On guns: "Do the right thing!"

You’re not in favor of criminals getting guns, but you’re not in favor of universal background checks…..pretty dumb combination.
What’s pretty dumb is thinking that a background check will keep criminals from getting guns.
Our tired, bedraggled old President brought out the oldest, tiredest, emptiest Leftist comment, in his lame attempt to comfort the country in the wake of this horrific school shooting today.

He claims that "we" have to have the courage to "do the right thing" on guns.

And yet...the Left never comes up with any suggestion that would have had the slightest impact on the shooting that he is supposed to be addressing.

Ban "assault" weapons? Pure idiocy. An assault weapon is a single-shot firearm, just like a deer rifle. No more lethal than a deer rifle. But it looks scary. Biden claimed that when "assault weapons" were banned, mass shootings dropped by some absurd fraction. I'd really like to see the data that supports that statement.

This is not confirmed, but I've heard that the punk in Texas used a pistol and a long rifle. Not an "assault weapon." What does our addled President suggest? Apparently, he could not have purchased a handgun from a licensed dealer in Texas at his age.

Lefties never really grasp the fact that Bad Guys don't obey the law, so outlawing things often accomplishes nothing.

I just watched a video this morning of Joe Biden, in 1988, angrily telling a constituent that he graduated with three bachelor's degrees, went to law school on a full scholarship, and graduated near the top of his class...all of which were lies. Blatant, knowing lies, because he knew that the people hearing him had no way of verifying what he was saying in that moment.

What a piece of shit.

If he really meant that, he would start by prosecuting his son for lying on a federal 4473 form and illegally buying a handgun. Until that happens, nothing Joe Biden or any of his supporters say about guns is legitimate.
It truly is stunning. The solution to the gun violence we've seen all these years could've all been solved with universal background checks.

You see, according to USMB's greatest non-thinker, Dagosa, the problem would be, oh, what's the word? Oh, yes: "Absolutely" be solved by requiring "universal background checks". You see, universal background checks are the end-all for gun violence; the panacea to finally rid this scourge from society.

Pay no mind to the fact that criminals tend to not go through legal, legitimate channels to obtain their firearms, so they wouldn't be subjecting themselves to background checks. Apparently, the mere requirement for universal background checks would make the fact that criminals tend to not buy guns legally a non-factor.

Pay no mind to the fact that the Texas shooter purchased his guns legally and passed a background check. Surely, though, through some form of magic, Salvadore Ramos would not have been able to legally buy a gun, even though he passed the aforementioned background check.

Pay no mind to the fact that mentally ill people may be able to access a firearm and go on a rampage. No, dear citizen, your worries are for naught. You see, with universal background checks, such a person is no longer mentally ill.

Pay no mind to the fact that people buying guns legally (and, ostensibly, passing background checks to do so) can and do sell them legally to criminals.

Actually, what's truly stunning is that Dagosa is stupid enough to believe any of the above. Yet, when asked if universal background checks would solve our gun violence problem, he/she believes they would. That one, singular facet, if addressed, will eliminate every other concern regarding gun violence.

Ain't we lucky?
It truly is stunning. The solution to the gun violence we've seen all these years could've all been solved with universal background checks.

You see, according to USMB's greatest non-thinker, Dagosa, the problem would be, oh, what's the word? Oh, yes: "Absolutely" be solved by requiring "universal background checks". You see, universal background checks are the end-all for gun violence; the panacea to finally rid this scourge from society.

Pay no mind to the fact that criminals tend to not go through legal, legitimate channels to obtain their firearms, so they wouldn't be subjecting themselves to background checks. Apparently, the mere requirement for universal background checks would make the fact that criminals tend to not buy guns legally a non-factor.

Pay no mind to the fact that the Texas shooter purchased his guns legally and passed a background check. Surely, though, through some form of magic, Salvadore Ramos would not have been able to legally buy a gun, even though he passed the aforementioned background check.

Pay no mind to the fact that mentally ill people may be able to access a firearm and go on a rampage. No, dear citizen, your worries are for naught. You see, with universal background checks, such a person is no longer mentally ill.

Pay no mind to the fact that people buying guns legally (and, ostensibly, passing background checks to do so) can and do sell them legally to criminals.

Actually, what's truly stunning is that Dagosa is stupid enough to believe any of the above. Yet, when asked if universal background checks would solve our gun violence problem, he/she believes they would. That one, singular facet, if addressed, will eliminate every other concern regarding gun violence.

Ain't we lucky?
Bet your ass. We have to dry up market created by the gun a holics with manhood deficiencies who will sell a firearm to absolutely anyone. After a few of these “buyers” turn you sellers in for not requiring a UBC during a private sale, you get felony record and you can no longer have a gun legally; you can then join all the other people with felonies on their record. It will be tough finding a lot of jobs…..maybe you can pick up trash on the side of the road.
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Bet your ass. We have to dry up market created by the gun a holics with manhood deficiencies

Your whole "manhood deficiencies" thing is stupid.

Unless you're ignorant enough (and this is clearly the case with you) to think that women don't support private gun ownership and the 2nd Amendment...

who will sell a firearm to absolutely anyone.


And stupid.

I've never sold a gun to anyone...

After a few of these “buyers” turn you sellers in for not requiring a UBC during a private sale,

Um, they're criminals. If they report someone for not requiring a universal background check, they'd be outing themselves, as well...

you get felony record and you can no longer have a gun legally; you can then join join all the other people with felonies on their record.

