OMG! Our President Lied!

So do you think that we can continue down the road we are on, or do we need healthcare reform? What do you propose in lieu of government intervention?
Ahh yes, the old "Republicans have no plan" card is played again.

These same Dems who are spoon feeding you this kool-aid which you are so reliably regurgitating here, now say it's an emergency -- that if we don't reform HC NOW it will be too late -- were AGAINST doing so themselves, 4 short years ago, and offered NO counter plan. Exactly what you partisan hack whiners are crying about the GOP right now. They were saying "No" and they had no plan of their own.

Last time tables were turned, it went something like this:

Healthcare and Medicare reform was the topic on March 17 2005.

"Why should we put a plan out? Our plan is to stop him.(Bush) He must be stopped." -- Nancy Pelosi

And they DID stop Medicare and health care reform.

But that was okay. Right? The Dem plan was to stop Booooosh. They didn't have a plan for HCR. And that was fine with partisan hack dimwits like you.

What's good for the goose is always good for the gander.

The Dems stopped this same basic shit back then, and they're stopping it now. Because keep in mind, this time the Dems don't need a single GOP vote or any GOP support whatsoever. All they have to do is come up with a bill they can get their entire membership to agree on.

Isn't that cool?
i already do
thats the difference between us
you assume that Harvard would do such a thing
btw, i guess Obama got his law degree for reason other than grades


So do you think that we can continue down the road we are on, or do we need healthcare reform? What do you propose in lieu of government intervention?
how about the government get out of the way

Has private health insurance been proven entirely trustworthy with saving lives. In the 13 years that I've been in healthcare....I don't think so. And there has to be some personal responsibility as well. People need to lose weight, lower cholesterol, etc... And some tort reform. I don't think that government intervention is a permanent solution, but we have to do something. I would estimate that 1/5 of the patients that I treat are uninsured. That is a problem. And insurance companies are there to make a profit. They couldn't care less about the people who subscribe to them.

Someone has to stick their neck out for them. What do you propose?
So do you think that we can continue down the road we are on, or do we need healthcare reform? What do you propose in lieu of government intervention?
Ahh yes, the old "Republicans have no plan" card is played again.

These same Dems who are spoon feeding you this kool-aid which you are so reliably regurgitating here, now say it's an emergency -- that if we don't reform HC NOW it will be too late -- were AGAINST doing so themselves, 4 short years ago, and offered NO counter plan. Exactly what you partisan hack whiners are crying about the GOP right now. They were saying "No" and they had no plan of their own.

Last time tables were turned, it went something like this:

Healthcare and Medicare reform was the topic on March 17 2005.

"Why should we put a plan out? Our plan is to stop him.(Bush) He must be stopped." -- Nancy Pelosi

And they DID stop Medicare and health care reform.

But that was okay. Right? The Dem plan was to stop Booooosh. They didn't have a plan for HCR. And that was fine with partisan hack dimwits like you.

What's good for the goose is always good for the gander.

The Dems stopped this same basic shit back then, and they're stopping it now. Because keep in mind, this time the Dems don't need a single GOP vote or any GOP support whatsoever. All they have to do is come up with a bill they can get their entire membership to agree on.

Isn't that cool?

Was Limbaugh good yesterday? I didn't get around to listening.
As Gordon Brown's spin doctor once said, "Politicians don't lie, they just don't tell the truth."

Honest politicians? Rocking horse shit! You always know when politicians have nothing to say...their lips move.
So do you think that we can continue down the road we are on, or do we need healthcare reform? What do you propose in lieu of government intervention?
Ahh yes, the old "Republicans have no plan" card is played again.

These same Dems who are spoon feeding you this kool-aid which you are so reliably regurgitating here, now say it's an emergency -- that if we don't reform HC NOW it will be too late -- were AGAINST doing so themselves, 4 short years ago, and offered NO counter plan. Exactly what you partisan hack whiners are crying about the GOP right now. They were saying "No" and they had no plan of their own.

Last time tables were turned, it went something like this:

Healthcare and Medicare reform was the topic on March 17 2005.

"Why should we put a plan out? Our plan is to stop him.(Bush) He must be stopped." -- Nancy Pelosi

And they DID stop Medicare and health care reform.

But that was okay. Right? The Dem plan was to stop Booooosh. They didn't have a plan for HCR. And that was fine with partisan hack dimwits like you.

What's good for the goose is always good for the gander.

The Dems stopped this same basic shit back then, and they're stopping it now. Because keep in mind, this time the Dems don't need a single GOP vote or any GOP support whatsoever. All they have to do is come up with a bill they can get their entire membership to agree on.

Isn't that cool?

Was Limbaugh good yesterday? I didn't get around to listening.

