OMG: Roy Moore said in September that the last time America was great was when we had slavery

Of course you libfucks totally fudge over the part about "Family Unity". In liberal world, those 2 words are to liberals like Garlic to a Vampire.
Yeah, “family unity” during a time when black families were torn apart and sold into slavery
Yeah, back in Africa where one tribe preyed upon another tribe, those black people tor apart black families and sold those slaves to the Arabs on the ivory coast who shipped them over to the US where they were used as property. Now if those people were not brought to the US, they would of ended up DEAD in Africa. You liberals today are trying to use todays standards for what happened 200 or more years ago. And you never fucking wake up and move forward. Just always stay regressive in your thinking. Dumbass is another term for liberal.

Yeah, back in Africa where one tribe preyed upon another tribe, those black people tor apart black families and sold those slaves to the Arabs on the ivory coast who shipped them over to the US where they were used as property. Now if those people were not brought to the US, they would of ended up DEAD in Africa.
Wow there’s a winning argument if I ever heard one.
Are you Moore’s speech writer? :lol:

You liberals today are trying to use todays standards for what happened 200 or more years ago. And you never fucking wake up and move forward. Just always stay regressive in your thinking. Dumbass is another term for liberal.

So, liberals live in the past because they criticize Moore for reminiscing about the good old days of slavery?

Is your irony gauge broken?

Easy there're treading in scary territory for the nutless....don't you know you're not suppose to tell the REAL story of slavery? The real story is forbidden, we're suppose to dumb ourselves down and pretend that slavery wasn't the best thing that ever happened to Africans.
Furthermore, you wouldn't dare want to take the race card away from Blacks would you? If they had to admit that slavery saved their lives and created a pathway paved in gold for them they might actually have to buy some work boots. It's way easier to sit on welfare and play the victim....right?

Holy fucking shit. I have seen some crazy shit on this board, but this may take the cake! WOW. Thanks dude.

Terrifying to acknowledge isn't it?

It is terrifying to acknowledge that such racist pieces of shit like you get to vote.

Other than that, not really I do not find fiction all that terrifying.

You probably think being raped is the best thing that can happen to a woman.

Roy Moore said the last time America was "great" was during "slavery"

Roy Moore, the Alabama Senate candidate under fire for alleged sexual misconduct with teenage girls when he was in his 30s, apparently believes America was a better place at a time when slavery was still legal.

At a campaign event earlier this year, an audience member asked Moore for his opinion on when the last time America was "great." Moore responded: "I think it was great at the time when families were united—even though we had slavery—they cared for one another…Our families were strong, our country had a direction." The individual who asked the question was among the few African-Americans in attendance at the rally, according to the Los Angeles Times.

“Despite the fact that we had slavery” ~Roy Moore

Can you children read?
I can read just fine. Roy Moore brought slavery into the discussion all on his own when the question had nothing to do with it. Call it a slip; call it poor judgement; but don’t call people out for criticizing his own words.

It was a gaffe, only because he should have known liberals would try to spin what he said. Liberals aren’t off the hook for their dirty tactics
Yeah, back in Africa where one tribe preyed upon another tribe, those black people tor apart black families and sold those slaves to the Arabs on the ivory coast who shipped them over to the US where they were used as property. Now if those people were not brought to the US, they would of ended up DEAD in Africa.
Wow there’s a winning argument if I ever heard one.
Are you Moore’s speech writer? :lol:

You liberals today are trying to use todays standards for what happened 200 or more years ago. And you never fucking wake up and move forward. Just always stay regressive in your thinking. Dumbass is another term for liberal.

So, liberals live in the past because they criticize Moore for reminiscing about the good old days of slavery?

Is your irony gauge broken?
No but you libfucks cant handle the truth now can you. Shove that peabrain farther up Uranus.View attachment 164896
Cool comeback bro
Yeah, “family unity” during a time when black families were torn apart and sold into slavery
Yeah, back in Africa where one tribe preyed upon another tribe, those black people tor apart black families and sold those slaves to the Arabs on the ivory coast who shipped them over to the US where they were used as property. Now if those people were not brought to the US, they would of ended up DEAD in Africa. You liberals today are trying to use todays standards for what happened 200 or more years ago. And you never fucking wake up and move forward. Just always stay regressive in your thinking. Dumbass is another term for liberal.

Yeah, back in Africa where one tribe preyed upon another tribe, those black people tor apart black families and sold those slaves to the Arabs on the ivory coast who shipped them over to the US where they were used as property. Now if those people were not brought to the US, they would of ended up DEAD in Africa.
Wow there’s a winning argument if I ever heard one.
Are you Moore’s speech writer? :lol:

You liberals today are trying to use todays standards for what happened 200 or more years ago. And you never fucking wake up and move forward. Just always stay regressive in your thinking. Dumbass is another term for liberal.

