on Seth Meyers, Bernie calls rich folks "greedy bastards", says Manchin/Sinema really hurting Dems which is why they need to pick 2 extra Senate seats


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Kirsten Sinema is absolutely worthless as a public servant. When I was able to visit the Senate's gallery I witnessed just how focused she is on her job. All she did was tap away on her phone while Bernie Sanders spoke passionately about healthcare. Worthless.

Manchin, Sinema, Cheney, Kinzinger.

Too bad the list of politicians who don't bend over for the party is so small.
In a sane world the U.S, Senate would be two thirds Republican easily without the elites and the corrupted.
Most of the wealth in America votes democrat.


Bernie wanted to fix inflation by spending trillions and trillions and trillions more

What could possibly go wrong with that?

BTW, Bernie is a rich greedy bastard.

His net worth is estimated to be just over $500,000.

That's far from rich...
We got billionaires buying elections right now.
You're following what's going on.
So we got to be honest with the American people
about what's going on,
about who owns and controls the nation,
and then have the guts to stand up
to these powerful special interests
and tell these greedy bastards they cannot have it all.

this is what he said. He right, there is tooo much dark money in politics and elections.
His net worth is estimated to be just over $500,000.

That's far from rich...
Actually, it’s $3 million - and he owns three homes. That’s in the top 2% of Americans, and certainly quite wealthy.

Kirsten Sinema is absolutely worthless as a public servant. When I was able to visit the Senate's gallery I witnessed just how focused she is on her job. All she did was tap away on her phone while Bernie Sanders spoke passionately about healthcare. Worthless.

. All she did was tap away on her phone while Bernie Sanders spoke passionately about healthcare.
I get bored listening to broken records too
Someone might want to inform Sanders he is one of the rich folks. No matter how much he tries to pretend he is some kind of 9 to 5 blue collar worker living paycheck to paycheck he's not.
We got billionaires buying elections right now.
You're following what's going on.
So we got to be honest with the American people
about what's going on,
about who owns and controls the nation,
and then have the guts to stand up
to these powerful special interests
and tell these greedy bastards they cannot have it all.

this is what he said. He right, there is tooo much dark money in politics and elections.
Only the political elite should be billionaires!

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