OMG! These are the rebel fighters!

When someone posted this picture purporting to show children as victims of' Assad's alleged chemical attack. I was struck by the lack of trauma or signs of distress on the bodies. Most surprising was the lack of female children among the victims and no adults at all. I concede there may be other pictures out there that show those missing victims I mentioned. But pondering the picture shown, it appears to me that these boys were soldiers.
That would explain the absence of girls among them.

In the face of this revelation, I wonder if young boys like these are also deployed by ISIS. Beyond that though, I envisioned hundreds more like these suffocating in the collapsing tunnels decimated by MOAB! We won't hear about those casualties because it might tarnish our image abroad and place us on the same level as Assad.

You envision? That doesn't make it existing.
You also envisioned you'd be a rock star with
million dollar homes and cars, how's that working out for ya?

YOU wanna see young soldiers, tell me why the DNC uses youth as aggitator gangsters?
View attachment 121665
I think this is just another example of JQP hating the US so much he's siding with those poor terrorists who died when we dropped a MOAB on them.
Wanna hear a soldiers point of view?
Let me be clear. I do not revel in the loss of any human life. And, having served this country as a soldier, i know the horror felt by any combat soldier no matter which side they are fighting for. All are someone's son or daughter...all are loved by someone.
Take care that if we as a society place no value on human life we cheapen our own in the process. And the hypocrisy of those who,like me,oppose abortions but look the other way when our military kills children speaks volumes about who we are.
But even as we dehumanize our enemies, no matter their age, the poor youth of this country bear the brunt of battle and it is they who pay a hefty price for your freedom. Consider the children we sent off to war that were still wet behind the ears.

Too bad your previous anti-American and racist claims detract from your service.

As an American I cannot be anti_American because that would make me anti-myself. Lets just say my efforts against populist hatemongering in this country is more based in Christianity than your hegemonic worldview allows you to be. That doesn't make me any less of a patriot than you.BTW, are you a veteran? If not STFU.

1) Disagreed. Small wonder you don't consider the Boston Marathon and San Bernardino terrorist attacks by American citizens as "anti-American".

2) While I am a retired vet, it's interesting that you think non-vets should STFU and not have any voice in this.
Doesnt make you better or worse than anyone else.
Correct, but all I've seen you post is anti-American propoganda and nothing negative about the Soviets/Russians, Jihadists or anyone else.
Then you havent been paying attention.

American culture has made my life a better life. Elvis Presley,John Wayne,Motown, Sgt Bilko et al.
I just wish that your government would stop funding terror.
...I just wish that your government would stop funding terror.
Thanks for confirming my post.
Why are you so defensive about this ? It isnt a partisan issue. American foreign policy is dictated by the arms industry not by those who actually vote.
Only in the world of anti-American Socialists is calling a person on their lies and bias considered being "defensive".

Thanks for reiterating a standard anti-American conspiracy theory. It helps prove my point.
...I just wish that your government would stop funding terror.
Thanks for confirming my post.
Why are you so defensive about this ? It isnt a partisan issue. American foreign policy is dictated by the arms industry not by those who actually vote.
Only in the world of anti-American Socialists is calling a person on their lies and bias considered being "defensive".

Thanks for reiterating a standard anti-American conspiracy theory. It helps prove my point.
Well its clear that this is over your head.
...I just wish that your government would stop funding terror.
Thanks for confirming my post.
Why are you so defensive about this ? It isnt a partisan issue. American foreign policy is dictated by the arms industry not by those who actually vote.
Only in the world of anti-American Socialists is calling a person on their lies and bias considered being "defensive".

Thanks for reiterating a standard anti-American conspiracy theory. It helps prove my point.
Well its clear that this is over your head.
You are free to believe and say that. After all, this is America, land of the free.
You envision? That doesn't make it existing.
You also envisioned you'd be a rock star with
million dollar homes and cars, how's that working out for ya?

YOU wanna see young soldiers, tell me why the DNC uses youth as aggitator gangsters?
View attachment 121665
I think this is just another example of JQP hating the US so much he's siding with those poor terrorists who died when we dropped a MOAB on them.
Wanna hear a soldiers point of view?
Let me be clear. I do not revel in the loss of any human life. And, having served this country as a soldier, i know the horror felt by any combat soldier no matter which side they are fighting for. All are someone's son or daughter...all are loved by someone.
Take care that if we as a society place no value on human life we cheapen our own in the process. And the hypocrisy of those who,like me,oppose abortions but look the other way when our military kills children speaks volumes about who we are.
But even as we dehumanize our enemies, no matter their age, the poor youth of this country bear the brunt of battle and it is they who pay a hefty price for your freedom. Consider the children we sent off to war that were still wet behind the ears.

Too bad your previous anti-American and racist claims detract from your service.

As an American I cannot be anti_American because that would make me anti-myself. Lets just say my efforts against populist hatemongering in this country is more based in Christianity than your hegemonic worldview allows you to be. That doesn't make me any less of a patriot than you.BTW, are you a veteran? If not STFU.

1) Disagreed. Small wonder you don't consider the Boston Marathon and San Bernardino terrorist attacks by American citizens as "anti-American".

2) While I am a retired vet, it's interesting that you think non-vets should STFU and not have any voice in this.

