On the Grain Agreement Give In Partially To Putin!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Putin the leader of Russia dropped out of the Ukrainian/Russian grain deal. This is a disaster and Putin's to blame but leaders of the free world are not acting fully responsible and prudent over the matter. Yes Putin is as bad a person one can be without being the devil himself, but that does not give leaders of the free world to act all morally superior and high and mighty on principles. The leaders of the Free World need to stop being fanatics about denying Putin revenue streams. It has been reported in the media that the reason why Putin withdrew from the deal is that he wants Russian banks that handle Russian agricultural sales to be put back on the SWIFT system, the international system that allows a bank to transfer and receive monies and Putin wants Russia to be able to sell fertilizer in the export markets. Leaders of the Free World should make some sort of accommodation to Putin on his first demand and explain to him on the second that his position it is extremely unfair and unreasonable and so cannot be agreed to!

The world desperately needs Ukraine and Russia's grains in the international market if not significant starvation will ensue. When the Ukraine/Russian deal was operating Ukraine was making good money selling its grains. So everyone we should let Putin make good money selling Russian grains. Agree to let one Russian Bank that handles grain sales go back on the Swift system make arrangement to monitor this bank's transactions to insure no significant number of business transactions are taking place in violations of the international sanctions, if so a regiment of suspensions on the SWIFT system will take place to gain the Russian Bank's compliance with international sanctions. On Putin's second demand let Putin know that he isn't letting Ukraine sell fertilizer or other non-grain commodities so Russia cannot be permitted to do so it is basic fairness. Leaders of the Free World need to start acting like they know that this issue is about stopping widespread and alarming hunger and starvation throughout the world for poorer countries!
Putin the leader of Russia dropped out of the Ukrainian/Russian grain deal. This is a disaster and Putin's to blame but leaders of the free world are not acting fully responsible and prudent over the matter. Yes Putin is as bad a person one can be without being the devil himself, but that does not give leaders of the free world to act all morally superior and high and mighty on principles. The leaders of the Free World need to stop being fanatics about denying Putin revenue streams. It has been reported in the media that the reason why Putin withdrew from the deal is that he wants Russian banks that handle Russian agricultural sales to be put back on the SWIFT system, the international system that allows a bank to transfer and receive monies and Putin wants Russia to be able to sell fertilizer in the export markets. Leaders of the Free World should make some sort of accommodation to Putin on his first demand and explain to him on the second that his position it is extremely unfair and unreasonable and so cannot be agreed to!

