On the cover of the Rolling Stone !..........

Lol !!!
Someone is butthurt !
Tell you what, when you get done vaccumming the floors tonight, take a look for those balls, they're bound to be there someplace. Perhaps your boyfriend has them. :biggrin:

Men are so obsessed with balls. One well-placed kick in they’re down on the ground writhing in agony and they’re not getting up.

A pussy is tough. It can take a pounding all night long and come back for more. Much tougher than those delicate balls. One twist and the guy is inapacitatef.

That bitch in the middle of that picture. Trump calls her “Nancy”. She’s got Trumps balls in her purse. She wore them on a blue string for the SOTU.
Hero Nancy............my god the Heroes of today are a Joke.......

Nancy Pelosi has dedicated her adult life to public service.

She passed Obamacare. Something that every President has tried since Truman. Pelosi is the first female Speaker of the House. One of a handful of people who has been elected Speaker twice in her lifetime.

And unlike Trump and his people,she’s never been arrested, faced criminal charges.

Nancy Pelosi IS a hero.

Pardon me while I don't give a shit............she is the demise of this country and like all the other politicians have self enriched themselves at their position..........She like the others serves herself and not the people. The Green New Deal is a complete Joke...........and people like you keep electing people who make us the laughing stock of the world.

In the area she is governing........people are living in tents, shitting on the streets, and have needles laying around all over the place.

Some hero's village huh.............if it impresses you then you are just as dumb as she is................LOL


And yes I'm MOCKING your side's pick...........so easy to do.......she's a complete IDIOT......and will soon join the millionare's club of how our government works now.

No, the complete idiot is the guy residing in the White house. The very clever woman in your picture, just asked certain questions of Michael Cohen involving his work for the Trump Corporation, wherein Cohen admitted to committing insurance fraud, bank fraud, and a number of RICO Crimes, and subpeonas are now being executed against Deutsche Bank, for Trump's personal banking records with them as a result.

And Ivanka Trump has been caught flat out lying to the American people about her father's role in getting her and Jared security clearances. She denied her father had anything to do with the clearances, and they have received theirs in the same way as everyone else. What she failed to mention is that the recommendations of the FBI and the Security Clearance office were over-ridden at least 30 times by the Trump Administration.

So now there are a whole new bunch of investigations under way in the SDNY because of this "complete IDIOT" and her very pointed questions. Not bad for her first Congressional Hearing.

yep - AOC did that under her 5 minute limit & had time to spare which she yielded.

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She'll also have a legal claim to his matrimonial home, regardless of what his will says. She'll be set for life and rid of the abusive old asshole. Most widows thrive when they're rid of their husbands. .

She’d get a house she couldn’t pay for. The total assumed income of the other 8 adults in the house would likely end up being about 60% of my base income (all from Government programs). There are no savings or life insurance. Maybe they find a way to get by, but I highly doubt it.
She'll also have a legal claim to his matrimonial home, regardless of what his will says. She'll be set for life and rid of the abusive old asshole. Most widows thrive when they're rid of their husbands. .

She’d get a house she couldn’t pay for. The total assumed income of the other 8 adults in the house would likely end up being about 60% of my base income (all from Government programs). There are no savings or life insurance. Maybe they find a way to get by, but I highly doubt it.

Sell the house.

I would bet there is at least some life insurance-from your employer or union, if nothing else. And, of course, the policy that you have no idea she took out.
Sell the house.

I would bet there is at least some life insurance-from your employer or union, if nothing else. And, of course, the policy that you have no idea she took out.

After repairs, fees, closing costs, etc... shed be lucky to make enough on the sale to pay the movers.

She doesn’t have the money to pay the premium on a policy for a 45 year old SWS sufferer with high no and cholesterol and active epileptic issues. If anyone would issue such a policy in the first place.
Yes...dad's are important. But married couples NOT wanting kids have NO duty to have them...if they choose to focus on other things then IT HELPS the nation. No other way to look at it. NONE. It surely doesn't hurt society one bit. It's THEIR life, they owe nobody anything. Your viewpoint is archaic.
Your POV is archaic. You’re stuck in 1960’s think.
Women are different from men, kids need both parents and the society needs generational perpetuation in order to survive. Women can be career-driven and mothers. The suggestion that both conditions can’t coexist is Marxist indoctrination.
What if they don't WANT to be mothers?
What about it?
Yes...dad's are important. But married couples NOT wanting kids have NO duty to have them...if they choose to focus on other things then IT HELPS the nation. No other way to look at it. NONE. It surely doesn't hurt society one bit. It's THEIR life, they owe nobody anything. Your viewpoint is archaic.
Your POV is archaic. You’re stuck in 1960’s think.
Women are different from men, kids need both parents and the society needs generational perpetuation in order to survive. Women can be career-driven and mothers. The suggestion that both conditions can’t coexist is Marxist indoctrination.
What if they don't WANT to be mothers?
What about it?

You're the one who said they can be career driven and mothers. and I asked what if they didn't want to be mothers? Many women don't, especially in this day of uncertainty. They know that the child will probably grow up with worsening air and water, and who know what kind of shortages will happen in the future. And many just don't because they're simply not interested in becoming a mother.

As for kids needing both parents, that too is kind of a myth. Sometimes kids are better off with only one parent if there is constant abuse from one of those parents. Or, they aren't given a choice because one of the parents walks out or dies.

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