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On Anti-Semitism

For the first 18 years of my life, I only lived and went to school with Jews. After I entered the working world, and started meeting Christians, I can say this: Some Christians hate Jews, and some don't. There are a couple of "religious" Christians on this Board, like Sherri and Ariux, who hate Jews with a vengeance. But most ppl that I have met in "real life" don't hate Jews.

I have never met anyone who "hates" Jews, period. But I guess if you look hard enough and try, try, try maybe you can find one but not where I live. It is just not there. There are numerious Jews who are great actors and I watch them in the movies and on TV. There is NO hate there. Put this unfouded feeling behind you. No-one Hates "Jews", period

When BeauseIKnowSquat claims "all Jews ... blah, blah, blah..." he is speaking in generalizations which just don't hold water. There is no consensus among "all Jews" on any subject. Likewise if Willy were to claim that all Christians or all Muslims hate all Jews - and that doesn't seem to be what he is saying - he would be employing the same ignorant M.O. as BeauseIKnowSquat. In fact, the sweeping generalization that no-one hates "Jews" is of the same methodology as Squat. Trust me, there really are people who hate "Jews." :D

(Deu 7:6 KJV) For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.

(Deu 7:7 KJV) The LORD did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people:

(Deu 7:8 KJV) But because the LORD loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers, hath the LORD brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the house of bondmen, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.

(Deu 7:9 KJV) Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;

(Deu 7:10 KJV) And repayeth them that hate him to their face, to destroy them: he will not be slack to him that hateth him, he will repay him to his face.

(Deu 7:11 KJV) Thou shalt therefore keep the commandments, and the statutes, and the judgments, which I command thee this day, to do them.

(Deu 7:12 KJV) Wherefore it shall come to pass, if ye hearken to these judgments, and keep, and do them, that the LORD thy God shall keep unto thee the covenant and the mercy which he sware unto thy fathers:

(Deu 7:13 KJV) And he will love thee, and bless thee, and multiply thee: he will also bless the fruit of thy womb, and the fruit of thy land, thy corn, and thy wine, and thine oil, the increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep, in the land which he sware unto thy fathers to give thee.

(Deu 8:6 KJV) Therefore thou shalt keep the commandments of the LORD thy God, to walk in his ways, and to fear him.

(Deu 8:11 KJV) Beware that thou forget not the LORD thy God, in not keeping his commandments, and his judgments, and his statutes, which I command thee this day:

(Deu 8:19 KJV) And it shall be, if thou do at all forget the LORD thy God, and walk after other gods, and serve them, and worship them, I testify against you this day that ye shall surely perish.

God chose them to show us the way. By example, by following His Commandments and expressing the love for the stranger as we all should love our neighbors. It is spelled out in scripture, all you have to do is read it and do it and then it will be done.

Instead once they created the State of Isreal the first thing they did and still do is murder children in cold blood

So you are saying they were chosen to "murder children in cold blood?"
Mikek---are you trying to make a point? Jews have a long history and have maintained a distinctive culture thruout -------chances are you come from some mongrel mess of the leftovers from a dozen different -----NON EXTANT nations I could have a conversation with Jesus of Nazareth----chances are----if you ran into one of your ancestors from 1500 years ago-----you would not have a common language and could not offer him a cup or water----intelligibly--------or------you do not even have a history-----being the descendant of illiterates----therefore I will not bother to ask if your ancestors were ever expelled or migrated
I agree with your assessment. In fact one cannot observe the inhabitants of a typical Hassidic community without finding substantial evidence of in-breeding. But I'd say that is taking the concept of genetic exclusivity a bit far -- wouldn't you?