So, liberals live in the past because they criticize Moore for reminiscing about the good old days of slavery?

Is your irony gauge broken?

Easy there're treading in scary territory for the nutless....don't you know you're not suppose to tell the REAL story of slavery? The real story is forbidden, we're suppose to dumb ourselves down and pretend that slavery wasn't the best thing that ever happened to Africans.
Furthermore, you wouldn't dare want to take the race card away from Blacks would you? If they had to admit that slavery saved their lives and created a pathway paved in gold for them they might actually have to buy some work boots. It's way easier to sit on welfare and play the victim....right?

Holy fucking shit. I have seen some crazy shit on this board, but this may take the cake! WOW. Thanks dude.

Terrifying to acknowledge isn't it?

It is terrifying to acknowledge that such racist pieces of shit like you get to vote.

Other than that, not really I do not find fiction all that terrifying.

You probably think being raped is the best thing that can happen to a woman.

Don't be can keep your programming and stay stupid...but consider this. You're stranded in the desert with certain death looming over watch death, misery and despair happen right before your eyes each and every day....a ship pulls up and you're offered a simple trade...your labor for three hots a cot and a chance at survival.
Do you turn down the offer? How many hopped aboard smiling ear to ear? Do we have these numbers?
Shit I'll bet I could come home with ship loads today from Africa if I went armed with that
Sometimes you just gotta think in order to connect the dots...Think plausibility...It's okay son...don't be scared.
Indeed. "At that time". Not "because of".

Sophomoric propaganda attempt.

That does not really make it any better.

It certainly does, if one understands English. The title of the piece is the first lie.

No, it really does not.

Oh, but it really does.

Sorry, but no matter how many times you repeat it, it still will not be true. Thinking that our country has not been great since we got rid of slavery and allowed women to vote shows very clearly the character of the person who said such a thing. The fact you would defend it does not reflect well on you at all.
and yet the dems are all for muslims who have that entire mindset.
“Despite the fact that we had slavery” ~Roy Moore

Can you children read?
I can read just fine. Roy Moore brought slavery into the discussion all on his own when the question had nothing to do with it. Call it a slip; call it poor judgement; but don’t call people out for criticizing his own words.
Of course you libfucks totally fudge over the part about "Family Unity". In liberal world, those 2 words are to liberals like Garlic to a Vampire.
Yeah, “family unity” during a time when black families were torn apart and sold into slavery
Yeah, back in Africa where one tribe preyed upon another tribe, those black people tor apart black families and sold those slaves to the Arabs on the ivory coast who shipped them over to the US where they were used as property. Now if those people were not brought to the US, they would of ended up DEAD in Africa. You liberals today are trying to use todays standards for what happened 200 or more years ago. And you never fucking wake up and move forward. Just always stay regressive in your thinking. Dumbass is another term for liberal.

Yeah, back in Africa where one tribe preyed upon another tribe, those black people tor apart black families and sold those slaves to the Arabs on the ivory coast who shipped them over to the US where they were used as property. Now if those people were not brought to the US, they would of ended up DEAD in Africa.
Wow there’s a winning argument if I ever heard one.
Are you Moore’s speech writer? :lol:

You liberals today are trying to use todays standards for what happened 200 or more years ago. And you never fucking wake up and move forward. Just always stay regressive in your thinking. Dumbass is another term for liberal.

So, liberals live in the past because they criticize Moore for reminiscing about the good old days of slavery?

Is your irony gauge broken?

Easy there're treading in scary territory for the nutless....don't you know you're not suppose to tell the REAL story of slavery? The real story is forbidden, we're suppose to dumb ourselves down and pretend that slavery wasn't the best thing that ever happened to Africans.
Furthermore, you wouldn't dare want to take the race card away from Blacks would you? If they had to admit that slavery saved their lives and created a pathway paved in gold for them they might actually have to buy some work boots. It's way easier to sit on welfare and play the victim....right?
You just out-crazied the crazy. Congrats :thup:

Roy Moore said the last time America was "great" was during "slavery"

Roy Moore, the Alabama Senate candidate under fire for alleged sexual misconduct with teenage girls when he was in his 30s, apparently believes America was a better place at a time when slavery was still legal.

At a campaign event earlier this year, an audience member asked Moore for his opinion on when the last time America was "great." Moore responded: "I think it was great at the time when families were united—even though we had slavery—they cared for one another…Our families were strong, our country had a direction." The individual who asked the question was among the few African-Americans in attendance at the rally, according to the Los Angeles Times.

