OMG! Science Attacks Religion!

Which tales has science *refuted*?

Please provide cites and references. I'm all agog. Be sure to cite the biblical well as the science that disproves it.


Wallowing in self pity will help you not. The debasement was brought on by the impotence which you exhibit. Employ introspection and you shall understand why you don't understand.

Fix that which makes you slaves to dogma and you shall be slaves no more…
Don't be ignorant your whole life, take a day off why don't you?

"Science has never attacked any religion..." soon as I prove what a dolt you are, why don't you slip into something more a coma.

1. “We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs,” the geneticist Richard Lewontin remarked equably in The New York Review of Books, “in spite of its failure to fulfill many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories.” We are to put up with science’s unsubstantiated just-so stories because, Lewontin explains, “we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door!”

2. In 2007, a number of scientists gathered at a conference titled Beyond Belief: Science, Religion, Reason, and Survival “in order to attack religious thought and congratulate one another on their fearlessness in so doing.” In his address, Nobel winning physicist Steven Weinberg declared that “Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.”

3. In "The End of Faith," Sam Harris recounts in lurid and lingering detail the methods of torture used in the Spanish Inquisition. There is no need to argue the point. A great deal of human suffering has been caused by religious fanaticism. . . . Nonetheless, there is this awkward fact: The twentieth century was not an age of faith, and it was awful. Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and Pol Pot will never be counted among the religious leaders of mankind.

4. One might think that the Holocaust would above all other events give the scientific atheist pause. Hitler’s Germany was a technologically sophisticated secular society, and Nazism itself, as party propagandists never tired of stressing, was “motivated by an ethic that prided itself on being scientific.” The words are those of the historian Richard Weikart, who in his treatise From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany made clear what anyone capable of reading the German sources already knew: A sinister current of influence ran from Darwin’s theory of evolution to Hitler’s policy of extermination. A generation of German biologists had read Darwin and concluded that competition between species was reflected in human affairs by competition between races. These observations find no echo at all in the literature of scientific atheism.

5. Emile Zuckerkandl Writing in the journal "Gene," he found it difficult to contain his indignation:
"The intellectual virus named 'intelligent design'...the 'creationists'...have decided some years dress up in academic gear and to present themselves as scholars...laugh off this disguise...Naive members of the public...the wrong-foot...the only foot on which the promoters of intelligent design can get around...guided by a little angel...medieval concept...and intellectually dangerous condition...the divine jumping disease...humanity dug itself into 'faiths' like a blind leech into flesh and won't let go....Feeding like leeches on irrational beliefs....offensive little swarms of insects...." said: "Science has never attacked any religion..."

And this turns out to be as insightful as every other pronouncement you've made.

You should stick to the job you were made for: door stop.

You remind me of the liberals that claim corporations do not pay enough taxes and I keep having to tell them THAT ONLY PEOPLE pay taxes.
PEOPLE attack religion and all the time.
Science is NOT PEOPLE.
Science is the body of knowledge, NOT PEOPLE.
Science is not an entity that could attack anything, much less people.
Are you that thin skinned that you have to have make believe enemies to go along with your make believe friends?
I quit that at age 5.

"You remind me of...."

Stop bragging.

Memory requires a level of cerebral capacity that is not in evidence in your case.

LOL, maybe you have something there!
You may just have a valid point and the answer to something I have been seeking the answer for a very long time now.
Never had to brag as results always spoke for themselves in my world since I first crossed the lines but the memory thing is another story altogether.
I have been told by numerous health care professionals for many years that participation in contact sports for a decade and a half full speed may cause 2 very bad problems long term.

Memory loss and I forgot the other one.
I can see that I can take my time and holly and gaddawg will still not have come up with cited references which prove that so-called 'science" has refuted the as-yet un-identified religious tales.

Shocking, that. Maybe they'll come up with something after I get a bite, take a nap, and do my hair...and sail about the south pacific.
That is absolutely incorrect. I think you need to do a little more reading of the FF's writings and educate yourself on the true history of their backgrounds.

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I can go on and on and on...

I could make the same list with quotes from modern presidents. Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush 1 and 2, Clinton, and yes Obama... They have all made similar statements about religion and god to one degree or another.