The world desperately needs Ukraine and Russia's grains in the international market if not significant starvation will ensue. When the Ukraine/Russian deal was operating Ukraine was making good money selling its grains. So everyone we should let Putin make good money selling Russian grains. Agree to let one Russian Bank that handles grain sales go back on the Swift system make arrangement to monitor this bank's transactions to insure no significant number of business transactions are taking place in violations of the international sanctions, if so a regiment of suspensions on the SWIFT system will take place to gain the Russian Bank's compliance with international sanctions. On Putin's second demand let Putin know that he isn't letting Ukraine sell fertilizer or other non-grain commodities so Russia cannot be permitted to do so it is basic fairness. Leaders of the Free World need to start acting like they know that this issue is about stopping widespread and alarming hunger and starvation throughout the world for poorer countries!
You need to try to figure out what this is all about. The whole basis for the financial sanctions is to deny Putin to finance the war, so if Putin gets more money from selling grain and fertilizer, that means more Ukrainians will die. There is no danger of mass starvation events because of the lack of Russian or Ukrainian grain, but it is a certainty that the longer Putin is able to pay for this war, the more Ukrainians will die, so on balance global welfare is best served by denying Putin access to the financial markets.
This whole story about the Black Sea grain corridor is absurd. Russia wants to be 'the police' of the Black Sea and get money out of that.
You need to try to figure out what this is all about. The whole basis for the financial sanctions is to deny Putin to finance the war, so if Putin gets more money from selling grain and fertilizer, that means more Ukrainians will die. There is no danger of mass starvation events because of the lack of Russian or Ukrainian grain, but it is a certainty that the longer Putin is able to pay for this war, the more Ukrainians will die, so on balance global welfare is best served by denying Putin access to the financial markets.
More Ukrainian grain is sold to the EU - more Europeans can survive and make the weapons to kill the Russians. So, yes, that deal was absurd from a certain point of view.
Less food and fuel in Europe - sooner the war will be ended.
This whole story about the Black Sea grain corridor is absurd. Russia wants to be 'the police' of the Black Sea and get money out of that.
The Russians gave you a chance to lose this conflict in a easy and relatively comfortable way. You rejected this generous offer. Now you can only blame yourself.
The Russians gave you a chance to lose this conflict in a easy and relatively comfortable way. You rejected this generous offer. Now you can only blame yourself.
Yeah? By surrendering to your dogshit army back in March 2022? You can tell your bitch Putin to fuck off, Russian.
Yeah? By surrendering to your dogshit army back in March 2022? You can tell your bitch Putin to fuck off, Russian.
You had the chance to surrender and lost only Crimea back in 2014. You had a chance to surrender back in March 2022 (and lost Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk regions only). You can still surrender now ( without Sevastopol, Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporijia regions, but with equal rights for the Russian-speaking people and laymen of Ukrainian Orthodox Church). It's a good offer. Tomorrow you'll lost Odessa and Kharkov as well as few more millions of the citizens.
You had the chance to surrender and lost only Crimea back in 2014. You had a chance to surrender back in March 2022 (and lost Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk regions only). You can still surrender now ( without Sevastopol, Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporijia regions, but with equal rights for the Russian-speaking people and laymen of Ukrainian Orthodox Church). It's a good offer. Tomorrow you'll lost Odessa and Kharkov as well as few more millions of the citizens.
Had in 2014 you got your troops in Crimea and Donbas and not mindlessly annexed and occupied them, but demanded snap elections and constitutional amendments from the position of force leaving these two heavily pro-Russian regions in Ukraine, by now you could have Ukraine in form of federation, with more or less pro-Russian government, neutral status, business as usual with the West, and Russia as a major European player.

In March 2022 you could have launched 'a minor incursion' in East and South-East regions, seeing 'minor consequences' from the West (not touching 'strategical' ties) and Ukraine staying in a grey zone 'forever'.

You can still stop your silly SMO now keeping the occupied lands, severing ties with the West, seeing economic pressure and strengthening your domestic dictatorship, and tolerating Ukraine having close ties with NATO and the EU (but still be formally out of these blocs). But eventually adapting to a new reality in somewhat form of Iran.

Tomorrow, if your bunker midget with a Peter the Great complex decides to mess with NATO directly - and taking into account his recent silly remarks about Poland, I wouldn't rule out that this option still remains in a corner of his hollow head - you can lose Russia.
More wealth for humble Russia .Another stunning move from International Chess Master Mr V Putin . Looks like a forced check mate is imminent . Bankrupts US , NATO and EU are being made to look so foolish and amateurish.
QUOTE :-The total of Ukrainian grain exports to the eight 'least developed' countries, of which seven are also 'low income', was just 1,896,077 metric tons or 6.8% of the total. For comparison Spain, a 'developed country' with 'high income', imported a total of 5,980,657 metric tons of grain from Ukraine which is a whopping 19.4% of the total.

The 120 million people in 'developing', 'low-income' Ethiopia received a total of 282,760 metric tons while the 17.8 million people in the 'developed', 'high income' Netherlands bought 1,920,649 metric tons of mostly corn feed for pigs.
More Ukrainian grain is sold to the EU - more Europeans can survive and make the weapons to kill the Russians. So, yes, that deal was absurd from a certain point of view.
Less food and fuel in Europe - sooner the war will be ended.
And yet some people believe cats are intelligent creatures.
You need to try to figure out what this is all about. The whole basis for the financial sanctions is to deny Putin to finance the war, so if Putin gets more money from selling grain and fertilizer, that means more Ukrainians will die. There is no danger of mass starvation events because of the lack of Russian or Ukrainian grain, but it is a certainty that the longer Putin is able to pay for this war, the more Ukrainians will die, so on balance global welfare is best served by denying Putin access to the financial markets.
It depends on Russia's resolve. They have a lot of industry. They can go for a while.
It depends on Russia's resolve. They have a lot of industry. They can go for a while.
Sadly, it's going to be a war of attrition, but while the AFU grows stronger everyday Russia grows weaker everyday. Russia is working it way through its large stock of Soviet era weapons, but it cannot replace its battlefield losses with new weapons, especially not advanced weapons. The only way Russia can hope to hold on to the Ukrainian territory it now occupies is if Ukraine's allies lose interest in stopping Russian imperialism and stop supplying Ukraine, but there doesn't seem to be any chance of that happening in the foreseeable future.
It depends on Russia's resolve. They have a lot of industry. They can go for a while.
The Bear Came Over the Mountain

