On the cover of the Rolling Stone !..........

Any one of them could kick your ass and that`s what troubles you...and the fact that they all have measurable IQs. Do you know how to spell IQ? Did any of them lie 5,000 times last year or bend over for Putin and little Kim like your dream date Trump, little bitch? Have any of them had a crooked Foundation shut down or had to reimburse 4,000 people who were robbed at a bogus university? How many bankruptcies have they been involved in stupid ass? Are any of them so crooked that they need to hide their tax returns you pathetic little shit stain?

Lol !!!
Someone is butthurt !
Tell you what, when you get done vaccumming the floors tonight, take a look for those balls, they're bound to be there someplace. Perhaps your boyfriend has them. :biggrin:

Men are so obsessed with balls. One well-placed kick in they’re down on the ground writhing in agony and they’re not getting up.

A pussy is tough. It can take a pounding all night long and come back for more. Much tougher than those delicate balls. One twist and the guy is inapacitatef.

That bitch in the middle of that picture. Trump calls her “Nancy”. She’s got Trumps balls in her purse. She wore them on a blue string for the SOTU.
Hero Nancy............my god the Heroes of today are a Joke.......

Nancy Pelosi has dedicated her adult life to public service.

She passed Obamacare. Something that every President has tried since Truman. Pelosi is the first female Speaker of the House. One of a handful of people who has been elected Speaker twice in her lifetime.

And unlike Trump and his people,she’s never been arrested, faced criminal charges.

Nancy Pelosi IS a hero.
ah - so you have your own beliefs to suit your thinking process' & legitimize them.

I grew up in a very Conservative Lutheran home but became disenchanted with the church in my early adult years. After my fsther died in 2001 I went on an almost three year long religious/spiritual search. This is what I found. Right or wrong it’s what resonated with me.
Any one of them could kick your ass and that`s what troubles you...and the fact that they all have measurable IQs. Do you know how to spell IQ? Did any of them lie 5,000 times last year or bend over for Putin and little Kim like your dream date Trump, little bitch? Have any of them had a crooked Foundation shut down or had to reimburse 4,000 people who were robbed at a bogus university? How many bankruptcies have they been involved in stupid ass? Are any of them so crooked that they need to hide their tax returns you pathetic little shit stain?

Lol !!!
Someone is butthurt !
Tell you what, when you get done vaccumming the floors tonight, take a look for those balls, they're bound to be there someplace. Perhaps your boyfriend has them. :biggrin:

Men are so obsessed with balls. One well-placed kick in they’re down on the ground writhing in agony and they’re not getting up.

A pussy is tough. It can take a pounding all night long and come back for more. Much tougher than those delicate balls. One twist and the guy is inapacitatef.

That bitch in the middle of that picture. Trump calls her “Nancy”. She’s got Trumps balls in her purse. She wore them on a blue string for the SOTU.
Hero Nancy............my god the Heroes of today are a Joke.......

Nancy Pelosi has dedicated her adult life to public service.

She passed Obamacare. Something that every President has tried since Truman. Pelosi is the first female Speaker of the House. One of a handful of people who has been elected Speaker twice in her lifetime.

And unlike Trump and his people,she’s never been arrested, faced criminal charges.

Nancy Pelosi IS a hero.

Pardon me while I don't give a shit............she is the demise of this country and like all the other politicians have self enriched themselves at their position..........She like the others serves herself and not the people. The Green New Deal is a complete Joke...........and people like you keep electing people who make us the laughing stock of the world.

In the area she is governing........people are living in tents, shitting on the streets, and have needles laying around all over the place.

Some hero's village huh.............if it impresses you then you are just as dumb as she is................LOL


And yes I'm MOCKING your side's pick...........so easy to do.......she's a complete IDIOT......and will soon join the millionare's club of how our government works now.

Got news for your side........way over half don't agree with that.............Keep showing the American people your true agenda.........

Love it.................well.............go on and do it..........
Any one of them could kick your ass and that`s what troubles you...and the fact that they all have measurable IQs. Do you know how to spell IQ? Did any of them lie 5,000 times last year or bend over for Putin and little Kim like your dream date Trump, little bitch? Have any of them had a crooked Foundation shut down or had to reimburse 4,000 people who were robbed at a bogus university? How many bankruptcies have they been involved in stupid ass? Are any of them so crooked that they need to hide their tax returns you pathetic little shit stain?

