OMG: Roy Moore said in September that the last time America was great was when we had slavery

" -- even though we had slavery --"

Not, "because we had slavery".

So, you would be ok with this sort of statement...

"that was the best sex I ever had despite the fact I raped the girl"
That's not what he said. Stop lying.

It is the same thing as what he said..."life was great despite the fact we owned other human beings as property"
Lol, what is a black call by a Democrat if they don't support them? An Uncle Tom, House nig#er. Yep, that's how your party treats blacks.
" -- even though we had slavery --"

Not, "because we had slavery".

So, you would be ok with this sort of statement...

"that was the best sex I ever had despite the fact I raped the girl"
That's not what he said. Stop lying.

It is the same thing as what he said..."life was great despite the fact we owned other human beings as property"

The majority of people did not own slaves.
He was talking about life in general, the average family, husband, wife, 3-4 children.
Husband going to work providing for the family.
Wife staying home raising the children.
Pride, respect, honesty were the virtues of the day.
" -- even though we had slavery --"

Not, "because we had slavery".

So, you would be ok with this sort of statement...

"that was the best sex I ever had despite the fact I raped the girl"
That's not what he said. Stop lying.

It is the same thing as what he said..."life was great despite the fact we owned other human beings as property"
Lol, what is a black call by a Democrat if they don't support them? An Uncle Tom, House nig#er. Yep, that's how your party treats blacks.

The Dems are not my party, but I do appreciate you showing there is no real difference between the two parites, I have been saying that for years.
The majority of people did not own slaves.
He was talking about life in general, the average family, husband, wife, 3-4 children.
Husband going to work providing for the family.
Wife staying home raising the children.
Pride, respect, honesty were the virtues of the day.

Were those same things not present in the 50s? What was different about the 50s in regards to the family compared to the days of slavery, other than the fact women could vote?
" -- even though we had slavery --"

Not, "because we had slavery".

So, you would be ok with this sort of statement...

"that was the best sex I ever had despite the fact I raped the girl"
That's not what he said. Stop lying.

It is the same thing as what he said..."life was great despite the fact we owned other human beings as property"
Lol, what is a black call by a Democrat if they don't support them? An Uncle Tom, House nig#er. Yep, that's how your party treats blacks.

The Dems are not my party, but I do appreciate you showing there is no real difference between the two parites, I have been saying that for years.
Could've fooled me. Do you support abortion. Do you support welfare reform?
The majority of people did not own slaves.
He was talking about life in general, the average family, husband, wife, 3-4 children.
Husband going to work providing for the family.
Wife staying home raising the children.
Pride, respect, honesty were the virtues of the day.

Were those same things not present in the 50s? What was different about the 50s in regards to the family compared to the days of slavery, other than the fact women could vote?

And work
and drive

“Despite the fact that we had slavery” ~Roy Moore

Can you children read?
I can read just fine. Roy Moore brought slavery into the discussion all on his own when the question had nothing to do with it. Call it a slip; call it poor judgement; but don’t call people out for criticizing his own words.

It was a gaffe, only because he should have known liberals would try to spin what he said. Liberals aren’t off the hook for their dirty tactics
That wasn’t a gaffe; that was a glimpse into how he really feels about America

“Even though”, meaning in spite of, not because. It was only a gaffe because the left was going to twist his words around.

Why would he select that period to highlight great families?
"Even though" was a HUGE "Even though" with 13 % of Americans in slavery and 45% in his home state of Alabama

Pay no attention to that slave stuff.....families were better then

My ass!
So, you would be ok with this sort of statement...

"that was the best sex I ever had despite the fact I raped the girl"
That's not what he said. Stop lying.

It is the same thing as what he said..."life was great despite the fact we owned other human beings as property"
Lol, what is a black call by a Democrat if they don't support them? An Uncle Tom, House nig#er. Yep, that's how your party treats blacks.

The Dems are not my party, but I do appreciate you showing there is no real difference between the two parites, I have been saying that for years.
Could've fooled me. Do you support abortion. Do you support welfare reform?

Actually I am vehemently against abortion and have been called all sorts of names on this board because of my view that the "thing" in the womb is a human being. Go look at some the the threads on the topic and you will find my views are up front and center. Was even called a Repub because of my views on abortion. Which is just as disgusting as being called a Dem.

