OMG: Roy Moore said in September that the last time America was great was when we had slavery

The question still unanswered:

If the yearbook was actually signed by Moore, then it’s pretty damning evidence. Why won’t Gloria Allred allow it to be examined by experts?

Get your news from more than one source why don't you?

"I formally requested that those committees conduct a hearing within the next two weeks regarding the accusations made by the five women who alleged that they were victims of Roy Moore when they were teenagers," Allred said in a statement. "In the event that either or both Committees agree to conduct our requested hearing, then we would agree to have the original yearbook examined by an independent expert or experts who would obtain exemplars of Mr. Moore’s handwriting during the period in question and compare that handwriting to that contained in the yearbook."

Lawyer: Congress can examine yearbook if hearings are held on Moore accusations

Sorry, you lose. She knows that isn’t going to happen. There’s no reason the refuse without a hearing. She wants the hearing to make a big stink that could screw the election even if it isn’t true.

She’s full of shit. That book is a slam dunk if true, and she’d definately get a hearing if it was.

She’s stalling, there’s no logical reason to refuse. Can you think of one?

There isn't anyone to have a hearing. The Congressional committee can't. Moore isn't a Senator.
This thread / the OP, again, is a reminder of how Snowflakes have to lie and twist the truth in order to attack Conservatives...

This thread/the OP, again is a reminder of how Snowflake Republicans have to lie and twist the truth in order to try to get everyone to ignore what Moore actually said.

When a black man at a September rally asked what President Donald Trump means by “make America great again,” Moore acknowledged, the Los Angeles Times reported, that the country had a history of racial tensions. Then he answered the question: “I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery. They cared for one another. People were strong in the families. Our families were strong. Our country had a direction

Imagine if Moore had said something similar about Germany in 1943- "I think it was great at the time when families were united- even though they were gassing jews. They cared for one another. People were strong in the families. The families were strong. Germany had a direction.

But what I think you don't want people to think about is that Moore is saying America was great before the first Republican Government- and when Democrats controlled Alabama
Actually, that is what he said

That’s a lie. He said quite clearly:Very big difference there. Are you illiterate or just lying?

Why must you lie, for chrissakes?

Just stop, idiot. No one believes anything you say. Dismissed.

I have his quote. Would you like to reaffirm for the record that he said “Despite the fact that we had slavery.”

He said: “even though we had slavery”. Same fucking thing idiot.

yeah- just like a German talking about how great Germany was in 1943- "even though we had the Holocaust"
Still trying to get this thread back to the topic- Moore's bizarre opinion that America was at its best with families when there was slavery in America.

That’s not what he said at all. It’s a lie.
Actually, that is what he said

That’s a lie. He said quite clearly: “Despite the fact that we had slavery.” Very big difference there. Are you illiterate or just lying?
That is quite a big "despite"

Despite hitting an iceberg, the Titanic had a lovely voyage

Not even the same thing idiot. He’s talking about family. The slavery could have been left out as it wasn’t relevant to his point. He added it because he knew as he said that that the left would jump all over it. The iceberg certainly is relevant to the Titanic.

He didn't leave it out.

Do you think that America was strongest- the American family was strongest-prior to the Civil War- even though we had slavery?

Do you think the American family was strongest when abortion was legal? When women couldn't vote? When women died on average- young- do to the physical rigors of having so many children? When it was common for entire families- men, women and children to work in tenement sweatshops?

Do you think the American family was strongest- and America the Greatest- before our first Republican President- and when the Democrats controlled Alabama?
That’s a lie. He said quite clearly: “Despite the fact that we had slavery.” Very big difference there. Are you illiterate or just lying?
That is quite a big "despite"

Despite hitting an iceberg, the Titanic had a lovely voyage

Not even the same thing idiot. He’s talking about family. The slavery could have been left out as it wasn’t relevant to his point. He added it because he knew as he said that that the left would jump all over it. The iceberg certainly is relevant to the Titanic.