Some of the most impressive studies on inbreeding have taken place in Italian villages. Sometimes the actual FOUNDING MUTATION---can be traced. It is clear that you know nothing about the issue of "inbreeding" Can you tell me to which or an example of which hassidic communties you refer and to what "evidences of inbreeding" you refer? I am going to let you in on an interesting factoid. -----Some of the earliest inherited sicknesses of a recessive nature were described in JEWISH COMMUNITIES want to know why?---------because the pediatricians were jews and those guys had jewish friends who were geneticists Islamo nazi propagandaists JUMPED such entities as tay-sachs and Canavan's ----as PROOF JEWS IN-BREED-------sorry charlie--------Most of the world's population belong to groups that inbreed----more or less-------but per capita----JEWS GOT LOTS OF DOCTORS.......and a somewhat interesting extra point---------do not get insulted-------jewish women tend to 'know who the father is"

The list of clusters of RECESSIVE INHERITABLE diseases has grown lots since the 50s and 60s when the search for them became a hot issue
Zionism is a direct result of anti semitism, first in Tsarist Russia then in Nazi Germany. They are 2 sides of the same coin.

And they feed off each other.

The Muslim world did not have the same level of Jew hatred as Europe for centuries.

But since the Zionists stole Arab Palestine, Anti Semitism is now rife in the Muslim world like it never was before

And as the whole world wakes up to the horror of the stolen land, it will only get worse.

Israel will be regarded like South Africa, or even worse.

This time, unlike in Russia or Germany, it is our own fault .

Yes, ours....I am Jewish myself but NOT Zionist.

Thanks for that. The problem is the one sided media in America. When the media only has one right side. And it's always Israel.

That's just more of your whiney, snivelly camel crap. :eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:
America's press is free and open (just consider the popularity of "non-main stream" outlets) and the variety of viewpoints is endless.
What we don't have here is the one-sided, often mendacious "media" enjoyed in much of the rest of the world. Sorry 'bout that. :D
from: BecauseIKnowSquat
Every Jew tells us Israel is their God given land.
Yes Jews as a whole state that reason as to why they migrated to the land.

from: Sayit

Just look at what Israeli Prime ministers have said. It's a Jewish homeland. Enough proof. No one denies that Jews went there for that reason.

Israel was created specifically to serve as the Jewish Homeland, Princess, but that does not prove your claim and no Prime Minister anywhere has ever said that "Jews as a whole state that reason as to why they migrated to the land." :D
Because of my marriage to a man born in an islamic cesspit before 1948---and his many relatives born in that and in OTHER islamic cesspits-----I have lots more information on live under islam than lots of other people who post here Israel would not exist today if there had not be EXTENSIVE ISLAMIC OPPRESSION AND EVEN EPISODES OF GENOCIDES OF JEWS by muslims over the past 1400 years Just for the record----the notion that emigration from islamic cesspits did not start until AFTER zionism became a project in palestine by "european jews" or that jews and muslims got along "UNTIL HERZL" -----is so utterly incorrect-----that I cannot begin to address the stupidity of that bit of silly propaganda. Kvetch---from where did you get your information on the history of jews in muslim countries? your local Imam?
Because of my marriage to a man born in an islamic cesspit before 1948---and his many relatives born in that and in OTHER islamic cesspits-----I have lots more information on live under islam than lots of other people who post here Israel would not exist today if there had not be EXTENSIVE ISLAMIC OPPRESSION AND EVEN EPISODES OF GENOCIDES OF JEWS by muslims over the past 1400 years Just for the record----the notion that emigration from islamic cesspits did not start until AFTER zionism became a project in palestine by "european jews" or that jews and muslims got along "UNTIL HERZL" -----is so utterly incorrect-----that I cannot begin to address the stupidity of that bit of silly propaganda. Kvetch---from where did you get your information on the history of jews in muslim countries? your local Imam?
LRosie please use decent lingo..................i really object to words like nazi pigs and cesspits and no one will engage with you unless you are sensible

I only said Europeans were worse to Jews than Muslims. I didn't say they got on fine.

Of course its a vast over generalisation

But wasn't Islamic Spain....some of it...a good time for Jews??