Yes, I am all for Welfare reform, way too much waste and abuse of the system.

And while we are at it I am totally against ObamaCare also.
The majority of people did not own slaves.
He was talking about life in general, the average family, husband, wife, 3-4 children.
Husband going to work providing for the family.
Wife staying home raising the children.
Pride, respect, honesty were the virtues of the day.

Were those same things not present in the 50s? What was different about the 50s in regards to the family compared to the days of slavery, other than the fact women could vote?

And work
and drive

Yep, which is why Moore didn't like those days, too much freedom for the women folk. Can't have women working or driving! that is the end of the fucking world when that happens.
Yeah, “family unity” during a time when black families were torn apart and sold into slavery
Yeah, back in Africa where one tribe preyed upon another tribe, those black people tor apart black families and sold those slaves to the Arabs on the ivory coast who shipped them over to the US where they were used as property. Now if those people were not brought to the US, they would of ended up DEAD in Africa. You liberals today are trying to use todays standards for what happened 200 or more years ago. And you never fucking wake up and move forward. Just always stay regressive in your thinking. Dumbass is another term for liberal.

Yeah, back in Africa where one tribe preyed upon another tribe, those black people tor apart black families and sold those slaves to the Arabs on the ivory coast who shipped them over to the US where they were used as property. Now if those people were not brought to the US, they would of ended up DEAD in Africa.
Wow there’s a winning argument if I ever heard one.
Are you Moore’s speech writer? :lol:

You liberals today are trying to use todays standards for what happened 200 or more years ago. And you never fucking wake up and move forward. Just always stay regressive in your thinking. Dumbass is another term for liberal.

So, liberals live in the past because they criticize Moore for reminiscing about the good old days of slavery?

Is your irony gauge broken?

Easy there're treading in scary territory for the nutless....don't you know you're not suppose to tell the REAL story of slavery? The real story is forbidden, we're suppose to dumb ourselves down and pretend that slavery wasn't the best thing that ever happened to Africans.
Furthermore, you wouldn't dare want to take the race card away from Blacks would you? If they had to admit that slavery saved their lives and created a pathway paved in gold for them they might actually have to buy some work boots. It's way easier to sit on welfare and play the victim....right?

Holy fucking shit. I have seen some crazy shit on this board, but this may take the cake! WOW. Thanks dude.

Terrifying to acknowledge isn't it?

It is terrifying to acknowledge that such racist pieces of shit like you get to vote.

Other than that, not really I do not find fiction all that terrifying.

You probably think being raped is the best thing that can happen to a woman.

"You probably think being raped is the best thing that can happen to a woman."

How do you possibly correlate the two scenarios? Get ahold of yourself bud...don't get all desperate for something to'll start reaching and spouting shit that makes no sense.

"Slavery was an evil and terrible thing and those that participated are no doubt burning in hell...But if all the civil rights leaders of today could go back in time and press a magic button, and make it where slavery never happened, and they would all be born in Africa instead of America........Would they push the button?" - Credit Deno
The majority of people did not own slaves.
He was talking about life in general, the average family, husband, wife, 3-4 children.
Husband going to work providing for the family.
Wife staying home raising the children.
Pride, respect, honesty were the virtues of the day.

Were those same things not present in the 50s? What was different about the 50s in regards to the family compared to the days of slavery, other than the fact women could vote?

And work
and drive

Yep, which is why Moore didn't like those days, too much freedom for the women folk. Can't have women working or driving! that is the end of the fucking world when that happens.

The downfall of the American family.
“Despite the fact that we had slavery” ~Roy Moore

Can you children read?
I can read just fine. Roy Moore brought slavery into the discussion all on his own when the question had nothing to do with it. Call it a slip; call it poor judgement; but don’t call people out for criticizing his own words.

It was a gaffe, only because he should have known liberals would try to spin what he said. Liberals aren’t off the hook for their dirty tactics
That wasn’t a gaffe; that was a glimpse into how he really feels about America

“Even though”, meaning in spite of, not because. It was only a gaffe because the left was going to twist his words around.

