On Line Dating

He was a good man, but I would never do a long-distance relationship again


I used online dating extensively before I met my wife, who I met on Match.com. I finally had success with online dating after actually hiring a relationship coach who specialized in helping guys build their dating profiles properly and meet the type of people they're looking for. Here are the things I learned along the way....

1. Think of your profils like a resume. You are looking for someone to spend the rest of your life with. If that's not what you're looking for then POF or any number of hookup sites are going to be better for you than a dating site.

2. Photos, photos, phots. HIGH QUALITY photos. Head shots and full body. I went to the extent of having a professional photographer take mine. Multiple outfite in her studio. I got the digital rights to the images without getting hard copies and the total cost was roughly $500.

3. Honesty and completness. Fill out the entire profile. Yes, including those paragraph boxes. They're actually more important than the multiple choice garbage at the top of the page. Think about your responses. Be totally honest. Have a friend(s) read the paragraphs before you post them. Be totally honest. The person responding is going to be your soulmate, right? Do you really want to go through life watching terrible rom-coms because you siad you loved them in your profile.

4. Know what you really want in a significant other. Know what your relationship goals are and understand what you can give in a relationship. I suggest reading "The 5 Languages of Love". Great book that will really help you understand who you are and what you need/can give in a relationship.

5. Read the profiles all the way through. Don't stop at the photo or the height/weight/etc... description. Be honest about whether or not you can see yourself being with that person for a long time.

6. Location, Location, Location. Long distance rarealy works. Know how far you are honestly willing to travel in order to meet up with this person at least twice a week. Respect their distances as well. It does no good to email someone 45 miles away from you if they say they only want people who live in their town.

6a. Respond to the emails you get. Even if it's only to say.... "No thanks. I don't think we're a good match". That's just common courtesy.

7. Talk before meeting. Literally. email is great but at least one phone conversation should be done before meeting.

8. Don't be afraid to say "This isn't working". If you meet and there's no spark, don't waste each other's time.

9. Patience. Patience. Patience. It takes time.
Do you think it's easier to find a good match using an on-line dating service?
Have you ever used one? How did it work for you?
What about meeting people on line, like her or on gaming sites/playing live games etc.?

Or do you think the old fashioned way of meeting people (bars, work, school etc.) is the only way to go?

Never tried a dating service as such, although I do remember meeting a British bird shortly after moving to a new city that must have come from some artificial catalyst, though I honestly can't remember what it was. Perhaps an ad somewhere? That didn't pan out at all. Wasn't a bad experience, just a waste of time, as there was no chemistry.

OTOH I have met a couple of ladies after conversing online long enough to discern a personality picture; one of those worked out extremely well. In a nutshell the sexiest woman I've ever met in my life, bar none.
I married someone I met on line also. But it was on a gaming site. Been married for 12 years.

I often wonder if those sites that try to match up interests etc. really work... or if people get "fooled" a lot....
If you're married, why this thread? :dunno:

My cousin used Match dot Com. He dated many girls before finding his life match. And believe me, she's awesome. :thup:

Mr. H, you ask why did she make this thread if she is married? Maybe she thinks she is a "goddess". Listen, on another thread "Bonzi" said that she was a follower of Jesus Christ, A Christian. What is missing in the OP about the old fashioned ways of meeting someone? What would be the first place a Christian would suggest meeting someone? In a church, in a bible study, a Christian singles group - yet none of that was mentioned. The use of the " " in using the word "fooling" was an obvious jesting of how easily you've all been fooled!

Don't you recognize her? Chalk this up to a not very well planned out "Bonzi Scheme" on USMB members! ha! ha! Don't waste another moment of your time trying to figure out why some people do what they do. It is what it is. "Deception".

Ye shall know them by their "fruits"....
I've never felt comfortable hitting on a woman at church
Think of your profils like a resume

I think that's exacty why I have no faith in it. Because it's true, it's exactly like a résumé. That's entirely left-brain.

Résumés are for landing a job, which requires no emotion whatsoever. Dating and what it's supposed to lead to are entirely right-brain. One would have to go though a hell of a lot of dry analysis to plod one's way to where one wants to be emotionally. That's a very very circuitous route.
I married someone I met on line also. But it was on a gaming site. Been married for 12 years.

I often wonder if those sites that try to match up interests etc. really work... or if people get "fooled" a lot....
Congratulations. What game was it? Pac man?
I married someone I met on line also. But it was on a gaming site. Been married for 12 years.