Except they didn't found this country, nor write the founding documents, nor establish in their writings on what precepts the country and its founding documents were based on. The idea that the founding fathers were not Christians is ludicrous and easily debunked. A good 30 to 40 of the founding fathers had theology degrees, the very first session of congress spent its first several hours in prayer. It's all fact and easily looked up in the National Archives for all to see.

Have you not seen the quotes I've posted that clearly show Jefferson to be a deist? He wrote a secular bible, because he thought the divinity of Jesus was a ridiculous concept, as well as miracles. He did, however, find the moral teachings of Jesus to be superb without buying into the supernatural aspects to the story, as evidenced by his secular bible.
I can see that I can take my time and holly and gaddawg will still not have come up with cited references which prove that so-called 'science" has refuted the as-yet un-identified religious tales.

Shocking, that. Maybe they'll come up with something after I get a bite, take a nap, and do my hair...and sail about the south pacific.

In the grown-up world, it’s understood that those making the positive assertion are tasked with supporting their position.

If you are claiming that the various bibles make predictions about science , future events, etc., you are the one required to provide supporting evidence.

It’s just so typical of rabid thumpers to present their bibles as science texts, marvels of soothsaying, etc., but when examined for facts, the thumpers run for the exits.

So, impress us, thumpie. Wow us with your biblical soothsaying. Just remember to present your evidence with peer-reviewed data.
I can see that I can take my time and holly and gaddawg will still not have come up with cited references which prove that so-called 'science" has refuted the as-yet un-identified religious tales.

Shocking, that. Maybe they'll come up with something after I get a bite, take a nap, and do my hair...and sail about the south pacific.

Dumb ass, science does not have to prove anything.
Something about the scientific method which you are ignorant of.
Biology 101 at your local community college teaches it.
My religious beliefs and faith can not ever be disproven. YOU can not disprove my religious beliefs.
Same with the hundreds of other religious beliefs in the world.
Just as no one can ever PROVE any religious belief.
Because they are BELIEFS, not science.
You can never test BELIEFS. They can never be proven or disproven.
Unlike scientific theories.
Such arrogance and ignorance for anyone to claim that their religious beliefs are scientific fact, all other religious beliefs are false and their religion has been proven scientifically valid.
Laughable that anyone is still that ignorant.
I could make the same list with quotes from modern presidents. Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush 1 and 2, Clinton, and yes Obama... They have all made similar statements about religion and god to one degree or another.

Except they didn't found this country, nor write the founding documents, nor establish in their writings on what precepts the country and its founding documents were based on. The idea that the founding fathers were not Christians is ludicrous and easily debunked. A good 30 to 40 of the founding fathers had theology degrees, the very first session of congress spent its first several hours in prayer. It's all fact and easily looked up in the National Archives for all to see.

Have you not seen the quotes I've posted that clearly show Jefferson to be a deist? He wrote a secular bible, because he thought the divinity of Jesus was a ridiculous concept, as well as miracles. He did, however, find the moral teachings of Jesus to be superb without buying into the supernatural aspects to the story, as evidenced by his secular bible.

Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity have not had a show on that yet.
I could make the same list with quotes from modern presidents. Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush 1 and 2, Clinton, and yes Obama... They have all made similar statements about religion and god to one degree or another.

Except they didn't found this country, nor write the founding documents, nor establish in their writings on what precepts the country and its founding documents were based on. The idea that the founding fathers were not Christians is ludicrous and easily debunked. A good 30 to 40 of the founding fathers had theology degrees, the very first session of congress spent its first several hours in prayer. It's all fact and easily looked up in the National Archives for all to see.

Have you not seen the quotes I've posted that clearly show Jefferson to be a deist? He wrote a secular bible, because he thought the divinity of Jesus was a ridiculous concept, as well as miracles. He did, however, find the moral teachings of Jesus to be superb without buying into the supernatural aspects to the story, as evidenced by his secular bible.