Why would he select that period to highlight great families?
"Even though" was a HUGE "Even though" with 13 % of Americans in slavery and 45% in his home state of Alabama

Pay no attention to that slave stuff.....families were better then

My ass!

And if he would have said the fifty’s then left wingers would have said he loves segregation
" -- even though we had slavery --"

Not, "because we had slavery".

So, you would be ok with this sort of statement...

"that was the best sex I ever had despite the fact I raped the girl"

False equivalence.
I can read just fine. Roy Moore brought slavery into the discussion all on his own when the question had nothing to do with it. Call it a slip; call it poor judgement; but don’t call people out for criticizing his own words.

It was a gaffe, only because he should have known liberals would try to spin what he said. Liberals aren’t off the hook for their dirty tactics
That wasn’t a gaffe; that was a glimpse into how he really feels about America

“Even though”, meaning in spite of, not because. It was only a gaffe because the left was going to twist his words around.

Why would he select that period to highlight great families?
"Even though" was a HUGE "Even though" with 13 % of Americans in slavery and 45% in his home state of Alabama

Pay no attention to that slave stuff.....families were better then

My ass!

And if he would have said the fifty’s then left wingers would have said he loves segregation

I am pretty sure he does
I'm gonna guess you prefer to stay stupid?
Says the guy who thinks slaves had it good.

Is it difficult to type while constantly wiping the drool from your chin, mouth breather? Or do you have a drool cup?

Roy Moore said the last time America was "great" was during "slavery"

Roy Moore, the Alabama Senate candidate under fire for alleged sexual misconduct with teenage girls when he was in his 30s, apparently believes America was a better place at a time when slavery was still legal.

At a campaign event earlier this year, an audience member asked Moore for his opinion on when the last time America was "great." Moore responded: "I think it was great at the time when families were united—even though we had slavery—they cared for one another…Our families were strong, our country had a direction." The individual who asked the question was among the few African-Americans in attendance at the rally, according to the Los Angeles Times.

“Despite the fact that we had slavery” ~Roy Moore

Can you children read?
I can read just fine. Roy Moore brought slavery into the discussion all on his own when the question had nothing to do with it. Call it a slip; call it poor judgement; but don’t call people out for criticizing his own words.

It was a gaffe, only because he should have known liberals would try to spin what he said. Liberals aren’t off the hook for their dirty tactics
And the liberals in Alabama know that Judge Moore(not More) is going to win, because the people of the United States and Alabama are tired of the Rules for Radicals playbook. Hitlery lost because she used the Rules, now they are being used against the Judge, and it isn't working. Which is why the pinhead liberals(redundant statement) are in a tizzy, because it isn't working.

Moore is going to win because the people of Alabama agree with his views of dating teens and of slavery being the greatest time of our country.

Moore is an excellent representation of the people of the state
I'm gonna guess you prefer to stay stupid?
Says the guy who thinks slaves had it good.

Is it difficult to type while constantly wiping the drool from your chin, mouth breather? Or do you have a drool cup?
Only stupid people are those who drink the liberal kool aid and cant get from under the lies that the left spoon feed you. Today, it isn't Conservatives that OWN black people, but blacks in Africa that still have blacks in slavery. Yet you stupid fucks wont pull your heads out of your ass.

10 Fascinating Facts About Slavery - Listverse
Moore is going to win because the people of Alabama agree with his views of dating teens and of slavery being the greatest time of our country.

Moore is an excellent representation of the people of the state
You are a disgrace to the military. I bet you and Bradley Manning are getting it on, aren't you? Does he wear the pants or do you?

I'm gonna guess you prefer to stay stupid?
Says the guy who thinks slaves had it good.

Is it difficult to type while constantly wiping the drool from your chin, mouth breather? Or do you have a drool cup?
Only stupid people are those who drink the liberal kool aid and cant get from under the lies that the left spoon feed you. Today, it isn't Conservatives that OWN black people, but blacks in Africa that still have blacks in slavery. Yet you stupid fucks wont pull your heads out of your ass.

10 Fascinating Facts About Slavery - Listverse
You’re a broken record, aren’t you? I bet you have a huge black dick fetish

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