“Despite the fact that we had slavery” ~Roy Moore

Can you children read?
I can read just fine. Roy Moore brought slavery into the discussion all on his own when the question had nothing to do with it. Call it a slip; call it poor judgement; but don’t call people out for criticizing his own words.
Of course you libfucks totally fudge over the part about "Family Unity". In liberal world, those 2 words are to liberals like Garlic to a Vampire.

What was different about the family unit during slave days and say in the 50s?
Blacks had a strong family unit. Until liberals put them welfare, and it's gone down hill ever since. Liberalism destroys everything it touches. Welfare modern day slavery, brought to you by liberals.

Roy Moore said the last time America was "great" was during "slavery"

Roy Moore, the Alabama Senate candidate under fire for alleged sexual misconduct with teenage girls when he was in his 30s, apparently believes America was a better place at a time when slavery was still legal.

At a campaign event earlier this year, an audience member asked Moore for his opinion on when the last time America was "great." Moore responded: "I think it was great at the time when families were united—even though we had slavery—they cared for one another…Our families were strong, our country had a direction." The individual who asked the question was among the few African-Americans in attendance at the rally, according to the Los Angeles Times.

“Despite the fact that we had slavery” ~Roy Moore

Can you children read?
I can read just fine. Roy Moore brought slavery into the discussion all on his own when the question had nothing to do with it. Call it a slip; call it poor judgement; but don’t call people out for criticizing his own words.

It was a gaffe, only because he should have known liberals would try to spin what he said. Liberals aren’t off the hook for their dirty tactics
That wasn’t a gaffe; that was a glimpse into how he really feels about America
What is so great about a family where the husband gets to rape the slave of his choice, or a mother who has a slave nurse and care for her children, or a family that gets its revenue off of slave labor?
Especially a family which sold off slave children from their families. He's only talking about the strength of certain families, other families' coherence was at the whim of their owner, which was often profit driven. After all, slave children were an asset of the business.
View attachment 164893
Dang you beat me to it.

Roy Moore said the last time America was "great" was during "slavery"

Roy Moore, the Alabama Senate candidate under fire for alleged sexual misconduct with teenage girls when he was in his 30s, apparently believes America was a better place at a time when slavery was still legal.

At a campaign event earlier this year, an audience member asked Moore for his opinion on when the last time America was "great." Moore responded: "I think it was great at the time when families were united—even though we had slavery—they cared for one another…Our families were strong, our country had a direction." The individual who asked the question was among the few African-Americans in attendance at the rally, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Indeed. "At that time". Not "because of".

Sophomoric propaganda attempt.

I'm sure the slaves felt it was great as well.


Roy Moore said the last time America was "great" was during "slavery"

Roy Moore, the Alabama Senate candidate under fire for alleged sexual misconduct with teenage girls when he was in his 30s, apparently believes America was a better place at a time when slavery was still legal.

At a campaign event earlier this year, an audience member asked Moore for his opinion on when the last time America was "great." Moore responded: "I think it was great at the time when families were united—even though we had slavery—they cared for one another…Our families were strong, our country had a direction." The individual who asked the question was among the few African-Americans in attendance at the rally, according to the Los Angeles Times.

“Despite the fact that we had slavery” ~Roy Moore

Can you children read?
I can read just fine. Roy Moore brought slavery into the discussion all on his own when the question had nothing to do with it. Call it a slip; call it poor judgement; but don’t call people out for criticizing his own words.

It was a gaffe, only because he should have known liberals would try to spin what he said. Liberals aren’t off the hook for their dirty tactics
That wasn’t a gaffe; that was a glimpse into how he really feels about America

“Even though”, meaning in spite of, not because. It was only a gaffe because the left was going to twist his words around.
" -- even though we had slavery --"

Not, "because we had slavery".

So, you would be ok with this sort of statement...

"that was the best sex I ever had despite the fact I raped the girl"
I can read just fine. Roy Moore brought slavery into the discussion all on his own when the question had nothing to do with it. Call it a slip; call it poor judgement; but don’t call people out for criticizing his own words.
Of course you libfucks totally fudge over the part about "Family Unity". In liberal world, those 2 words are to liberals like Garlic to a Vampire.
Yeah, “family unity” during a time when black families were torn apart and sold into slavery
Yeah, back in Africa where one tribe preyed upon another tribe, those black people tor apart black families and sold those slaves to the Arabs on the ivory coast who shipped them over to the US where they were used as property. Now if those people were not brought to the US, they would of ended up DEAD in Africa. You liberals today are trying to use todays standards for what happened 200 or more years ago. And you never fucking wake up and move forward. Just always stay regressive in your thinking. Dumbass is another term for liberal.