Just how stupid are you?
Like those families that relied on slaves?
Like slave families that were broken up or had the wife raped?

What was so great about 1850 families?

I asked how stupid are you, apparently pretty fucking stupid as always.
You failed to answer the question......what was so great about 1860 families?

You obviously know little of the period

Ask Moore retard, he said it I didn’t. I only know what he said and that you are a liar.
The question still unanswered:

If the yearbook was actually signed by Moore, then it’s pretty damning evidence. Why won’t Gloria Allred allow it to be examined by experts?

Get your news from more than one source why don't you?

"I formally requested that those committees conduct a hearing within the next two weeks regarding the accusations made by the five women who alleged that they were victims of Roy Moore when they were teenagers," Allred said in a statement. "In the event that either or both Committees agree to conduct our requested hearing, then we would agree to have the original yearbook examined by an independent expert or experts who would obtain exemplars of Mr. Moore’s handwriting during the period in question and compare that handwriting to that contained in the yearbook."

Lawyer: Congress can examine yearbook if hearings are held on Moore accusations

Sorry, you lose. She knows that isn’t going to happen. There’s no reason the refuse without a hearing. She wants the hearing to make a big stink that could screw the election even if it isn’t true.

She’s full of shit. That book is a slam dunk if true, and she’d definately get a hearing if it was.

She’s stalling, there’s no logical reason to refuse. Can you think of one?

There isn't anyone to have a hearing. The Congressional committee can't. Moore isn't a Senator.

I did not know that. There’s the proof that her deal is bogus. She has no intention of letting the book be examined. Most likely it’s because it’s a forgery. I can’t think of any other reason for not allowing it.
OMG: Roy Moore said in September that the last time America was great was when we had slavery

In Alabama, the heart of Trump country, many think he's backing the wrong candidate in Senate race

wow, early 18th century! This guy is something else.

Yeah...thanks for taking the quote out of is the truth....and the reason why Moore has a good chance to win on Tuesday.....left wing assholes lie to gain when they come out with accusations against a republican candidate after it is too late for republicans to change the candidate, and the choice then comes to voting for the candidate or give the seat to someone who will allow babies to be killed....there isn't much choice....

FAKE NEWS: CNN Twists Roy Moore's Comments About Slavery and American Greatness

In response to a question from one of the only African Americans in the audience — who asked when Moore thought America was last "great" -- Moore acknowledged the nation's history of racial divisions, but said: "I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another…. Our families were strong, our country had a direction."

At the same event, Moore referred to Native Americans and Asian Americans as "reds and yellows," and earlier this year he suggested the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks were divine punishment.

Mascaro couched her reporting of this statement in between two prejudicial quotes. The "reds and yellows" comment, as previously reported by PJ Media, was a reference to the song "Jesus loves the little children." The "spiritual wickedness in high places" may be exaggerated political rhetoric, but it plays to Moore's extremely conservative base.

The Times posted an audio recording of Moore's remarks so enterprising viewers could find out for themselves. The actual remarks prove quite different from the reported version that sparked so much outrage.

First, the question wasn't "when was the last time America was great?" but the more general "what does Trump mean, what does he mean, 'make it great again?'" This may seem a subtle difference, but it's important to remember that the black man did not ask for a specific time, nor did Moore give one.

More importantly, the quote above represents an extremely truncated part of Moore's response. Here it is in full, transcribed from the audio:

I think we've been striving for that greatness all the way through. I think you're right about that. And I think it was great in the minds of those who formed the Declaration, though they were not perfect people. They had problems. Those problems have been corrected by — unfortunately war — by constitutional amendment.

We've had to — we've corrected a lot of our problems. I think it was great at a time when families were united, even though we had slavery, they cared for one another. People were strong in the families. Our families were strong, our country had a direction, and we corrected many of the problems.

Today, I see our families divided, I see people in prison, young men, and women, that have a life ahead of them that have not been led and nurtured in the families like they used to be. And I know, I’m talking to you because you, like me, you’re an age when you remember when families used to care, when fathers used to care, when mothers used to care, and children used to care and weren’t disrespectful.

