OMG: Roy Moore said in September that the last time America was great was when we had slavery

I'm gonna guess you prefer to stay stupid?
Says the guy who thinks slaves had it good.

Is it difficult to type while constantly wiping the drool from your chin, mouth breather? Or do you have a drool cup?

"Says the guy who thinks slaves had it good."
Is that what I said?
Why is it that people with avatars depicting tranny faggots always spin and twist shit and seem confused? Ironic? Not really, they are twisted and confused.

Roy Moore said the last time America was "great" was during "slavery"

Roy Moore, the Alabama Senate candidate under fire for alleged sexual misconduct with teenage girls when he was in his 30s, apparently believes America was a better place at a time when slavery was still legal.

At a campaign event earlier this year, an audience member asked Moore for his opinion on when the last time America was "great." Moore responded: "I think it was great at the time when families were united—even though we had slavery—they cared for one another…Our families were strong, our country had a direction." The individual who asked the question was among the few African-Americans in attendance at the rally, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Indeed. "At that time". Not "because of".

Sophomoric propaganda attempt.
Oh look at you making excuses for the pro slavery child molester candidate.
Trump whores.: can’t live with them, can’t dig them deep enough.

Roy Moore said the last time America was "great" was during "slavery"

Roy Moore, the Alabama Senate candidate under fire for alleged sexual misconduct with teenage girls when he was in his 30s, apparently believes America was a better place at a time when slavery was still legal.

At a campaign event earlier this year, an audience member asked Moore for his opinion on when the last time America was "great." Moore responded: "I think it was great at the time when families were united—even though we had slavery—they cared for one another…Our families were strong, our country had a direction." The individual who asked the question was among the few African-Americans in attendance at the rally, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Indeed. "At that time". Not "because of".

Sophomoric propaganda attempt.
Oh look at you making excuses for the pro slavery child molester candidate.
Trump whores.: can’t live with them, can’t dig them deep enough.

Thanks for outing yourself and the rest of the left in this thread as the illiterate idiots you are.
If they can't get him one way the crazy angry left will play the race card every time.

Roy Moore said the last time America was "great" was during "slavery"

Roy Moore, the Alabama Senate candidate under fire for alleged sexual misconduct with teenage girls when he was in his 30s, apparently believes America was a better place at a time when slavery was still legal.

At a campaign event earlier this year, an audience member asked Moore for his opinion on when the last time America was "great." Moore responded: "I think it was great at the time when families were united—even though we had slavery—they cared for one another…Our families were strong, our country had a direction." The individual who asked the question was among the few African-Americans in attendance at the rally, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Indeed. "At that time". Not "because of".

Sophomoric propaganda attempt.

That does not really make it any better.

It certainly does, if one understands English. The title of the piece is the first lie.
How exhausting it must be supporting a child molester's statements praising slavery as a great time in America.

It just shows that partisanship trump's principle.

Roy Moore said the last time America was "great" was during "slavery"

Roy Moore, the Alabama Senate candidate under fire for alleged sexual misconduct with teenage girls when he was in his 30s, apparently believes America was a better place at a time when slavery was still legal.

At a campaign event earlier this year, an audience member asked Moore for his opinion on when the last time America was "great." Moore responded: "I think it was great at the time when families were united—even though we had slavery—they cared for one another…Our families were strong, our country had a direction." The individual who asked the question was among the few African-Americans in attendance at the rally, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Indeed. "At that time". Not "because of".

Sophomoric propaganda attempt.

I'm sure the slaves felt it was great as well.

has anything actually changed? seen the inner cities? would you visit them at night? just asking.
I'm gonna guess you prefer to stay stupid?
Says the guy who thinks slaves had it good.

Is it difficult to type while constantly wiping the drool from your chin, mouth breather? Or do you have a drool cup?
Only stupid people are those who drink the liberal kool aid and cant get from under the lies that the left spoon feed you. Today, it isn't Conservatives that OWN black people, but blacks in Africa that still have blacks in slavery. Yet you stupid fucks wont pull your heads out of your ass.

