On Racism and Racial Discrimination

I'd like to have a discussion about racism with you guys, from a visitor's (I'm a Chinese visiting researcher) perspective. I am genuinely curious about how Americans think about the problem of racism. I have a short list of questions as a starter. I would appreciate it a lot if you could share rational and honest opinions.

1. In your own word, how would you define racism and racial discrimination?
2. Do you agree or disagree that racial discrimination is among the top three most serious social problems nowadays in America?
3. Do you agree or disagree that more laws and regulations should be enacted to protect people from racial discrimination?

The list of questions may grow slowly. Also, feel free to discuss other related questions/issues!
As you analyze the responses to your questions, I would recommend factoring in perhaps the most crucial element of this: Sadly, race, racial discrimination, and race division have become heavily politicized in this country. What that means in a practical sense is that it has been terribly simplified, dumbed down, turned binary, and usually addressed with bumper-sticker slogans.

Neither end of our political spectrum is going to put much effort into looking into the mirror. The hard Right will go so far as to claim that racism doesn't exist; the hard Left will scream "racism" for virtually any excuse, diluting and trivializing a terribly important word. Both ends will ignore the crimes of their "side" while focusing only on those of the other.

As with most political issues, getting either far end of our political spectrum to honestly look into the mirror and choose to clean their own house first, before pointing the finger at the other "side", is essentially wasted effort. Yet that HAS to happen for REAL reform. And unfortunately, the wings of our political spectrum are a minority - most Americans are willing to look at both sides of an issue - but they are by far more energetic, LOUD, and influential.

There are (at least) two reasonable sides to every story, but the most rabid partisans won't even admit to that.
That's what I've been saying to my black friends on usmb. I acknowledge our house is not clean. I just tell them that the people who run my house aren't going to change until blacks clean up their house a little.

A. Not our fault if someone in poverty has kids they can't afford. Don't expect good schools if the entire community is living on minimum wage and welfare.
B. If your kids can't speak don't expect us to hire them. Stop being late and being polite and smiling doesn't make you a punk.
C. Not everyone is racist.
D. Besides black people do you know who else doesn't like the law? Criminals. Every other race respects the cops. You respect them first. If you are anti cop you are pro criminal. No companies will come to your neighborhoods. Think about that. You need jobs? Lower the crime rates.
Not even close.

Oh, but we have to be. Because we have to start making up for all the non black people who have been unfairly effected by your plan. Hurry up, the work is mounting.
I see both sides but ultimately I'm thinking who is responsible when a poor person of any color decides to have kids they can't afford? Maybe they should have thought about that before having another human, which I truly believe this planet doesn't need.

It's your right to have kids and your responsibility to raise them. If you live in poverty teach them how to live in poverty. Hopefully they won't make the same mistake you made which ultimately was having them. Lol
Doesnt your side use the ol saying " you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink?" So under that logic you propose to take away the water and the horses will no longer be thirsty??

No, they will be even more thirsty which will make them try harder to get water.

Back in the 90's when Newt and the Republicans passed Welfare Reform, the predictions by the left were grim: people starving in the streets, increase in theft and violent crime, food pantries wiped out clean.......

None of this happened of course. In fact, the program had many successes. People stated they felt liberty for the first time in their lives. More poor people stayed married longer and there were more two-parent homes.

In Maine, they got sick of all the social leaches getting food stamps. So they created a new law that stated any adult with no children had to work a part-time job of at least 20 hours a week, volunteer their time to charity 20 hours a month, or be enrolled in a vocational program to learn how to get into a new career.

To no surprise, most of those people dropped out of the food stamp program. Seems they weren't that hungry to begin with.
Which prez was that under?

That was under President Clinton who vetoed the bill twice. Just before his reelection bid, the Republicans put the bill back on his desk a third time and said "Veto it now MF."

Clinton had no choice but to sign it or lose his reelection.
would you give Clinton any credit for contributing to this progress or do you think it was all because of this lone bill that the republicans forced through the reluctant administration of Clinton?

No, I only give credit where credit is due.

Clinton was against welfare reform because Democrats heavily rely on government dependents. Clinton had no choice but to sign the bill because like today, Americans are just pissed off at all the loafers living off of hard working taxpayers dollars.

I will say Clinton did do some good things. Unlike this clown in the White House today, he did try to work with his opponents in the Congress.
Yea like when he went along with NAFTA?

Or when bill went along with deregulating the media?

The Clinton's are triangulators. It's what we don't like about them. But we understand its how Washington works.
I'd like to have a discussion about racism with you guys, from a visitor's (I'm a Chinese visiting researcher) perspective. I am genuinely curious about how Americans think about the problem of racism. I have a short list of questions as a starter. I would appreciate it a lot if you could share rational and honest opinions.