Jefferson was one man among many, so I'm not really sure what your point is? Is it that since Jefferson was a deist, then that meant the rest of the men who signed the Delcaration and contributed the the Constitution were as well? Even Jefferson changed his mind regarding Christ at the end of his life. Have you seen the posts where I showed that the very first session of Congress was started with several hours of prayer? Or the one where Congress formed a committee to oversee the very first printing of the Bible in America? Or where it is known that the majority of men who were FF's were ministers/pastors who held degrees in theology? Why do people feel that they can quote Jefferson and prove that none of the FF's were Chrisitians, or that all of their writings, found in the National Archives, don't indicate their strong beliefs and how they felt regarding those beliefs and the founding of the country?
I think I have time to take a cruise around the South Pacific while I wait for the response.

I was going to say, I wouldn't hold your breath. That one is all fluff, and no substance. ;)
I can see that I can take my time and holly and gaddawg will still not have come up with cited references which prove that so-called 'science" has refuted the as-yet un-identified religious tales.

Shocking, that. Maybe they'll come up with something after I get a bite, take a nap, and do my hair...and sail about the south pacific.

Dumb ass, science does not have to prove anything.
Something about the scientific method which you are ignorant of.
Biology 101 at your local community college teaches it.
My religious beliefs and faith can not ever be disproven. YOU can not disprove my religious beliefs.
Same with the hundreds of other religious beliefs in the world.
Just as no one can ever PROVE any religious belief.
Because they are BELIEFS, not science.
You can never test BELIEFS. They can never be proven or disproven.
Unlike scientific theories.
Such arrogance and ignorance for anyone to claim that their religious beliefs are scientific fact, all other religious beliefs are false and their religion has been proven scientifically valid.
Laughable that anyone is still that ignorant.

I took a year of college biology, something I doubt you accomplished. I have no interest in disproving your religious beliefs and faith. Per usual, you completely ignored what was said, and instead have embarked on a completely unrelated rant.

You made the claim that *science* has refuted biblical *claims*. My statement simply pointed out that once again, you don't only fail to name which religious *claims* have been refuted, you fail to provide the evidence that refutes them. I never claimed that science had to prove anything, that's a completely imaginary happening that took place only in your own tiny brain. But what's really funny is that after claiming that science has disproved the bible, you turn around and declare that science doesn't have to prove anything...and can't in fact prove your beliefs. Something I never asked for...I was just responding to your idiotic statement that science has successfully refuted the bible (how and what parts of the bible you conveniently leave out because, of course, you're lying. But you also appear confused...both about the content and what you've already said yourself, so I'll give it a pass).

In other words, per usual, you make non-specific claims that mean absolutely nothing...and then you have the audacity to lecture me on scientific method. What a joke.
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I can see that I can take my time and holly and gaddawg will still not have come up with cited references which prove that so-called 'science" has refuted the as-yet un-identified religious tales.

Shocking, that. Maybe they'll come up with something after I get a bite, take a nap, and do my hair...and sail about the south pacific.

Dumb ass, science does not have to prove anything.
Something about the scientific method which you are ignorant of.
Biology 101 at your local community college teaches it.
My religious beliefs and faith can not ever be disproven. YOU can not disprove my religious beliefs.
Same with the hundreds of other religious beliefs in the world.
Just as no one can ever PROVE any religious belief.
Because they are BELIEFS, not science.
You can never test BELIEFS. They can never be proven or disproven.
Unlike scientific theories.
Such arrogance and ignorance for anyone to claim that their religious beliefs are scientific fact, all other religious beliefs are false and their religion has been proven scientifically valid.
Laughable that anyone is still that ignorant.

" science does not have to prove anything."
Well, then....the minority known as 'atheist scientists' should stop attacking religion.
And gaddawg himself should probably stop making the claim that science has refuted the bible.

Then changing his mind and saying it can't be done.

What a schizo.
I can see that I can take my time and holly and gaddawg will still not have come up with cited references which prove that so-called 'science" has refuted the as-yet un-identified religious tales.

Shocking, that. Maybe they'll come up with something after I get a bite, take a nap, and do my hair...and sail about the south pacific.