I often wonder if those sites that try to match up interests etc. really work... or if people get "fooled" a lot....
If you're married, why this thread? :dunno:

My cousin used Match dot Com. He dated many girls before finding his life match. And believe me, she's awesome. :thup:

Mr. H, you ask why did she make this thread if she is married? Maybe she thinks she is a "goddess". Listen, on another thread "Bonzi" said that she was a follower of Jesus Christ, A Christian. What is missing in the OP about the old fashioned ways of meeting someone? What would be the first place a Christian would suggest meeting someone? In a church, in a bible study, a Christian singles group - yet none of that was mentioned. The use of the " " in using the word "fooling" was an obvious jesting of how easily you've all been fooled!

Don't you recognize her? Chalk this up to a not very well planned out "Bonzi Scheme" on USMB members! ha! ha! Don't waste another moment of your time trying to figure out why some people do what they do. It is what it is. "Deception".

Ye shall know them by their "fruits"....

Jealous much.... ? I never knew you were so interested in me J ;)

I've always been concerned about you. I feel great compassion for you because I know why you do what you do. I want you to know that I am praying for you and I am not going to stop praying for you until you are what you claimed to be. A follower of Jesus Christ.

Until then........... know that I am praying for you and I do care about you but I also care about the other people on this board so with that - I'm giving them fair warning. It's up to them to stay or go. Bye now.

thanks Jeremiah. I do appreciate your prayers. take care :)

I came back to read this. You're welcome. I want you to know that when your heart says yes, and Jesus Christ of Nazareth does the work that He alone can do for you ( as he is God and it is His work)........ I believe you are going to be one of the most sold out Christians for God this nation has ever seen. The gates of hell will not prevail against you and the devil will be on the run. I can't wait for that day. I'm going to be rejoicing with you throughout all eternity. I mean that with all of my heart.
Do you think it's easier to find a good match using an on-line dating service?
Have you ever used one? How did it work for you?
What about meeting people on line, like her or on gaming sites/playing live games etc.?

Or do you think the old fashioned way of meeting people (bars, work, school etc.) is the only way to go?
All of the above. It can happen anywhere, at any time. You never know until you try. Just be yourself, and you'll attract someone. There are millions of women looking, and millions of men looking.
Do you think it's easier to find a good match using an on-line dating service?
Have you ever used one? How did it work for you?
What about meeting people on line, like her or on gaming sites/playing live games etc.?

Or do you think the old fashioned way of meeting people (bars, work, school etc.) is the only way to go?
All of the above. It can happen anywhere, at any time. You never know until you try. Just be yourself, and you'll attract someone. There are millions of women looking, and millions of men looking.

So you don't think any "one way" works best?

I often thought (I have never done it) by screening people based on preferences, it might be better to do on line dating -or you can find someone that is more suited to you for a long term relationship (vs. having to learn stuff as you go...) - physical attraction is a no brainer - it's there or not ....
If you're married, why this thread? :dunno:

My cousin used Match dot Com. He dated many girls before finding his life match. And believe me, she's awesome. :thup:

Mr. H, you ask why did she make this thread if she is married? Maybe she thinks she is a "goddess". Listen, on another thread "Bonzi" said that she was a follower of Jesus Christ, A Christian. What is missing in the OP about the old fashioned ways of meeting someone? What would be the first place a Christian would suggest meeting someone? In a church, in a bible study, a Christian singles group - yet none of that was mentioned. The use of the " " in using the word "fooling" was an obvious jesting of how easily you've all been fooled!

Don't you recognize her? Chalk this up to a not very well planned out "Bonzi Scheme" on USMB members! ha! ha! Don't waste another moment of your time trying to figure out why some people do what they do. It is what it is. "Deception".

Ye shall know them by their "fruits"....

Jealous much.... ? I never knew you were so interested in me J ;)

I've always been concerned about you. I feel great compassion for you because I know why you do what you do. I want you to know that I am praying for you and I am not going to stop praying for you until you are what you claimed to be. A follower of Jesus Christ.

Until then........... know that I am praying for you and I do care about you but I also care about the other people on this board so with that - I'm giving them fair warning. It's up to them to stay or go. Bye now.

thanks Jeremiah. I do appreciate your prayers. take care :)

I came back to read this. You're welcome. I want you to know that when your heart says yes, and Jesus Christ of Nazareth does the work that He alone can do for you ( as he is God and it is His work)........ I believe you are going to be one of the most sold out Christians for God this nation has ever seen. The gates of hell will not prevail against you and the devil will be on the run. I can't wait for that day. I'm going to be rejoicing with you throughout all eternity. I mean that with all of my heart.

I believe you. And I want nothing more than to be a light for Christ to all I meet.

However, it's unfortunate and hurts that you say what you do, since, I gave my life to Christ over 10 years ago, and got baptized the same day.

