On this thanksgiving day - Thank a White Male

On this Thanksgiving we have to thank some white male for giving us Speeders......the board would not be the same without him
And what scumbag is responsible
My first post is truly how I feel. It's hypocritical to whine about what dead white men did to my dead ancestors a couple of centuries ago. I think that any black person who wants to whine about slavery today, which is ridiculous because it didn't happen to them, they should be willing to move back to Africa where they would be if slavery never happened. Yes slavery was wrong, but it didn't happen to anyone alive today. And yes, what was done to my people was wrong, but unless I get an IRS audit that goes against me, I'm pretty sure nobody's going to take my land from me. I'm not going to enjoy the trappings of Western civilization while bitching about Western civilization. I'm not a Leftist hypocrite.
What you are is an Apologist for Evil. While you don't have to live in the past you don't get to ignore it either, or reject the idea that it affects the present, which it does.
Only because people like you let it.
No, that is a lie, but one you believe. Legacies matter, which is why life on the Rez still sucks.
Very long article from the great citizens at American Thinker proving what we all know - that it's white males who gave us this amazing high-tech world we live in. Women give us kids and blacks give us pro sports but nearly all useful people are white males. Only they can do technology.
What's that supposed to prove? I find it laughable that you expect acknowledgement for things done by others, just because you share their sex and skin color. When I read things like this, I see a racist downgrading the very real contributions of others who are not part of their favored group. Enough of your pretensions of glory and privilege. YOU didn't earn them.
Thank you Adolph Hitler, white man, for killing tens of millions.

HAHAHA Sorry chump but the holohoax was debunked long ago. You want to talk about multi-million mass murderers talk about africans such as idi amin and charles taylor and robert mugabe Also democrats truman and FDR.
Don't feed the trolls guys. And remember that Matthew and ShootSpeeders have contributed absolutely nothing to the human race even though they claim they have just because they don't have a lot of melanin in their skin.

The board notes you evaded the issue and stooped to childish namecalling. Thanks for admitting i'm right.
Thank you White men

for coming to America, stealing or outright taking the land of my ancestors, and confining us to POS reservations which I refuse to live on.

No really! I married one of your white women, sired 4 half breeds, live in a house that's nearly paid off, drive my Ford truck, blast my air conditioner, live in a city with hospitals, plumbing, flush toilets, electricity, and Starbucks. Furthermore, I won't die in some pointless war before I see my grandchildren, I don't shit in the woods and wipe with pine needles, and I get to wear clothes. Fun! I really don't give a shit what you did to my great-great grandparents, because I got a great life thanks to Western Civilization instead of the suck-fest I would have had if you stayed in Europe. So whatever grudge you think I have, no worries. I don't.

I wish more griping, whiny Native Americans saw things the way I do, because when push comes to shove, blacks don't want to live in Africa and my people don't want to live in pre-white America and that's the damned truth! Hell yeah!

Correct. Whites are the best thing that ever happened to blacks and injuns. They can't do technology and without whites they'd all still be living in caves and dying at 32.
Tom Wolfe wrote a famous essay called Land of Wizards. It's about America's predisposition for inventing just about everything that counts. More than that though, it's about the mentality that permeates American technological prowess via our great national talent for invention...and for thinking outside the box. Apple started in a one-bay garage, Microsoft started in a two-bay garage, and tens of thousands of inventions and businesses vital to the betterment of human life or society, started in some American's basement or in a cluttered garage.

But Captain Choom and his fellow libs tell us all good things come from govt and white men are evil.!!!
Very long article from the great citizens at American Thinker proving what we all know - that it's white males who gave us this amazing high-tech world we live in. Women give us kids and blacks give us pro sports but nearly all useful people are white males. Only they can do technology.
What's that supposed to prove? I find it laughable that you expect acknowledgement for things done by others, just because you share their sex and skin color. When I read things like this, I see a racist downgrading the very real contributions of others who are not part of their favored group. Enough of your pretensions of glory and privilege. YOU didn't earn them.

Truth hurts. Why don't you explain why so few blacks and women contribute to technology.?
Thank you Adolph Hitler, white man, for killing tens of millions.
This post as well as others about atrocities that white men have committed don't take away from the achievements of white males and the ways they have improved the quality of life in the world. These kinds of posts are irrelevant to the OP.

BTW, 6 1/2 million is not tens of millions.
Very long article from the great citizens at American Thinker proving what we all know - that it's white males who gave us this amazing high-tech world we live in. Women give us kids and blacks give us pro sports but nearly all useful people are white males. Only they can do technology.
What's that supposed to prove? I find it laughable that you expect acknowledgement for things done by others, just because you share their sex and skin color. When I read things like this, I see a racist downgrading the very real contributions of others who are not part of their favored group. Enough of your pretensions of glory and privilege. YOU didn't earn them.

Truth hurts. Why don't you explain why so few blacks and women contribute to technology.?