The greatness I see was in our culture, not in all our policies, there were problems — we had slavery, we’ve overcome slavery, we had prejudice, we still have prejudice. But we’ve turned the tide on civil rights, we’ve done a lot of things to bring this country around, and I think we can still make it better.

Notice what Moore did and did not say. He did not specifically point to the period of slavery as the "last time" America was "great." Rather, he suggested that "we've been striving for greatness all the way through." Remarkably, he said that "we've turned the tide on civil rights, we've done a lot of things to bring this country around, and I think we can still make it better."
That’s not what he said at all. It’s a lie.
Actually, that is what he said

That’s a lie. He said quite clearly: “Despite the fact that we had slavery.” Very big difference there. Are you illiterate or just lying?
That is quite a big "despite"

Despite hitting an iceberg, the Titanic had a lovely voyage

Not even the same thing idiot. He’s talking about family. The slavery could have been left out as it wasn’t relevant to his point. He added it because he knew as he said that that the left would jump all over it. The iceberg certainly is relevant to the Titanic.

He didn't leave it out.

Do you think that America was strongest- the American family was strongest-prior to the Civil War- even though we had slavery?

Do you think the American family was strongest when abortion was legal? When women couldn't vote? When women died on average- young- do to the physical rigors of having so many children? When it was common for entire families- men, women and children to work in tenement sweatshops?

Do you think the American family was strongest- and America the Greatest- before our first Republican President- and when the Democrats controlled Alabama?

Oh for fucking crying out loud just how stupid are you? I have no idea why Moore thinks the family was so great back then. I never said it was, stupid. All I’m saying is that he DID NOT SAY or mean that because of slavery, things were great as you lying liberal idiots are trying to imply. For the last time, more said “even though we had slavery”, it’s not to be confused with “we even had slavery!”. If you are too illiterate to understand things that simple then there’s no use in us discussing anything anymore.
OMG: Roy Moore said in September that the last time America was great was when we had slavery

In Alabama, the heart of Trump country, many think he's backing the wrong candidate in Senate race

wow, early 18th century! This guy is something else.

Yeah...thanks for taking the quote out of is the truth....and the reason why Moore has a good chance to win on Tuesday.....left wing assholes lie to gain when they come out with accusations against a republican candidate after it is too late for republicans to change the candidate, and the choice then comes to voting for the candidate or give the seat to someone who will allow babies to be killed....there isn't much choice....

FAKE NEWS: CNN Twists Roy Moore's Comments About Slavery and American Greatness

In response to a question from one of the only African Americans in the audience — who asked when Moore thought America was last "great" -- Moore acknowledged the nation's history of racial divisions, but said: "I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another…. Our families were strong, our country had a direction."

At the same event, Moore referred to Native Americans and Asian Americans as "reds and yellows," and earlier this year he suggested the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks were divine punishment.

Mascaro couched her reporting of this statement in between two prejudicial quotes. The "reds and yellows" comment, as previously reported by PJ Media, was a reference to the song "Jesus loves the little children." The "spiritual wickedness in high places" may be exaggerated political rhetoric, but it plays to Moore's extremely conservative base.

The Times posted an audio recording of Moore's remarks so enterprising viewers could find out for themselves. The actual remarks prove quite different from the reported version that sparked so much outrage.

First, the question wasn't "when was the last time America was great?" but the more general "what does Trump mean, what does he mean, 'make it great again?'" This may seem a subtle difference, but it's important to remember that the black man did not ask for a specific time, nor did Moore give one.

More importantly, the quote above represents an extremely truncated part of Moore's response. Here it is in full, transcribed from the audio:

I think we've been striving for that greatness all the way through. I think you're right about that. And I think it was great in the minds of those who formed the Declaration, though they were not perfect people. They had problems. Those problems have been corrected by — unfortunately war — by constitutional amendment.