And we ARE responsible for some of the hatred against us this time and it will spread beyond the Muslim world if we or rather israel doesn't make peace soon
Because of my marriage to a man born in an islamic cesspit before 1948---and his many relatives born in that and in OTHER islamic cesspits-----I have lots more information on live under islam than lots of other people who post here Israel would not exist today if there had not be EXTENSIVE ISLAMIC OPPRESSION AND EVEN EPISODES OF GENOCIDES OF JEWS by muslims over the past 1400 years Just for the record----the notion that emigration from islamic cesspits did not start until AFTER zionism became a project in palestine by "european jews" or that jews and muslims got along "UNTIL HERZL" -----is so utterly incorrect-----that I cannot begin to address the stupidity of that bit of silly propaganda. Kvetch---from where did you get your information on the history of jews in muslim countries? your local Imam?
LRosie please use decent lingo..................i really object to words like nazi pigs and cesspits and no one will engage with you unless you are sensible

I only said Europeans were worse to Jews than Muslims. I didn't say they got on fine.

Of course its a vast over generalisation

But wasn't Islamic Spain....some of it...a good time for Jews??

And we ARE responsible for some of the hatred against us this time and it will spread beyond the Muslim world if we or rather israel doesn't make peace soon
Is my assumption that you are a de-frocked Rabbi correct?
Because of my marriage to a man born in an islamic cesspit before 1948---and his many relatives born in that and in OTHER islamic cesspits-----I have lots more information on live under islam than lots of other people who post here Israel would not exist today if there had not be EXTENSIVE ISLAMIC OPPRESSION AND EVEN EPISODES OF GENOCIDES OF JEWS by muslims over the past 1400 years Just for the record----the notion that emigration from islamic cesspits did not start until AFTER zionism became a project in palestine by "european jews" or that jews and muslims got along "UNTIL HERZL" -----is so utterly incorrect-----that I cannot begin to address the stupidity of that bit of silly propaganda. Kvetch---from where did you get your information on the history of jews in muslim countries? your local Imam?
LRosie please use decent lingo..................i really object to words like nazi pigs and cesspits and no one will engage with you unless you are sensible

I only said Europeans were worse to Jews than Muslims. I didn't say they got on fine.

Of course its a vast over generalisation

But wasn't Islamic Spain....some of it...a good time for Jews??

And we ARE responsible for some of the hatred against us this time and it will spread beyond the Muslim world if we or rather israel doesn't make peace soon
Is my assumption that you are a de-frocked Rabbi correct?

I am not a defrocked rabbi-----I am not even sure that rabbis CAN be "defrocked" ----you are thinking of the workings of chruches that have hierarchies----like the Catholic church
As to Islamic Spain----the fact that you cite it indicates that you are either not a jew or a jew with no knowlege of history--------An interesting factoid of history is that the IDEA---of pretending to be---a christian -----during the Inquistion was developed by one known in english as MAIMONIDES who did so while under ISLAMIC OPPRESSION------he avoided execution for refusing to convert to islam in his NATIVE CORDOBA -------during a vast program of killing and forced conversion TO ISLAM in that city------later on he wrote lots of papers on just HOW TO FAKE IT (ie how to pretend to be a convert to islam)
Some of his letters to the Jews of Yemen regarding HOW TO SURVIVE ISLAMIC OPPRESSION are still extant

your comment about SOME GOOD TIMES---is correct---there were some good times----just as there were some good times in christian europe-------there were actually MORE good times in christian europe. Of course ----RELATIVELY GOOD TIMES----there is no islamic land which adhered to SHARIAH in any way in which jews (or any other non muslim) had equal rights with muslims. The european "enlightenment" ----never actually reached islam and has not yet. I have learned from muslims-----that just as some Hindus can support the concept of CASTE---based on some sort of LOGICAL SOCIAL FUNCTION-----just about all muslims can support SHARIAH which is a far more brutal CASTE SYSTEM than is hinduism
"that just as some Hindus can support the concept of CASTE---based on some sort of LOGICAL SOCIAL FUNCTION-----just about all muslims can support SHARIAH which is a far more brutal CASTE SY"

IRosie thanx for toning down the Lingo. I concede you know more about Rambam and Spain than I do.

I am in London, England, had a Jewish Mum but brought up as a Quaker Christian so no defrocking!

I lived in India for 5 years and married a poor Hindu woman. So I can tell you that millions of low caste Hindus converted to Islam quite enthusiastically to escape the caste system but over the centuries they have retained some aspects of caste in the villages. But this was Sufi Islam not the Taleban version.

