On Eve Of Ohio Primary, Kasich Commits Political Suicide....

Kasich has said he supports legal status, not citizenship, for illegal immigrants who have not committed any crimes other than being here illegally.

80 percent of Americans favor granting legal status or a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

I guess the Right only believes in listening to the "will of the people" when it fits their bigoted confirmation biases.
The vast majority of Americans want illegal immigration stopped and the border controlled. Plus they want criminal illegals deported. Does this mean anything to you?
Wrong. Americans do want a strong border, but I have shown tards like you I don't know how many times that 80 percent of Americans favor legal status or a path to citizenship for the illegals who are already here.

Apes like you are in the very small minority.
You really are an idiot.

If you are capable of reading and comprehending, please read my post again and tell me how it conflicts with yours above?
I don't care how nice they are. They are not Americans. Fuck giving them ANYTHING

I would agree, generally speaking. But who hash a plan? Who intends to do anything? Who has the ability to do something meaningful? Who has the will?

Kasich's plan for a qualified path to legalization, in conjunction with securing the border, to include building the wall, is the only thing close to a real plan that we've seen in years.

The GOP field of alternatives is a choice between an incompetent (Rubio), a zealous ideologue (Cruz), and a mentally unstable Democrat with a personality disorder (Trump). Am I willing to compromise on a reasonable, complete immigration plan that doesn't go as far as I would like, if it's part of the package for avoiding the shit alternatives in favor of a competent executive who can create jobs, reduce government, and balance the budget? Hell to the yes.
I don't care how nice they are. They are not Americans. Fuck giving them ANYTHING

I would agree, generally speaking. But who hash a plan? Who intends to do anything? Who has the ability to do something meaningful? Who has the will?

Kasich's plan for a qualified path to legalization, in conjunction with securing the border, to include building the wall, is the only thing close to a real plan that we've seen in years.

The GOP field of alternatives is a choice between an incompetent (Rubio), a zealous ideologue (Cruz), and a mentally unstable Democrat with a personality disorder (Trump). Am I willing to compromise on a reasonable, complete immigration plan that doesn't go as far as I would like, if it's part of the package for avoiding the shit alternatives in favor of a competent executive who can create jobs, reduce government, and balance the budget? Hell to the yes.
I bet that is what Republicans were saying the 80s, too. You know, when Reagan decided to take it up the ass.. lol
I get what you are saying. I really do. I just don't feel like it is an answer to anything. Except showing we are a borderless Nation. THAT is the point I have gotten too. And that was before the Trump rhetoric.
I also don't think a wall will do much. We have to fix the system. We keep making legislation/ignoring laws to the point where they get incentive to come here illegally.
I think that relying on a wall and deportation is not going to work.
Nor do I think legalizing them will help. I think that is just lazy and insane.
We have to attack our problems at the cause. Not at the result.
I don't care how nice they are. They are not Americans. Fuck giving them ANYTHING

I would agree, generally speaking. But who hash a plan? Who intends to do anything? Who has the ability to do something meaningful? Who has the will?

Kasich's plan for a qualified path to legalization, in conjunction with securing the border, to include building the wall, is the only thing close to a real plan that we've seen in years.

The GOP field of alternatives is a choice between an incompetent (Rubio), a zealous ideologue (Cruz), and a mentally unstable Democrat with a personality disorder (Trump). Am I willing to compromise on a reasonable, complete immigration plan that doesn't go as far as I would like, if it's part of the package for avoiding the shit alternatives in favor of a competent executive who can create jobs, reduce government, and balance the budget? Hell to the yes.
I bet that is what Republicans were saying the 80s, too. You know, when Reagan decided to take it up the ass.. lol
I get what you are saying. I really do. I just don't feel like it is an answer to anything. Except showing we are a borderless Nation. THAT is the point I have gotten too. And that was before the Trump rhetoric.
I also don't think a wall will do much. We have to fix the system. We keep making legislation/ignoring laws to the point where they get incentive to come here illegally.

Would you rather the Democrats keep the White House? That's not going to fix our immigration problems.
Hey g5000

I want illegal immigration stopped and the border controlled. Plus I want criminal(outside of being undocumented) illegals deported.

That is part of the reason Kasich is the best choice on this matter.

