On my ongoing public service to define stupid for the right.

What people really don't understand is, every time there is a tax cut, revenues are raised by increasing the taxes or fees in other areas...

That's what Reagan did...11 times. And that's not all:
Republican Myth Busted: Reagan Raised the Debt Ceiling 3 Times More than Obama

""According to Bloomberg’s numbers, Republicans have raised the debt ceiling 49 times since 1960, while Democrats have only raised it 30 times. The debt ceiling has been raised 79 times since 1960.

Ronald Reagan “proved deficits don’t matter”, according to former Republican V.P. Dick Cheney. How did he do that? By driving up the deficit. Under Reagan, the deficit skyrocketed. Reagan was in office from January 20, 1981 – January 20, 1989.

The following graph from Business Insider “shows the history of Federal Government Deficits. You can see that starting in in 1981, they really boomed like nothing comparable in history.”""

What people really don't understand is, every time there is a tax cut, revenues are raised by increasing the taxes or fees in other areas...

That's what Reagan did...11 times. And that's not all:
Republican Myth Busted: Reagan Raised the Debt Ceiling 3 Times More than Obama

""According to Bloomberg’s numbers, Republicans have raised the debt ceiling 49 times since 1960, while Democrats have only raised it 30 times. The debt ceiling has been raised 79 times since 1960.

Ronald Reagan “proved deficits don’t matter”, according to former Republican V.P. Dick Cheney. How did he do that? By driving up the deficit. Under Reagan, the deficit skyrocketed. Reagan was in office from January 20, 1981 – January 20, 1989.

The following graph from Business Insider “shows the history of Federal Government Deficits. You can see that starting in in 1981, they really boomed like nothing comparable in histor
What people really don't understand is, every time there is a tax cut, revenues are raised by increasing the taxes or fees in other areas...

That's what Reagan did...11 times. And that's not all:
Republican Myth Busted: Reagan Raised the Debt Ceiling 3 Times More than Obama

""According to Bloomberg’s numbers, Republicans have raised the debt ceiling 49 times since 1960, while Democrats have only raised it 30 times. The debt ceiling has been raised 79 times since 1960.

Ronald Reagan “proved deficits don’t matter”, according to former Republican V.P. Dick Cheney. How did he do that? By driving up the deficit. Under Reagan, the deficit skyrocketed. Reagan was in office from January 20, 1981 – January 20, 1989.

The following graph from Business Insider “shows the history of Federal Government Deficits. You can see that starting in in 1981, they really boomed like nothing comparable in history.”""

If you include what is still left of the Trickle down lie, it shows that no body gained from i other then the very top few no wage raised since 81. Also we can't forget this little fact
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These numbers don’t include the massive increase in the numbers from Obama./

You have no clue, here are the numbers By the numbers The last 50 years of presidents

Years held presidency REP. 28 year DEM. 22 years

Total jobs created Rep. 24 million Dem. 42 million

Stock market returns Rep. 109% Dem. 992%

Stock market return annually Rep. 2.7% Dem .11%

GDP Rep. 2.7% Dem 4.1%

Income Growth Rep. .6% Dem. 2.2%

add in the massive amount Obama added to these numbers and it will tell you one thing and that is, you have to be totally certifiable mindless if you vote a regressive for president if your concerned by the economy, under the circumstance. So this puts to rest your comment just a bit doesn't it.


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A GOP –controlled Congress will almost surely approve a very large tax cut next year and while it won’t be as big as what Trump has proposed, it will be very large. The question is: How will they pay for it?

That’s where programs for seniors come in.
From Forbes Magazine.

That would be SS, Medicare and Medicaid. There you go , that will be a brilliant move along with putting 20 million people back on the medical dole , so the Taxpayer will pay for them , as they did before Obama care. Aren't these people smart. They have a plan you say, excuse me but I'm rolling on the floor with laughter. The only satisfaction that can be taken from my defining stupid for the right is , they will find they will hurt big time over this , they deserve it, I don't.
Yes, you do show your stupidity, the taxpayer is paying for everyone getting a supplement on Obamacare.
You mean the tax that is from people who's income is over $225,000.00, Tell me why I should even care about them paying a few extra dollars in taxes.