I don't think caste and shariah cover the same ball park as you yanx would say.

It's always been a mystery to me why Jews should want to go to Europe when they faced such persecution. And how Jews take such huge risks even while they have such in built anxiety.

Can you enlighten me?

Most historians credit the early Arab Caliphate with developing science and preserving classical wisdom without which both renaissance and enlightenment would not have happened.

Have you seen "The Untold story of Islam" on you tube. It is a real historian's view of early Islam saying it only developed into a separate faith about 200 years after Prophet Mo. Good stuff. Highly rec.
"that just as some Hindus can support the concept of CASTE---based on some sort of LOGICAL SOCIAL FUNCTION-----just about all muslims can support SHARIAH which is a far more brutal CASTE SY"

IRosie thanx for toning down the Lingo. I concede you know more about Rambam and Spain than I do.

I am in London, England, had a Jewish Mum but brought up as a Quaker Christian so no defrocking!

I lived in India for 5 years and married a poor Hindu woman. So I can tell you that millions of low caste Hindus converted to Islam quite enthusiastically to escape the caste system but over the centuries they have retained some aspects of caste in the villages. But this was Sufi Islam not the Taleban version.

I don't think caste and shariah cover the same ball park as you yanx would say.

It's always been a mystery to me why Jews should want to go to Europe when they faced such persecution. And how Jews take such huge risks even while they have such in built anxiety.

Can you enlighten me?

Most historians credit the early Arab Caliphate with developing science and preserving classical wisdom without which both renaissance and enlightenment would not have happened.

Have you seen "The Untold story of Islam" on you tube. It is a real historian's view of early Islam saying it only developed into a separate faith about 200 years after Prophet Mo. Good stuff. Highly rec.

you are a victim of the british version of history Jews ended up in europe because they were fleeing islamic oppression in North africa-----while your british historians claim that jews of spain and portugal fled to ISLAMIC LANDS when the INQUISITIN hit----wrong again-----even more fled to european countries and TO THE AMERICAS -----

as to SCIENTIFIC INNOVATION------not really----Muslims invaded -----ALREADY INTELLECTUALLY ADVANCED places -----while some learned there-----as in BAGHDAD where zoroastrian and christian and jewish scholars had an ALREADY MADE CULTURAL CENTER ----and ALEXANDRIA-----a center of jewish scholarship and even spain----Toledo and Cordoba were PRE MADE------muslims ---of course, did produce some scholars of their own-------the PRESERVATION of the Greek Classics was ALSO AN ALREADY DONE THING------muslims simply conquored places in which it was an already done thing The good news is that they did not manage to DESTROY EVERYTHING-----so for that they can be congratulated

the people who actually did the preserving of the classics were christian and jewish scholars----to some extent zoroastrians------but the zoroastrians got destroyed by the muslims

for the developement of math ----not muslims----HINDUS
for the developement of astronomy----not muslims-----ZOROASTRIANS
for the developement of GLASS----ASSYRIANS
for "philosophy" not muslims GREEKS---preserved JEWS AND CHRISTIANS
for the brits------since everything was in the middle east and the middle
east was RULED by muslims------Idiot brits attributed it ALL TO MUSLIMS
To this fascist Zionist vulgar sick woman of course everything relates to Muslims. Now she claims jews went to Israel because of Muslims. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
To this fascist Zionist vulgar sick woman of course everything relates to Muslims. Now she claims jews went to Israel because of Muslims. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

the jews from "muslim" lands went to Israel because of the filth of islamic oppression-----PROPORTIONATELY far more jews fled shariah shit than fled-----non muslim lands
In fact PROPORTIONATELY far more jews fled the filth and stink of islamic oppression -----than arabs fled that so called "ZIONIST AGGRESSION" that imam spew about during khutbah jumaat rants and farts Just about every Israeli I know well------fled the stink of islamic oppression-----most before 1948----and even before 1945-----some are from families that fled that meccan stink even in the 1800s
To this fascist Zionist vulgar sick woman of course everything relates to Muslims. Now she claims jews went to Israel because of Muslims. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

the jews from "muslim" lands went to Israel because of the filth of islamic oppression-----PROPORTIONATELY far more jews fled shariah shit than fled-----non muslim lands
In fact PROPORTIONATELY far more jews fled the filth and stink of islamic oppression -----than arabs fled that so called "ZIONIST AGGRESSION" that imam spew about during khutbah jumaat rants and farts Just about every Israeli I know well------fled the stink of islamic oppression-----most before 1948----and even before 1945-----some are from families that fled that meccan stink even in the 1800s