Dumb ass, science does not have to prove anything.
Something about the scientific method which you are ignorant of.
Biology 101 at your local community college teaches it.
My religious beliefs and faith can not ever be disproven. YOU can not disprove my religious beliefs.
Same with the hundreds of other religious beliefs in the world.
Just as no one can ever PROVE any religious belief.
Because they are BELIEFS, not science.
You can never test BELIEFS. They can never be proven or disproven.
Unlike scientific theories.
Such arrogance and ignorance for anyone to claim that their religious beliefs are scientific fact, all other religious beliefs are false and their religion has been proven scientifically valid.
Laughable that anyone is still that ignorant.

I took a year of college biology, something I doubt you accomplished. I have no interest in disproving your religious beliefs and faith. Per usual, you completely ignored what was said, and instead have embarked on a completely unrelated rant.

You made the claim that *science* has refuted biblical *claims*. My statement simply pointed out that once again, you don't only fail to name which religious *claims* have been refuted, you fail to provide the evidence that refutes them. I never claimed that science had to prove anything, that's a completely imaginary happening that took place only in your own tiny brain.

In other words, per usual, you make non-specific claims that mean absolutely nothing...and then you have the audacity to lecture me on scientific method. What a joke.

Science is but a tool used to establish the likelyhood of truth. Can religions be proven? Well, there is an experiment in the Bible where Elijah built and alter and the pagans built and alter and the pagans lost. To read about this experiment see First Kings Chapter 18. Now, I am not saying such would happen today. God is working interally through man rather than so openly; however, one could get various groups and have them pray for sick people and measure the speed and the number of times people are healed. Another would be to quiz various religious groups to see what percentage of the adherents actually know and understand their religions dogma. Another test would be to see how various religious groups treat outsiders and what affect (if any) is the result of such practices. Another would be the general welfare of each religious group with respect to their daily lives (which is happier, better taken care of, etc...) So clearly, there are possibilities.
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I can see that I can take my time and holly and gaddawg will still not have come up with cited references which prove that so-called 'science" has refuted the as-yet un-identified religious tales.

Shocking, that. Maybe they'll come up with something after I get a bite, take a nap, and do my hair...and sail about the south pacific.

Dumb ass, science does not have to prove anything.
Something about the scientific method which you are ignorant of.
Biology 101 at your local community college teaches it.
My religious beliefs and faith can not ever be disproven. YOU can not disprove my religious beliefs.
Same with the hundreds of other religious beliefs in the world.
Just as no one can ever PROVE any religious belief.
Because they are BELIEFS, not science.
You can never test BELIEFS. They can never be proven or disproven.
Unlike scientific theories.
Such arrogance and ignorance for anyone to claim that their religious beliefs are scientific fact, all other religious beliefs are false and their religion has been proven scientifically valid.
Laughable that anyone is still that ignorant.

" science does not have to prove anything."
Well, then....the minority known as 'atheist scientists' should stop attacking religion.

As usual, you make no sense. You babble about a minority of "atheistic scientists", clueless that the majority of scientists simply do not believe in your partisan gods.

Rejecting your religion is not attacking your religion. You need professional help to deal with the conspiracy theories / paranoia that causes your maladjustments.
I could make the same list with quotes from modern presidents. Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush 1 and 2, Clinton, and yes Obama... They have all made similar statements about religion and god to one degree or another.

Except they didn't found this country, nor write the founding documents, nor establish in their writings on what precepts the country and its founding documents were based on. The idea that the founding fathers were not Christians is ludicrous and easily debunked. A good 30 to 40 of the founding fathers had theology degrees, the very first session of congress spent its first several hours in prayer. It's all fact and easily looked up in the National Archives for all to see.

Have you not seen the quotes I've posted that clearly show Jefferson to be a deist? He wrote a secular bible, because he thought the divinity of Jesus was a ridiculous concept, as well as miracles. He did, however, find the moral teachings of Jesus to be superb without buying into the supernatural aspects to the story, as evidenced by his secular bible.

Well, the moral teachings of Jesus are superb, so why try to have them thrown out? Clearly, if Jefferson had not read the Bible, Jefferson's writting of the Constitution likely would have been quite different , if indeed written at all...
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And gaddawg himself should probably stop making the claim that science has refuted the bible.