1. In your own word, how would you define racism and racial discrimination?

2. Do you agree or disagree that racial discrimination is among the top three most serious social problems nowadays in America?
3. Do you agree or disagree that more laws and regulations should be enacted to protect people from racial discrimination?

The list of questions may grow slowly. Also, feel free to discuss other related questions/issues!

1. Racism and racial discrimination is when you believe that a person or people by their skin color are beneath you.

2. I disagree that racial discrimination is a serious social problem.

3. I disagree that more laws should be passed.
Could you give an example of a white person being "nasty" to someone of a different race based on your own experience? Like what that person said and did?
A black guy applies for a job but because my boss has a negative opinion of blacks, he doesn't hire him.

Im of the opinion we need to make up for the past 200 years and take a chance on the brother.

But, what if black employees never work out? I see black people working at Kroger but 2 weeks later they aren't there anymore?

For the most part, a business person has one favorite color--Green!

The employe that makes the employer the most green is that employers favorite employee.

Speaking of Korger, I just came home from Giant Eagle. The black woman that checked me out was slower than a four year old. They should have had a movie screen so we had something to watch while she slowly scanned the items.

Granted, she must have been new, because the supervisor approached her and told her not to put my box of doughnuts on the bottom of the cart. I seriously doubt I'll see her there next time I go shopping, but it has nothing to do with her race.
I'd like to have a discussion about racism with you guys, from a visitor's (I'm a Chinese visiting researcher) perspective. I am genuinely curious about how Americans think about the problem of racism. I have a short list of questions as a starter. I would appreciate it a lot if you could share rational and honest opinions.

1. In your own word, how would you define racism and racial discrimination?

2. Do you agree or disagree that racial discrimination is among the top three most serious social problems nowadays in America?
3. Do you agree or disagree that more laws and regulations should be enacted to protect people from racial discrimination?

The list of questions may grow slowly. Also, feel free to discuss other related questions/issues!

1. Racism and racial discrimination is when you believe that a person or people by their skin color are beneath you.

2. I disagree that racial discrimination is a serious social problem.

3. I disagree that more laws should be passed.
Only black people can stop having kids they can't afford. Only black people can raise their kids to speak properly don't do drugs don't have kids before marriage take school seriously and respect the law. No government program can help.
Could you give an example of a white person being "nasty" to someone of a different race based on your own experience? Like what that person said and did?
A black guy applies for a job but because my boss has a negative opinion of blacks, he doesn't hire him.

Im of the opinion we need to make up for the past 200 years and take a chance on the brother.

But, what if black employees never work out? I see black people working at Kroger but 2 weeks later they aren't there anymore?

For the most part, a business person has one favorite color--Green!

The employe that makes the employer the most green is that employers favorite employee.

Speaking of Korger, I just came home from Giant Eagle. The black woman that checked me out was slower than a four year old. They should have had a movie screen so we had something to watch while she slowly scanned the items.

Granted, she must have been new, because the supervisor approached her and told her not to put my box of doughnuts on the bottom of the cart. I seriously doubt I'll see her there next time I go shopping, but it has nothing to do with her race.
Im sure you get a lot of bad workers applying at places like Kroger's.

God bless places like Kroger willing to give anybody a chance. If they didn't what would a lot of lazy ignorant Americans do? I'm not making fun or trying to be mean. Lucky there are places that need help so they're not too picky like they probably should be.

Or raise how much they pay and don't have the turnover.

I remember back in the 70s working at Kroger's was a profession. My aunt owned a home single mom raised 2 kids working at krogers
I see both sides but ultimately I'm thinking who is responsible when a poor person of any color decides to have kids they can't afford? Maybe they should have thought about that before having another human, which I truly believe this planet doesn't need.

It's your right to have kids and your responsibility to raise them. If you live in poverty teach them how to live in poverty. Hopefully they won't make the same mistake you made which ultimately was having them. Lol

Let's just neuter them at birth.

So now its your turn. Lets see who runs out of videos first. That will tell us which group is more racist. For the record you posted 1 video and i have posted 18. That means you have to find 17 incidents of white mobs attacking black people if you just want to tie me momentarily, but i imagine i can find at least 100-200 more on youtube. How many can you find to support your position?

Wait, let me guess, youre going to figure out a way to completely avoid my challenge. Just so we are clear, when you do predictably avoid it, that is the moment i win the debate.
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Could you give an example of a white person being "nasty" to someone of a different race based on your own experience? Like what that person said and did?
A black guy applies for a job but because my boss has a negative opinion of blacks, he doesn't hire him.

Im of the opinion we need to make up for the past 200 years and take a chance on the brother.

