On guns: "Do the right thing!"

As for me selling guns to criminals, how would subjecting me to a universal background check keep me from selling a gun to a criminal?
That’s poor. You don’t even know what a UBC is do you ?
The seller requires the buyer to have a BC, just like an FFL dealer does. It’s not you the seller who gets a BC. You’re funny.
That’s poor. You don’t even know what a UBC is do you ?
The seller requires the buyer to have a BC, just like an FFL dealer does. It’s not you the seller who gets a BC. You’re funny.

That's swell, but what if I have no problem selling a gun to someone I know has a sketchy past? You're saying it's my responsibility to run a background check on the buyer. Well, if I don't care what the buyer's intent is (which, with illegal sales, is often the case) a background check isn't going to be performed anyway.

Now, the shooter in Texas past his background check.

How would your insistence on universal background checks have kept guns out of his hands?
You want to fake ignorance ? Go ahead.

I don't see not wasting my time trying to converse with a meathead like you "ignorance". You've been asked the same question several times, and your silence confirms that you're willing to compromise on nothing.

Just know that those who refuse to compromise will be dismissed from any meaningful dialog on the issue.

If and when a compromise is reached, which actually helps keep people safe, at least you'll know you had absolutely nothing to do with it...
I don't see not wasting my time trying to converse with a meathead like you "ignorance". You've been asked the same question several times, and your silence confirms that you're willing to compromise on nothing.

Just know that those who refuse to compromise will be dismissed from any meaningful dialog on the issue.

If and when a compromise is reached, which actually helps keep people safe, at least you'll know you had absolutely nothing to do with it...
Really ? What question was left unanswered ? Maybe your reading comp skills need work.
For the umpteenth time: When it comes to gun violence and ways to address it, what are you willing to compromise on?
I told you, universal background checks has no compromise. Either you check every sale, or you don’t. Overwise, you gun a holics will continue to sell guns to criminals.

The average firearm homicide rate in states without background checks is 58 percent higher than the average in states with background-check laws in place.
I told you, universal background checks has no compromise. Either you check every sale, or you don’t. Overwise, you gun a holics will continue to sell guns to criminals.

So, universal background checks will solve everything? Do those and gun violence will go away?

You know, if that were true, I would support that. But there are a myriad of things which impact gun violence which need to be discussed.

If your view on the issue of gun violence is so myopic that you can only discuss universal background checks, and your unwilling to compromise on that, then there's really no reason to talk to you, for the simple reason that it's clear you don't want to find a solution...
So, universal background checks will solve everything? Do those and gun violence will go away?

You know, if that were true, I would support that. But there are a myriad of things which impact gun violence which need to be discussed.

If your view on the issue of gun violence is so myopic that you can only discuss universal background checks, and your unwilling to compromise on that, then there's really no reason to talk to you, for the simple reason that it's clear you don't want to find a solution...
You have no evidence. I do. But the right is so filled with BS, evidence means nothing. UBC work. Countries and states that have the have less gun violence. You’re not very smart.
Do you know what “ universal “ means ?
So, universal background checks will solve everything? Do those and gun violence will go away?
Absolutely. We‘ll know who the suppliers of guns for criminals are. If you sell a gun to anyone in private sales and don’t ask for a BC check of the buyer, with this law, YOU commit a federal crime. We do it for machine guns. They are nearly never used in crimes for many years because if this federal law. Plants and rewards will be used all the time to find you guys out.
You have no evidence. I do.

What claim do I need "evidence" for?

My claim that you're hyper-focused on universal background checks? That's pretty obvious based on your posts.

What do I need "evidence" for? I've made no absolute claims, unlike yourself...

But the right is so filled with BS, evidence means nothing. UBC work. Countries and states that have the have less gun violence. You’re not very smart.

Smart enough to own two successful businesses and employ over 150 people. Yeah, by God, you're right.

I'm also smart enough to know that requiring universal background checks won't magically stop gun violence. You, apparently, believe otherwise...

Do you know what “ universal “ means ?

Yes, I do. It's becoming more and more evident that you, however, do not.

Do you believe that universal background checks will be a panacea for gun violence?


So, gun violence is a one-faceted issue, huh? Just some background checks?

That is the single-most ignorant thing I think I've ever read.

Now I know why you didn't want to answer my question. You're a fucking idiot...

We‘ll know who the suppliers of guns for criminals are.

Really? How?

If I buy a gun legally, and then sell it to someone I know is a criminal, how will the authorities find out?

If you sell a gun to anyone in private sales and don’t ask for a BC check of the buyer, with this law, YOU commit a federal crime.

Yes, it would be a crime.

But crimes happen every day. Making something a crime doesn;t make it go away. You seem to believe otherwise...

We do it for machine guns. They are nearly never used in crimes for many years because if this federal law.

And what happened when "machine guns" were all but outlawed? Criminals found other guns to use.

It didn't stop the crime...

Plants and rewards will be used all the time to find you guys out.

I don't know who you're talking about "you guys". I don't sell guns. I buy them...
They work…..states that have them on average, have less gun violence. You just want to be free to sell guns to criminals.

No...they don't....Chicago....background checks, L.A., New York.....all the gun control including background checks and their gun murder rates are through the roof....


1) criminals steal their guns, avoiding any background check

2) Criminals use straw buyers, they can pass any background check including any universal background check...

You can't explain how they stop criminals....
The average firearm homicide rate in states without background checks is 58 percent higher than the average in states with background-check laws in place.

That is a lie......so please link to us and show us this.......

So, gun violence is a one-faceted issue, huh? Just some background checks?

That is the single-most ignorant thing I think I've ever read.

Now I know why you didn't want to answer my question. You're a fucking idiot...

Really? How?

If I buy a gun legally, and then sell it to someone I know is a criminal, how will the authorities find out?

Yes, it would be a crime.

But crimes happen every day. Making something a crime doesn;t make it go away. You seem to believe otherwise...

And what happened when "machine guns" were all but outlawed? Criminals found other guns to use.

It didn't stop the crime...

I don't know who you're talking about "you guys". I don't sell guns. I buy them...

Fully automatic military rifles...."machine guns," are completely illegal in Europe....they are illegal in France, they are illegal in Paris, France.....muslim terrorists used "machine guns," actual automatic military rifles to murder 12 in the Charlie Hebdo attack, and 137 in the Bataclan attack....

"Machine guns," are the weapon of choice for criminals all across Europe, and they get them easily....

I would like for him to explain to us how this is possible....

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