Omicron, this is BIG

For the pretenders who keep offering up the incorrect Polio affiliation attempt
Salk vscvine was researched for 7 years and slowly introduced to the public over an 8 year period. Right now We The People are the experimental research trial period.
Stop offering up idiot comparisons which are no where near comparable

It's all he has because he IS an idiot. A fascist idiot.
Getting vaxxed is better than getting Delta and dying.

Just sayin'.
Turns out that the Trumper's predictions on Omicron were just as wrong as all their other predictions. Even moreso.
Just wait until after the Xmas rush on the 25th.

Sadly, I have to predict only the very worst, but that's with a positive view on the facts in the wind will bring some moderation and common sense.
Donald Daffy Demented Dildo Canuck Duck just used the term “common sense” as if he had any notion of what it means!


I get a flu vaccine every year, because just like Covid, the flu mutates. Last year's flu shot won't protect you from this year's flu.

Each year, there are several variants of the flu virus going around. The flu shot protects you from the most prevalent variant.

And that is how it will be going forward with Covid. Covid will always be with us, and each year we will get a shot which protects us from the most prevalent variant.

People in the future will laugh at the ignorance of the present day Covid anti-vaxxers.

"Did they refuse the polio vaccine, too?"

Good for you. I have never had a flu vaccine because my natural immunity is better than the vaccines they come up with. You know what, I will NEVER tell you to not get the flu vaccine, nor will I wish you to die if you do.

Because I am a human being.

You, on the other hand do wish people to die.

Because you ARE a subhuman fascist piece of shit.
Ah, looky there. An open admission of shutting one's eyes to anything which contradicts their bullshit.

Yeah, you alter peoples posts here a lot. Typical actions of a subhuman, fascist, piece of shit.

Like you.
Step aside Trump, Omicron is the big news now. Mentioned 23 times here YAHOO!

Trump is mentioned just 18 times, he's a bad man, but just not to the level of Omicron today.

Biden is mentioned just three times, which are all about the disease that you need many shots for. Better watch out, better not cry, you need this shot I'm telling you why. It's a Biden Christmas, and COVID is the gift that keeps on giving.

Jab'emwacky's Slithy Toves

Which Pharmafia gang is paying off Yahoo to push its jab?
Good for you. I have never had a flu vaccine because my natural immunity is better than the vaccines they come up with. You know what, I will NEVER tell you to not get the flu vaccine, nor will I wish you to die if you do.

Because I am a human being.

You, on the other hand do wish people to die.

Because you ARE a subhuman fascist piece of shit.
I'm not all that concerned about Omicron. But Delta is still out there, and it is a killer.

Get vaxxed.
Just FYI, the COVID-19 virus is a virus very similar to the Rhinovirus (the common cold virus), as it keeps developing variants. The Rhinovirus consists of 160 types/variants. Over time, the COVID-19 will develop more and more variants, all in an attempt to bypass our bodies and vaccination defenses. As these new COVID-19 variants come out, their lethality will diminish, as the Omicron is showing (I like the anagram take on it....moronic).
Some scientists have said that the virus deliberately diminishes its lethality over time to come to a point where the host can accept the variant that infects but does not kill the host. I find that concept interesting as it would mean the virus actually has some form of understanding beyond reproduction.
We must understand that as it is a virus and always changing like the Rhinovirus, it will always be with us. You can't get rid of any of the Rhinovirus variants and thus can't get rid of the COVID19 variants and the response is not to just keep getting jabbed or masking up.
G5000: I'm not all that concerned about Omicron. But Delta is still out there, and it is a killer.

Westwall: YOU are the one hyperventilating about a covid variant with NO DEATHS!

It just doesn't get more delusional than that.
I get a flu vaccine every year, because just like Covid, the flu mutates. Last year's flu shot won't protect you from this year's flu.

Each year, there are several variants of the flu virus going around. The flu shot protects you from the most prevalent variant.

And that is how it will be going forward with Covid. Covid will always be with us, and each year we will get a shot which protects us from the most prevalent variant.

People in the future will laugh at the ignorance of the present day Covid anti-vaxxers.

"Did they refuse the polio vaccine, too?"
And I gladly get the flu, once every five years or so. . .

For maybe twelve hours. I know exactly how to get it and deal with it.
I get real vaccines, for those that warrant such a treatment. I do not get untested, unproven, experimental gene editing tech, for a disease that does not warrant such, until they have been proven. These have not even gone through phase four trials yet. They have not been proven against conflicting drug interaction and pre-existing conditions. . . only assumptions have been made.

So you do you, I will do me.

I am SO GLAD you have a crystal ball.

IMO? I think you are being really, really arrogant.

The IFR of polio is about 3%. The IFO of COVID is about .05%.

Your arguments? They are constructed of a false equivalence fallacies.

You can't compare this to other "vaccines," because it is not. Other people know this, I think you do too.

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