Either way, keep praying for me! I'll pray for you also!
I married someone I met on line also. But it was on a gaming site. Been married for 12 years.

I often wonder if those sites that try to match up interests etc. really work... or if people get "fooled" a lot....
Congratulations. What game was it? Pac man?

No! of course not!

Ms. Pac Man! :)
I married someone I met on line also. But it was on a gaming site. Been married for 12 years.

I often wonder if those sites that try to match up interests etc. really work... or if people get "fooled" a lot....
If you're married, why this thread? :dunno:

My cousin used Match dot Com. He dated many girls before finding his life match. And believe me, she's awesome. :thup:

Mr. H, you ask why did she make this thread if she is married? Maybe she thinks she is a "goddess". Listen, on another thread "Bonzi" said that she was a follower of Jesus Christ, A Christian. What is missing in the OP about the old fashioned ways of meeting someone? What would be the first place a Christian would suggest meeting someone? In a church, in a bible study, a Christian singles group - yet none of that was mentioned. The use of the " " in using the word "fooling" was an obvious jesting of how easily you've all been fooled!

Don't you recognize her? Chalk this up to a not very well planned out "Bonzi Scheme" on USMB members! ha! ha! Don't waste another moment of your time trying to figure out why some people do what they do. It is what it is. "Deception".

Ye shall know them by their "fruits"....
I've never felt comfortable hitting on a woman at church

Just wait until you get outside then...
Do you think it's easier to find a good match using an on-line dating service?
Have you ever used one? How did it work for you?
What about meeting people on line, like her or on gaming sites/playing live games etc.?

Or do you think the old fashioned way of meeting people (bars, work, school etc.) is the only way to go?
All of the above. It can happen anywhere, at any time. You never know until you try. Just be yourself, and you'll attract someone. There are millions of women looking, and millions of men looking.

So you don't think any "one way" works best?

I often thought (I have never done it) by screening people based on preferences, it might be better to do on line dating -or you can find someone that is more suited to you for a long term relationship (vs. having to learn stuff as you go...) - physical attraction is a no brainer - it's there or not ....
There really is "no best way". People meet through different ways, and it can happen when one least expects it. I met someone once while putting gas in my truck at a convenience store. And another time while paying my electric bill. I've met women online in chat rooms. It's very easy to do. Friendly people are everywhere. It only takes a friendly conversation for it to go a step farther.
Do you think it's easier to find a good match using an on-line dating service?
Have you ever used one? How did it work for you?
What about meeting people on line, like her or on gaming sites/playing live games etc.?

Or do you think the old fashioned way of meeting people (bars, work, school etc.) is the only way to go?

Never tried a dating service as such, although I do remember meeting a British bird shortly after moving to a new city that must have come from some artificial catalyst, though I honestly can't remember what it was. Perhaps an ad somewhere? That didn't pan out at all. Wasn't a bad experience, just a waste of time, as there was no chemistry.

OTOH I have met a couple of ladies after conversing online long enough to discern a personality picture; one of those worked out extremely well. In a nutshell the sexiest woman I've ever met in my life, bar none.

So, did you marry her?
Do you think it's easier to find a good match using an on-line dating service?
Have you ever used one? How did it work for you?
What about meeting people on line, like her or on gaming sites/playing live games etc.?

Or do you think the old fashioned way of meeting people (bars, work, school etc.) is the only way to go?
I met my GF at a site like this.

We weren't looking for mates, it was the damnedest thing, a STTAB like critter was harassing her, and I made a comment in the thread she thought was funny, and sparks flew.

We phone dated about a half year before I actually went over to court her.

50,000 air and road miles later, we decided we better buy a house together.

One hint, if you do hit it off on a board like this, you both should immediately leave the board.
Do you think it's easier to find a good match using an on-line dating service?
Have you ever used one? How did it work for you?
What about meeting people on line, like her or on gaming sites/playing live games etc.?

Or do you think the old fashioned way of meeting people (bars, work, school etc.) is the only way to go?
All of the above. It can happen anywhere, at any time. You never know until you try. Just be yourself, and you'll attract someone. There are millions of women looking, and millions of men looking.

So you don't think any "one way" works best?

I often thought (I have never done it) by screening people based on preferences, it might be better to do on line dating -or you can find someone that is more suited to you for a long term relationship (vs. having to learn stuff as you go...) - physical attraction is a no brainer - it's there or not ....
There really is "no best way". People meet through different ways, and it can happen when one least expects it. I met someone once while putting gas in my truck at a convenience store. And another time while paying my electric bill. I've met women online in chat rooms. It's very easy to do. Friendly people are everywhere. It only takes a friendly conversation for it to go a step farther.
One of my sons was a babe magnet.