The health savings accounts? I wouldn't want that either, if I were 80 years old post 3 cardiac stents, hypertension, arthritis, diabetes, and God knows what else (typical elderly problems). That was a terrible idea.
Ahh yes, the old "Republicans have no plan" card is played again.

These same Dems who are spoon feeding you this kool-aid which you are so reliably regurgitating here, now say it's an emergency -- that if we don't reform HC NOW it will be too late -- were AGAINST doing so themselves, 4 short years ago, and offered NO counter plan. Exactly what you partisan hack whiners are crying about the GOP right now. They were saying "No" and they had no plan of their own.

Last time tables were turned, it went something like this:

Healthcare and Medicare reform was the topic on March 17 2005.

"Why should we put a plan out? Our plan is to stop him.(Bush) He must be stopped." -- Nancy Pelosi

And they DID stop Medicare and health care reform.

But that was okay. Right? The Dem plan was to stop Booooosh. They didn't have a plan for HCR. And that was fine with partisan hack dimwits like you.

What's good for the goose is always good for the gander.

The Dems stopped this same basic shit back then, and they're stopping it now. Because keep in mind, this time the Dems don't need a single GOP vote or any GOP support whatsoever. All they have to do is come up with a bill they can get their entire membership to agree on.

Isn't that cool?

Was Limbaugh good yesterday? I didn't get around to listening.

The health savings accounts? I wouldn't want that either, if I were 80 years old post 3 cardiac stents, hypertension, arthritis, diabetes, and God knows what else (typical elderly problems). That was a terrible idea.
past 80 years old you would be covered by medicare
Was Limbaugh good yesterday? I didn't get around to listening.

The health savings accounts? I wouldn't want that either, if I were 80 years old post 3 cardiac stents, hypertension, arthritis, diabetes, and God knows what else (typical elderly problems). That was a terrible idea.
past 80 years old you would be covered by medicare

I must have misunderstood something. Was I not referring to attempted Medicare reformation under W?
The health savings accounts? I wouldn't want that either, if I were 80 years old post 3 cardiac stents, hypertension, arthritis, diabetes, and God knows what else (typical elderly problems). That was a terrible idea.
past 80 years old you would be covered by medicare

I must have misunderstood something. Was I not referring to attempted Medicare reformation under W?
which would not effect someone over 80
Health care reform is overrated. I mean think about it...

How many times have we all heard about a person doing something really, really stupid that resulted in severe injury, injury that in the past would have killed them, only to be saved by doctors? Modern medicine and health care has made it harder and harder to "cull the herd" resulting in more stupid people on the planet! I for one am tired of it! I say we return to the days of draconian medical practices and reduce the number of stupid people in the world!

Leaches anyone?
Health care reform is overrated. I mean think about it...

How many times have we all heard about a person doing something really, really stupid that resulted in severe injury, injury that in the past would have killed them, only to be saved by doctors? Modern medicine and health care has made it harder and harder to "cull the herd" resulting in more stupid people on the planet! I for one am tired of it! I say we return to the days of draconian medical practices and reduce the number of stupid people in the world!

Leaches anyone?[/QUOT

So you are a genius? Your life is so much more valuable than everyone else's? So the next time a drunk driver plows into some innocent family's minivan, we should just ignore the 911 call because on one end....stupidity was involved? We should just subscribe to Darwin's beliefs on natural selection?

It's a good thing that doctors, nurses, and paramedics don't ever feel that way. Oh that's right. We don't have a choice. Because the "entitled" people in this world would sue us if we didn't do everything just right.
Health care reform is overrated. I mean think about it...

How many times have we all heard about a person doing something really, really stupid that resulted in severe injury, injury that in the past would have killed them, only to be saved by doctors? Modern medicine and health care has made it harder and harder to "cull the herd" resulting in more stupid people on the planet! I for one am tired of it! I say we return to the days of draconian medical practices and reduce the number of stupid people in the world!

Leaches anyone?

So you are a genius? Your life is so much more valuable than everyone else's? So the next time a drunk driver plows into some innocent family's minivan, we should just ignore the 911 call because on one end....stupidity was involved? We should just subscribe to Darwin's beliefs on natural selection?

It's a good thing that doctors, nurses, and paramedics don't ever feel that way. Oh that's right. We don't have a choice. Because the "entitled" people in this world would sue us if we didn't do everything just right.

Man, someone needs to get a sense of humor.

Get over yourself, it was a joke.
you are missing a lot

Well don't beat around the bush (haha) tell me, what?

See my post about hip replacements for a clue.

I wasn't talking about tort reform, but now that you mention it....I do wish that it was more difficult to sue healthcare providers, as I am one. It has led to a lot of sleepless nights for me. (the worry) I am totally for that! But that's what I get paid the big bucks for :muahaha:
Well don't beat around the bush (haha) tell me, what?

See my post about hip replacements for a clue.