10 Fascinating Facts About Slavery - Listverse
You’re a broken record, aren’t you? I bet you have a huge black dick fetish
Yet you keep on spewing the liberal bullshit that you goose step to. Fucking worthless fag, that is what you are. Black dick fetishes...

Roy Moore said the last time America was "great" was during "slavery"

Roy Moore, the Alabama Senate candidate under fire for alleged sexual misconduct with teenage girls when he was in his 30s, apparently believes America was a better place at a time when slavery was still legal.

At a campaign event earlier this year, an audience member asked Moore for his opinion on when the last time America was "great." Moore responded: "I think it was great at the time when families were united—even though we had slavery—they cared for one another…Our families were strong, our country had a direction." The individual who asked the question was among the few African-Americans in attendance at the rally, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Indeed. "At that time". Not "because of".

Sophomoric propaganda attempt.

That does not really make it any better.

It certainly does, if one understands English. The title of the piece is the first lie.
How exhausting it must be supporting a child molester's statements praising slavery as a great time in America.

It just shows that partisanship trump's principle.
Just proves that you libtards are uneducated when it comes to law. Worthless fuck.
Just another example of how far the Right has sunk...

...remember when Foxnews, Hannity et al FINALLY threw Clive Bundy under the bus when he came off with a remark about how blacks might be better off as slaves?

No such bus toss for Roy Moore, apparently.
OMG: Roy Moore said in September that the last time America was great was when we had slavery

In Alabama, the heart of Trump country, many think he's backing the wrong candidate in Senate race

wow, early 18th century! This guy is something else.

"Even though we had slavery" Can you read dipshit?
I see you support the pro slavery child molester candidate. Hmmmmm
Not far from the White supremacist serial sex offender president you support.
What ever happened to the family values party? That was so yesterday, right?
OMG: Roy Moore said in September that the last time America was great was when we had slavery

In Alabama, the heart of Trump country, many think he's backing the wrong candidate in Senate race

wow, early 18th century! This guy is something else.

No, 'we' didn't have slavery. YOU had slavery.

What the hell are you blathering on about? The north had slavery. As a matter of fact it was the great shipping families of the north that made their fortunes running slaves from Africa to America.

Biggest enablers of slavery were Yankees.


Oh I'm not making this up. Not at all. The biggest and the best and the most successful slave traders were Yankees. Without them, there would have been no slaves from Africa in America.

The North owns the slave trade.

"James DeWolf of Bristol, Rhode Island (1764-1837) was a United States senator and a wealthy merchant who, at the time of his death, was reported to be the second richest person in the country.

He was also the leading slave trader in the history of the United States.

Over fifty years and three generations, from 1769 to 1820, James DeWolf and his extended family brought approximately 12,000 enslaved Africans across the Middle Passage, making the DeWolf1 family our nation’s most successful slave-trading family.

In a notorious incident aboard the slaving ship Polly in 1789, James DeWolf ordered an enslaved woman, dead or dying of smallpox, thrown into the Atlantic Ocean. While there was an attempt later to prosecute him for this act, he was found not guilty, on the grounds that this was his duty as ship’s captain. (See below, “The incident aboard the Polly.”)

One of our founders, James DeWolf Perry, is a direct descendant of James DeWolf, and co-founder Katrina Browne, producer/director of our documentary film, Traces of the Trade, is descended from another member of the extended DeWolf slave-trading family."

More at link. :)

Tracing Center | James DeWolf and the DeWolf Family
Thatta girl Tiny dick. We can always count on you defending child molesters and racists with any means possible.
You and Roy Moore are simpatico.
OMG: Roy Moore said in September that the last time America was great was when we had slavery

In Alabama, the heart of Trump country, many think he's backing the wrong candidate in Senate race

wow, early 18th century! This guy is something else.

