Omicron, this is BIG

Just FYI, the COVID-19 virus is a virus very similar to the Rhinovirus (the common cold virus), as it keeps developing variants. The Rhinovirus consists of 160 types/variants. Over time, the COVID-19 will develop more and more variants, all in an attempt to bypass our bodies and vaccination defenses. As these new COVID-19 variants come out, their lethality will diminish, as the Omicron is showing (I like the anagram take on it....moronic).
Some scientists have said that the virus deliberately diminishes its lethality over time to come to a point where the host can accept the variant that infects but does not kill the host. I find that concept interesting as it would mean the virus actually has some form of understanding beyond reproduction.
We must understand that as it is a virus and always changing like the Rhinovirus, it will always be with us. You can't get rid of any of the Rhinovirus variants and thus can't get rid of the COVID19 variants and the response is not to just keep getting jabbed or masking up.
I said pretty much the same thing in post 48.

Covid will always be with us, and each year we will get a shot for the most prevalent variant, just like we do with the flu.
Just FYI, the COVID-19 virus is a virus very similar to the Rhinovirus (the common cold virus), as it keeps developing variants. The Rhinovirus consists of 160 types/variants. Over time, the COVID-19 will develop more and more variants, all in an attempt to bypass our bodies and vaccination defenses. As these new COVID-19 variants come out, their lethality will diminish, as the Omicron is showing (I like the anagram take on it....moronic).
Some scientists have said that the virus deliberately diminishes its lethality over time to come to a point where the host can accept the variant that infects but does not kill the host. I find that concept interesting as it would mean the virus actually has some form of understanding beyond reproduction.
We must understand that as it is a virus and always changing like the Rhinovirus, it will always be with us. You can't get rid of any of the Rhinovirus variants and thus can't get rid of the COVID19 variants and the response is not to just keep getting jabbed or masking up.
No doubt if we all got tested for every virus we would ALL be positive. Just gotta think a little instead of giving into fearful political agendas
We lack a right to remain healthy by attempting to regulate other people into doing same.
"Co-morbidities! Co-morbidities! Blarga-blarga-blarga"

A vaccinated diabetic who catches Covid.

An unvaccinated diabetic who catches Covid.

Guess which one has an astronomically higher chance of dying?

GET VAXXED, retards!
Dr. Robert Malone has stated, on the record, that no, it is not, "Co-morbidities! Co-morbidities! Blarga-blarga-blarga"

We should be reserving this technology for those who are truly in need of it, and have the rest of the population, who are not in any danger of this disease, use other means to assist our own immune systems.

You aren't really this dumb are you, that you can't see the revolving door corruption in the system at this point?

We are only harming the folks that most need this technology, and promoting the chance of even MORE variants by over use of a leaky vaccine by an imperfect technology, all so the bio-security state and BIG PHARMA, can make lots-o-bank, and clamp down on the plebs.

This is insanity.
No the 1 in 7,000 is with Covid only
For co morbidities it’s 1 in 500.
Either way nothing to be hiding from with many daily, completely non Covid death tolls rating much higher for lung cancer, strokes, heart attacks and zero Covid present
Academic Eunuchs

No one is allowed to blame incompetent medical researchers for not curing all four. The myth is that the other three must be almost impossible to cure if our brightest minds can't cure them.

Those childish and inhibited little nerds deserve no such respect. Faith in lab-rat wimps is what has let tens of millions die. Such conformist mind-slaves didn't earn a living until they were 30 years old. Whatever their SATs were is irrelevant; anyone who swallows his pride chokes his talent. If the brightest aren't paid a salary in college, we get what we pay for.
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I said pretty much the same thing in post 48.

Covid will always be with us, and each year we will get a shot for the most prevalent variant, just like we do with the flu.
Right at the moment I would suggest that isn't going to happen. Herd immunity is the most likely outcome, due to the nature of the mutations.

That's both negative bad news and good news at the same time. Covid is going to take the lives of fully 20% to 30% in select countries, while some countries will escape with relatively much fewer deaths.
Each country will need to attempt to isolate itself to minimize the effect of Covid but will need to more importantly, react in a sane and sensble way on taking all available precautions.
Folks, its that time again. Get in the house before 10pm and don't come out until 5am. It comes down from the trees and up from the grass. Be very afraid. Our govt loves you very much.
The problem with Covid is that you pass it on to others.

You do this regardless of whether you are jabbed or not.

My aunt's sister-in-law died, she was un-jabbed, her husband was jabbed. He didn't know he was infected. . . he felt fine, and gave it to her.

If he hadn't been jabbed? He would have stayed the hell away from her.

You have more chance of catching COVID from a jabbed person than an un-jabbed person. Folks that are un-jabbed? They know when they have it, and they isolate.

Now? regarding my aunt's sister? I told her? IMO? She should have gotten it. Any person that is sixty nine and diabetic? According to the research and statistics, they are probably nuts if they DON'T get it.

But healthy young and middle aged folks?

Nah. Let the Trumptards die of COVID-19.
I don't hate them that much.

My brother is a Trumptard. And he has a bad case of COPD. He's living on one lung. He's a textbook example of someone who would surely die if he caught Covid.

And yet he listened to all the asshole anti-vax propagandists and didn't get the shot.

His wife works at a hospital. She knows what this shit is doing to people. She and I both finally convinced him to get the shot.

So...yeah. I do not want to see any more people die preventably from this disease, no matter what their political affiliation is.
I don't hate them that much.

My brother is a Trumptard. And he has a bad case of COPD. He's living on one lung. He's a textbook example of someone who would surely die if he caught Covid.

And yet he listened to all the asshole anti-vax propagandists and didn't get the shot.

His wife works at a hospital. She knows what this shit is doing to people. She and I both finally convinced him to get the shot.

So...yeah. I do not want to see any more people die preventably from this disease, no matter what their political affiliation is.

I had three friends that died from taking the injection. All perfectly healthy.
Right at the moment I would suggest that isn't going to happen. Herd immunity is the most likely outcome, due to the nature of the mutations.

That's both negative bad news and good news at the same time. Covid is going to take the lives of fully 20% to 30% in select countries, while some countries will escape with relatively much fewer deaths.
Each country will need to attempt to isolate itself to minimize the effect of Covid but will need to more importantly, react in a sane and sensble way on taking all available precautions.
So saith Donald H duck the canuck. Better tell Trudeau to shut down your border again. Those dirty Americans are going to infect you with more reasonable prices and lower taxes on purchases. The BC license plates are getting almost as prevalent as WA plates.

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