On this thanksgiving day - Thank a White Male

The corollary to that theory is that no white male has anything to feel guilty about because 150 years ago some white men owned slaves.

I guarantee that if blacks had enslaved whites they wouldn't feel guilty about it. They'd say "proves you're inferior" and that's what whites should say.
Make sure you say that, loud and clear, and often. Stupid *******, right my man?
nearly all useful people are white males. Only they can do technology.

Considering the atrocious amount of racism you demonstrate I'm loathe to even respond. But it seems worth while to point out a few people with whom you're obviously not familiar.

Dr. Mark Dean


Dean is the first African-American to become an IBM Fellow which is the highest level of technical excellence at the company. In 1997, he was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame. Currently, he is the John Fisher Distinguished Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Tennessee. He was previously CTO for IBM Middle East and Africa and was an IBM Vice President overseeing the company's Almaden Research Center in San Jose, California prior to that. Dean now holds more than 20 patents. Dean was part of the team that developed the interior architecture (ISA systems bus) that enables multiple devices, such as modems and printers, to be connected to personal computers. Dean also taught computer science at Harvard.

Mark Dean computer scientist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Dr. James West


Along with Gerhard M. Sessler, he developed the foil electret microphone, an inexpensive, compact device that is now used in 90 percent of all contemporary microphones. A prolific writer as well, West has more than 250 patents and became a professor at Johns Hopkins University.


Dr. Philip Emeagwali


The noted black inventor received acclaim based, at least in part, on his study of nature, specifically bees. Emeagwali saw an inherent efficiency in the way bees construct and work with honeycomb and determined computers that emulate this process could be the most efficient and powerful. In 1989, emulating the bees' honeycomb construction, Emeagwali used 65,000 processors to invent the world's fastest computer, which performs computations at 3.1 billion calculations per second.

Dr. Philip Emeagwali's resume is loaded with many other such feats, including ways of making oil fields more productive – which has resulted in the United States saving hundreds of millions of dollars each year.

Dr. Philip Emeagwali Inventor of the World s Fastest Computer

You seem to have missed the point entirely. I come from a lineage of people so primitive, so barbaric, that we were less advanced than even the ancient Mesopotamians who had architecture, metallurgy, literature, masonry, and advanced forms of government. Apart from the intervention of Western Civilization, we would still be just as primitive today. Now if a Native American happens to invent the next generation electric car or a cure to cancer, it won't be because of the heritage of my people, it will be because of European heritage, the "white" people who brought medicine, international trade, astronomy, and advanced inventions to the entire world. Such a Native American would be standing on the shoulder's of giants.

There are cultures in this world that have not advanced for thousands of years and will not advance except for Westerners to show them how. That's my people, Africans and many Asians, South Americans, pretty much the entire world outside of Europe. That's what this thread is about, not that whites are superior, but that Western civilization is clearly a superior culture for everyone who embraces it, regardless of race.
Thank you King Leopold II of Belgium, white man, for killing 10,000,000 people in the Congo, enslaving many more, and hacking the limbs off anyone who wouldn't work for you extracting rubber so you could get rich.
Thank you King Leopold II of Belgium, white man, for killing 10,000,000 people in the Congo, enslaving many more, and hacking the limbs off anyone who wouldn't work for you extracting rubber so you could get rich.

Oh give me a break. They're still doing that in the Sudan.
Who gives a shit about the American Stinker?
yep. The only people who have heard of it are book-hating, low-info, Repub-voting, sheeple :tinfoil:

Right, Republicans, who disagree on everything are sheep. Liberals, who agree on every issue for the same reasons and justify them with the same talking points are individual thinkers. You're just repeating another talking point from your talking heads.
Whites had the balls and IQ to sail across the ocean to create this country. That fact is covered up by the liberal scum in this country constantly trying to blame the mistakes/problems of non-whites on whites.
nearly all useful people are white males. Only they can do technology.

Considering the atrocious amount of racism you demonstrate I'm loathe to even respond. But it seems worth while to point out a few people with whom you're obviously not familiar.