We've had to — we've corrected a lot of our problems. I think it was great at a time when families were united, even though we had slavery, they cared for one another. People were strong in the families. Our families were strong, our country had a direction, and we corrected many of the problems.

Today, I see our families divided, I see people in prison, young men, and women, that have a life ahead of them that have not been led and nurtured in the families like they used to be. And I know, I’m talking to you because you, like me, you’re an age when you remember when families used to care, when fathers used to care, when mothers used to care, and children used to care and weren’t disrespectful.

The greatness I see was in our culture, not in all our policies, there were problems — we had slavery, we’ve overcome slavery, we had prejudice, we still have prejudice. But we’ve turned the tide on civil rights, we’ve done a lot of things to bring this country around, and I think we can still make it better.

Notice what Moore did and did not say. He did not specifically point to the period of slavery as the "last time" America was "great." Rather, he suggested that "we've been striving for greatness all the way through." Remarkably, he said that "we've turned the tide on civil rights, we've done a lot of things to bring this country around, and I think we can still make it better."

Wiw, thanks for posting that. It’s the left, lying again.
OMG: Roy Moore said in September that the last time America was great was when we had slavery

In Alabama, the heart of Trump country, many think he's backing the wrong candidate in Senate race

wow, early 18th century! This guy is something else.

Yeah...thanks for taking the quote out of is the truth....and the reason why Moore has a good chance to win on Tuesday.....left wing assholes lie to gain when they come out with accusations against a republican candidate after it is too late for republicans to change the candidate, and the choice then comes to voting for the candidate or give the seat to someone who will allow babies to be killed....there isn't much choice....

FAKE NEWS: CNN Twists Roy Moore's Comments About Slavery and American Greatness

In response to a question from one of the only African Americans in the audience — who asked when Moore thought America was last "great" -- Moore acknowledged the nation's history of racial divisions, but said: "I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another…. Our families were strong, our country had a direction."

Typical lying contards- reporting the actual words a person says is "Fake News'- making up crap like Trump does- is not Fake News.

In response to a question from one of the only African Americans in the audience — who asked when Moore thought America was last "great" -- Moore acknowledged the nation's history of racial divisions, but said: "I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another…. Our families were strong, our country had a direction.

No way to get around it- Roy Moore chose a period of time that he believes exemplified when America was Great- as when we had slavery.

That Families were united- during the era we had slavery.
That Families cared for each other- during the era we had slavery.
That our Families were strong- during the era we had slavery.
That our country had direction- during the era we had slavery.

Not for instance- right after the Civil War- when Republican controlled the United States. Not during the Eisenhower era or the Reagan era. Not even when Teddy Roosevelt was President.

Moore chose an era before there existed a Republican President. When Democrats controlled Alabama and abortion was legal.

And families were strong.

Oh and we had slavery.
OMG: Roy Moore said in September that the last time America was great was when we had slavery

In Alabama, the heart of Trump country, many think he's backing the wrong candidate in Senate race

wow, early 18th century! This guy is something else.

Yeah...thanks for taking the quote out of is the truth....and the reason why Moore has a good chance to win on Tuesday.....left wing assholes lie to gain when they come out with accusations against a republican candidate after it is too late for republicans to change the candidate, and the choice then comes to voting for the candidate or give the seat to someone who will allow babies to be killed....there isn't much choice....

FAKE NEWS: CNN Twists Roy Moore's Comments About Slavery and American Greatness

In response to a question from one of the only African Americans in the audience — who asked when Moore thought America was last "great" -- Moore acknowledged the nation's history of racial divisions, but said: "I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another…. Our families were strong, our country had a direction."

At the same event, Moore referred to Native Americans and Asian Americans as "reds and yellows," and earlier this year he suggested the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks were divine punishment.

Mascaro couched her reporting of this statement in between two prejudicial quotes. The "reds and yellows" comment, as previously reported by PJ Media, was a reference to the song "Jesus loves the little children." The "spiritual wickedness in high places" may be exaggerated political rhetoric, but it plays to Moore's extremely conservative base.