I was amazed by their soccer victory in the World Cup. The team's persistence and endurance showed the same national character that defeated Hitler and Napoleon and earlier had expanded Russia from a tiny principality into a world power for centuries.

It's enemy now is the decadent globalists. Even with the most money and political power in the world, their persistence in trying to strangle Russia will wind up with them being on the deadly end of the noose.
The Bear Came Over the Mountain

I was amazed by their soccer victory in the World Cup. The team's persistence and endurance showed the same national character that defeated Hitler and Napoleon and earlier had expanded Russia from a tiny principality into a world power for centuries.

It's enemy now is the decadent globalists. Even with the most money and political power in the world, their persistence in trying to strangle Russia will wind up with them being on the deadly end of the noose.
It is when Russia got victory in the World Cup, sport?
Had in 2014 you got your troops in Crimea and Donbas and not mindlessly annexed and occupied them, but demanded snap elections and constitutional amendments from the position of force leaving these two heavily pro-Russian regions in Ukraine, by now you could have Ukraine in form of federation, with more or less pro-Russian government, neutral status, business as usual with the West, and Russia as a major European player.
It was hardly possible in time. Poland, French and Germany raised nationalistic groups in Ukraine for a reason. And this reason was to have leverage against Russia. They violated EU agreements with Yanukovich.

In March 2022 you could have launched 'a minor incursion' in East and South-East regions, seeing 'minor consequences' from the West (not touching 'strategical' ties) and Ukraine staying in a grey zone 'forever'.
"Grey zone" is unacceptable both for the safety of the Russian Federation and human rights of the local non-Ukrainian population.

You can still stop your silly SMO now keeping the occupied lands, severing ties with the West, seeing economic pressure and strengthening your domestic dictatorship, and tolerating Ukraine having close ties with NATO and the EU (but still be formally out of these blocs). But eventually adapting to a new reality in somewhat form of Iran.
And this scenario is unacceptable for the USA, because it means terrible increase of Chinese and Indian strength.

Tomorrow, if your bunker midget with a Peter the Great complex decides to mess with NATO directly - and taking into account his recent silly remarks about Poland, I wouldn't rule out that this option still remains in a corner of his hollow head - you can lose Russia.
They can lose Russia anyway. But without mutually acceptable weapon control treaty about Eastern Europe the risks are much higher then in the case of direct military conflict between Russia and Poland.
Anyway, given the current poor position of the American nuclear forces, the USA hardly can willingly launch a nuclear attack against Russia in any circumstances except direct Russian nuclear attack against the US nuclear forces.
Sadly, it's going to be a war of attrition, but while the AFU grows stronger everyday Russia grows weaker everyday. Russia is working it way through its large stock of Soviet era weapons, but it cannot replace its battlefield losses with new weapons, especially not advanced weapons. The only way Russia can hope to hold on to the Ukrainian territory it now occupies is if Ukraine's allies lose interest in stopping Russian imperialism and stop supplying Ukraine, but there doesn't seem to be any chance of that happening in the foreseeable future.
Really? How many tanks they made, and how many tanks were made in NATO countries in 2023?
This whole story about the Black Sea grain corridor is absurd. Russia wants to be 'the police' of the Black Sea and get money out of that.
You people hate it when one man issues a hugely effective sanction in contrast to the supposed might of the US and EU which were completely ineffective with their presumed crippling ones in the first place .Pathetic mismanagement by Washington , Brussels, London and Kyiv , and now people like you are whining and bleating like stuck pigs .

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