Every miracle in the book is a slap in the face to science which says it cannot be done. Thus them being called miracles.

The whole notion that science and the bible can walk hand in hand is a silly one. The only way that is true is if you write off every miracle as parable and the entire creation story as a myth.

At which point the question begs asking, why bother believing the rest of it?
And gaddawg himself should probably stop making the claim that science has refuted the bible.

Every miracle in the book is a slap in the face to science which says it cannot be done. Thus them being called miracles.

The whole notion that science and the bible can walk hand in hand is a silly one. The only way that is true is if you write off every miracle as parable and the entire creation story as a myth.

At which point the question begs asking, why bother believing the rest of it?

"Every miracle in the book is a slap in the face to science..."

This is only the case if one treats the Bible as literal truth, rather than metaphor or allegory .

Only the least intelligent do so.
Raise your paw, Underwear.

“If there appears something in the Torah that is intellectually impossible to accept or contrary to the evidence of our senses, then we must search for a hidden meaning. This is because intelligence is the basis of the Torah. The Torah was not given to ignoramuses.”
Dershowitz, “ The Genesis of Justice.”

If you ask nicely, I'll post an OP on fundamentalism and the Bible.
If some of the bible's miracles are parables & metaphors, than, necessarily, so would be the resurrection and the entire supernatural existence of Jesus.
And gaddawg himself should probably stop making the claim that science has refuted the bible.

Every miracle in the book is a slap in the face to science which says it cannot be done. Thus them being called miracles.

The whole notion that science and the bible can walk hand in hand is a silly one. The only way that is true is if you write off every miracle as parable and the entire creation story as a myth.

At which point the question begs asking, why bother believing the rest of it?

"Every miracle in the book is a slap in the face to science..."

This is only the case if one treats the Bible as literal truth, rather than metaphor or allegory .

Only the least intelligent do so.
Raise your paw, Underwear.

“If there appears something in the Torah that is intellectually impossible to accept or contrary to the evidence of our senses, then we must search for a hidden meaning. This is because intelligence is the basis of the Torah. The Torah was not given to ignoramuses.”
Dershowitz, “ The Genesis of Justice.”

If you ask nicely, I'll post an OP on fundamentalism and the Bible.

That's all well and good. But when you start talking about intellectually impossible to accept or contrary to evidence, the whole damn concept of god comes into question.

So that begs the question. Where do you draw the line? If you say Jesus didn't actually walk on water, did he actually raise Lazarus from the dead? Did he himself rise from the dead?
Every miracle in the book is a slap in the face to science which says it cannot be done. Thus them being called miracles.

The whole notion that science and the bible can walk hand in hand is a silly one. The only way that is true is if you write off every miracle as parable and the entire creation story as a myth.

At which point the question begs asking, why bother believing the rest of it?

"Every miracle in the book is a slap in the face to science..."

This is only the case if one treats the Bible as literal truth, rather than metaphor or allegory .

Only the least intelligent do so.
Raise your paw, Underwear.

“If there appears something in the Torah that is intellectually impossible to accept or contrary to the evidence of our senses, then we must search for a hidden meaning. This is because intelligence is the basis of the Torah. The Torah was not given to ignoramuses.”
Dershowitz, “ The Genesis of Justice.”

If you ask nicely, I'll post an OP on fundamentalism and the Bible.

That's all well and good. But when you start talking about intellectually impossible to accept or contrary to evidence, the whole damn concept of god comes into question.

So that begs the question. Where do you draw the line? If you say Jesus didn't actually walk on water, did he actually raise Lazarus from the dead? Did he himself rise from the dead?

If one feels constrained to sign on to what others say, or write, then your predicament feels real.

I am not of that viewpoint. I feel able to analyze based on my own intelligence and experience.

Dershowitz wrote something which you might incorporate, and would ameliorate your problem:

I do not feel bound by any particular interpretation, nor do I regard any as authoritative or dispositive. We may interpret a text according to our own lights. The marketplace of ideas is the sole judge of the validity or usefulness of a given interpretation. Tradition certainly has a vote but not a veto.

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