Omicron, this is BIG

What few understand about Omicron is that it not only has a high transmission rate but a high replication rate. That means we are gonna have more little Omicrons out there hatching more Omicrons than anyone can imagine. One of the greatest dangers in this is the number of mutations that will occur. The more replications, the more mutations and the more likely there will be more variants to deal with.

Without your help, Omicron is history. Like it's siblings it has to find a host typical within hours. If we refuse to host it, it's history.
What are your credentials please?
We are also skeptical about survival of the virus. One pig coronavirus can remain viable on steel surfaces for up to 28 days. The unvaxxed surfaces of vaxxed mouths, throats and noses also have a viral load. How long do those survive? Does Fau Chi know?
Kennedy is talking about Bill and Fau's big plans for vaccinating the world with the new mRNA technology:
' He told his giddy media acolytes that NIH had just committed to a $200 million joint initiative with the Gates Foundation to fund the next generations of AIDS vaccines using NIAID's new mRNA technology...Ignoring 40 years of abysmal failure, NIH Director Francis S. Collins, MD, PhD, who plays Robin to Dr. Fauci's Batman, added, "We aim to go big or go home."

After four decades of cataclysmic outcomes, billions of squandered dollars, untold lives lost and failed promises, the press corps gave this most recent production the same rapt and credulous applause with which they greeted Teflon Tony's hundred other indistinguishable pronouncements over four decades. 'He is the P.T. Barnum of public health," marvels journalist Celia Farber. "He cracks his whip and says 'Abracadabra,' and they all forget that they've seen the same trick so many times. It's really quite astonishing." '
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci, p. 299)
Where is the link to higher replication rate? One Omicron study of 10 Dec 2021 makes an argument about Omicron Replication based on old mutations from earlier variants.
The replication rate has been very high for the alpha and delta variants and there is no reason to assume that it is any different for Omicron variant
The replication rate has been very high for the alpha and delta variants and there is no reason to assume that it is any different for Omicron variant

Who cares. They aren't dangerous.
What few understand about Omicron is that it not only has a high transmission rate but a high replication rate. That means we are gonna have more little Omicrons out there hatching more Omicrons than anyone can imagine. One of the greatest dangers in this is the number of mutations that will occur. The more replications, the more mutations and the more likely there will be more variants to deal with.

With your help, Omicron is history. Like it's siblings it has to find a host typical within hours. If we refuse to host it, it's history.

You are an idiot. The reservoir is so huge that it is not destroyable.

Miami tested their poo from the city and the moronic virus was in 100% of the samples.


The replication rate has been very high for the alpha and delta variants and there is no reason to assume that it is any different for Omicron variant
You are incorrect, Asshole. There are good reasons to doubt the assumption. One mutation that's proven to increase replication rates of pseudovirus (do you know what a pseudovirus is?) is the one Fau Chi (do you who we mean by the term Fau Chi?) gets backwards in his youtube video. That's a damn good reason to be suspicious.

Another one is that the effeminates of the dem-controlled media have milked the opportunity to keep the prisoners dumbed down and confused about the (difference [italics]) between a variant and a mutation.

It's transparent that you are also using this confusion with which to establish your credibility. You make statements, though the prisoners see no citations to back them up. Where are the reports that estabish you as anyone they should rely on about replication rates?

Badger will post a citation that you or anyone else is free to ignore. The pathology is exemplified in this report, because the CIA-MI6 propaganda is apparent the instant they mention Neil Ferguson. This is a report to analyze if one is interested in Omicron and how intelligence agencies manipulate the prisoners:

17 Dec 2021 Immune Escape of Omicron in England
It's looking more and more like Omicron is if not as deadly as Delta...close enough to be a REAL concern considering how absolutely crazy contagious it is.

And here's a couple fun facts.

Neither previous covid infection nor double vaccine is effective against it.

Double vaccine AND a booster appears to be relatively effective against it
It's looking more and more like Omicron is if not as deadly as Delta...close enough to be a REAL concern considering how absolutely crazy contagious it is.

And here's a couple fun facts.

Neither previous covid infection nor double vaccine is effective against it.

Double vaccine AND a booster appears to be relatively effective against it
Indeed, after Fau Chi's vaccine mafia and media sees to it that American prisoners have neither the real, entire virus in a vaccine and two meds against it, proven in Uttar Pradesh, most anything that follows will make perfectly good sense to the prisoners. Omicron has one new mutation undoubtedly linked to vaccine (N969K), and another looks suspiciously similar. This variant seems more confused than previous ones, it can't decide whether (and this is precedence) to add or to delete things on its spike. This variant seems to be reacting to natural immunity and vaccines simultaneously.

As long as the reader-prisoner remains uneducated about each location of the SARS-CoV-2 spike as each new variant arises, they will stay dumbed-down, barefoot and pregnant on the theologian's Fairy Tale Farm.
Vaccinated people are less likely to know when they have Covid because the symptons do not appear when they do have it. They do not want Covid to go away. If you think they do you are deluded.

I have no idea why we put up with it. Because we are told by people who do not feel the sting of the stupid things they are doing. We are being treated like children. This is not Ebola. Wise up.
The Green God Practices Human Sacrifice

Ebola thrives where there are few auto emissions. As soon as it got to the modern world, it died out there. The same with the 2009 swine flu. It thrived in the primitive countryside and dropped dead as soon as it reached the "polluted" cities.

When you're under dumbing-down pundits' language-control, it's hard to make logical connections. The dishonest and slanted word "pollution" makes it impossible to think that it can be beneficial to man and fatal to the microbes' perpetual warfare on human existence.