Dr. Mark Dean


Dean is the first African-American to become an IBM Fellow which is the highest level of technical excellence at the company. In 1997, he was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame. Currently, he is the John Fisher Distinguished Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Tennessee. He was previously CTO for IBM Middle East and Africa and was an IBM Vice President overseeing the company's Almaden Research Center in San Jose, California prior to that. Dean now holds more than 20 patents. Dean was part of the team that developed the interior architecture (ISA systems bus) that enables multiple devices, such as modems and printers, to be connected to personal computers. Dean also taught computer science at Harvard.

Mark Dean computer scientist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Dr. James West


Along with Gerhard M. Sessler, he developed the foil electret microphone, an inexpensive, compact device that is now used in 90 percent of all contemporary microphones. A prolific writer as well, West has more than 250 patents and became a professor at Johns Hopkins University.


Dr. Philip Emeagwali


The noted black inventor received acclaim based, at least in part, on his study of nature, specifically bees. Emeagwali saw an inherent efficiency in the way bees construct and work with honeycomb and determined computers that emulate this process could be the most efficient and powerful. In 1989, emulating the bees' honeycomb construction, Emeagwali used 65,000 processors to invent the world's fastest computer, which performs computations at 3.1 billion calculations per second.

Dr. Philip Emeagwali's resume is loaded with many other such feats, including ways of making oil fields more productive – which has resulted in the United States saving hundreds of millions of dollars each year.

Dr. Philip Emeagwali Inventor of the World s Fastest Computer

3 people?? Out of the billion blacks in the world.!!!! HAHAHA

Here's what you need to explain - why are nearly all white countries high-tech and all black ones in the stone age? THINK
I admire and would like to thank those who made the our lives better. Those who extended and made our lives healthier: those who gave us the technology to enjoy and enrich our lives, those who opened horizons previously unknown and so added to the knowledge and progress of our species.

They were people of all skin tones who did so, but most were white. I suspect in the future a great many will be yellow.
Whites had the balls and IQ to sail across the ocean to create this country. That fact is covered up by the liberal scum in this country constantly trying to blame the mistakes/problems of non-whites on whites.
Just so you don't seem utterly stupid, please clarify.
It's your contention that the treatment the Native Americans/Indians received from the Europeans, were the Indian's fault?
The institutions of slavery in America and the institutions of Jim Crow and segregation were Black people's fault?
Laws segregating and discriminating against Jews, Asians and Hispanics were their fault?
Discrimination in public accommodations were the fault of everyone except one group of people?

Yes, please clarify, your post is looking pretty stupid.
Now if a Native American happens to invent the next generation electric car or a cure to cancer, it won't be because of the heritage of my people, it will be because of European heritage, the "white" people who brought medicine, international trade, astronomy, and advanced inventions to the entire world.

You misspelled "brown and yellow."

That aside, your racism apologistism doesn't fool anyone.
Whites had the balls and IQ to sail across the ocean to create this country. That fact is covered up by the liberal scum in this country constantly trying to blame the mistakes/problems of non-whites on whites.

Actually Columbus' journey was primarily fueled by stupidity, dumb luck, and imminent genocide.
Shitbag....I didn't say anything more than WHITES came here and made this country what it is by having the balls and IQ to get here. Blacks like you were too stupid and too poor to pull off such a feat.

Whites had the balls and IQ to sail across the ocean to create this country. That fact is covered up by the liberal scum in this country constantly trying to blame the mistakes/problems of non-whites on whites.
Just so you don't seem utterly stupid, please clarify.
It's your contention that the treatment the Native Americans/Indians received from the Europeans, were the Indian's fault?
The institutions of slavery in America and the institutions of Jim Crow and segregation were Black people's fault?
Laws segregating and discriminating against Jews, Asians and Hispanics were their fault?
Discrimination in public accommodations were the fault of everyone except one group of people?

Yes, please clarify, your post is looking pretty stupid.

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