on Seth Meyers, Bernie calls rich folks "greedy bastards", says Manchin/Sinema really hurting Dems which is why they need to pick 2 extra Senate seats

So, old, decrepit Bernie is calling himself a greedy bastard.

Never thought I'd see the day a Nazicrat would tell the truth and not spontaneously combust from it!!!
Kirsten Sinema is absolutely worthless as a public servant. When I was able to visit the Senate's gallery I witnessed just how focused she is on her job. All she did was tap away on her phone while Bernie Sanders spoke passionately about healthcare. Worthless.

Senators Sinema and Manchin provide an important function for the Democrat leadership in the US Senate.

They provide an excuse to their base on why they aren't going for some of the extreme measures that Crazy Bernie et al advocate for but more pragmatic Democrats understand are poison to the the voters.

Make no mistake about it, Schumer et al are on board for everything the Far Left pushes for, but is just smart enough to understand that it is a bridge too far for the average voter. Sinema and Manchin, along with the filibuster rule allow them to maintain party discipline without risking too much.
A net worth of $3 million is not "rich" in the U.S. today, especially for someone in his 70's. It is barely enough to retire comfortably, given the possibility that one might end up in a nursing home.

There is nothing wrong with being "greedy." Without greedy people, civilization would be set back 100 years, technology wise.

The implication that "rich people" (however you define it) got there by cheating and stealing is the perspective of someone who has never had a responsible job in the private sector, or run a business. That is to say, it is sophomoric.

It appears that when many people become so wealthy that they simply don't give a shit anymore, they shift to the political Left. People who are still productive (still "hungry") are overwhelmingly on the Right.

This fellow is certainly a "broken record." He hasn't had an original thought since he was mayor of Burlington (or wherever it was). But the fact is that other sophomoric, unproductive, envious people still love to hear his thoughts.
Kirsten Sinema is absolutely worthless as a public servant. When I was able to visit the Senate's gallery I witnessed just how focused she is on her job. All she did was tap away on her phone while Bernie Sanders spoke passionately about healthcare. Worthless.

Bernie Sanders is a nutbag socialist who's made a career of living off the tax payers dime. The US needs a Constitutional Amendment on term limits for politicians.
Kirsten Sinema is absolutely worthless as a public servant. When I was able to visit the Senate's gallery I witnessed just how focused she is on her job. All she did was tap away on her phone while Bernie Sanders spoke passionately about healthcare. Worthless.

Ah, election season, when Bernie Sanders comes out of his coma looking for another handout.

How much do you think he's going to get paid to pretend to run for president in 2024? He got a measly $600,000 from Clinton in 2016, but bumped up to $3 million from Biden in 2020. Could he break the $5 million barrier this time?
Kirsten Sinema is absolutely worthless as a public servant. When I was able to visit the Senate's gallery I witnessed just how focused she is on her job. All she did was tap away on her phone while Bernie Sanders spoke passionately about healthcare. Worthless.

Who would care about what Bernie would say. I can predict it right now: “the government must give every American comprehensive health care”. There, done and I didn’t drone on about it for a half hour like he probably did. Bernie loves the sound of his own voice.
Kirsten Sinema is absolutely worthless as a public servant. When I was able to visit the Senate's gallery I witnessed just how focused she is on her job. All she did was tap away on her phone while Bernie Sanders spoke passionately about healthcare. Worthless.

does he consider himself and seth greedy?
Manchin, Sinema, Cheney, Kinzinger.

Too bad the list of politicians who don't bend over for the party is so small.

The filibuster is preventing the country's business from being conducted. The founding fathers never intended to create a supermajority nor was the filibuster ever intended to create a supermajority on every issue. If Sinema and Manchin were interested in compromise, they would force Republicans to compromise or fashion their own compromise for themselves. They are part of the problem.
Actually, it’s $3 million - and he owns three homes. That’s in the top 2% of Americans, and certainly quite wealthy.

With stocks, investments, my companies and real estate, my net worth is well over $3 million.

Bernie ain't got nothin' on me...

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