OMG: Roy Moore said in September that the last time America was great was when we had slavery

OMG: Roy Moore said in September that the last time America was great was when we had slavery

In Alabama, the heart of Trump country, many think he's backing the wrong candidate in Senate race

wow, early 18th century! This guy is something else.
So he NEVER actually said,
'The last time America was great was when we had slavery'...

Surprise, surprise.

Why do snowflakes have to lie...?!

Roy Moore said the last time America was "great" was during "slavery"

Roy Moore, the Alabama Senate candidate under fire for alleged sexual misconduct with teenage girls when he was in his 30s, apparently believes America was a better place at a time when slavery was still legal.

At a campaign event earlier this year, an audience member asked Moore for his opinion on when the last time America was "great." Moore responded: "I think it was great at the time when families were united—even though we had slavery—they cared for one another…Our families were strong, our country had a direction." The individual who asked the question was among the few African-Americans in attendance at the rally, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Indeed. "At that time". Not "because of".

Sophomoric propaganda attempt.
Oh look at you making excuses for the pro slavery child molester candidate.
Trump whores.: can’t live with them, can’t dig them deep enough.

Thanks for outing yourself and the rest of the left in this thread as the illiterate idiots you are.
I’m not supporting a pro slavery child molester like you are.
Plus this POS was removed TWICE from the bench.
The bigger the failure the more you cultists love him.
Go ahead and tell everybody how all 17 of Trump’s victims and all 9 of Moore’s victims are liars.
26 women had the courage to come forward and relay their stories of sex abuse.
And you denounce THEM ALL.

Dumbfuck, that article title is just the quote from a Moore flunky. Did you even read the article? Can you even read?

And it is a 2 week old article that has nothing to do with the breitbart article.

Roy Moore said the last time America was "great" was during "slavery"

Roy Moore, the Alabama Senate candidate under fire for alleged sexual misconduct with teenage girls when he was in his 30s, apparently believes America was a better place at a time when slavery was still legal.

At a campaign event earlier this year, an audience member asked Moore for his opinion on when the last time America was "great." Moore responded: "I think it was great at the time when families were united—even though we had slavery—they cared for one another…Our families were strong, our country had a direction." The individual who asked the question was among the few African-Americans in attendance at the rally, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Indeed. "At that time". Not "because of".

Sophomoric propaganda attempt.
Oh look at you making excuses for the pro slavery child molester candidate.
Trump whores.: can’t live with them, can’t dig them deep enough.

Thanks for outing yourself and the rest of the left in this thread as the illiterate idiots you are.
I’m not supporting a pro slavery child molester like you are.
Plus this POS was removed TWICE from the bench.
The bigger the failure the more you cultists love him.
Go ahead and tell everybody how all 17 of Trump’s victims and all 9 of Moore’s victims are liars.
26 women had the courage to come forward and relay their stories of sex abuse.
And you denounce THEM ALL.
But if one woman levels an accusation against a Democrat, well shit, the whole party and their supporters are rapists
Dumb Fuck Head asshole

Roy Moore Is a 'Liar' and Here's Proof, Says One of Alabama Senate ...
Newsweek-Dec 4, 2017
One of Roy Moore's accusers has uncovered a note the Alabama Senate candidate allegedly wrote to her when she was a senior in high school, the latest in ... "Happy graduation Debbie," the message, written on a graduation card Debbie Wesson Gibson found in her senior year scrapbook, reads.
Roy Moore Accuser Finds New Evidence of Their Relationship
Daily Beast-Dec 4, 2017
Roy Moore accuser shares graduation card she claims he signed
Fox News-Dec 4, 2017
Woman shares new evidence of relationship with Roy Moore when ...
Highly Cited-Washington Post-Dec 4, 2017
Pretty much when we were a third world country as 65-70% farmed, mistreated other people and there was no rights for the workers.

most children died before adulthood from disease
Most children didn't have education

What a sick fucker.

Yeah, good thing we had a big ass war to fix all that shit that’s still a big ass problem now (according to leftards). I mean what did we get for the civil war? Huge advancement in weapons and tactics. Awesome prosthetic development. Matter of fact, that field had not really changed until fairly recently. Oh, and America’s firs opioid epedemic as well as Americas first heroine addicts. Yeah, just whining times.