Why don't you explain why you haven't accomplished anything?

What's sad about this thread is that it's not some sort of outlying lunacy by a crackpot on the internet -

instead it's straight out of the mainstream of modern American conservative thinking.
What's that supposed to prove? I find it laughable that you expect acknowledgement for things done by others, just because you share their sex and skin color. When I read things like this, I see a racist downgrading the very real contributions of others who are not part of their favored group. Enough of your pretensions of glory and privilege. YOU didn't earn them.
Truth hurts. Why don't you explain why so few blacks and women contribute to technology.?
The truth is that you have nothing to feel good about, unless you're the one contributing. You're just a crybaby because you're not getting the automatic privilege enjoyed by white men in the past. You hate that you'll have to do your own heavy lifting, instead of living off the reflected glory of others.
Very long article from the great citizens at American Thinker proving what we all know - that it's white males who gave us this amazing high-tech world we live in. Women give us kids and blacks give us pro sports but nearly all useful people are white males. Only they can do technology.
What's that supposed to prove? I find it laughable that you expect acknowledgement for things done by others, just because you share their sex and skin color. When I read things like this, I see a racist downgrading the very real contributions of others who are not part of their favored group. Enough of your pretensions of glory and privilege. YOU didn't earn them.

Truth hurts. Why don't you explain why so few blacks and women contribute to technology.?

Why don't you explain why you haven't accomplished anything?

What's sad about this thread is that it's not some sort of outlying lunacy by a crackpot on the internet -

instead it's straight out of the mainstream of modern American conservative thinking.

Gratitude truly is ingrained in the mainstream of modern American conservatism. It's an utterly foreign concept to the godless Left of whom it is written, "nor were they thankful, but became futile in their thoughts and their foolish hearts were darkened." (Romans 1:21)
Very long article from the great citizens at American Thinker proving what we all know - that it's white males who gave us this amazing high-tech world we live in. Women give us kids and blacks give us pro sports but nearly all useful people are white males. Only they can do technology.
What's that supposed to prove? I find it laughable that you expect acknowledgement for things done by others, just because you share their sex and skin color. When I read things like this, I see a racist downgrading the very real contributions of others who are not part of their favored group. Enough of your pretensions of glory and privilege. YOU didn't earn them.

Truth hurts. Why don't you explain why so few blacks and women contribute to technology.?

Why don't you explain why you haven't accomplished anything?

What's sad about this thread is that it's not some sort of outlying lunacy by a crackpot on the internet -

instead it's straight out of the mainstream of modern American conservative thinking.

Gratitude truly is ingrained in the mainstream of modern American conservatism. It's an utterly foreign concept to the godless Left of whom it is written, "nor were they thankful, but became futile in their thoughts and their foolish hearts were darkened." (Romans 1:21)

"Right" and "left" weren't invented until the French Revolution. But hey, you were only off by what, 2500 years?
Very long article from the great citizens at American Thinker proving what we all know - that it's white males who gave us this amazing high-tech world we live in. Women give us kids and blacks give us pro sports but nearly all useful people are white males. Only they can do technology.
What's that supposed to prove? I find it laughable that you expect acknowledgement for things done by others, just because you share their sex and skin color. When I read things like this, I see a racist downgrading the very real contributions of others who are not part of their favored group. Enough of your pretensions of glory and privilege. YOU didn't earn them.

Truth hurts. Why don't you explain why so few blacks and women contribute to technology.?

Why don't you explain why you haven't accomplished anything?

What's sad about this thread is that it's not some sort of outlying lunacy by a crackpot on the internet -

instead it's straight out of the mainstream of modern American conservative thinking.

Gratitude truly is ingrained in the mainstream of modern American conservatism. It's an utterly foreign concept to the godless Left of whom it is written, "nor were they thankful, but became futile in their thoughts and their foolish hearts were darkened." (Romans 1:21)

"Right" and "left" weren't invented until the French Revolution. But hey, you were only off by what, 2500 years?

That's not true. And Romans was written 1730 years before the French Revolution, so you suck at history AND math. I hope your kids have tutors to help them with their homework.
What's that supposed to prove? I find it laughable that you expect acknowledgement for things done by others, just because you share their sex and skin color. When I read things like this, I see a racist downgrading the very real contributions of others who are not part of their favored group. Enough of your pretensions of glory and privilege. YOU didn't earn them.

Truth hurts. Why don't you explain why so few blacks and women contribute to technology.?

Why don't you explain why you haven't accomplished anything?

What's sad about this thread is that it's not some sort of outlying lunacy by a crackpot on the internet -

instead it's straight out of the mainstream of modern American conservative thinking.

Gratitude truly is ingrained in the mainstream of modern American conservatism. It's an utterly foreign concept to the godless Left of whom it is written, "nor were they thankful, but became futile in their thoughts and their foolish hearts were darkened." (Romans 1:21)

"Right" and "left" weren't invented until the French Revolution. But hey, you were only off by what, 2500 years?