Lol !!!
Someone is butthurt !
Tell you what, when you get done vaccumming the floors tonight, take a look for those balls, they're bound to be there someplace. Perhaps your boyfriend has them. :biggrin:

Men are so obsessed with balls. One well-placed kick in they’re down on the ground writhing in agony and they’re not getting up.

A pussy is tough. It can take a pounding all night long and come back for more. Much tougher than those delicate balls. One twist and the guy is inapacitatef.

That bitch in the middle of that picture. Trump calls her “Nancy”. She’s got Trumps balls in her purse. She wore them on a blue string for the SOTU.
Hero Nancy............my god the Heroes of today are a Joke.......

Nancy Pelosi has dedicated her adult life to public service.

She passed Obamacare. Something that every President has tried since Truman. Pelosi is the first female Speaker of the House. One of a handful of people who has been elected Speaker twice in her lifetime.

And unlike Trump and his people,she’s never been arrested, faced criminal charges.

Nancy Pelosi IS a hero.

Pardon me while I don't give a shit............she is the demise of this country and like all the other politicians have self enriched themselves at their position..........She like the others serves herself and not the people. The Green New Deal is a complete Joke...........and people like you keep electing people who make us the laughing stock of the world.

In the area she is governing........people are living in tents, shitting on the streets, and have needles laying around all over the place.

Some hero's village huh.............if it impresses you then you are just as dumb as she is................LOL


And yes I'm MOCKING your side's pick...........so easy to do.......she's a complete IDIOT......and will soon join the millionare's club of how our government works now.

If she was a racist, a conman and a cheat would you like her? How about if she used illegals to build a golf course?
You’re an ignorant piece of shit who doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. Who actually believes in authoritarianism.

If I were you, I’d worry about poison in my food, because I’m pretty sure your have subservient women folk cook for you.

Yes I am an Authoritarian. She would do herself and her family a massive disservice by killing me. It would leave them homeless and with no real chance to survive, nevermind thrive.
Lol !!!
Someone is butthurt !
Tell you what, when you get done vaccumming the floors tonight, take a look for those balls, they're bound to be there someplace. Perhaps your boyfriend has them. :biggrin:

Men are so obsessed with balls. One well-placed kick in they’re down on the ground writhing in agony and they’re not getting up.

A pussy is tough. It can take a pounding all night long and come back for more. Much tougher than those delicate balls. One twist and the guy is inapacitatef.

That bitch in the middle of that picture. Trump calls her “Nancy”. She’s got Trumps balls in her purse. She wore them on a blue string for the SOTU.
Hero Nancy............my god the Heroes of today are a Joke.......

Nancy Pelosi has dedicated her adult life to public service.

She passed Obamacare. Something that every President has tried since Truman. Pelosi is the first female Speaker of the House. One of a handful of people who has been elected Speaker twice in her lifetime.

And unlike Trump and his people,she’s never been arrested, faced criminal charges.

Nancy Pelosi IS a hero.

Pardon me while I don't give a shit............she is the demise of this country and like all the other politicians have self enriched themselves at their position..........She like the others serves herself and not the people. The Green New Deal is a complete Joke...........and people like you keep electing people who make us the laughing stock of the world.

In the area she is governing........people are living in tents, shitting on the streets, and have needles laying around all over the place.

Some hero's village huh.............if it impresses you then you are just as dumb as she is................LOL


And yes I'm MOCKING your side's pick...........so easy to do.......she's a complete IDIOT......and will soon join the millionare's club of how our government works now.

If she was a racist, a conman and a cheat would you like her? How about if she used illegals to build a golf course?

Nice squirm............she's a MORON and you know it...........You deserve this..........I like to hit myself in the head with a hammer...........because...............................................................................................................wait for it.............

It feels so good when I stop.
LOL. They’re all a bunch of worthless *****. Wastes of flesh and oxygen that don’t know their proper place in the world.

