On the Eve of Ohio Vote, Kasich Commits Political Suicide Part 2

Not only did Kasich go 'all in' for Amnesty, declaring he would grant Amnesty within the 1st 100 days he was in office as President, rewarding illegals and ensuring they could take jobs from American citizens, Kasich doubled-down on 'political suicide' by continuing to declare his allegiance to Obamatrade, which is being described as “signing the death warrant for Ohio manufacturing".

Stephen Miller: Kasich Pro-Obamatrade Agenda ‘Death Warrant for Ohio Manufacturing’ - Breitbart

Of course, Kasich isn't the only one who backed Obamatrade:


he's a very popular governor. do you think that all republicans are as bigoted and disgusting as you?

i suspect the bigoted scum are trump people... .like you.

^^^ pathetic. Why don't you move to Mexico, go live with your pals.

Actually I read an article that many seniors are moving down to Mexico on the Pacific Coast side, since the coast of living is so cheap there. Also many Mexicans are going back, they know where the jobs are. Americans can never compete with their daily wage which is less than our hourly wage. So when Trumps says we will put a huge tariff on AC's from Carrier, us Americans will just have to pay it, and come on we are only 5% of the globes population. It sucks for the $50,000 middle class in the USA now.
RUBIO: No, I support free trade deals that are good for America. We're 5 percent of the world's population. If all we do is sell things to each other, we can only sell to 5 percent of the people on earth. We have to have access to the hundreds of millions of people in the world today who can afford to buy things.

The problem is we're a low-tariff country. To import something into the United States is not very expensive, but many of these countries we can't export to because their tariffs are too high. And so I am in favor of deals that allow us to bring down those tariffs so that America can sell things to all these people around the world.

There are good trade deals and there are bad ones. So for example, here in Florida, we have benefited from the free trade deal with Colombia. It's allowed flower exporters to come into the United States but it's created jobs for hundreds of people who are now delivering those flowers and working in that industry. We have a surplus with Colombia.

On the other hand, you've seen trade deals like in Mexico that have been less than promising in some aspects, better in others. Bottom line is I believe that America, if given access to foreign markets, our workers are the most productive in the world, our people are the most innovative on this planet. If it is a free and fair trade deal, we can compete against anyone in the world, and we need to in the 21st century.

So don't invoke high tariffs for imports of companies that have jumped ship, insist on lower tariffs for exports, that is good, tell that to Trump who has it backwards. Yes the flower imports created many jobs.
I’m sorry, but it is simply false to say that Kasich now supports amnesty, or that he has ever supported amnesty. Nothing he has said in the last few days differs from what he has said on the subject in previous months. Kasich has made it perfectly clear that he does not support citizenship for illegals. He only supports legalized status, and only for those who have not committed any other crimes, and only after they have paid a fine. Furthermore, Kasich has been adamant that he will secure the border and end sanctuary cities.
Not only did Kasich go 'all in' for Amnesty, declaring he would grant Amnesty within the 1st 100 days he was in office as President, rewarding illegals and ensuring they could take jobs from American citizens, Kasich doubled-down on 'political suicide' by continuing to declare his allegiance to Obamatrade, which is being described as “signing the death warrant for Ohio manufacturing".

Stephen Miller: Kasich Pro-Obamatrade Agenda ‘Death Warrant for Ohio Manufacturing’ - Breitbart

Of course, Kasich isn't the only one who backed Obamatrade:


he's a very popular governor. do you think that all republicans are as bigoted and disgusting as you?

i suspect the bigoted scum are trump people... .like you.

^^^ pathetic. Why don't you move to Mexico, go live with your pals.

Actually I read an article that many seniors are moving down to Mexico on the Pacific Coast side, since the coast of living is so cheap there. Also many Mexicans are going back, they know where the jobs are. Americans can never compete with their daily wage which is less than our hourly wage. So when Trumps says we will put a huge tariff on AC's from Carrier, us Americans will just have to pay it, and come on we are only 5% of the globes population. It sucks for the $50,000 middle class in the USA now.

We can absolutely compete with Mexico and China, manufacturing will return to the USA don't you worry about it leave it to those of us who know what we are talking about.
Not only did Kasich go 'all in' for Amnesty, declaring he would grant Amnesty within the 1st 100 days he was in office as President, rewarding illegals and ensuring they could take jobs from American citizens, Kasich doubled-down on 'political suicide' by continuing to declare his allegiance to Obamatrade, which is being described as “signing the death warrant for Ohio manufacturing".