That's not true. And Romans was written 1730 years before the French Revolution, so you suck at history AND math. I hope your kids have tutors to help them with their homework.

Whatever. I liked the number 2500. Point's the same, your post is bullshit.
Truth hurts. Why don't you explain why so few blacks and women contribute to technology.?

Why don't you explain why you haven't accomplished anything?

What's sad about this thread is that it's not some sort of outlying lunacy by a crackpot on the internet -

instead it's straight out of the mainstream of modern American conservative thinking.

Gratitude truly is ingrained in the mainstream of modern American conservatism. It's an utterly foreign concept to the godless Left of whom it is written, "nor were they thankful, but became futile in their thoughts and their foolish hearts were darkened." (Romans 1:21)

"Right" and "left" weren't invented until the French Revolution. But hey, you were only off by what, 2500 years?

That's not true. And Romans was written 1730 years before the French Revolution, so you suck at history AND math. I hope your kids have tutors to help them with their homework.

Whatever. I liked the number 2500. Point's the same, your post is bullshit.

Good rebuttal. (sarcasm) You're not very good at this and should consider another hobby.
Very long article from the great citizens at American Thinker proving what we all know - that it's white males who gave us this amazing high-tech world we live in. Women give us kids and blacks give us pro sports but nearly all useful people are white males. Only they can do technology.
What's that supposed to prove? I find it laughable that you expect acknowledgement for things done by others, just because you share their sex and skin color. When I read things like this, I see a racist downgrading the very real contributions of others who are not part of their favored group. Enough of your pretensions of glory and privilege. YOU didn't earn them.

Truth hurts. Why don't you explain why so few blacks and women contribute to technology.?

Why don't you explain why you haven't accomplished anything?

What's sad about this thread is that it's not some sort of outlying lunacy by a crackpot on the internet -

instead it's straight out of the mainstream of modern American conservative thinking.

Gratitude truly is ingrained in the mainstream of modern American conservatism. It's an utterly foreign concept to the godless Left of whom it is written, "nor were they thankful, but became futile in their thoughts and their foolish hearts were darkened." (Romans 1:21)

"Right" and "left" weren't invented until the French Revolution. But hey, you were only off by what, 2500 years?
Very long article from the great citizens at American Thinker proving what we all know - that it's white males who gave us this amazing high-tech world we live in. Women give us kids and blacks give us pro sports but nearly all useful people are white males. Only they can do technology.
What's that supposed to prove? I find it laughable that you expect acknowledgement for things done by others, just because you share their sex and skin color. When I read things like this, I see a racist downgrading the very real contributions of others who are not part of their favored group. Enough of your pretensions of glory and privilege. YOU didn't earn them.

Truth hurts. Why don't you explain why so few blacks and women contribute to technology.?

Because for a long period of time blacks and women were unable to research and get the funds necessary to invent those things. Now, since you lack historical context in almost EVERYTHING in your life, your ignorance to that fact is not surprising.
Very long article from the great citizens at American Thinker proving what we all know - that it's white males who gave us this amazing high-tech world we live in. Women give us kids and blacks give us pro sports but nearly all useful people are white males. Only they can do technology.
What's that supposed to prove? I find it laughable that you expect acknowledgement for things done by others, just because you share their sex and skin color. When I read things like this, I see a racist downgrading the very real contributions of others who are not part of their favored group. Enough of your pretensions of glory and privilege. YOU didn't earn them.

Truth hurts. Why don't you explain why so few blacks and women contribute to technology.?

Why don't you explain why you haven't accomplished anything?

What's sad about this thread is that it's not some sort of outlying lunacy by a crackpot on the internet -

instead it's straight out of the mainstream of modern American conservative thinking.
I've noticed that is a trend with all the racist folks. If we didn't have them the average IQ would skyrocket too.
Very long article from the great citizens at American Thinker proving what we all know - that it's white males who gave us this amazing high-tech world we live in. Women give us kids and blacks give us pro sports but nearly all useful people are white males. Only they can do technology.
What's that supposed to prove? I find it laughable that you expect acknowledgement for things done by others, just because you share their sex and skin color. When I read things like this, I see a racist downgrading the very real contributions of others who are not part of their favored group. Enough of your pretensions of glory and privilege. YOU didn't earn them.

Truth hurts. Why don't you explain why so few blacks and women contribute to technology.?

Why don't you explain why you haven't accomplished anything?

What's sad about this thread is that it's not some sort of outlying lunacy by a crackpot on the internet -

instead it's straight out of the mainstream of modern American conservative thinking.

Gratitude truly is ingrained in the mainstream of modern American conservatism. It's an utterly foreign concept to the godless Left of whom it is written, "nor were they thankful, but became futile in their thoughts and their foolish hearts were darkened." (Romans 1:21)

The people who killed Jesus were white males.

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