Roy Moore said the last time America was "great" was during "slavery"

Roy Moore, the Alabama Senate candidate under fire for alleged sexual misconduct with teenage girls when he was in his 30s, apparently believes America was a better place at a time when slavery was still legal.

At a campaign event earlier this year, an audience member asked Moore for his opinion on when the last time America was "great." Moore responded: "I think it was great at the time when families were united—even though we had slavery—they cared for one another…Our families were strong, our country had a direction." The individual who asked the question was among the few African-Americans in attendance at the rally, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Indeed. "At that time". Not "because of".

Sophomoric propaganda attempt.
Oh look at you making excuses for the pro slavery child molester candidate.
Trump whores.: can’t live with them, can’t dig them deep enough.

Thanks for outing yourself and the rest of the left in this thread as the illiterate idiots you are.
I’m not supporting a pro slavery child molester like you are.
Plus this POS was removed TWICE from the bench.
The bigger the failure the more you cultists love him.
Go ahead and tell everybody how all 17 of Trump’s victims and all 9 of Moore’s victims are liars.
26 women had the courage to come forward and relay their stories of sex abuse.
And you denounce THEM ALL.

None of that is true, you are a liar and an idiot. Thanks for outing yourself.
"LAST thing the Make America Great Again Agenda needs is a Liberal Democrat in Senate where we have so little margin for victory already. The Pelosi/Schumer Puppet Jones would vote against us 100% of the time. He’s bad on Crime, Life, Border, Vets, Guns & Military. VOTE ROY MOORE!" - President Trump

Indeed. "At that time". Not "because of".

Sophomoric propaganda attempt.
Oh look at you making excuses for the pro slavery child molester candidate.
Trump whores.: can’t live with them, can’t dig them deep enough.

Thanks for outing yourself and the rest of the left in this thread as the illiterate idiots you are.
I’m not supporting a pro slavery child molester like you are.
Plus this POS was removed TWICE from the bench.
The bigger the failure the more you cultists love him.
Go ahead and tell everybody how all 17 of Trump’s victims and all 9 of Moore’s victims are liars.
26 women had the courage to come forward and relay their stories of sex abuse.
And you denounce THEM ALL.
But if one woman levels an accusation against a Democrat, well shit, the whole party and their supporters are rapists

No dumbass, they arent. Just how stupid are you really?
"LAST thing the Make America Great Again Agenda needs is a Liberal Democrat in Senate where we have so little margin for victory already. The Pelosi/Schumer Puppet Jones would vote against us 100% of the time. He’s bad on Crime, Life, Border, Vets, Guns & Military. VOTE ROY MOORE!" - President Trump

Not to mention that there is absolutely zero evidence that Moore did the things he’s accused of, in fact there is now evidence that it is all a smear campaign. The woman with the yearbook has confessed to forgery.
OMG: Roy Moore said in September that the last time America was great was when we had slavery

In Alabama, the heart of Trump country, many think he's backing the wrong candidate in Senate race

wow, early 18th century! This guy is something else.
So he NEVER actually said,
'The last time America was great was when we had slavery'...

Surprise, surprise.

Why do snowflakes have to lie...?!
He didn't put it in quotes, retard. Nice try.

However, that was the gist of Moore's comment.
Another lying thread title. He qualified the time period. And it's a time period where the family was the center of one's life. A time of Little House on the Prairie. Tom Sawyer. Little Women.
It eas not a good time to be a woman or a native Americsn or black.
Another lying thread title. He qualified the time period. And it's a time period where the family was the center of one's life. A time of Little House on the Prairie. Tom Sawyer. Little Women.
It eas not a good time to be a woman or a native Americsn or black.

Correction, it’s not a good time to be a Democrat. Everyone else is great, no matter their skin color.
Moore also believes that women should not vote or run for office.
He believes women should not run for office, and that no one should vote for a woman.

And he likes to diddle kids.

And he misses the great days back when we had slavery.

This man is so 17th century!

I can see why tards like easyt love him so much.

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