We already pay MORE than our fair share so piss off.
Look at an analysis of Trumps Tax plans to see who the winners and losers are. Unless you make big bucks his plan doesn't include you. YUK YUK!
A GOP –controlled Congress will almost surely approve a very large tax cut next year and while it won’t be as big as what Trump has proposed, it will be very large. The question is: How will they pay for it?

That’s where programs for seniors come in.
From Forbes Magazine.

That would be SS, Medicare and Medicaid. There you go , that will be a brilliant move along with putting 20 million people back on the medical dole , so the Taxpayer will pay for them , as they did before Obama care. Aren't these people smart. They have a plan you say, excuse me but I'm rolling on the floor with laughter. The only satisfaction that can be taken from my defining stupid for the right is , they will find they will hurt big time over this , they deserve it, I don't.
Yes, you do show your stupidity, the taxpayer is paying for everyone getting a supplement on Obamacare.
You mean the tax that is from people who's income is over $225,000.00, Tell me why I should even care about them paying a few extra dollars in taxes.

We already pay MORE than our fair share so piss off.
Look at an analysis of Trumps Tax plans to see who the winners and losers are. Unless you make big bucks his plan doesn't include you. YUK YUK!
A GOP –controlled Congress will almost surely approve a very large tax cut next year and while it won’t be as big as what Trump has proposed, it will be very large. The question is: How will they pay for it?

That’s where programs for seniors come in.
From Forbes Magazine.

That would be SS, Medicare and Medicaid. There you go , that will be a brilliant move along with putting 20 million people back on the medical dole , so the Taxpayer will pay for them , as they did before Obama care. Aren't these people smart. They have a plan you say, excuse me but I'm rolling on the floor with laughter. The only satisfaction that can be taken from my defining stupid for the right is , they will find they will hurt big time over this , they deserve it, I don't.
There's no such thing as paying for a tax cut. Liberals say that because they pretend not a penny can be cut in spending. But the butthurt is all yours. I'll bet you have a chapped asshole by now.
No not really but I will enjoy it when you find out what you did as a hater for this country and what you did to yourself. This will be fun.
Oh yeah, that baby is chapped alright. A week later and you're still hurting.
A GOP –controlled Congress will almost surely approve a very large tax cut next year and while it won’t be as big as what Trump has proposed, it will be very large. The question is: How will they pay for it?

That’s where programs for seniors come in.
From Forbes Magazine.

That would be SS, Medicare and Medicaid. There you go , that will be a brilliant move along with putting 20 million people back on the medical dole , so the Taxpayer will pay for them , as they did before Obama care. Aren't these people smart. They have a plan you say, excuse me but I'm rolling on the floor with laughter. The only satisfaction that can be taken from my defining stupid for the right is , they will find they will hurt big time over this , they deserve it, I don't.
There's no such thing as paying for a tax cut. Liberals say that because they pretend not a penny can be cut in spending. But the butthurt is all yours. I'll bet you have a chapped asshole by now.

Yes, to start with exactly as you say tax cuts aren't spending. The idea that taking less from taxpayers is spending money is the Marxist that he is. All money is the people's money, so whatever government doesn't take from us is "spending." I reject that out of hand.

And that we can't cut spending? :lmao: Gawd, what dependency whores these people are

It's because the left operates on the assumption that all money belongs to government and that they are spending when they allow people to keep some of what they earned. They often talk about how wealth redistribution is returning money to it's rightful owners. First, it's returned to government, where much of it disappears on bloated salaries, outrageous perks and pork spending and then a small percent is given to people who are "entitled" to it. They believe in equal outcomes, regardless of effort, so they will always push the lie that all wealthy people are evil and have more than others because they don't play fair or government gave them too much. Of course, it's okay for politicians to be wealthy because they 'earned' it. They always manage to become millionaires while in office, all the while bitching that their $175,000 salaries are not enough.

Regular people fear the IRS because when they simply can't afford to pay their taxes, they are threatened with wage garnishments, confiscation of property and/or jail if they don't pony up. Of course, so many in Obama's cabinet had no fear after cheating on their taxes. Sharpton has racked up quite a tax debt and actually yells at anyone who dares bring up that "old news."