I stopped for gas one time, came back out from paying, and a woman had picked him up right there at the pumps.
I married someone I met on line also. But it was on a gaming site. Been married for 12 years.

I often wonder if those sites that try to match up interests etc. really work... or if people get "fooled" a lot....
If you're married, why this thread? :dunno:

My cousin used Match dot Com. He dated many girls before finding his life match. And believe me, she's awesome. :thup:

Mr. H, you ask why did she make this thread if she is married? Maybe she thinks she is a "goddess". Listen, on another thread "Bonzi" said that she was a follower of Jesus Christ, A Christian. What is missing in the OP about the old fashioned ways of meeting someone? What would be the first place a Christian would suggest meeting someone? In a church, in a bible study, a Christian singles group - yet none of that was mentioned. The use of the " " in using the word "fooling" was an obvious jesting of how easily you've all been fooled!

Don't you recognize her? Chalk this up to a not very well planned out "Bonzi Scheme" on USMB members! ha! ha! Don't waste another moment of your time trying to figure out why some people do what they do. It is what it is. "Deception".

Ye shall know them by their "fruits"....
All I ever met in church was fat old women looking for somebody with a steady check and a paid for house.
I married someone I met on line also. But it was on a gaming site. Been married for 12 years.

I often wonder if those sites that try to match up interests etc. really work... or if people get "fooled" a lot....
If you're married, why this thread? :dunno:

My cousin used Match dot Com. He dated many girls before finding his life match. And believe me, she's awesome. :thup:

Mr. H, you ask why did she make this thread if she is married? Maybe she thinks she is a "goddess". Listen, on another thread "Bonzi" said that she was a follower of Jesus Christ, A Christian. What is missing in the OP about the old fashioned ways of meeting someone? What would be the first place a Christian would suggest meeting someone? In a church, in a bible study, a Christian singles group - yet none of that was mentioned. The use of the " " in using the word "fooling" was an obvious jesting of how easily you've all been fooled!

Don't you recognize her? Chalk this up to a not very well planned out "Bonzi Scheme" on USMB members! ha! ha! Don't waste another moment of your time trying to figure out why some people do what they do. It is what it is. "Deception".

Ye shall know them by their "fruits"....
All I ever met in church was fat old women looking for somebody with a steady check and a paid for house.

We don't have too many single people at our church... but we do have a few overweight women....
Do you think it's easier to find a good match using an on-line dating service?
Have you ever used one? How did it work for you?
What about meeting people on line, like her or on gaming sites/playing live games etc.?

Or do you think the old fashioned way of meeting people (bars, work, school etc.) is the only way to go?

Never tried a dating service as such, although I do remember meeting a British bird shortly after moving to a new city that must have come from some artificial catalyst, though I honestly can't remember what it was. Perhaps an ad somewhere? That didn't pan out at all. Wasn't a bad experience, just a waste of time, as there was no chemistry.

OTOH I have met a couple of ladies after conversing online long enough to discern a personality picture; one of those worked out extremely well. In a nutshell the sexiest woman I've ever met in my life, bar none.

So, did you marry her?

I would have, in a heartbeat. :(

But pertinent to the OP question, it (that method) certainly produced the chemistry. Oh mercy did it produce the chemistry....
I married someone I met on line also. But it was on a gaming site. Been married for 12 years.

I often wonder if those sites that try to match up interests etc. really work... or if people get "fooled" a lot....
If you're married, why this thread? :dunno:

My cousin used Match dot Com. He dated many girls before finding his life match. And believe me, she's awesome. :thup:

Mr. H, you ask why did she make this thread if she is married? Maybe she thinks she is a "goddess". Listen, on another thread "Bonzi" said that she was a follower of Jesus Christ, A Christian. What is missing in the OP about the old fashioned ways of meeting someone? What would be the first place a Christian would suggest meeting someone? In a church, in a bible study, a Christian singles group - yet none of that was mentioned. The use of the " " in using the word "fooling" was an obvious jesting of how easily you've all been fooled!

Don't you recognize her? Chalk this up to a not very well planned out "Bonzi Scheme" on USMB members! ha! ha! Don't waste another moment of your time trying to figure out why some people do what they do. It is what it is. "Deception".

Ye shall know them by their "fruits"....
All I ever met in church was fat old women looking for somebody with a steady check and a paid for house.

We don't have too many single people at our church... but we do have a few overweight women....
I had to quit going because of the women.

I was about ready to tell the congregation I was gay.

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