There’s an incredibly unpleasant spot in Hell reserved for all four of them, and their supporters.

they don't care what you think.
I think they're to stupid to think. Proof of their policies.

ahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... did you vote for the dotard?
View attachment 248334

lol... if you walk like a deplorable & talk like a deplorable....
Thanks for the compliment.
Yes...dad's are important. But married couples NOT wanting kids have NO duty to have them...if they choose to focus on other things then IT HELPS the nation. No other way to look at it. NONE. It surely doesn't hurt society one bit. It's THEIR life, they owe nobody anything. Your viewpoint is archaic.
Your POV is archaic. You’re stuck in 1960’s think.
Women are different from men, kids need both parents and the society needs generational perpetuation in order to survive. Women can be career-driven and mothers. The suggestion that both conditions can’t coexist is Marxist indoctrination.
What if they don't WANT to be mothers?
that is the only intelligent thing i have ever read in any reply of yours.

My purpose isn’t to change their minds or make them agree with me. My purpose is to ensure others can’t say they didn’t know better.

You’re an ignorant piece of shit who doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. Who actually believes in authoritarianism.

If I were you, I’d worry about poison in my food, because I’m pretty sure your have subservient women folk cook for you.
He does and he claims that she is happy with her role. Oh, and he also hits her if she doesn't "obey" him in the manner he wants. He doesn't love her and says hate is what he lives by. Surely you've seen him here steeped in his hate before. He damaged both on the outside and on the inside.
You’re an ignorant piece of shit who doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. Who actually believes in authoritarianism.

If I were you, I’d worry about poison in my food, because I’m pretty sure your have subservient women folk cook for you.

Yes I am an Authoritarian. She would do herself and her family a massive disservice by killing me. It would leave them homeless and with no real chance to survive, nevermind thrive.
You have said that over and over but you'd probably be surprised at how well they would be able to do without you. You terrorize and intimidate them into thinking they need you, but if you weren't in the picture, they would actually find a way to survive. And probably be much better off without you and your 80,000 a year, which ain't shit, especially in New England.
Any one of them could kick your ass and that`s what troubles you...and the fact that they all have measurable IQs. Do you know how to spell IQ? Did any of them lie 5,000 times last year or bend over for Putin and little Kim like your dream date Trump, little bitch? Have any of them had a crooked Foundation shut down or had to reimburse 4,000 people who were robbed at a bogus university? How many bankruptcies have they been involved in stupid ass? Are any of them so crooked that they need to hide their tax returns you pathetic little shit stain?

Lol !!!
Someone is butthurt !
Tell you what, when you get done vaccumming the floors tonight, take a look for those balls, they're bound to be there someplace. Perhaps your boyfriend has them. :biggrin:

Men are so obsessed with balls. One well-placed kick in they’re down on the ground writhing in agony and they’re not getting up.

A pussy is tough. It can take a pounding all night long and come back for more. Much tougher than those delicate balls. One twist and the guy is inapacitatef.

That bitch in the middle of that picture. Trump calls her “Nancy”. She’s got Trumps balls in her purse. She wore them on a blue string for the SOTU.
Hero Nancy............my god the Heroes of today are a Joke.......

Nancy Pelosi has dedicated her adult life to public service.

She passed Obamacare. Something that every President has tried since Truman. Pelosi is the first female Speaker of the House. One of a handful of people who has been elected Speaker twice in her lifetime.

And unlike Trump and his people,she’s never been arrested, faced criminal charges.

Nancy Pelosi IS a hero.

Pardon me while I don't give a shit............she is the demise of this country and like all the other politicians have self enriched themselves at their position..........She like the others serves herself and not the people. The Green New Deal is a complete Joke...........and people like you keep electing people who make us the laughing stock of the world.

In the area she is governing........people are living in tents, shitting on the streets, and have needles laying around all over the place.

Some hero's village huh.............if it impresses you then you are just as dumb as she is................LOL


And yes I'm MOCKING your side's pick...........so easy to do.......she's a complete IDIOT......and will soon join the millionare's club of how our government works now.

No, the complete idiot is the guy residing in the White house. The very clever woman in your picture, just asked certain questions of Michael Cohen involving his work for the Trump Corporation, wherein Cohen admitted to committing insurance fraud, bank fraud, and a number of RICO Crimes, and subpeonas are now being executed against Deutsche Bank, for Trump's personal banking records with them as a result.