The Times posted an audio recording of Moore's remarks so enterprising viewers could find out for themselves. The actual remarks prove quite different from the reported version that sparked so much outrage.

First, the question wasn't "when was the last time America was great?" but the more general "what does Trump mean, what does he mean, 'make it great again?'" This may seem a subtle difference, but it's important to remember that the black man did not ask for a specific time, nor did Moore give one.

More importantly, the quote above represents an extremely truncated part of Moore's response. Here it is in full, transcribed from the audio:

I think we've been striving for that greatness all the way through. I think you're right about that. And I think it was great in the minds of those who formed the Declaration, though they were not perfect people. They had problems. Those problems have been corrected by — unfortunately war — by constitutional amendment.

We've had to — we've corrected a lot of our problems. I think it was great at a time when families were united, even though we had slavery, they cared for one another. People were strong in the families. Our families were strong, our country had a direction, and we corrected many of the problems.

Today, I see our families divided, I see people in prison, young men, and women, that have a life ahead of them that have not been led and nurtured in the families like they used to be. And I know, I’m talking to you because you, like me, you’re an age when you remember when families used to care, when fathers used to care, when mothers used to care, and children used to care and weren’t disrespectful.

The greatness I see was in our culture, not in all our policies, there were problems — we had slavery, we’ve overcome slavery, we had prejudice, we still have prejudice. But we’ve turned the tide on civil rights, we’ve done a lot of things to bring this country around, and I think we can still make it better.

Notice what Moore did and did not say. He did not specifically point to the period of slavery as the "last time" America was "great." Rather, he suggested that "we've been striving for greatness all the way through." Remarkably, he said that "we've turned the tide on civil rights, we've done a lot of things to bring this country around, and I think we can still make it better."

Wiw, thanks for posting that. It’s the left, lying again.

Notice what Moore did and did not say. Moore did say that our families were strong when we had slavery. Moore said that families cared for each other when we had slavery.

And Moore said that Fathers in America no longer care, and Mothers in America no longer care and children no longer care.

But we all did care.

Back when we had slavery.
Actually, that is what he said

That’s a lie. He said quite clearly: “Despite the fact that we had slavery.” Very big difference there. Are you illiterate or just lying?
That is quite a big "despite"

Despite hitting an iceberg, the Titanic had a lovely voyage

Not even the same thing idiot. He’s talking about family. The slavery could have been left out as it wasn’t relevant to his point. He added it because he knew as he said that that the left would jump all over it. The iceberg certainly is relevant to the Titanic.

He didn't leave it out.

Do you think that America was strongest- the American family was strongest-prior to the Civil War- even though we had slavery?

Do you think the American family was strongest when abortion was legal? When women couldn't vote? When women died on average- young- do to the physical rigors of having so many children? When it was common for entire families- men, women and children to work in tenement sweatshops?

Do you think the American family was strongest- and America the Greatest- before our first Republican President- and when the Democrats controlled Alabama?

Oh for fucking crying out loud just how stupid are you? I have no idea why Moore thinks the family was so great back then. I never said it was, stupid. All I’m saying is that he DID NOT SAY or mean that because of slavery, things were great as you lying liberal idiots are trying to imply. For the last time, more said “even though we had slavery”, it’s not to be confused with “we even had slavery!”. If you are too illiterate to understand things that simple then there’s no use in us discussing anything anymore.

Of for fucking crying out loud- just how stupid are you? (lol- that is a rhetorical question)

Pretty straight forward- before we had Republican Presidents, and Alabama was controlled by Democrats- Moore thought American families were strong.

And now he thinks that in America- fathers don't care about their families. And mothers don't care about their families.

I wonder why Moore doesn't think that fathers and mothers in Alabama care for their kids?
OMG: Roy Moore said in September that the last time America was great was when we had slavery

In Alabama, the heart of Trump country, many think he's backing the wrong candidate in Senate race

wow, early 18th century! This guy is something else.