I was speaking about myself. I was born and raised here. At 19 I was drafted and sent off to war while many of today's politicians were slipping quietly across the Canadian border or getting deferments by enrolling in college or finding ways to fail physicals.
I answered the call.

For those who heard that call and turned away, regardless of the era in which it was sounded, your anti-Americanism is glaringly apparent. I stand with the warrior patriots whose patriotism is etched into the very fabric of our hisrory..No-one can take that from me. Don't ever compare traitors who commit violence against their countrymen with me. I am am an American all the way whether you like what I say or not.
Pretty poor taste to post pictures of dead children and assume they are rebel fighters just because they are all boys...
The photo was posted by someone else to emphasize the importance of showing that Assad's use of chemical weapons to kill these kids is less humane than other methods. Since the rebels are our allies, i don't understand your complaint. Assad allegedly killed them,not us!
Pretty poor taste to post pictures of dead children and assume they are rebel fighters just because they are all boys...
The photo was posted by someone else to emphasize the importance of showing that Assad's use of chemical weapons to kill these kids is less humane than other methods. Since the rebels are our allies, i don't understand your complaint. Assad allegedly killed them,not us!

It doesn't matter WHO killed them. Posting pictures of dead kids and then making assumptions about them in order to give a reason they deserved to be killed is in extremely poor taste.
Pretty poor taste to post pictures of dead children and assume they are rebel fighters just because they are all boys...
The photo was posted by someone else to emphasize the importance of showing that Assad's use of chemical weapons to kill these kids is less humane than other methods. Since the rebels are our allies, i don't understand your complaint. Assad allegedly killed them,not us!

It doesn't matter WHO killed them. Posting pictures of dead kids and then making assumptions about them in order to give a reason they deserved to be killed is in extremely poor taste.
Are they really dead? And no one used the word"deserved" here but you. BTW you are entitled to your opinion but don't think your opinion rules the forum.
Pretty poor taste to post pictures of dead children and assume they are rebel fighters just because they are all boys...
The photo was posted by someone else to emphasize the importance of showing that Assad's use of chemical weapons to kill these kids is less humane than other methods. Since the rebels are our allies, i don't understand your complaint. Assad allegedly killed them,not us!

It doesn't matter WHO killed them. Posting pictures of dead kids and then making assumptions about them in order to give a reason they deserved to be killed is in extremely poor taste.
Are they really dead? And no one used the word"deserved" here but you. BTW you are entitled to your opinion but don't think your opinion rules the forum.

You can't tell that they are dead? If you weren't saying they deserved to be killed then why did you point out an assumption that they were rebel fighters? Of course my opinion doesn't rule the forum... but your post sure has changed my opinion of you.

Do you seriously not see something wrong with posting pictures of dead children to advance your agenda?
Pretty poor taste to post pictures of dead children and assume they are rebel fighters just because they are all boys...
The photo was posted by someone else to emphasize the importance of showing that Assad's use of chemical weapons to kill these kids is less humane than other methods. Since the rebels are our allies, i don't understand your complaint. Assad allegedly killed them,not us!

It doesn't matter WHO killed them. Posting pictures of dead kids and then making assumptions about them in order to give a reason they deserved to be killed is in extremely poor taste.
Are they really dead? And no one used the word"deserved" here but you. BTW you are entitled to your opinion but don't think your opinion rules the forum.

You can't tell that they are dead?

What makes you think they're dead?
Pretty poor taste to post pictures of dead children and assume they are rebel fighters just because they are all boys...
The photo was posted by someone else to emphasize the importance of showing that Assad's use of chemical weapons to kill these kids is less humane than other methods. Since the rebels are our allies, i don't understand your complaint. Assad allegedly killed them,not us!

It doesn't matter WHO killed them. Posting pictures of dead kids and then making assumptions about them in order to give a reason they deserved to be killed is in extremely poor taste.
Are they really dead? And no one used the word"deserved" here but you. BTW you are entitled to your opinion but don't think your opinion rules the forum.

You can't tell that they are dead?

What makes you think they're dead?

Are you serious? One of the kids is blue.
The photo was posted by someone else to emphasize the importance of showing that Assad's use of chemical weapons to kill these kids is less humane than other methods. Since the rebels are our allies, i don't understand your complaint. Assad allegedly killed them,not us!

It doesn't matter WHO killed them. Posting pictures of dead kids and then making assumptions about them in order to give a reason they deserved to be killed is in extremely poor taste.
Are they really dead? And no one used the word"deserved" here but you. BTW you are entitled to your opinion but don't think your opinion rules the forum.

You can't tell that they are dead?

What makes you think they're dead?

Are you serious? One of the kids is blue.

Lighting. Their color is fine, and eyes open is common is sudden death, not slow gas as I mentioned earlier.
It doesn't matter WHO killed them. Posting pictures of dead kids and then making assumptions about them in order to give a reason they deserved to be killed is in extremely poor taste.
Are they really dead? And no one used the word"deserved" here but you. BTW you are entitled to your opinion but don't think your opinion rules the forum.

You can't tell that they are dead?

What makes you think they're dead?

Are you serious? One of the kids is blue.

Lighting. Their color is fine, and eyes open is common is sudden death, not slow gas as I mentioned earlier. many dead people have you seen? The kid in the red and blue shirt is BLUE. Those kids are dead.

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