Stephen Miller: Kasich Pro-Obamatrade Agenda ‘Death Warrant for Ohio Manufacturing’ - Breitbart

Of course, Kasich isn't the only one who backed Obamatrade:


he's a very popular governor. do you think that all republicans are as bigoted and disgusting as you?

i suspect the bigoted scum are trump people... .like you.

^^^ pathetic. Why don't you move to Mexico, go live with your pals.

why would i do that, moron? i'm born and bread brooklyn. i love my country.

you hate your country. you hate anyone in it who isn't white christian supremacist.

you should go.

see ya.
Not only did Kasich go 'all in' for Amnesty, declaring he would grant Amnesty within the 1st 100 days he was in office as President, rewarding illegals and ensuring they could take jobs from American citizens, Kasich doubled-down on 'political suicide' by continuing to declare his allegiance to Obamatrade, which is being described as “signing the death warrant for Ohio manufacturing".

Stephen Miller: Kasich Pro-Obamatrade Agenda ‘Death Warrant for Ohio Manufacturing’ - Breitbart

Of course, Kasich isn't the only one who backed Obamatrade:

What do you think of his statement, "they’re made in the image of the Lord"?
lol, conservatives now trying to make free trade a Democrat thing. Unbelievable.

Slick Willy got NAFTA passed with bribes over a democRAT majority.....algore elbowed Ross Perot on Larry King to show us what a badass he was....Perot gave the fat fuck his mad dawg stare and Albert kept his elbows to himself thereafter.
Not only did Kasich go 'all in' for Amnesty, declaring he would grant Amnesty within the 1st 100 days he was in office as President, rewarding illegals and ensuring they could take jobs from American citizens, Kasich doubled-down on 'political suicide' by continuing to declare his allegiance to Obamatrade, which is being described as “signing the death warrant for Ohio manufacturing".

Stephen Miller: Kasich Pro-Obamatrade Agenda ‘Death Warrant for Ohio Manufacturing’ - Breitbart

Of course, Kasich isn't the only one who backed Obamatrade:


lol, conservatives now trying to make free trade a Democrat thing. Unbelievable.
Its a corporate democrat/establishment GOP thing. Unfair trade is about as bi-partisan as you get..

Yeah, now that conservatives have learned their lesson.
RUBIO: No, I support free trade deals that are good for America. We're 5 percent of the world's population. If all we do is sell things to each other, we can only sell to 5 percent of the people on earth. We have to have access to the hundreds of millions of people in the world today who can afford to buy things.

The problem is we're a low-tariff country. To import something into the United States is not very expensive, but many of these countries we can't export to because their tariffs are too high. And so I am in favor of deals that allow us to bring down those tariffs so that America can sell things to all these people around the world.

There are good trade deals and there are bad ones. So for example, here in Florida, we have benefited from the free trade deal with Colombia. It's allowed flower exporters to come into the United States but it's created jobs for hundreds of people who are now delivering those flowers and working in that industry. We have a surplus with Colombia.

On the other hand, you've seen trade deals like in Mexico that have been less than promising in some aspects, better in others. Bottom line is I believe that America, if given access to foreign markets, our workers are the most productive in the world, our people are the most innovative on this planet. If it is a free and fair trade deal, we can compete against anyone in the world, and we need to in the 21st century.

So don't invoke high tariffs for imports of companies that have jumped ship, insist on lower tariffs for exports, that is good, tell that to Trump who has it backwards. Yes the flower imports created many jobs.

No one imposes tariffs on exports. Other countries impose tariffs on what we export to them. We have no control over that.
Not only did Kasich go 'all in' for Amnesty, declaring he would grant Amnesty within the 1st 100 days he was in office as President, rewarding illegals and ensuring they could take jobs from American citizens, Kasich doubled-down on 'political suicide' by continuing to declare his allegiance to Obamatrade, which is being described as “signing the death warrant for Ohio manufacturing".

Stephen Miller: Kasich Pro-Obamatrade Agenda ‘Death Warrant for Ohio Manufacturing’ - Breitbart

Of course, Kasich isn't the only one who backed Obamatrade:


he's a very popular governor. do you think that all republicans are as bigoted and disgusting as you?

i suspect the bigoted scum are trump people... .like you.

^^^ pathetic. Why don't you move to Mexico, go live with your pals.

why would i do that, moron? i'm born and bread brooklyn. i love my country.

you hate your country. you hate anyone in it who isn't white christian supremacist.

you should go.

see ya.

When someone sides with illegals who murder and rape American citizens we call that being a traitor.

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