Yeah...thanks for taking the quote out of is the truth....and the reason why Moore has a good chance to win on Tuesday.....left wing assholes lie to gain when they come out with accusations against a republican candidate after it is too late for republicans to change the candidate, and the choice then comes to voting for the candidate or give the seat to someone who will allow babies to be killed....there isn't much choice....

FAKE NEWS: CNN Twists Roy Moore's Comments About Slavery and American Greatness

In response to a question from one of the only African Americans in the audience — who asked when Moore thought America was last "great" -- Moore acknowledged the nation's history of racial divisions, but said: "I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another…. Our families were strong, our country had a direction."

Typical lying contards- reporting the actual words a person says is "Fake News'- making up crap like Trump does- is not Fake News.

In response to a question from one of the only African Americans in the audience — who asked when Moore thought America was last "great" -- Moore acknowledged the nation's history of racial divisions, but said: "I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another…. Our families were strong, our country had a direction.

No way to get around it- Roy Moore chose a period of time that he believes exemplified when America was Great- as when we had slavery.

That Families were united- during the era we had slavery.
That Families cared for each other- during the era we had slavery.
That our Families were strong- during the era we had slavery.
That our country had direction- during the era we had slavery.

Not for instance- right after the Civil War- when Republican controlled the United States. Not during the Eisenhower era or the Reagan era. Not even when Teddy Roosevelt was President.

Moore chose an era before there existed a Republican President. When Democrats controlled Alabama and abortion was legal.

And families were strong.

Oh and we had slavery.

Cry some more. Make real people laugh.
OMG: Roy Moore said in September that the last time America was great was when we had slavery

In Alabama, the heart of Trump country, many think he's backing the wrong candidate in Senate race

wow, early 18th century! This guy is something else.

Yeah...thanks for taking the quote out of is the truth....and the reason why Moore has a good chance to win on Tuesday.....left wing assholes lie to gain when they come out with accusations against a republican candidate after it is too late for republicans to change the candidate, and the choice then comes to voting for the candidate or give the seat to someone who will allow babies to be killed....there isn't much choice....

FAKE NEWS: CNN Twists Roy Moore's Comments About Slavery and American Greatness

In response to a question from one of the only African Americans in the audience — who asked when Moore thought America was last "great" -- Moore acknowledged the nation's history of racial divisions, but said: "I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another…. Our families were strong, our country had a direction."

Typical lying contards- reporting the actual words a person says is "Fake News'- making up crap like Trump does- is not Fake News.

In response to a question from one of the only African Americans in the audience — who asked when Moore thought America was last "great" -- Moore acknowledged the nation's history of racial divisions, but said: "I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another…. Our families were strong, our country had a direction.

No way to get around it- Roy Moore chose a period of time that he believes exemplified when America was Great- as when we had slavery.

That Families were united- during the era we had slavery.
That Families cared for each other- during the era we had slavery.
That our Families were strong- during the era we had slavery.
That our country had direction- during the era we had slavery.

Not for instance- right after the Civil War- when Republican controlled the United States. Not during the Eisenhower era or the Reagan era. Not even when Teddy Roosevelt was President.

Moore chose an era before there existed a Republican President. When Democrats controlled Alabama and abortion was legal.

And families were strong.

Oh and we had slavery.

Cry some more. Make real people laugh.

you consider yourself a real person? :rofl:
OMG: Roy Moore said in September that the last time America was great was when we had slavery

In Alabama, the heart of Trump country, many think he's backing the wrong candidate in Senate race

wow, early 18th century! This guy is something else.

Yeah...thanks for taking the quote out of is the truth....and the reason why Moore has a good chance to win on Tuesday.....left wing assholes lie to gain when they come out with accusations against a republican candidate after it is too late for republicans to change the candidate, and the choice then comes to voting for the candidate or give the seat to someone who will allow babies to be killed....there isn't much choice....