And Ivanka Trump has been caught flat out lying to the American people about her father's role in getting her and Jared security clearances. She denied her father had anything to do with the clearances, and they have received theirs in the same way as everyone else. What she failed to mention is that the recommendations of the FBI and the Security Clearance office were over-ridden at least 30 times by the Trump Administration.

So now there are a whole new bunch of investigations under way in the SDNY because of this "complete IDIOT" and her very pointed questions. Not bad for her first Congressional Hearing.
You’re an ignorant piece of shit who doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. Who actually believes in authoritarianism.

If I were you, I’d worry about poison in my food, because I’m pretty sure your have subservient women folk cook for you.

Yes I am an Authoritarian. She would do herself and her family a massive disservice by killing me. It would leave them homeless and with no real chance to survive, nevermind thrive.
Naah. Off the top of my head, she'd get survivor benefits, probably surviving-spouse disability benefits.
You’re an ignorant piece of shit who doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. Who actually believes in authoritarianism.

If I were you, I’d worry about poison in my food, because I’m pretty sure your have subservient women folk cook for you.

Yes I am an Authoritarian. She would do herself and her family a massive disservice by killing me. It would leave them homeless and with no real chance to survive, nevermind thrive.
Naah. Off the top of my head, she'd get survivor benefits, probably surviving-spouse disability benefits.

She'll also have a legal claim to his matrimonial home, regardless of what his will says. She'll be set for life and rid of the abusive old asshole. Most widows thrive when they're rid of their husbands.

Three years ago, I walked away from my marriage on the eve of my retirement because life's too short to live with someone who stresses you into a heart attack. Since then I've created the life I've always dreamed of having. I have a bright sunny beautiful home near in a lakeside tourist town, decorated in my all my favourite colours. My combined pensions give me an income about $75 a week less than I was making when I was working. I'm close to my children and 7 out of 9 of my grandchildren. And I've built my tax write-off business into a lovely little travel fund. None of which would have been possible if I had stayed with my ex. He's currently broke, alone, and living in his parents' basement waiting for them to die so he can sell the house and spend all their money chasing 20 year old's.
You’re an ignorant piece of shit who doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. Who actually believes in authoritarianism.

If I were you, I’d worry about poison in my food, because I’m pretty sure your have subservient women folk cook for you.

Yes I am an Authoritarian. She would do herself and her family a massive disservice by killing me. It would leave them homeless and with no real chance to survive, nevermind thrive.
Naah. Off the top of my head, she'd get survivor benefits, probably surviving-spouse disability benefits.

She'll also have a legal claim to his matrimonial home, regardless of what his will says. She'll be set for life and rid of the abusive old asshole. Most widows thrive when they're rid of their husbands.

Three years ago, I walked away from my marriage on the eve of my retirement because life's too short to live with someone who stresses you into a heart attack. Since then I've created the life I've always dreamed of having. I have a bright sunny beautiful home near in a lakeside tourist town, decorated in my all my favourite colours. My combined pensions give me an income about $75 a week less than I was making when I was working. I'm close to my children and 7 out of 9 of my grandchildren. And I've built my tax write-off business into a lovely little travel fund. None of which would have been possible if I had stayed with my ex. He's currently broke, alone, and living in his parents' basement waiting for them to die so he can sell the house and spend all their money chasing 20 year old's.
He claims she chose him from Match.com because of his beliefs on the way a marriage should be and the way a wife should be treated. He "punishes" her if she doesn't do things the way he dictates and dares to question him. And yes, those punishments include physical abuse. Somehow I can't imagine many women choosing that kind of a man voluntarily. He also claims he takes care of her whole family and they all would be out on the street without him. They're all Puerto Rican. He's a very cruel person who is full of hate. He has said that hate is his favorite emotion. He has no friends and wants none. Like I've said before, he's damaged on the outside and on the inside.
ah - so you have your own beliefs to suit your thinking process' & legitimize them.

I grew up in a very Conservative Lutheran home but became disenchanted with the church in my early adult years. After my fsther died in 2001 I went on an almost three year long religious/spiritual search. This is what I found. Right or wrong it’s what resonated with me.

do you flog yourself when you feel the need to repent? i'm willing to bet that would make your god happy.

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