On Jan 6, did Congress/ Mike Pence have the authority to overrule the States Electoral Votes?

Does a Congress or the Vice President have the authority to overturn States EVs?

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That's the way it always is with you guys. Woulda coulda shoulda. Trump might do this, Trump wants to do that, Trump could have done this.
What I asked was based on what Trump wanted Pence to do. Does the answer scare you that much that you can't answer it?
Yep. So VP Harris can simply nullify any electors by claiming they are fraudulent. Got it. :thup:
Of course, that's why the Constitution allows a VP to keep their job indefinitely by unilaterally discarding opposition electoral votes. It's in there in Article XII, Section 4, paragraph 2. You just have to read it carefully to understand its actual meaning.
What I asked was based on what Trump wanted Pence to do. Does the answer scare you that much that you can't answer it?
It's a stupid question. You can ask a similar question of anything and anyone. Do Biden and the left want to take our Democracy away by issuing mandates taking more American's rights away?
Trump instigated the assault on the Capitol by claiming the election was stolen despite having no proof; and by lying to his supporters that Pence could rectify that by rejecting some states' electors for Biden. Then telling them Pence let them down by not doing it.

What did Bernie say that led that piece of shit to shoot at Republicans?
It wasn't Bernie exactly, but it was a wave of rhetoric from the left, which included Pelosi going on TV and saying the Republicans are the "domestic enemy".

Looking at the social media of the guy who shot scalise, he was talking about how "republicans are the taliban of the usa"

Where are the congressional investigations into Pelosi and calls for her to step down....oh...there were none.

What's more, Pelosi even attacked Republicans for even suggesting that the rhetoric from democrats might be, in some way, partly to blame:

Pelosi was asked Thursday about “the possibility that this incident could be used against Democrats or the Democratic Party politically” because some conservatives had suggested “vitriolic rhetoric from the left being in some way to blame.”

Here’s how she responded:

“I think that the comments made by my Republican colleagues are outrageous, beneath the dignity of the job that they hold, beneath the dignity of the respect that we would like Congress to command. How dare they say such thing? How dare they? Well I won’t even go into the whole thing. I can’t even begin, probably as we sit here, they’re running caricatures of me in Georgia once again, earned over a hundred million dollars of vitriolic things that they say, that resulted in calls to my home constantly, threats in front of my grandchildren. Really, predicated on their comments and their paid ads. So this sick individual does something despicable and it was horrible what he did, hateful. But for them to all of a sudden be sanctimonious as if, they don’t, never seen such a thing before. And I don’t even want to go into the President of the United States. But in terms of some of the language that he has used.”
Does Trump have a first amendment right to say the election was stolen? What law has he violated? None.

Trump can say whatever he wants

But he is still accountable for the results of his speech

In this case, he created a lie that resulted in an angry mob attacking the Capitol
Trump can say whatever he wants

But he is still accountable for the results of his speech

In this case, he created a lie that resulted in an angry mob attacking the Capitol
It doesn't work that way. He never told those people to riot.

How is he responsible for the actions of others?

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