Omicron, this is BIG

There should be no scare tactics about the lack of lungs, because there are no stats for one-lung prophylaxis with ivermectin and hcq.
Immediate Uttar Pradesh-style prophylaxis with hcq and ivermectin will stop the virus inside the U.S. Trump was correct, though his advisors were dem double agents, and did not tell him about the crucial timing involved. This bough time for the effeminate dem nazis and their media to further scare the prisoners as the other arm of their machine cranked out vaccines.
Grab 'Em and Jab 'Em

José Bideño's banditos don't need no stinking badgers.
I still make sure my kids get the flu vaccine. And the polio vaccine. And the Covid vaccine. And the HPV vaccine.
Those poor kids.
I can't say anything positive to allay against the runaway fear. There are some issues that are much more important than politics. So in fairness, I'm outta here.
Jab is such a gauche euphemism , trying to pretend there’s just nothing to it at all. So, why resist?
Compared to the “surge” of Conmecron where nobody knows that they have it and nobody dies. But Oh My Pearl Clutch there are lots of positives so another tidal wave surge of virus disease is upon us. Thinkers see right thru this crap
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Of course omicron is resistant but hey, get your third and and now fourth injection. Will the immune system even be able to fight off a normal germ from a finger cut at some point after being pummeled by these repeated injections? Its beyond insanity.

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Getting vaxxed is better than getting Delta and dying.

Just sayin'.
Delta ain't shit. Millions testing positive for COVID are false positives for the flu actually. 99.9% survival rate with no complications if you are under 65 and aren't a fat junk food eating lazy couch surfing government welfare sucking hairy man butt loving DemNazi freakazoid useful idiot like yourself.
Hey, if some Trumptards wants to die unnecessarily just to spite Biden, go right ahead!

They are dying in droves. This could affect the outcome of elections!

In fact, all those dead Trumptards will probably be voting for Brandon and Kamala in 2024. :lol:
Why don't you just call us dirty Jews like the Nazis did before WWII started?

DemNazis same as Them Nazis!
G5000: I'm not all that concerned about Omicron. But Delta is still out there, and it is a killer.

Westwall: YOU are the one hyperventilating about a covid variant with NO DEATHS!

It just doesn't get more delusional than that.

Yeah, YOU are delusional. You don't know shit about anything. You merely spew what your masters tell you to.

Moron, you are.

That's some astounding ignorance.

Uh, yeah, the ignorance is with you. You are being paid to push a vaccine that is not needed, is untested, and is potentially dangerous. So dangerous that the Congress has EXEMPTED themselves from any vaccine mandate.

Take your ignorant ass and move back to china where you belong.

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