So what if auto-emissions are un-Natural? Nature is a crime against humanity. Nature worship should have disappeared back in the Stone Age. That mindless Moloch superstition is behind all this Environmentalist persecution of us; they believe that any inventions which evolved humans come up with are sacrileges.
What few understand about Omicron is that it not only has a high transmission rate but a high replication rate. That means we are gonna have more little Omicrons out there hatching more Omicrons than anyone can imagine. One of the greatest dangers in this is the number of mutations that will occur. The more replications, the more mutations and the more likely there will be more variants to deal with.

With your help, Omicron is history. Like it's siblings it has to find a host typical within hours. If we refuse to host it, it's history.
Corona is also a common cold. Did we ever stop it? Nope. Does it keep coming back? .....yes.......If this one weakens and replicates to oblivion then it goes to the dust pile of history where it belongs. Until everyone starts jabbing it to mutate to something worse. It's the sniffles and an upper tract virus not deep lung from what I've heard.

Stop the Genetic experiment and let it pass.
Indeed, after Fau Chi's vaccine mafia and media sees to it that American prisoners have neither the real, entire virus in a vaccine and two meds against it, proven in Uttar Pradesh, most anything that follows will make perfectly good sense to the prisoners. Omicron has one new mutation undoubtedly linked to vaccine (N969K), and another looks suspiciously similar. This variant seems more confused than previous ones, it can't decide whether (and this is precedence) to add or to delete things on its spike. This variant seems to be reacting to natural immunity and vaccines simultaneously.

As long as the reader-prisoner remains uneducated about each location of the SARS-CoV-2 spike as each new variant arises, they will stay dumbed-down, barefoot and pregnant on the theologian's Fairy Tale Farm.
Viruses Have Enough Sense Not to Go Into What They Think Is a Forest Fire

SARS is another case of a virus thriving in China's undeveloped countryside and dying out in its smoky cities. It was carried on airline flights all over the world, but the fact that there were no Lockdowns let the Green-demonized pollution exterminate it.

One thing that has always fascinated me about viral evolution (or any evolution, for that matter) is the existence of evolutionary islands. Regions of genetic optimization that may not be the best solution, but which might require genetic changes which are less adaptive for a given environment before they are able to reach a new genetic “island” that is more optimal. Once a population (swarm) of viruses are able to bridge the evolutionary barriers to reach a new “island”, then they have a sort of evolutionary burst that can result in many changes within a short period of time as they evolve to adapt to the new optimum of that “island”. Perhaps what we are seeing with Omicron is the genetic consequence of one of these evolutionary bursts.

This is why this new finding from a team at Hong Kong University is so significant. Because it indicates that what may be most important about Omicron may not be the ability to evade vaccine-induced immunity, but that it has shifted its preferred tissue target for infection and replication to the upper airway instead of deep lung. That could explain why it is more infectious, replicates to higher levels, and yet causes less severe disease.

Let’s hope that is our best gift this Christmas.

Robert W Malone, MD, MS
Viruses Have Enough Sense Not to Go Into What They Think Is a Forest Fire

SARS is another case of a virus thriving in China's undeveloped countryside and dying out in its smoky cities. It was carried on airline flights all over the world, but the fact that there were no Lockdowns let the Green-demonized pollution exterminate it.
One particular forest fire they were studying was the place called Kunming, Yunnan. Over the course of years, they sampled viruses from long-used bat roosts on the outskirts of the city. By examining the sequences, and studying the evolution of these sequences, they could tell which ones had epidemic potential and which ones did not.

Ralph Baric took one of these viruses, discovered with the assistance of Peter Daszak, on 18 Ap 2011, back to his North Carolina lab.

One thing that has always fascinated me about viral evolution (or any evolution, for that matter) is the existence of evolutionary islands. Regions of genetic optimization that may not be the best solution, but which might require genetic changes which are less adaptive for a given environment before they are able to reach a new genetic “island” that is more optimal. Once a population (swarm) of viruses are able to bridge the evolutionary barriers to reach a new “island”, then they have a sort of evolutionary burst that can result in many changes within a short period of time as they evolve to adapt to the new optimum of that “island”. Perhaps what we are seeing with Omicron is the genetic consequence of one of these evolutionary bursts.

This is why this new finding from a team at Hong Kong University is so significant. Because it indicates that what may be most important about Omicron may not be the ability to evade vaccine-induced immunity, but that it has shifted its preferred tissue target for infection and replication to the upper airway instead of deep lung. That could explain why it is more infectious, replicates to higher levels, and yet causes less severe disease.

Let’s hope that is our best gift this Christmas.

Robert W Malone, MD, MS
This is a compelling argument, though it leaves out SARS-CoV-2's other receptor, TMPRSS2. There's not reason to not accept both proposals: that its striving for more shallow tissue targets and this was also influenced by vaccine-induced mutations such as N969K. Indeed, the fact that this heptad repeat region1 is precisely where the protein must be stabilized during vaccine production, a mutation in this region strongly points to an escape mechanism. Because this mutation abandons an asparagine(N) for a lysine(K), badger interprets the modus operandum as abandoning (glycosylation [italics]) in preference to (tissue tropism [italics]).

To test this hypothesis, the stats for lysine's influence on tropism can be compared with lysine's influence on glycosylation.
But mutations can be and the more the virus is allowed replicant, the more mutations we have to deal with.
It's gonna happen anyway. Same as the cold and Flu. This needs to run it's course and not use experimental mRNA vaccines that can actually cause variants.

This is s gift. Need to let it go wild.

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