Well, again, this is all but a pipe dream. We're not going to have universal background checks and, even if we do, I'm not a gun seller, so I have nothing to worry about. For whatever reason, you have a difficult time getting that fact through your pointed little head...

It will be tough finding a lot of jobs…..maybe you can pick up trash on the side of the road.

Well, I'm self-employed. I'm pretty confident my boss will keep me on.

Then again, given the fact that I'M NOT A GUN SELLER, YOU IGNORANT FUCK, there's not much I really need to be concerned with...
Your whole "manhood deficiencies" thing is stupid.

Unless you're ignorant enough (and this is clearly the case with you) to think that women don't support private gun ownership and the 2nd Amendment...


And stupid.

I've never sold a gun to anyone...

Um, they're criminals. If they report someone for not requiring a universal background check, they'd be outing themselves, as well...

Well, again, this is all but a pipe dream. We're not going to have universal background checks and, even if we do, I'm not a gun seller, so I have nothing to worry about. For whatever reason, you have a difficult time getting that fact through your pointed little head...

Well, I'm self-employed. I'm pretty confident my boss will keep me on.

Then again, given the fact that I'M NOT A GUN SELLER, YOU IGNORANT FUCK, there's not much I really need to be concerned with...
I know there’s a thought in there some where. But I’m backed by evidence. Countries and states with universal background checks, have on average, less gun violence.
I know there’s a thought in there some where. But I’m backed by evidence. Countries and states with universal background checks, have on average, less gun violence.

Wait, you said universal background checks would solve the problem of gun violence. Were you lying or just ignorant? See, if your stats are correct, it's pretty clear that gun violence hasn't been solved in those countries and states, despite your assertion that universal background checks would "solve" gun violence.

But hey, look, if you want to believe that criminals will stop being criminals because of universal background checks, I won't try to sway you. Your own stupidity will, in time, prove how wrong you are.

The fact of the matter is that there are so many facets to the gun violence discussion. You're hyper-focused on one of them. Choosing to ignore the others, which are equally important, is ignorant and stupid and you shouldn't do it.

But you do..
See, that's why nothing you say really matters. No one who has an IQ greater than their shoe size would care what you have to say on the issue. Think what you want to think. Believe what you want to believe. Universal background checks, while they may help, will solve nothing on their own, despite your belief to the contrary.

And that's inarguable...
Wait, you said universal background checks would solve the problem of gun violence. Were you lying or just ignorant? See, if your stats are correct, it's pretty clear that gun violence hasn't been solved in those countries and states, despite your assertion that universal background checks would "solve" gun violence.

But hey, look, if you want to believe that criminals will stop being criminals because of universal background checks, I won't try to sway you. Your own stupidity will, in time, prove how wrong you are.

The fact of the matter is that there are so many facets to the gun violence discussion. You're hyper-focused on one of them. Choosing to ignore the others, which are equally important, is ignorant and stupid and you shouldn't do it.

But you do..
See, that's why nothing you say really matters. No one who has an IQ greater than their shoe size would care what you have to say on the issue. Think what you want to think. Believe what you want to believe. Universal background checks, while they may help, will solve nothing on their own, despite your belief to the contrary.

And that's inarguable...

Instead of making up shit, why don’t you take your lazy ass and quote me….We make it a federal offense to transfer firearms from one person to another without a UBC Required of the transferee.

if YOU or any private seller or original owner fails to require a UBC , YOU COMMIT a federal FELONY offense.
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Instead of making up shit, why don’t you take your lazy ass and quote me….We make it a federal offense to transfer firearms from one person to another without a UBC Required of the transferee.

if YOU or any private seller or original owner fails to require a UBC , YOU COMMIT a federal FELONY offense.

YOU need to get it through your head that criminals won't give a fuck what the law is and will do it anyway!

And, again, I don't sell guns, so I wouldn't have to concern myself with it...
Um, they're criminals. If they report someone for not requiring a universal background check, they'd be outing themselves, as well...
ha ha.
You just make up shit don’t you. A person doesn’t have to have a criminal record to turn you in. He turns you in, gets a fat reward, you get a felony record. He doesn’t even have to be a buyer, just an observer.
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False conclusion. We were discussing body armor.
Nope, we were discussing why the police didn’t stop a mass murderer. But teachers are special. You sound like you’ve never been in the military or a cop. Gun fights are chaotic and whomever has the upper hand going in, more often wins.

And to think a teacher can defend anyone when a mass shooter with an AR15 bursts in the room and starts shooting.
Nope, we were discussing why the police didn’t stop a mass murderer. But teachers are special. You sound like you’ve never been in the military or a cop. Gun fights are chaotic and whomever has the upper hand going in, more often wins.

And to think a teacher can defend anyone when a mass shooter with an AR15 bursts in the room and starts shooting.
That's a lie. You said 'cops can be easily defeated with body armor' and that is what we were discussing. We were not talking about my law enforcement or military experience or how gunfights go either. Stop deflecting and lying.
That's a lie. You said 'cops can be easily defeated with body armor' and that is what we were discussing. We were not talking about my law enforcement or military experience or how gunfights go either. Stop deflecting and lying.
Why don’t you quote the entire post. Afraid ? Chicken shit ?
You’re discussing body armor cause you have no valid point that makes a sense. I’m on topic.
No, idiot, YOU brought it up as I proved. Face it you got nailed and now you do what is typical of liars….lie again.

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