That's a hundred percent bullshit. But it's not your fault. You were born a liar.
according to the untold story of islam guy,(yes, a brit!) the only city the invading arabs burnt was caesarea; all the rest were taken over without slaughter or plunder

he says that they never presented themselves as muslims; only true believers. the muslim bit was evolved 100 years later.

you yourself are confirming they kept and nurtured the best of all faiths in cairo, baghdad spain etc which is better than the christian crusaders or spanish reconquistadors did

i don't think it matters which faith the scholars were; they influenced each other for the better

iat Israel's birth there were large jewish populations in every arab capital who had not fled and many were rich and must have been a great loss to the arab economies when they left

not just arab lands...iran ....india..... all over

whereas in europe the jews had to keep on the move; they kept getting expelled eg from england by edward 1st, germany, spain, portugal, etc etc
To this fascist Zionist vulgar sick woman of course everything relates to Muslims. Now she claims jews went to Israel because of Muslims. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

the jews from "muslim" lands went to Israel because of the filth of islamic oppression-----PROPORTIONATELY far more jews fled shariah shit than fled-----non muslim lands
In fact PROPORTIONATELY far more jews fled the filth and stink of islamic oppression -----than arabs fled that so called "ZIONIST AGGRESSION" that imam spew about during khutbah jumaat rants and farts Just about every Israeli I know well------fled the stink of islamic oppression-----most before 1948----and even before 1945-----some are from families that fled that meccan stink even in the 1800s

That's a hundred percent bullshit. But it's not your fault. You were born a liar.

what is 100% bullshit? "that" is a pronoun----it must refer to something SPECIFICALLY not simply a few paragraphs -----your statement makes no
sense unless you SPECIFY that to which you refer----lying lump of filth

Not take a look at that which you call "bullshit"------and tell me at least one--or two
if you wish of the facts I presented which you want to call "bullshit"
To this fascist Zionist vulgar sick woman of course everything relates to Muslims. Now she claims jews went to Israel because of Muslims. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

the jews from "muslim" lands went to Israel because of the filth of islamic oppression-----PROPORTIONATELY far more jews fled shariah shit than fled-----non muslim lands
In fact PROPORTIONATELY far more jews fled the filth and stink of islamic oppression -----than arabs fled that so called "ZIONIST AGGRESSION" that imam spew about during khutbah jumaat rants and farts Just about every Israeli I know well------fled the stink of islamic oppression-----most before 1948----and even before 1945-----some are from families that fled that meccan stink even in the 1800s

That's a hundred percent bullshit. But it's not your fault. You were born a liar.
Baghdad Bob, are you claiming that someone was born a liar when you pull things out of thin air? Poor Baghdad Bob, his fellow Muslim Arabs are governing such a huge amount of land and he resents a tiny bit of land around the size of New Jersey being governed by Jews. And when you throw in all the acreage the Muslims are governing in Southeast Asia, you can see how ludicrous it is for the Muslims having a fit about the Jews governing such a small amount of land. So, Bob, when are your fellow Muslims going to claim that France is now Muslim land?
"Just about every Israeli I know well------fled the stink of islamic oppression-----most before 1948----and even before 1945--"

your friends are really not typical

vast majority of pre 1948 jews in israel were refugees from europe
majority in the 1950s were from arab lands

that's just a fact

hosfly .........no one anywhere wants to be taken over and expelled by any foreign group or power

faith and nationality irrelevant

that's why zionism and colonialism are just plain wrong and can't be explained or rationalised away

anyone's home is their right to stay there based on recent not ancient times

would you get out of your home and let a native american family take over because their tribe lived there 3,000 years ago and said it was their sacred ancestral land ???

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