FAKE NEWS: CNN Twists Roy Moore's Comments About Slavery and American Greatness

In response to a question from one of the only African Americans in the audience — who asked when Moore thought America was last "great" -- Moore acknowledged the nation's history of racial divisions, but said: "I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another…. Our families were strong, our country had a direction."

Typical lying contards- reporting the actual words a person says is "Fake News'- making up crap like Trump does- is not Fake News.

In response to a question from one of the only African Americans in the audience — who asked when Moore thought America was last "great" -- Moore acknowledged the nation's history of racial divisions, but said: "I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another…. Our families were strong, our country had a direction.

No way to get around it- Roy Moore chose a period of time that he believes exemplified when America was Great- as when we had slavery.

That Families were united- during the era we had slavery.
That Families cared for each other- during the era we had slavery.
That our Families were strong- during the era we had slavery.
That our country had direction- during the era we had slavery.

Not for instance- right after the Civil War- when Republican controlled the United States. Not during the Eisenhower era or the Reagan era. Not even when Teddy Roosevelt was President.

Moore chose an era before there existed a Republican President. When Democrats controlled Alabama and abortion was legal.

And families were strong.

Oh and we had slavery.

Cry some more. Make real people laugh.

Oh hell- I don't doubt that the voters of Alabama agree with Moore- that Alabama was stronger when they had slaves.
OMG: Roy Moore said in September that the last time America was great was when we had slavery

In Alabama, the heart of Trump country, many think he's backing the wrong candidate in Senate race

wow, early 18th century! This guy is something else.

Yeah...thanks for taking the quote out of is the truth....and the reason why Moore has a good chance to win on Tuesday.....left wing assholes lie to gain when they come out with accusations against a republican candidate after it is too late for republicans to change the candidate, and the choice then comes to voting for the candidate or give the seat to someone who will allow babies to be killed....there isn't much choice....

FAKE NEWS: CNN Twists Roy Moore's Comments About Slavery and American Greatness

In response to a question from one of the only African Americans in the audience — who asked when Moore thought America was last "great" -- Moore acknowledged the nation's history of racial divisions, but said: "I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another…. Our families were strong, our country had a direction."

Typical lying contards- reporting the actual words a person says is "Fake News'- making up crap like Trump does- is not Fake News.

In response to a question from one of the only African Americans in the audience — who asked when Moore thought America was last "great" -- Moore acknowledged the nation's history of racial divisions, but said: "I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another…. Our families were strong, our country had a direction.

No way to get around it- Roy Moore chose a period of time that he believes exemplified when America was Great- as when we had slavery.

That Families were united- during the era we had slavery.
That Families cared for each other- during the era we had slavery.
That our Families were strong- during the era we had slavery.
That our country had direction- during the era we had slavery.

Not for instance- right after the Civil War- when Republican controlled the United States. Not during the Eisenhower era or the Reagan era. Not even when Teddy Roosevelt was President.

Moore chose an era before there existed a Republican President. When Democrats controlled Alabama and abortion was legal.

And families were strong.

Oh and we had slavery.

Cry some more. Make real people laugh.

you consider yourself a real person? :rofl:

"Commerce is our goal here at Tyrell. 'More human than human' is our motto."
OMG: Roy Moore said in September that the last time America was great was when we had slavery

In Alabama, the heart of Trump country, many think he's backing the wrong candidate in Senate race

wow, early 18th century! This guy is something else.

Yeah...thanks for taking the quote out of is the truth....and the reason why Moore has a good chance to win on Tuesday.....left wing assholes lie to gain when they come out with accusations against a republican candidate after it is too late for republicans to change the candidate, and the choice then comes to voting for the candidate or give the seat to someone who will allow babies to be killed....there isn't much choice....

FAKE NEWS: CNN Twists Roy Moore's Comments About Slavery and American Greatness

In response to a question from one of the only African Americans in the audience — who asked when Moore thought America was last "great" -- Moore acknowledged the nation's history of racial divisions, but said: "I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another…. Our families were strong, our country had a direction."

