privilege is crucial to furthering social justice.

He writes “it is undeniable that privilege itself is a reality.”

“Any of us could have been born the unluckiest person on the planet, which, by definition, picks out precisely one person. But we all have the privilege of not being that person. We are all privileged by comparison,” Williams says.

He adds privilege extends well past the popular concept of “white privilege” and even encompasses the intelligence an individual possesses.​

Awesome! I can now use my "cognitive privilege" along with my white privilege card.

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