Yeah, back in Africa where one tribe preyed upon another tribe, those black people tor apart black families and sold those slaves to the Arabs on the ivory coast who shipped them over to the US where they were used as property. Now if those people were not brought to the US, they would of ended up DEAD in Africa.
Wow there’s a winning argument if I ever heard one.
Are you Moore’s speech writer? :lol:

You liberals today are trying to use todays standards for what happened 200 or more years ago. And you never fucking wake up and move forward. Just always stay regressive in your thinking. Dumbass is another term for liberal.

So, liberals live in the past because they criticize Moore for reminiscing about the good old days of slavery?

Is your irony gauge broken?

Easy there're treading in scary territory for the nutless....don't you know you're not suppose to tell the REAL story of slavery? The real story is forbidden, we're suppose to dumb ourselves down and pretend that slavery wasn't the best thing that ever happened to Africans.
Furthermore, you wouldn't dare want to take the race card away from Blacks would you? If they had to admit that slavery saved their lives and created a pathway paved in gold for them they might actually have to buy some work boots. It's way easier to sit on welfare and play the victim....right?
You just out-crazied the crazy. Congrats :thup:

Haha...thats exactly what you're suppose to say...good job.
The REAL story doesn't seem plausible does it? Use caution and remember, the second you admit to yourself the real story is plausible you're fucked, deprogrammed and enlightened all at the same time.
I'm gonna guess you prefer to stay stupid?
The OP is lying about what Roy Moore said.

The reason I never trust Democrats is because of their constant lies.

This thread is part of the pattern of lies.
The OP is lying about what Roy Moore said.

The reason I never trust Democrats is because of their constant lies.

This thread is part of the pattern of lies.

The OP gave the exact quote, how the fuck is that lying?

Roy Moore said the last time America was "great" was during "slavery"

Roy Moore, the Alabama Senate candidate under fire for alleged sexual misconduct with teenage girls when he was in his 30s, apparently believes America was a better place at a time when slavery was still legal.

At a campaign event earlier this year, an audience member asked Moore for his opinion on when the last time America was "great." Moore responded: "I think it was great at the time when families were united—even though we had slavery—they cared for one another…Our families were strong, our country had a direction." The individual who asked the question was among the few African-Americans in attendance at the rally, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Indeed. "At that time". Not "because of".

Sophomoric propaganda attempt.
/----/ Still it's a tone deaf comment. Idiotic.
Yeah, “family unity” during a time when black families were torn apart and sold into slavery
Yeah, back in Africa where one tribe preyed upon another tribe, those black people tor apart black families and sold those slaves to the Arabs on the ivory coast who shipped them over to the US where they were used as property. Now if those people were not brought to the US, they would of ended up DEAD in Africa. You liberals today are trying to use todays standards for what happened 200 or more years ago. And you never fucking wake up and move forward. Just always stay regressive in your thinking. Dumbass is another term for liberal.

Yeah, back in Africa where one tribe preyed upon another tribe, those black people tor apart black families and sold those slaves to the Arabs on the ivory coast who shipped them over to the US where they were used as property. Now if those people were not brought to the US, they would of ended up DEAD in Africa.
Wow there’s a winning argument if I ever heard one.
Are you Moore’s speech writer? :lol:

You liberals today are trying to use todays standards for what happened 200 or more years ago. And you never fucking wake up and move forward. Just always stay regressive in your thinking. Dumbass is another term for liberal.

So, liberals live in the past because they criticize Moore for reminiscing about the good old days of slavery?

Is your irony gauge broken?

Easy there're treading in scary territory for the nutless....don't you know you're not suppose to tell the REAL story of slavery? The real story is forbidden, we're suppose to dumb ourselves down and pretend that slavery wasn't the best thing that ever happened to Africans.
Furthermore, you wouldn't dare want to take the race card away from Blacks would you? If they had to admit that slavery saved their lives and created a pathway paved in gold for them they might actually have to buy some work boots. It's way easier to sit on welfare and play the victim....right?

Holy fucking shit. I have seen some crazy shit on this board, but this may take the cake! WOW. Thanks dude.

Terrifying to acknowledge isn't it?

It is terrifying to acknowledge that such racist pieces of shit like you get to vote.

Other than that, not really I do not find fiction all that terrifying.

You probably think being raped is the best thing that can happen to a woman.
Slavery is the best thing that could've happened for blacks today. If it wasnt for it, they would still be in Africa. But it's becoming increasingly dangerous for an unborn black baby. In some places like new york, more black babies are killed than are born. Liberals brag about abortion. Now that's racist.

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