The rest of us are forced to tolerate a government that always has their hands in our pockets and we don't dare complain. After all, they have more rights to our money than we do.

And if you don't respect big, oppressive government, you are called stupid.
A GOP –controlled Congress will almost surely approve a very large tax cut next year and while it won’t be as big as what Trump has proposed, it will be very large. The question is: How will they pay for it?

That’s where programs for seniors come in.
From Forbes Magazine.

That would be SS, Medicare and Medicaid. There you go , that will be a brilliant move along with putting 20 million people back on the medical dole , so the Taxpayer will pay for them , as they did before Obama care. Aren't these people smart. They have a plan you say, excuse me but I'm rolling on the floor with laughter. The only satisfaction that can be taken from my defining stupid for the right is , they will find they will hurt big time over this , they deserve it, I don't.
There's no such thing as paying for a tax cut. Liberals say that because they pretend not a penny can be cut in spending. But the butthurt is all yours. I'll bet you have a chapped asshole by now.

Yes, to start with exactly as you say tax cuts aren't spending. The idea that taking less from taxpayers is spending money is the Marxist that he is. All money is the people's money, so whatever government doesn't take from us is "spending." I reject that out of hand.

And that we can't cut spending? :lmao: Gawd, what dependency whores these people are

It's because the left operates on the assumption that all money belongs to government and that they are spending when they allow people to keep some of what they earned. They often talk about how wealth redistribution is returning money to it's rightful owners. First, it's returned to government, where much of it disappears on bloated salaries, outrageous perks and pork spending and then a small percent is given to people who are "entitled" to it. They believe in equal outcomes, regardless of effort, so they will always push the lie that all wealthy people are evil and have more than others because they don't play fair or government gave them too much. Of course, it's okay for politicians to be wealthy because they 'earned' it. They always manage to become millionaires while in office, all the while bitching that their $175,000 salaries are not enough.

Regular people fear the IRS because when they simply can't afford to pay their taxes, they are threatened with wage garnishments, confiscation of property and/or jail if they don't pony up. Of course, so many in Obama's cabinet had no fear after cheating on their taxes. Sharpton has racked up quite a tax debt and actually yells at anyone who dares bring up that "old news."

The rest of us are forced to tolerate a government that always has their hands in our pockets and we don't dare complain. After all, they have more rights to our money than we do.

And if you don't respect big, oppressive government, you are called stupid.
Stupid go look at Trumps tax plan analysis and come back and we can talk. You small minded mental case I can cut taxes without any problem, It's easy. the difference is you want it all to come from the old the sick and the needy. I'll cut many billions all you want but take it from someone other then the poorest of poor in this country , that the fucking difference you half wit.
A GOP –controlled Congress will almost surely approve a very large tax cut next year and while it won’t be as big as what Trump has proposed, it will be very large. The question is: How will they pay for it?

Nobody has to "pay" to let me keep what's mine in the first place.

That’s where programs for seniors come in.
From Forbes Magazine.

That would be SS, Medicare and Medicaid. There you go , that will be a brilliant move along with putting 20 million people back on the medical dole , so the Taxpayer will pay for them , as they did before Obama care. Aren't these people smart. They have a plan you say, excuse me but I'm rolling on the floor with laughter. The only satisfaction that can be taken from my defining stupid for the right is , they will find they will hurt big time over this , they deserve it, I don't.

What's Frobes' source for this presumption?
A GOP –controlled Congress will almost surely approve a very large tax cut next year and while it won’t be as big as what Trump has proposed, it will be very large. The question is: How will they pay for it?

Nobody has to "pay" to let me keep what's mine in the first place.

That’s where programs for seniors come in.
From Forbes Magazine.

That would be SS, Medicare and Medicaid. There you go , that will be a brilliant move along with putting 20 million people back on the medical dole , so the Taxpayer will pay for them , as they did before Obama care. Aren't these people smart. They have a plan you say, excuse me but I'm rolling on the floor with laughter. The only satisfaction that can be taken from my defining stupid for the right is , they will find they will hurt big time over this , they deserve it, I don't.

What's Frobes' source for this presumption?
You just don't know how stupid you sound. It's mine allllllllllllllllllllllll mine, fricken idiot.

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