On Campus, Trump Fans Say They Need ‘Safe Spaces’


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012

Considering the almost cult-like resistance to Trump, or it seems, democratic elections; I am not surprised at all at some of the reactions of his supporters on these campuses. There lefties of the 60's and their hippy outlook on life and liberty are gone, replaced with a rabid lot who have been indoctrinated for a long time:

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Amanda Delekta, a sophomore at the University of Michigan and political director of the College Republicans, was ecstatic when her candidate, Donald J. Trump, won the presidential election.

But her mood of celebration quickly faded when students held an evening vigil on campus — to mourn the results — and her biology teacher suspended class on the assumption, Ms. Delekta said, that students would be too upset to focus.

She was outraged. “Nobody has died,” Ms. Delekta said. “The United States has not died. Democracy is more alive than ever. Simply put, the American people voted and Trump won.”........................................................................................................

Conservative students who voted for Mr. Trump say that even though their candidate won, their views are not respected. Some are adopting the language of the left, saying they need a “safe space” to express their opinions — a twist resented by left-leaning protesters.

Administrators are struggling to maintain a balance between political factions. But some college presidents have entered the fray with statements that seem more sympathetic to the left, in some cases provoking a backlash.
Liberals showing how liberal they can be, by shutting people up through coercive means.

How tolerant. This is precisely why Trump won, the PC culture on campuses has pervaded America as a whole. These are people who need safe spaces and safety pins that are now being the bullies they think the Trump supporters are.
Right wingers have been made scared and paranoid, even though they are living in the safest time and place in history.
Right wingers have been made scared and paranoid, even though they are living in the safest time and place in history.

Its not right wingers curling up in fetal positions crying and babbling.
Right wingers have been made scared and paranoid, even though they are living in the safest time and place in history.

The violence committed by the Left in Occupy, Ferguson, Baltimore, Charlotte, and at multiple Trump rallies says otherwise.
I've said it before and it's an open offer to anyone supporting socialism, I say this as a Canadian who has experienced it first hand. Give me an hour, a hot cup of tea and someone willing to listen and by the end of the conversation that person would never support socialism again.
I've said it before and it's an open offer to anyone supporting socialism, I say this as a Canadian who has experienced it first hand. Give me an hour, a hot cup of tea and someone willing to listen and by the end of the conversation that person would never support socialism again.

You have the floor, but you will have to get your own tea. Lets see what you have to say.
Right wingers have been made scared and paranoid, even though they are living in the safest time and place in history.

Its not right wingers curling up in fetal positions crying and babbling.
Yes it is. Scared, and arming themselves.
Ah, so that's it. Arming is paranoia but hoping cops show up in a few seconds is perfectly reasonable.

LOL, your brain got nukes on something. Lots of libs have destroyed their minds and we all suffer the consequences.
Right wingers have been made scared and paranoid, even though they are living in the safest time and place in history.

Its not right wingers curling up in fetal positions crying and babbling.
Yes it is. Scared, and arming themselves.
Ah, so that's it. Arming is paranoia but hoping cops show up in a few seconds is perfectly reasonable.

LOL, your brain got nukes on something. Lots of libs have destroyed their minds and we all suffer the consequences.
All that you suffer from is ignorance.
Right wingers have been made scared and paranoid, even though they are living in the safest time and place in history.

Its not right wingers curling up in fetal positions crying and babbling.
Yes it is. Scared, and arming themselves.
Ah, so that's it. Arming is paranoia but hoping cops show up in a few seconds is perfectly reasonable.

LOL, your brain got nukes on something. Lots of libs have destroyed their minds and we all suffer the consequences.
All that you suffer from is ignorance.
I'm not the one ignorant about the 2nd amendment.
Liberals showing how liberal they can be, by shutting people up through coercive means. How tolerant. This is precisely why Trump won, the PC culture on campuses has pervaded America as a whole. These are people who need safe spaces and safety pins that are now being the bullies they think the Trump supporters are.
Right wingers have been made scared and paranoid, even though they are living in the safest time and place in history.

Its not right wingers curling up in fetal positions crying and babbling.
Yes it is. Scared, and arming themselves.

When your armed you aren't scared.
If you feel that you need to be armed, you are terrified.

We dont need to be armed we have a Constitutional right to have arms.
If our boarder was secure, we who live near it would not have to arm ourselves if we didnt want to.
We have the right in this country to defend ourselves, be it illegals crossing across our ranches and property, to rabid animals, criminals breaking into our homes or to fight a tryanical government when elections are unable to do it.
Thanks to our constitution you just saw it happen with the votes instead of another revolutionary war.
Dems got slaughtered.
Right wingers have been made scared and paranoid, even though they are living in the safest time and place in history.

Its not right wingers curling up in fetal positions crying and babbling.
Yes it is. Scared, and arming themselves.

When your armed you aren't scared.
If you feel that you need to be armed, you are terrified.

We dont need to be armed we have a Constitutional right to have arms.
If our boarder was secure, we who live near it would not have to arm ourselves if we didnt want to.
We have the right in this country to defend ourselves, be it illegals crossing across our ranches and property, to rabid animals, criminals breaking into our homes or to fight a tryanical government when elections are unable to do it.
Thanks to our constitution you just saw it happen with the votes instead of another revolutionary war.
Dems got slaughtered.
You live in the safest place and time in history. People have made you scared and paranoid to satisfy their agendas. Trumps election and Brexit are examples of this.
A quote I think of comes from holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl which sums up what slowly occurs if a society is not self aware of the signs:

I am absolutely convinced that the gas chambers of Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Maidanek were ultimately prepared not in some ministry or other in Berlin, but rather at the desks and in the lecture halls of nihilistic scientists and philosophers.= Viktor Frankl

When I think of the wave of socialist supporters and general censoring of thought, religion, expression, and even to make mistakes as humans do, it scares me. "You make a mistake, you're banished from society as we see fit", those who have encouraged these reactions, as if humans are robots molded by the hand of self ordained ruler and human maker. One must be perfect, share precisely the same views and opinions, do not rock the boat, challenge or question. It is disturbing to those of us who can at least appreciate all points of view, with the base being freedom, liberties and the right to an opinion.

I watched on youtube the reactions and over reaction of the millennials in particular. Those who seemed to have their lives shattered when their favourite pop stars couldn't get Clinton over the finish line. It was eye opening for me as I thought back to my time in university and the uphill battle I had. They have been given blue ribbons of participation, provided a passing grade if they didn't show up for school because "noone can fail, it may hurt ones self esteem", been indoctrinated into believing that socialism is "fairness for everyone" and some "stuff can be free!".

Professors telling student not to worry about exams because the election results might have traumatized them. Giving them safe spaces to enjoy play doh and cuddle with puppies. All while explaining that "we are right, the other people are just wrong", or bad or racist, or whatever. It's almost difficult to fault these kids since they have been indoctrinated for so long.

As the 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor passed we can all thank God it was the Greatest Generation fighting the Nazis and not this brainwashed lot who see nothing but rainbows and sunshine, without even understanding some of the most basic concepts of history, economic systems, social systems and the like.

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