No, 'we' didn't have slavery. YOU had slavery.

What the hell are you blathering on about? The north had slavery. As a matter of fact it was the great shipping families of the north that made their fortunes running slaves from Africa to America.

Biggest enablers of slavery were Yankees.


Oh I'm not making this up. Not at all. The biggest and the best and the most successful slave traders were Yankees. Without them, there would have been no slaves from Africa in America.

The North owns the slave trade.

"James DeWolf of Bristol, Rhode Island (1764-1837) was a United States senator and a wealthy merchant who, at the time of his death, was reported to be the second richest person in the country.

He was also the leading slave trader in the history of the United States.

Over fifty years and three generations, from 1769 to 1820, James DeWolf and his extended family brought approximately 12,000 enslaved Africans across the Middle Passage, making the DeWolf1 family our nation’s most successful slave-trading family.

In a notorious incident aboard the slaving ship Polly in 1789, James DeWolf ordered an enslaved woman, dead or dying of smallpox, thrown into the Atlantic Ocean. While there was an attempt later to prosecute him for this act, he was found not guilty, on the grounds that this was his duty as ship’s captain. (See below, “The incident aboard the Polly.”)

One of our founders, James DeWolf Perry, is a direct descendant of James DeWolf, and co-founder Katrina Browne, producer/director of our documentary film, Traces of the Trade, is descended from another member of the extended DeWolf slave-trading family."

More at link. :)

Tracing Center | James DeWolf and the DeWolf Family
Thatta girl Tiny dick. We can always count on you defending child molesters and racists with any means possible.
You and Roy Moore are simpatico.

I'd like to hear her just once in her own words tell us why she's such a zealous supporter of Roy Moore -

as in, doing so on the issues...
I'm gonna guess you prefer to stay stupid?
Says the guy who thinks slaves had it good.

Is it difficult to type while constantly wiping the drool from your chin, mouth breather? Or do you have a drool cup?

"Says the guy who thinks slaves had it good."
Is that what I said?
Why is it that people with avatars depicting tranny faggots always spin and twist shit and seem confused? Ironic? Not really, they are twisted and confused.
Sounds like you have a bunch of trannies following you around. Sounds like a personal problem.

Anyway, my avatar is a picture of a character in a movie portrayed by an actor.

You’d know that if you weren’t so busy picking up trannies on street corners.

But thanks for showing your true colors once again
OMG: Roy Moore said in September that the last time America was great was when we had slavery

In Alabama, the heart of Trump country, many think he's backing the wrong candidate in Senate race

wow, early 18th century! This guy is something else.

"Even though we had slavery" Can you read dipshit?
I see you support the pro slavery child molester candidate. Hmmmmm
Not far from the White supremacist serial sex offender president you support.
What ever happened to the family values party? That was so yesterday, right?

I see you are making shit up again. Is that what you do when you are an illiterate idiot? Is that how you compensate?
So Moore doesn't believe this country has been great for the last 160 some years?

Can you imagine the RWnut reaction if a liberal said anything close to that? Oh wait, you don't have to imagine, because we all know how they reacted to Michelle Obama's comment about being proud to be an American.

How about you phonies give Moore some comparable grief for a far worse statement?

Indeed. "At that time". Not "because of".

Sophomoric propaganda attempt.

That does not really make it any better.

It certainly does, if one understands English. The title of the piece is the first lie.
How exhausting it must be supporting a child molester's statements praising slavery as a great time in America.

It just shows that partisanship trump's principle.
Just proves that you libtards are uneducated when it comes to law. Worthless fuck.
Watching rabid "Conservatives" juggle Mercury to justify support for segregationists, racists, homophobes, child molesters and those who hanker for the sanguine days of slavery is truly disturbing. Like shoveling fleas across a barnyard, today's "Conservative" must engage in a fool's errand for politics. Shameful.

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