On the cover of the Rolling Stone !..........

Any one of them could kick your ass and that`s what troubles you...and the fact that they all have measurable IQs. Do you know how to spell IQ? Did any of them lie 5,000 times last year or bend over for Putin and little Kim like your dream date Trump, little bitch? Have any of them had a crooked Foundation shut down or had to reimburse 4,000 people who were robbed at a bogus university? How many bankruptcies have they been involved in stupid ass? Are any of them so crooked that they need to hide their tax returns you pathetic little shit stain?

LOL. They’re all a bunch of worthless *****. Wastes of flesh and oxygen that don’t know their proper place in the world.

There’s an incredibly unpleasant spot in Hell reserved for all four of them, and their supporters.

they don't care what you think.
I think they're to stupid to think. Proof of their policies.

ahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... did you vote for the dotard?
Any one of them could kick your ass and that`s what troubles you...and the fact that they all have measurable IQs. Do you know how to spell IQ? Did any of them lie 5,000 times last year or bend over for Putin and little Kim like your dream date Trump, little bitch? Have any of them had a crooked Foundation shut down or had to reimburse 4,000 people who were robbed at a bogus university? How many bankruptcies have they been involved in stupid ass? Are any of them so crooked that they need to hide their tax returns you pathetic little shit stain?

LOL. They’re all a bunch of worthless *****. Wastes of flesh and oxygen that don’t know their proper place in the world.

There’s an incredibly unpleasant spot in Hell reserved for all four of them, and their supporters.

they don't care what you think.
I think they're to stupid to think. Proof of their policies.

ahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... did you vote for the dotard?
View attachment 248334

lol... if you walk like a deplorable & talk like a deplorable....
If they are America's Future then this country is fucked..........

The Green New Deal is pure Stupidity on Steroids. These morons couldn't pour pee out of a boot with the instructions written on the heal..........

The New Deal sounds good to those looking for a hand out. Rah Rah........it's cost is beyond comprehension............Completely IMPOSSIBLE.........and why Socialist countries fail. This is why Big Business is leaving New York and California......and the idiots still don't get it.............Time for America to wake up and get a taste of Reality.

I'm old.......and hopefully will not see the results of these idiots that were elected and keep getting elected over and over again..........Are these politicians the main problem or the people who elect them the main problem.......who knows.
does your god have a name?

No. Personification is one of the things I’ve found to ring totally untrue about the deities of organized religion. Nor is the God I believe in a kind one. I refer to this God simply as The Divine. It’s sole purpose is to judge and sort Souls at the moment of death.
does your god have a name?

No. Personification is one of the things I’ve found to ring totally untrue about the deities of organized religion. Nor is the God I believe in a kind one. I refer to this God simply as The Divine. It’s sole purpose is to judge and sort Souls at the moment of death.

ah - so you have your own beliefs to suit your thinking process' & legitimize them.

got it.
Any one of them could kick your ass and that`s what troubles you...and the fact that they all have measurable IQs. Do you know how to spell IQ? Did any of them lie 5,000 times last year or bend over for Putin and little Kim like your dream date Trump, little bitch? Have any of them had a crooked Foundation shut down or had to reimburse 4,000 people who were robbed at a bogus university? How many bankruptcies have they been involved in stupid ass? Are any of them so crooked that they need to hide their tax returns you pathetic little shit stain?

Lol !!!
Someone is butthurt !
Tell you what, when you get done vaccumming the floors tonight, take a look for those balls, they're bound to be there someplace. Perhaps your boyfriend has them. :biggrin:

Men are so obsessed with balls. One well-placed kick in they’re down on the ground writhing in agony and they’re not getting up.

A pussy is tough. It can take a pounding all night long and come back for more. Much tougher than those delicate balls. One twist and the guy is inapacitatef.

That bitch in the middle of that picture. Trump calls her “Nancy”. She’s got Trumps balls in her purse. She wore them on a blue string for the SOTU.
Any one of them could kick your ass and that`s what troubles you...and the fact that they all have measurable IQs. Do you know how to spell IQ? Did any of them lie 5,000 times last year or bend over for Putin and little Kim like your dream date Trump, little bitch? Have any of them had a crooked Foundation shut down or had to reimburse 4,000 people who were robbed at a bogus university? How many bankruptcies have they been involved in stupid ass? Are any of them so crooked that they need to hide their tax returns you pathetic little shit stain?

Lol !!!
Someone is butthurt !
Tell you what, when you get done vaccumming the floors tonight, take a look for those balls, they're bound to be there someplace. Perhaps your boyfriend has them. :biggrin:

Men are so obsessed with balls. One well-placed kick in they’re down on the ground writhing in agony and they’re not getting up.

A pussy is tough. It can take a pounding all night long and come back for more. Much tougher than those delicate balls. One twist and the guy is inapacitatef.

That bitch in the middle of that picture. Trump calls her “Nancy”. She’s got Trumps balls in her purse. She wore them on a blue string for the SOTU.
Hero Nancy............my god the Heroes of today are a Joke.......

that is the only intelligent thing i have ever read in any reply of yours.

My purpose isn’t to change their minds or make them agree with me. My purpose is to ensure others can’t say they didn’t know better.

You’re an ignorant piece of shit who doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. Who actually believes in authoritarianism.

If I were you, I’d worry about poison in my food, because I’m pretty sure your have subservient women folk cook for you.
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