Typical lying contards- reporting the actual words a person says is "Fake News'- making up crap like Trump does- is not Fake News.

In response to a question from one of the only African Americans in the audience — who asked when Moore thought America was last "great" -- Moore acknowledged the nation's history of racial divisions, but said: "I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another…. Our families were strong, our country had a direction.

No way to get around it- Roy Moore chose a period of time that he believes exemplified when America was Great- as when we had slavery.

That Families were united- during the era we had slavery.
That Families cared for each other- during the era we had slavery.
That our Families were strong- during the era we had slavery.
That our country had direction- during the era we had slavery.

Not for instance- right after the Civil War- when Republican controlled the United States. Not during the Eisenhower era or the Reagan era. Not even when Teddy Roosevelt was President.

Moore chose an era before there existed a Republican President. When Democrats controlled Alabama and abortion was legal.

And families were strong.

Oh and we had slavery.

Cry some more. Make real people laugh.

you consider yourself a real person? :rofl:

"Commerce is our goal here at Tyrell. 'More human than human' is our motto."

Hmmmm is Moore a replicant? Maybe....

OMG: Roy Moore said in September that the last time America was great was when we had slavery

In Alabama, the heart of Trump country, many think he's backing the wrong candidate in Senate race

wow, early 18th century! This guy is something else.
Everyone is spouting that, but that is NOT what Roy Moore said. Not even when you snip just that piece of his speech, it STILL doesn't say that.
I'm puzzled why he feels we need to go back 150 years to find a time when families were strong and our country had direction. For goodness sakes, the Civil War shows we weren't all rowing in the same direction in this country, and families were certainly strong in my parents' time. And no, they weren't born before the Civil War.
A fantasy attraction to pre Civil War values is quite odd
OMG: Roy Moore said in September that the last time America was great was when we had slavery

In Alabama, the heart of Trump country, many think he's backing the wrong candidate in Senate race

wow, early 18th century! This guy is something else.

Yeah...thanks for taking the quote out of is the truth....and the reason why Moore has a good chance to win on Tuesday.....left wing assholes lie to gain when they come out with accusations against a republican candidate after it is too late for republicans to change the candidate, and the choice then comes to voting for the candidate or give the seat to someone who will allow babies to be killed....there isn't much choice....

FAKE NEWS: CNN Twists Roy Moore's Comments About Slavery and American Greatness

In response to a question from one of the only African Americans in the audience — who asked when Moore thought America was last "great" -- Moore acknowledged the nation's history of racial divisions, but said: "I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another…. Our families were strong, our country had a direction."

Typical lying contards- reporting the actual words a person says is "Fake News'- making up crap like Trump does- is not Fake News.

In response to a question from one of the only African Americans in the audience — who asked when Moore thought America was last "great" -- Moore acknowledged the nation's history of racial divisions, but said: "I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another…. Our families were strong, our country had a direction.

No way to get around it- Roy Moore chose a period of time that he believes exemplified when America was Great- as when we had slavery.

That Families were united- during the era we had slavery.
That Families cared for each other- during the era we had slavery.
That our Families were strong- during the era we had slavery.
That our country had direction- during the era we had slavery.

Not for instance- right after the Civil War- when Republican controlled the United States. Not during the Eisenhower era or the Reagan era. Not even when Teddy Roosevelt was President.

Moore chose an era before there existed a Republican President. When Democrats controlled Alabama and abortion was legal.

And families were strong.

Oh and we had slavery.

Cry some more. Make real people laugh.

Oh hell- I don't doubt that the voters of Alabama agree with Moore- that Alabama was stronger when they had slaves.

Yes....lie about what moore actually said......that is all you and the other left wing democrats have, lying, and fake emotions.
The Civil War was a time when Christian moral values united to end an evil applying Biblical reasoning. Today, men attempt to apply their own opinions to redefine history, life, values, morality, and marriage. And they make a corrupted mess of everything they touch.

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