Those other guys are talking impossible BS!
Kasich has said he supports legal status, not citizenship, for illegal immigrants who have not committed any crimes other than being here illegally.

80 percent of Americans favor granting legal status or a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

I guess the Right only believes in listening to the "will of the people" when it fits their bigoted confirmation biases.
The D party needs more illiterate voters and the R party needs to kowtow to it's billionaire donor class.

To Hell with the rest of the people...right?

Perhaps you are not listening. It's what the Lord wants.

Then you have the Pope saying building a border wall sends you to hell, so......................
I don't care how nice they are. They are not Americans. Fuck giving them ANYTHING

I would agree, generally speaking. But who hash a plan? Who intends to do anything? Who has the ability to do something meaningful? Who has the will?

Kasich's plan for a qualified path to legalization, in conjunction with securing the border, to include building the wall, is the only thing close to a real plan that we've seen in years.

The GOP field of alternatives is a choice between an incompetent (Rubio), a zealous ideologue (Cruz), and a mentally unstable Democrat with a personality disorder (Trump). Am I willing to compromise on a reasonable, complete immigration plan that doesn't go as far as I would like, if it's part of the package for avoiding the shit alternatives in favor of a competent executive who can create jobs, reduce government, and balance the budget? Hell to the yes.
I bet that is what Republicans were saying the 80s, too. You know, when Reagan decided to take it up the ass.. lol
I get what you are saying. I really do. I just don't feel like it is an answer to anything. Except showing we are a borderless Nation. THAT is the point I have gotten too. And that was before the Trump rhetoric.
I also don't think a wall will do much. We have to fix the system. We keep making legislation/ignoring laws to the point where they get incentive to come here illegally.

Would you rather the Democrats keep the White House? That's not going to fix our immigration problems.
None of them are going to fix it. At least Trump is willing to do something..
"fix", at this point, is almost anti-American.. :/
You are the one with the piss drinking fetish. You do it every single day.

You should stop. Seriously.

Will righties agree to any less than the expulsion of all illegals ?
Sure, Timmy.

1st we want all the assholes who have promised for decades to secure the border and build the wall to do so.

Next, ALL laws must be enforced...period.
- If enforcing all existing laws causes 'ass-pain' for illegals well SO BE IT. Don't like it, pass legislation to change it...but DON'T refuse to enforce the law because it inconveniences those who chose to break our laws!

3rd., Stop rewarding and incentivizing breaking our laws.

4th, Illegals - those who have lived here for decades and contributed can become 'Legal' but should NEVER have the right to vote...treat them just like 'Felons'. You have rights as citizens but can NOT vote.

5, stop releasing murderers / criminals into the population. Instead of letting them go, immediately deport them - their nations of origin should have no say so in rejecting them. Sorry - they are yours, you take them back. If I have to overfly your country and drop their asses wearing parachutes back into your country you will take them...and continue doing so means an immediate end to all foreign aid!

Bottom line, Kasich said, for example, he can't imagine enforcing our laws...WTF?! Then you have no business being President. His view - which criminal, Constitution/Rule of Law/Nation-hating Liberals like Obama - is un-American. It is against the law and Constitution. The only ones being unreasonable are F*s like THIS!
None of them are going to fix it. At least Trump is willing to do something.


What? Make Mexico pay for it? :lol:

Meanwhile, Trump would be such a catastrophe in every other way, it wouldn't be worth it.
Yeah, it's called completely ending all foreign aid, subsidies, taxing/penalizing the hell out of Mexican imports...and sealing the border.
Kasich has said he supports legal status, not citizenship, for illegal immigrants who have not committed any crimes other than being here illegally.

80 percent of Americans favor granting legal status or a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

I guess the Right only believes in listening to the "will of the people" when it fits their bigoted confirmation biases.

Why would you grant citizenship to people who's very first act upon setting foot on American soil is to commit a crime?
Kasich has said he supports legal status, not citizenship, for illegal immigrants who have not committed any crimes other than being here illegally.

80 percent of Americans favor granting legal status or a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

I guess the Right only believes in listening to the "will of the people" when it fits their bigoted confirmation biases.

Why would you grant citizenship to people who's very first act upon setting foot on American soil is to commit a crime?

Many came in legally.

No one is letting muderers go . ( prior post)
He might be your nominee after the contested convention discards T-rump and appoints the candidate.they want you to have.

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