I wasn't talking about tort reform, but now that you mention it....I do wish that it was more difficult to sue healthcare providers, as I am one. It has led to a lot of sleepless nights for me. (the worry) I am totally for that! But that's what I get paid the big bucks for :muahaha:

Actually, you mentioned tort reform in post #64 in this thread.
Are you drunk?
So do you think that we can continue down the road we are on, or do we need healthcare reform? What do you propose in lieu of government intervention?
Ahh yes, the old "Republicans have no plan" card is played again.

These same Dems who are spoon feeding you this kool-aid which you are so reliably regurgitating here, now say it's an emergency -- that if we don't reform HC NOW it will be too late -- were AGAINST doing so themselves, 4 short years ago, and offered NO counter plan. Exactly what you partisan hack whiners are crying about the GOP right now. They were saying "No" and they had no plan of their own.

Last time tables were turned, it went something like this:

Healthcare and Medicare reform was the topic on March 17 2005.

"Why should we put a plan out? Our plan is to stop him.(Bush) He must be stopped." -- Nancy Pelosi

And they DID stop Medicare and health care reform.

But that was okay. Right? The Dem plan was to stop Booooosh. They didn't have a plan for HCR. And that was fine with partisan hack dimwits like you.

What's good for the goose is always good for the gander.

The Dems stopped this same basic shit back then, and they're stopping it now. Because keep in mind, this time the Dems don't need a single GOP vote or any GOP support whatsoever. All they have to do is come up with a bill they can get their entire membership to agree on.

Isn't that cool?

Was Limbaugh good yesterday? I didn't get around to listening.

I'm seeing a trend. Everytime someone raises a reasonable point for discussion this garden variety troll deflects with a blathering 1-liner. I expect a lot higher quality from our trolls. He isn't funny. He isn't bombastic. He's dull. I suggest we discontinue feeding him until he either steps up his troll roll or will actually discuss an issue.
Ahh yes, the old "Republicans have no plan" card is played again.

These same Dems who are spoon feeding you this kool-aid which you are so reliably regurgitating here, now say it's an emergency -- that if we don't reform HC NOW it will be too late -- were AGAINST doing so themselves, 4 short years ago, and offered NO counter plan. Exactly what you partisan hack whiners are crying about the GOP right now. They were saying "No" and they had no plan of their own.

Last time tables were turned, it went something like this:

Healthcare and Medicare reform was the topic on March 17 2005.

"Why should we put a plan out? Our plan is to stop him.(Bush) He must be stopped." -- Nancy Pelosi

And they DID stop Medicare and health care reform.

But that was okay. Right? The Dem plan was to stop Booooosh. They didn't have a plan for HCR. And that was fine with partisan hack dimwits like you.

What's good for the goose is always good for the gander.

The Dems stopped this same basic shit back then, and they're stopping it now. Because keep in mind, this time the Dems don't need a single GOP vote or any GOP support whatsoever. All they have to do is come up with a bill they can get their entire membership to agree on.

Isn't that cool?

Was Limbaugh good yesterday? I didn't get around to listening.

I'm seeing a trend. Everytime someone raises a reasonable point for discussion this garden variety troll deflects with a blathering 1-liner. I expect a lot higher quality from our trolls. He isn't funny. He isn't bombastic. He's dull. I suggest we discontinue feeding him until he either steps up his troll roll or will actually discuss an issue.

I read all the posts on this thread, and was thinking the exact same thing, Amanda. He isn't looking for any solutions, he's just looking to engage with the right side. If he had comprehended what PC was posting he would have understood, instead he asks for her credentials. He's just a Kool-Aid drinking troll.
Was Limbaugh good yesterday? I didn't get around to listening.

I'm seeing a trend. Everytime someone raises a reasonable point for discussion this garden variety troll deflects with a blathering 1-liner. I expect a lot higher quality from our trolls. He isn't funny. He isn't bombastic. He's dull. I suggest we discontinue feeding him until he either steps up his troll roll or will actually discuss an issue.

I read all the posts on this thread, and was thinking the exact same thing, Amanda. He isn't looking for any solutions, he's just looking to engage with the right side. If he had comprehended what PC was posting he would have understood, instead he asks for her credentials. He's just a Kool-Aid drinking troll.

It disgusts me: the level of complacency, the arrogance, and the Limbaugh quotes. You people really need to learn some new jokes. The Jim Jones' Kool-Aid joke, which Limbaugh says everyday is getting old.

I need to find some extreme left-wing liberal and quote them incessantly, and see if you then get the same impression about me, that I get about you: YOU'RE OUT OF IDEAS.

And if by "he", you are referring to me, I would think that the Ms in front of Kafka would reveal me to be non-phallic. I think that I'll start quoting from the ACLU website and claiming it as my own research.

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