But, what if black employees never work out? I see black people working at Kroger but 2 weeks later they aren't there anymore?

For the most part, a business person has one favorite color--Green!

The employe that makes the employer the most green is that employers favorite employee.

Speaking of Korger, I just came home from Giant Eagle. The black woman that checked me out was slower than a four year old. They should have had a movie screen so we had something to watch while she slowly scanned the items.

Granted, she must have been new, because the supervisor approached her and told her not to put my box of doughnuts on the bottom of the cart. I seriously doubt I'll see her there next time I go shopping, but it has nothing to do with her race.
Black-White IQ Differences
Yes it does.
Scientific facts are NOT racist!
Wait, let me guess, youre going to figure out a way to completely avoid my challenge. Just so we are clear, when you do predictably avoid it, that is the moment i win the debate.


Which "group" is more racist. Your post proves that YOU are the most racist.
Could you give an example of a white person being "nasty" to someone of a different race based on your own experience? Like what that person said and did?
A black guy applies for a job but because my boss has a negative opinion of blacks, he doesn't hire him.

Im of the opinion we need to make up for the past 200 years and take a chance on the brother.

But, what if black employees never work out? I see black people working at Kroger but 2 weeks later they aren't there anymore?

For the most part, a business person has one favorite color--Green!

The employe that makes the employer the most green is that employers favorite employee.

Speaking of Korger, I just came home from Giant Eagle. The black woman that checked me out was slower than a four year old. They should have had a movie screen so we had something to watch while she slowly scanned the items.

Granted, she must have been new, because the supervisor approached her and told her not to put my box of doughnuts on the bottom of the cart. I seriously doubt I'll see her there next time I go shopping, but it has nothing to do with her race.
Black-White IQ Differences
Yes it does.
Scientific facts are NOT racist!
We don't get offended d when Asians are said to be smarter than us.

I think whites, for whatever the reasons, are smarter than Mexicans arabs and blacks. If you compare europe and USA to Mexico Africa and the middle East it seems we are.
Wait, let me guess, youre going to figure out a way to completely avoid my challenge. Just so we are clear, when you do predictably avoid it, that is the moment i win the debate.


Which "group" is more racist. Your post proves that YOU are the most racist.
Thank you for predictably refusing to play. The truth is you know as well as i do that you couldnt possibly find enough videos of white mobs attacking black people to match me. You are an intellectually dishonest person, so instead of admitting that, you made a really weak deflection.
Wait, let me guess, youre going to figure out a way to completely avoid my challenge. Just so we are clear, when you do predictably avoid it, that is the moment i win the debate.


Which "group" is more racist. Your post proves that YOU are the most racist.

Where did you pull that from? Definitely not, actually your regressive group is the most racist.

Let's make a quick comparison.

Normal people, who do not value racism:

You, the ultimate race baiting racist bigot, with huge self interest in preserving racism:

Based on this I think it's rather clear who the ultimate racist is. Congratulations!
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So now its your turn. Lets see who runs out of videos first. That will tell us which group is more racist. For the record you posted 1 video and i have posted 18. That means you have to find 17 incidents of white mobs attacking black people if you just want to tie me momentarily, but i imagine i can find at least 100-200 more on youtube. How many can you find to support your position?

Wait, let me guess, youre going to figure out a way to completely avoid my challenge. Just so we are clear, when you do predictably avoid it, that is the moment i win the debate.

White guy in Detroit last summer accidentally hit black kid with car mob put him in coma. Funny thing is black lady with a gun stopped them from killing him

And it was the kids fault. His friend pushed him.
Wait, let me guess, youre going to figure out a way to completely avoid my challenge. Just so we are clear, when you do predictably avoid it, that is the moment i win the debate.


Which "group" is more racist. Your post proves that YOU are the most racist.

Where did you pull that from? Definitely not, actually your regressive group is the most racist.

Let's make quick comparison.

Normal people, who do not value racism:

You, the ultimate race baiting racist bigot, with huge self interest in preserving racism:

Based on this I think it's rather clear who the ultimate racist is. Congratulations!

Wait, let me guess, youre going to figure out a way to completely avoid my challenge. Just so we are clear, when you do predictably avoid it, that is the moment i win the debate.


Which "group" is more racist. Your post proves that YOU are the most racist.

Where did you pull that from? Definitely not, actually your regressive group is the most racist.

Let's make quick comparison.

Normal people, who do not value racism:

You, the ultimate race baiting racist bigot, with huge self interest in preserving racism:

Based on this I think it's rather clear who the ultimate racist is. Congratulations!


Your weak deflections have been noted by the board. Do you have anything else to contribute here, or are you done?

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